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CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DATE OF MEETING: Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 4 pm PLACE OF MEETING: Commission Chambers, First Floor, Muskegon City Hall AGENDA I. Roll Call II. Approval of the minutes from the special meeting of September 26, 2024. III. Public Hearings A. Hearing, Case 2024-25: Request to vacate the remaining portion of the alley between 2nd St and 3rd St, north of Webster Ave and south of Clay Ave, by West Haven 280 LLC. B. Hearing, Case 2024-26: Request to amend the planned unit development (PUD) at Harbour Towne to allow for the construction of 28 new condo units. C. Hearing, Case 2024-27: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 404 of the zoning ordinance to remove R-2 and R-3 districts and to adjust the area and bulk requirements for R-1 districts. D. Hearing, Case 2024-28: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 400 of the zoning ordinance to allow duplexes, triplexes, and accessory dwelling units as principal uses permitted in the Single-Family Residential Districts. E. Hearing, Case 2024-29: Staff-initiated request to amend Article II of the zoning ordinance to create a definition for accessory dwelling unit. F. Hearing, Case 2024-30: Staff-initiated request to amend Article IV of the zoning ordinance to remove R-2 and R-3 districts and rename single-family residential districts. G. Hearing, Case 2024-31: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 2326 of the zoning ordinance to reduce the minimum number of parking spaces for single-family and multi-family dwelling units. H. Hearing, Case 2024-32: Staff-initiated request to amend Article XX of the zoning ordinance to allow the conversion of single-family houses into duplexes and small multiplexes. IV. New Business V. Old Business VI. Other VII. Adjourn AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT POLICY FOR ACCESS TO OPEN MEETINGS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON AND ANY OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES To give comment on a live-streamed meeting the city will provide a call-in telephone number to the public to be able to call and give comment. For a public meeting that is not live-streamed, and which a citizen would like to watch and give comment, they must contact the City Clerk’s Office with at least a two-business day notice. The participant will then receive a zoom link which will allow them to watch live and give comment. Contact information is below. For more details, please visit: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or by calling the following: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC. City Clerk. 933 Terrace St. Muskegon, MI 49440. (231)724-6705. 1 Staff Report October 10, 2024 Hearing, Case 2024-25: Request to vacate the remaining portion of the alley between 2nd St and 3rd St, north of Webster Ave and south of Clay Ave, by West Haven 280 LLC. SUMMARY 1. The applicant owns the former “Corner” building at the corner of Muskegon/3rd. They have requested to vacate the remaining portion of the alley that dead ends at the eastern edge of their property. 2. The applicant does not intend on building over the alley, however they would like to limit car access through the area with landscaping planters and/or art pieces. They are also considering a decorative walkway that would lead pedestrians towards the Muskegon Museum of Art. 3. Vacating an alley relinquishes the City’s interest in the alley. However, a utility easement would still remain in effect. After vacating the alley, the land would be owned by everyone in the block. No permanent structures would be allowed over the former alley until it has been replatted. 4. There are sanitary and storm sewers located in the alley. The City must maintain an easement to this infrastructure once the alley is vacated. An approval of the vacation should be contingent upon the City retaining a utility easement. 5. Notification was sent to everyone in the block. At the time of this writing, staff had not received any public comments. 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the alley vacation as long as access to the utilities remains. DELIBERATION The following proposed motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request to vacate the remaining portion of the alley between 2nd St and 3rd St, north of Webster Ave and south of Clay Ave be recommend for approval to the City Commission with the following condition: 1. The City retains a utility easement with the same boundaries as the alley being vacated. 3 Hearing, Case 2024-26: Request to amend the planned unit development (PUD) at Harbour Towne to allow for the construction of 28 new condo units. SUMMARY 1. The original PUD plans were approved on June 12, 1990. The approved plans included a maximum of 250 residential units. There appears to be 190 units developed as of today. However, the timeline to develop these units has expired and the proposed units are in slightly different areas than originally approved. 2. The PUD was amended in 2002 to add three additional duplexes along Fulton St. That amendment noted that the original agreement for sidewalks for the PUD is retained. During the July 11, 2002 Planning Commission meeting it was noted: “In previous amendments the issue of pedestrian walkways has come up. The original PUD required that walkways (sidewalks) be provided when the PUD became more fully developed. This issue needs to be resolved. Cement sidewalks may not be practical in the development. A boardwalk may be cost prohibitive. An option may be that a pedestrian/bike lane be painted on the existing street demarking a pedestrian area that will prompt motorists to be mindful of pedestrians and cyclists. The existing swath of pavement is fairly wide and open, which can actually promote speeding in the development.” 