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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2007 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS @ 5:30 P.M. MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 9, 2007. Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Lowell Anderson from the Central Assembly of God after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Stephen Gawron, Commissioners Chris Carter, Clara Shepherd, Lawrence Spataro, Sue Wierengo, and Steve Wisneski, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Marie Becker. Mayor Warmington welcomed Steve Wisneski as Commissioner for Ward IV after which he was sworn in by City Clerk Ann Marie Becker. 2007-87 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes for the September 24th Special Commission Meeting, and the September 25th Regular Commission Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. B. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Grant Submittal. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Site Assessment grants that the City of Muskegon has received through the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) have been invaluable to assisting our development community. Unfortunately, these funds have been exhausted. However, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a funding cycle for a similar grant. Therefore, staff would like to submit an application, through the City’s Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA) in the amount of $200,000. The application is due October 12, 2007. Envirologic Technologies Inc (Kalamazoo) and Anne Couture have agreed to prepare the grant on the BRA’s behalf (with assistance from our staff). If approved, the funds would be received through the BRA. Anne Couture would continue to assist with the grant administration and the City would go through a RFP process for environmental consultants. FINANCIAL IMPACT: If approved, the City of Muskegon will receive up to $200,000 in grant funds to assist in Brownfield redevelopment. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The BRA approved submitting the application at their September 26, 2007 BRA meeting. C. West Michigan Metropolitan Transportation Plan (WestPlan) Dues, FY 2008. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the City of Muskegon’s portion of the WestPlan dues for Fiscal Year 2008, payable to West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission. This agency determines projects and distributes federal transportation funds. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $16,040. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve this request. D. Former Parking Ramp Property. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is a request to extend the agreement to develop the former parking ramp property for one year. Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Wierengo to approve the Consent Agenda as read. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, and Carter Nays: None MOTION PASSES ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Mayor Warmington thanked the volunteers for serving on the City Committees and Boards. ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk
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