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CITY COMMISSION GOAL SETTING SESSION FEBRUARY 19, 2009 MINUTES 2009-14 Present: Mayor Warmington, Vice Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Carter, Shepherd, Spataro, Wierengo, and Wisneski. Staff Present: Mazade, Al-Shatel, Grant, Kleibecker, Kincaid, Kuhn, Brubaker-Clarke, Griffin, Paul, Lewis, Smith, Thompson, Scholle, and Becker. Others: Dave Alexander, Muskegon Chronicle. Bob Kuhn facilitated the session. Meeting began at 9:30 a.m. The Mission, Vision and Value Statements were reviewed. There was discussion about how goals are set, including the process and majority versus consensus. The Goals from 2008 were reviewed. They included: Downtown Casino, Sustainable Infrastructure, Farmers Market Relocation, Regional Cooperation, Blight Fight, Strategic Partnering to Deliver Youth Services, and Lakeshore Path. It was decided and agreed that the downtown casino can be removed from the list of goals at this time. The City Commission discussed which of the existing goals they wanted to consider for 2009 as well as new projects. There was a desire to consolidate or condense the goals wherever possible. Commissioners were given colored dots to place on the projects they thought were most important. The following is the list of the 2009-2010 Muskegon City Commission Goals. The number next to each title indicates the number of dots received from City Commissioners to rate its importance: Regional Collaboration (5) Local Stimulus Plan (3) City Center Investment (3) Blight Fight (2) Transportation/Infrastructure (1) Communications Plan (1) City Staff left the meeting/session at 1:45 p.m. City Manager and Commission continued discussions beginning at 2:00 p.m. __________________________________ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk
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