City Commission Minutes 02-28-2022

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                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                      Monday, February 28, 2022 - 2:30 p.m.
             Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440
                     In the Commission Chambers, Room 107

Present: Mayor Johnson, Vice Mayor German, Commissioners Ramsey, Gorman,
Emory, St.Clair, and Hood


American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

   1. Project Discussion, 2. Process and Strategy, 3. Communication Plan

Staff updated the Commission on the City’s allocation of the federal American Rescue
Plan Act (ARP) funds. Staff is seeking Commission input on a strategy for identifying
and evaluating projects & ways to engage our neighbors to communicate these efforts.

Many beneficial projects and investments that can and should be made with these funds
– whether they are funded through our ARP allotment or other sources of stimulus
funds. The City’s $22.8M ARP allocation does not meet all needs and we expect to be
more strategic with our funding recommendations.

A community needs survey was previously presented to gather initial community input.
An internal team was assembled to work through the development of a strategy for
identifying potential uses that the community would support and embrace.

Additional funding sources outside of ARPA exist for many community needs, and a
screening process should be used to test each option to ensure ARP is the best funding
source. Staff also sought Commission input regarding communication with the public
(presenting and receiving information) to ensure this once-in-a-lifetime funding creates
the greatest long-term community benefit. Our focus is on the sustainability and
longevity of using these funds.

Adjourned:          The Special Meeting of the City Commission adjourned at 5:03 p.m.

                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                        Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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