City Commission Minutes 01-10-2023

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                                 City of Muskegon
                             City Commission Meeting

                            January 10, 2023, 5:30 pm
                                Muskegon City Hall
                      933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440

Present:              Mayor Ken Johnson
                      Commissioner Rachel Gorman
                      Commissioner Rebecca St.Clair
                      Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr.
                      Commissioner Michael Ramsey
                      Commissioner Teresa Emory

Absent:               Commissioner Eric Hood

Staff Present:        City Manager Jonathan Seyferth
                      City Clerk Ann Meisch
                      City Attorney John Schrier
                      Deputy City Clerk Kimberly Young

1.    Call To Order
      The Regular Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace
      Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., on Tuesday, January 10, 2023.
2.    Prayer
      Pastor Jeff Helbert from Grace Memorial Baptist Church opened the meeting with
      a prayer.
3.    Pledge of Allegiance
      The Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
4.    Roll Call
      As recorded above
5.    Honors, Awards, and Presentations

     5.a   Audit Presentation - ACFR
           Eric VanDop, Brickley DeLong, presented information to the commission
           regarding the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year
     5.b   Muskegon Bicycling Coalition
           Raymond McLeod and other members from the Muskegon County
           Bicycling Coalition presented the Commission with a gift in appreciation of
           the strides made over the past few years with regard to keeping in mind
           walkers, bikers, those that use mass transit, etc., in their decision making.
6.   Public Comment on Agenda Items
     Public comments were received.
7.   Consent Agenda
     Action No. 2023-05
     Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
     Second by: Commissioner St.Clair
     To accept the consent agenda as presented, minus item D, F, G, H, I, N, O & P.
     Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner St.Clair, Vice
     Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner Emory
     Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                            MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

     7.a   Approval of Minutes - City Clerk
           To approve the minutes of the November 22, 2022 Regular Meeting,
           December 12, 2022 Worksession, and December 13, 2022 Regular
           STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the minutes.
     7.b   Lakeshore Creative Services, LLC - City Clerk
           Lakeshore Creative Services, LLC agreement has expired and needs to
           be renewed. Staff recommends to approve a two-year agreement and
           increase the payment of televised meetings from $400 to $450 each.

      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the two-year agreement with
      Lakeshore Creative Services, LLC for $450 per televised meeting.
7.c   Transmittal of 6/30/22 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report -
      The City’s June 30, 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
      will be distributed to the City Commissioners via email and hard copy. The
      ACFR will also be available on the City’s website. The ACFR includes the
      annual independent auditor’s report as required by state law. At this time
      the ACFR is being formally transmitted to the City Commission. The ACFR
      has been prepared in accordance with all current Governmental
      Accounting Standards Board (GASB) pronouncements and also includes
      the single audit of federal grants received by the City. CAFR2022.pdf
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To accept the June 30, 2022 ACFR and
      authorize staff to transmit the ACFR to appropriate Federal, State and
      private agencies.
7.e   Leads Online - Public Safety
      Electronic reporting for Pawn Shops, secondhand dealers and precious
      Metaugem dealers. The purpose of Leads Online is to improve the system
      of reporting to law enforcement officials all items collected by pawn
      brokers, secondhand dealers and precious metal/gem dealers for the
      purpose of aiding law enforcement in locating and retrieving stolen
      property. Leads Online has nationwide search capabilities, and email
      notification when suspects are active nationwide for National pawn, scrap,
      jewelry, firearms, consignment, cell phone re-sale access and online sales
      such as Ebay and Offerup. Leads Online has the ability to track suspect
      sales activity across the country, access to over 20,000 businesses
      reporting and free software, training, and support for local businesses.
      Currently the city has no means to collect or view reported data.
      FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-301-861
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Police Department to
      acquire this 3-year contract with Leads Online program.
7.j   CLG Grant Application - Public Works
      Staff is seeking Commission approvals for a grant application related to
      conservation work at Hackley Park.

