Planning Commission Packet 05-11-2017

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                                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                     PLANNING COMMISSION
                                                       REGULAR MEETING

DATE OF MEETING:                       Thursday, May 11, 2017
TIME OF MEETING:                       4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING:                      Commission Chambers, First Floor, Muskegon City Hall


   I. Roll Call

  II. Approval of Minutes from the regular meeting of April 13, 2017.

 III. Public Hearings
           a. Hearing, Case 2017-08: Staff-initiated request to rezone several parcels to Form Based
              Code, Urban Residential Context Area.
           b. Hearing, Case 2017-09: Staff-initiated request to rezone several parcels to R-2, Single
              Family Medium Density Residential District.
           c. Hearing, Case 2017-10: Staff-initiated request to rezone several parcels to R-3, Single
              Family High Density Residential District.
           d. Hearing, Case 2017-11: Staff-initiated request to rezone 311, 317, 329, 331 and 335 W
              Muskegon Ave and 1138 4th St from RT, Two Family Residential District to Form Based
              Code, Urban Residential Context Area.

 IV. New Business
  V. Old Business

 VI. Other

 VII. Adjourn


      The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes
       of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hour
        notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by
                                                              writing or calling the following:

                                                             Ann Meisch, City Clerk
                                                                933 Terrace Street
                                                              Muskegon, MI 49440
                                                                 (231) 724-6705
                                       TTY/TDD: Dial 7-1-1 and request that a representative dial 231-724-6705

                                              STAFF REPORT
                                               May 11, 2017

 1. All of the requests this month pertain to the smaller lot zoning and expansion of the Form Based
    Code, Urban Residential Context Area that we have been discussing for the past six months.
 2. Please see the enclosed zoning maps that depict which parcels will be rezoned and their proposed
    new zoning designation. Each rezoning request has two maps, one with blank parcels (easier to
    identify location) and one that shows the current zoning (somewhat harder to identify).
 3. The Zoning and Enabling Act does not require personal mail notifications for rezonings if it is for 11
    or more contiguous parcels. The first three hearings at this meeting all contain at least 11 contiguous
    parcels, so personal mail notices were not sent. Case 2017-11 has only six contiguous parcels, so
    personal mail notices were sent to the property owners. Staff received one call regarding case 2017-
    11 from a property owner requesting more information. Staff relayed the information and was not
    contacted again.
 4. Over the past six months, staff held two public workshops and discussed these plans in depth with the
    Neighborhood Associations.
 5. Please see the chart below that describes the development standards in R-2 and R-3 zones. Also see
    the enclosed Form Based Code excerpt that describes the development standards for the Urban
    Residential Context Area.
 6. Staff studied each block and determined that if a majority of the parcels on a block had between 30-
    39 feet of road frontage, that block would be rezoned to R-3. If a block had a majority of its parcels
    with road frontage between 40-49 feet, it would be rezoned R-2. Blocks with a majority of parcels
    with road frontage 50+ feet will stay with the R-1 zoning.

                                        Development Standards

                     R-1                             R-2                             R-3
  Minimum Lot
                     6,000 sf                        4,000 sf                        3,000 sf
  Minimum Lot
                     50 ft                           40 ft                           30 ft
  Maximum Lot        Buildings: 50%                  Buildings: 60%                  Buildings: 70%
  Coverage           Pavement: 10%                   Pavement: 15%                   Pavement: 20%
  Height Limit*      2 stories or 35 feet**          2 stories or 35 feet**          2 stories or 35 feet**
  Front              Expressway/Arterial Street:     Expressway/Arterial Street:     Expressway/Arterial Street:
  Setbacks***        30 ft                           30 ft                           30 ft
                     Collector/Major Street: 25 ft   Collector/Major Street: 25 ft   Collector/Major Street: 25 ft
                     Minor Street: 15 feet           Minor Street: 10 feet           Minor Street: 10 feet
  Rear Setback       30 ft                           20 ft ^                         15 ft^
  Side Setbacks#:    1 story: 6                      1 story: 6                      1 story: 5
                     2 story: 8                      2 story: 7                      2 story: 5
  Ordinary High
  Water Mark          30 ft                          30 ft                           30 ft
  /Wetland Setback

  1. I move that the request to rezone the parcels to Form Based Code, Urban Residential, as described on
     the map be recommended for (approval/denial) to the City Commission.

  2. I move that the request to rezone the parcels to R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential
     District, as described on the map be recommended for (approval/denial) to the City Commission.

  3. I move that the request to rezone the parcels to R-3, Single Family High Density Residential District,
     as described on the map be recommended for (approval/denial) to the City Commission.

  4. I move that the request to rezone 311, 317, 329, 331 and 335 W Muskegon Ave and 1138 4th St from
     RT, Two Family Residential District to Form Based Code, Urban Residential be recommended for
     (approval/denial) to the City Commission.


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