City Commission Minutes 03-02-2017

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                                         Goal Setting Meeting
                                            March 2, 2017
                                               9:10 a.m.
                                          Central Fire Station

Present: Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Warren, German, Turnquist, Johnson, Rinsema-Sybenga, Eric
Hood (arrived at 10:15 a.m.) Staff Members, Ken Grant, Beth Lewis, Dwana Thompson, Mo Al-Shatel
(arrived at 9:33 a.m.), Mike Franzak, Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Derrick Smith, Kirk Briggs, Oneata Bailey,
Frank Peterson, and Ann Meisch.

Commissioners and staff discussed their expectations from this goal setting meeting.

Reviewed 2016 Goals

City Manager, Frank Peterson, reviewed the 2016 goals and what steps have been taken throughout the

Review 2016-17 Budget and Financial Status

We are waiting for actuarial numbers from MERS. Currently the Police Department appears to be $1
million under budget through retirements and filling current positions. It is unknown how the fiscal year
will end until the MERS numbers are received.

Presentation by City Manager

A document entitled, Quality of Life, was given to those present. The City Manager briefly went through
the document and encouraged the group to review it later.

Proposed goals:

    1.   Continue work on housing
    2.   Continue work on image
    3.   Continue work on quality of life improvements
    4.   Identify replacement industrial properties

Adjourn 1:25 p.m.


                                                                         Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk

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