      Staff has prepared a grant application to the State Historic Preservation
      Office (SHPO) through their Certified Local Government (CLG) program
      for funds to complete recommended conservation work at the five (5)
      sculptures within Hackley Park. The grant submittal package requires a
      commitment of matching funds and a resolution of support. Both are
      attached along with the conservators report that highlights the proposed
      Staff is seeking $62,440 in grant funds to cover the cost of identified
      conservation work at the monuments and proposing to match the grant
      application with an estimated $15,000 in cash expenses for equipment
      rental. If awarded for funding the work would be completed during the Fall
      of 2023. Grant applications are due on February 1st, 2023. Funds would
      be budgeted in 23/24 budget cycle if the grant is awarded with the
      proposed cash contribution coming from the General Fund line item for
      Public Art Maintenance.
      As noted in the Conservators Report we plan to also contract for work to
      be completed on the McKinley Statue and the Kearny Statue as they are
      of similar age and condition. These two structures are ineligible for grant
      funding (McKinley is privately owned, and Kearny is outside the
      designated historic district boundary). The owners of the McKinley statue
      are aware of this and have agreed to participate in the cost for that piece,
      the cost for the work at Kearny will be a city responsibility but is ineligible
      to count towards the match.
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: 23/24 - $96,520 ($77,440 Grant Eligible)
      AMOUNT BUDGETED: 23/24 - $96,520 ($77,440 Grant Eligible)
      FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-901-801-092120
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the grant application to the
      CLG program and authorize the Clerk to sign the Commitment of Matching
      Funds and Resolution of Support.
7.k   Treasury Office Fire Doors - Public Works
      Staff is seeking Commission approval to award replacement of the fire
      doors at the Treasury Desk.
      The existing fire safety doors at the Treasury Department that
      automatically deploy in the event of a fire alarm are currently non-
      functional and in need of replacement. These doors are a building code

      requirement for compliance and need to be replaced. Staff solicited bids
      for the project and bids were received as follows and attached:

         •   Overhead Door - $45,626.00

         •   Firefighter Sales and Service - $60,000.00

         •   Garage Door Specialist – Did Not Bid

         •   Quality Door – Did Not Bid
      Staff estimates the need to expend an additional $8,000 to complete the
      miscellaneous items that are not included in the original bid. These items
      will be procured at the staff level in accordance with the applicable
      provisions of the City Purchasing Policy. This item was anticipated in the
      22/23 budget cycle and funds will be drawn from the original budget line
      item 101-801-901-092109
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: $45,626.00
      AMOUNT BUDGETED: $60,000.00
      FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-801-901-092109
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the low bid from Overhead
      Door in the amount of $45,626.00 for the replacement of the Treasury
      Department Fire Doors.
7.l   Dollar General Utility Easement - Public Works
      Staff is seeking Commission approval for a utility easement within 381 E.
      Laketon Avenue, where a soon-to-be rebuilt Dollar General store is
      making site changes. Staff requested and the developer provided a utility
      easement document for rights across the rear parking lot of 381 Laketon
      Avenue, which is being rebuilt as a Dollar General store. The easement
      documents and related sketches are included in the packet. The
      easement will formalize property and maintenance rights for a long-
      standing sanitary sewer and storm sewer corridor (in a former alley).
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the public utility easement
      agreement at 381 E. Laketon Avenue and authorize the Clerk to sign on
      the City’s behalf.
7.m   Street Vacation - Portion of Viridian Drive, East of Terrace Street -
      Staff initiated request to vacate a portion of Viridian Dr, east of Terrace St.

      The portion of the street was vacated in January 2021. However, the legal
      description of the street vacation was not accurate and we have been
      advised by our legal counsel to redo the process with a more defined legal
      The Planning Commission unanimously recommended vacation of the
      streets at their December meeting.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request to vacate a portion
      of Viridian Drive, east of Terrace Street as described.
7.d   Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF) Application - City
      The Homeowner Assistance Fund was established as part of the
      American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP). The State of Michigan
      received more than 242 million dollars, to be used to mitigate hardships
      associated with the coronavirus pandemic, including utility payments. The
      State created the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF) to
      provide these funds to eligible homeowners. The City Treasurer is
      requesting authorization to sign the attached documents to partner with
      MIHAF so that any eligible city residents can receive utility payment
      The Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF) is a statewide
      program that uses federal resources to provide financial assistance to
      homeowners who have fallen behind on homeownership-related expenses
      because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It provides funds to eligible entities
      for the purpose of preventing homeowner mortgage delinquencies,
      defaults, foreclosures, loss of utilities or home energy services, and
      displacements of homeowners through qualified expenses related to
      mortgages and housing. Eligibility criteria and eligible expenses are
      detailed on the attached documents.
      Participation in the program does not guarantee our residents will receive
      funding from this program; however, it does make them eligible to apply
      for funding. If we choose not to partner with MIHAF, our residents cannot
      apply for these funds to assist in paying their utility bills.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the City Treasurer to sign all
      necessary documents to partner with the Michigan Homeowner
      Assistance Fund so that the City will be eligible to receive assistance
      payments made on behalf of eligible utility customers.

      Action No. 2023-06
      Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
      Second by: Vice Mayor German
      To authorize the City Treasurer to sign all necessary documents to partner
      with the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund so that the City will be
      eligible to receive assistance payments made on behalf of eligible utility
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                     MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

7.f   Towing Agreement - Public Safety
      2023 Towing Contract, Ramos Towing, 2-year contact. Bids were
      submitted to the Clerks office on December 13, 2022 with several bidders.
      Towing to facility $80.00, Storage fee per day $30.00.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To award the 2023 Towing Contract to
      Ramos Towing and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
      Action No. 2023-07
      Motion by: Commissioner Emory
      Second by: Commissioner Gorman
      To award the 2023 Towing Contract to Ramos Towing and authorize the
      Mayor and Clerk to sign.
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                     MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

7.g   Janitorial Contract - Arena
      Seeking approval of a Janitorial contract with Goodwill Industries to
      provide service to Trinity Health Arena. Staff is seeking the approval of the
      amendment to the current City Janitorial Contract with Goodwill Industries
      - West Michigan to include Trinity Health Arena. Goodwill Industries -
      West Michigan was recently approved for a one year extension to their
      current contract with the City of Muskegon to include DPW and City Hall.
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: $1,080 (60 Events)
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize staff to add Trinity Health
      Arena to the amended City janitorial contract (Goodwill Industries - West
      Michigan) which was approved in 2020.
      Action No. 2023-08
      Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
      Second by: Commissioner Gorman
      To authorize staff to add Trinity Health Arena to the amended City
      janitorial contract (Goodwill Industries - West Michigan) which was
      approved in 2020.
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                       MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

7.h   Boys & Girls Club Agreement - Public Works
      Staff is proposing to extend the staffing agreement with Boys and Girls
      Club through calendar year 2023. Boys and Girls Club provided staffing to
      assist with our seasonal staffing needs during the 2022 calendar year,
      which was viewed positively by both parties. The original agreement was
      approved at the April 12th, 2022 Commission Meeting and included a
      clause that allowed for extension if approved by both parties. Staff is
      seeking commission approval for the extension.
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: $40,000
      AMOUNT BUDGETED: $40,000

      FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-770-801
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the extension of the staffing
      contract with Boys and Girls Club and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to
      Action No. 2023-09
      Motion by: Commissioner St.Clair
      Second by: Commissioner Ramsey
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                    MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

7.i   Community EnCompass Agreement - Public Works
      Staff is seeking Commission approval to extend the staffing agreement
      with Community EnCompass through calendar year 2023. Staff is
      proposing to extend the staffing agreement with Community EnCompass
      through calendar year 2023. Community EnCompass provided staffing to
      assist with our seasonal staffing needs during the 2022 calendar year,
      which was viewed positively by both parties. The original agreement was
      approved at the April 12th, 2022 Commission Meeting and included a
      clause that allowed for extension if approved by both parties. Staff is
      seeking commission approval for the extension.
      AMOUNT REQUESTED: $21,000
      AMOUNT BUDGETED: $21,000
      FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-770-801
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the extension of the staffing
      contract with Community EnCompass and authorize the Mayor and Clerk
      to sign.
      Action No. 2023-10
      Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
      Second by: Commissioner Emory

      To approve the extension of the staffing contract with Community
      EnCompass and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                    MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

7.n   Sale of 1320 Spring Street - City Manager
      Staff is requesting approval of a purchase agreement for 1320 Spring
      1320 Spring Street was constructed through the agreement with Dave
      Dusendang to construct infill housing with ARPA funding. The offer is
      $2,580 over asking price and is contingent on the sale of the buyer’s
      current home. The earnest money deposit was increased because the
      offer is contingent. There are no seller concessions.
      The home will serve as a model home until mid-March.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the purchase agreement for
      1320 Spring Street and authorize the City Manager Jonathan Seyferth or
      Deputy City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell to sign.
      Action No. 2023-11
      Motion by: Commissioner Emory
      Second by: Vice Mayor German
      To approve the purchase agreement for 1320 Spring Street and authorize
      the City Manager Jonathan Seyferth or Deputy City Manager LeighAnn
      Mikesell to sign.
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                    MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

7.o   Sale of 750 Leonard Avenue - City Manager
      Staff is requesting approval of a purchase agreement for 750 Leonard
      Avenue. 750 Leonard Avenue was constructed through the agreement
      with Rudy Briggs to construct infill housing with ARPA funding. The offer
      is for full asking price with no seller concessions.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the purchase agreement for
      750 Leonard Avenue and authorize the City Manager Jonathan Seyferth
      or Deputy City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell to sign.
7.p   Sale of 1499 Hoyt Street - City Manager
      Staff is requesting approval of a new purchase agreement for 1499 Hoyt
      1499 Hoyt Street was constructed through the agreement with Dave
      Dusendang to construct infill housing with ARPA funding. With seller
      concessions, the offer equates to the list price.
      An earlier agreement has been rescinded.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the purchase agreement for
      1499 Hoyt Street and authorize the City Manager Jonathan Seyferth or
      Deputy City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell to sign.
      Action No. 2023-12
      Motion by: Commissioner Emory
      Second by: Commissioner St.Clair
      To approve the purchase agreement for 750 Leonard Avenue and 1499
      Hoyt Street and authorize the City Manager Jonathan Seyferth or Deputy
      City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell to sign.
      Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
      St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
      Absent (1): Commissioner Hood
                                                     MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

8.   Public Hearings
     8.a   Brownfield Plan Amendment, 1st Amendment, Adelaide Pointe
           QOZB, LLC
           Approval for Brownfield Plan Amendment,1st Amendment for Adelaide
           Pointe QOZB, LLC (Adelaide Pointe Project­­­­­) and to consider the
           attached resolution.
           Adelaide Pointe QOZB, LLC is seeking a Brownfield Plan Amendment (1st
           Amendment) for the Adelaide Pointe Project­­­­­; a 35-acre mixed use
           waterfront development project including winter boat storage, marina
           space, In/Out forklift boat storage, commercial/retail, and up to 400
           housing units. The initial Brownfield Plan Amendment was approved by
           the BRA on Oct 12, 2021 and City Commission on Oct 26, 2021.
           In Dec. 2020, the developer’s environmental consultant (Fishbeck)
           completed a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and a
           Baseline Environmental Assessment. This plan includes $12,404,400 in
           total EGLE and non-environmental local only eligible costs as well as
           $24,379,064 in total MSF eligible costs. The developer is seeking to add
           state school tax capture for reimbursement of costs related to Michigan
           Strategic Fund (MSF) eligible activities during the first three immediate
           phases of redevelopment.
           The City proposed to use a bond proceed of $8,101,388 to pay eligible
           site preparation and public infrastructure costs that include public
           roadways, a reconfiguration of West Western Ave, as well as a water
           main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer utilities. The local-only EGLE
           eligible costs are $3,250,000 which include due care activities - $500,000
           vapor intrusion mitigation, $1,500,000 soil capping, $250,000 dewatering
           and $1,000,000 for the dredging and removal of soil contaminants. Local-
           only MSF eligible costs are $5,810,000 which include $500,000
           demolition, $250,000 asbestos abatement, $3,160,000 site preparation.
           Capture of tax increment revenues for City reimbursement is anticipated to
           commence in 2023 and end in 2031. Developer reimbursement will follow
           with an estimated start date of 2023. The anticipated end date for
           Developer reimbursement is 2046. It is projected that the Plan
           Amendment will extend 29 years, which assumes five years of additional
           capture of tax increment revenues for deposit into a Local Brownfield
           Revolving Fund, if available.

The contingency percentage, interest request, and the annual
administrative fee will remain the same as previously stated on Oct. 26,
2021 during the scheduled City Commission meeting approving the initial
Brownfield Plan Amendment. The interest is included for all accrued and
unreimbursed eligible activities on a yearly basis. The BRA approved the
revised BPA on Dec. 13, 2022 and recommends the approval of the BPA
by the Muskegon City Commission on Jan. 10, 2022. The Muskegon City
Commission and BRA approved the Brownfield Development &
Reimbursement Agreement, on Dec. 13, 2022. A signed copy from the
Muskegon City Commission was not able to be secured by the submission
date for the 1/10 City Commission meeting. Staff will be sure to send the
signed DRA to the city clerk once the document is available.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To close the public hearing and to approve
the resolution for the Brownfield Plan Amendment, 1st Amendment for the
Adelaide Pointe Project authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign.
Contessa Hood, Development Analyst, presented information to the
Public Hearing Commenced: Jamie Cross, there will be changes to the
development - reducing slips to 215 from 280, acreage reduced as well.
Going to planning commission along with several others. Several factors
are being reduced.
Planning and Economic Development Director, Jake Eckholm, spoke
regarding some of the changes that are being made to the Adelaide
Pointe plan.
Action No. 2023-13
Motion by: Commissioner Ramsey
Second by: Commissioner Emory
To close the public hearing and to approve the resolution for the
Brownfield Plan Amendment, 1st Amendment for the Adelaide Pointe
Project authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign.
Ayes: (6): Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Gorman, Commissioner
St.Clair, Vice Mayor German, Commissioner Ramsey, and Commissioner
Absent (1): Commissioner Hood

                                                             MOTION PASSES (6 to 0)

9.    Unfinished Business
10.   New Business
11.   Any Other Business
      Commissioner Gorman spoke about a joint meeting held with Muskegon Public
      Schools last year, one of the follow up items was to provide city updates to MPS
      to add to the Muskegon Mirror Publication. Thank you to Deputy Manager
      LeighAnn Mikesell for following up to make sure that happened.
      Commissioner Ramsey asked the Clerk to inform on changes seen with the
      agenda and packets. The Clerk's Office is in the process of onboarding a new
      software program for agendas and minutes which will include the ability easily
      search and watch specific portions of the meeting.
      Commissioner Emory previously asked the Clerk to forward MML Code of Ethics
      and another link from the State, she would like for this commission to adopt a
      "Code of Ethics". Mayor Johnson indicated that this can be brought to a
      Legislative Policy Meeting, possibly in February.
12.   Public Comment on Non-Agenda items

         •   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission
             shall do the following:

         •   Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the
             back of the room.

         •   Submit the form to the City Clerk.

         •   Be recognized by the Chair.

         •   Step forward to the microphone.

         •   State name and address.

         •   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission

         •   (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously
             registered with City Clerk.)
      Public comments were received.
13.   Closed Session

14.   Adjournment
      The City Commission meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.

                                               Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk


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