3. This amendment proposes eight new structures (six fourplexes, two duplexes) for a total of 28 new units. 4. The fire department has noted that some sort of turnaround must be added at the end of Channel View Point. The current length exceeds the limit of 150 ft to a dead end without an approved turnaround. Additionally, another hydrant must be added along Channel View Point. 5. A stormwater permit from the Engineering Department will be required. 6. No landscaping plan has been provided. 7. Notice was sent to all parcels within 300 feet of this property. At the time of this writing, staff had not received any comments from the public. Harbour Towne Circle looking south. 4 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the PUD amendment with the following conditions: 1. A turnaround must be incorporated at the end of Channel View Point. 2. An additional fire hydrant must be added along Channel View Point. 3. A stormwater permit must be obtained from the Engineering Department before construction commences. 4. A landscaping plan is provided. 5. A decision is made regarding the installation of sidewalks. DELIBERATION The following proposed motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request to amend the planned unit development (PUD) at Harbour Towne to allow for the construction of 28 new condo units be recommend for approval to the City Commission with the following condition: 1. A turnaround must be incorporated at the end of Channel View Point. 2. An additional fire hydrant must be added along Channel View Point. 3. A stormwater permit must be obtained from the Engineering Department before construction commences. 4. A landscaping plan is provided. 5. Sidewalks…. 5 ZONING REFORM • Staff has been working with the Planning Commission and the City Commission on several ideas related to zoning reform. • A 2023 study performed by Bowen National Research determined that the City will need to add an additional 3,000 housing units by 2027 to keep up with market demand. The Housing Needs Assessment can be viewed here. • A joint Planning Commission/City Commission meeting regarding housing needs was held at City Hall on June 10 where several ideas were discussed. • The Connect Muskegon page, which was created to help the public understand these ideas, can be viewed here. • Staff held three public input sessions regarding these ideas in August. The ideas were mostly positively received, with the biggest issues seeming to be that fourplexes were too dense, but triplexes were acceptable. Many participants also agreed with lowering the minimum amount of parking spaces required, but not to zero. Most felt comfortable requiring one parking space. These requests have been reflected in the proposed amendments. • The City of Muskegon zoning map can be viewed here. 6 Hearing, Case 2024-27: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 404 of the zoning ordinance to remove R-2 and R-3 districts and to adjust the area and bulk requirements for R-1 districts. SUMMARY 1. There are currently three separate single-family residential districts in the zoning ordinance; R-1, R-2, and R-3; which all allow the same uses. The main difference between these districts is how much lot width is required to be considered a buildable lot. This proposal would eliminate R-2 and R-3 districts and change the bulk and area requirements to the current R-3 standards, which requires a minimum 30-foot lot width. 2. The chart in Section 404 would be removed and the Area and Bulk Requirements would be represented as they previously were in the zoning ordinance (without a chart). Proposed amendments (redline version) Section 404: Area and Bulk Requirements R-1 R-2 R-3 Minimum Lot Size 6,000 square feet 4,000 square feet 3,000 square feet Minimum Lot Width 50 feet 40 feet 30 feet Maximum Lot Buildings: 50% Buildings: 60% Buildings: 70% Coverage Pavement: 10% Pavement: 15% Pavement: 20% Height Limit* 2 stories or 35 feet** 2 stories or 35 feet** 2 stories or 35 feet** Front Build-to-Zone*** 10-30 feet 10-30 feet 10-30 feet Rear Setback 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet Side Setback 1 story: 6 feet 1 story: 6 feet 1 story: 5 feet 2 story: 8 feet 2 story: 7 feet 2 story: 5 feet * Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see Figure 2-3). ** Homes located in an established Historic District may be up to 3 stories or 45 feet, if found to be compatible with other homes within 600 feet. *** New principal structures may align with existing principal structures in the immediate area even if the front setback falls outside the build-to-zone. The immediate area shall be considered all houses on the same block face within 600 feet of the property. For corner lots, the front shall be considered the street that faces the front door. The other street shall follow the side setback requirements. The rear, which is opposite of the front street, shall also follow the side setback requirements. All required setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the nearest point of the determined drip line of buildings. 7 8 DELIBERATION The following proposed motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request to amend Section 404 of the zoning ordinance to remove R-2 and R-3 districts and to adjust the area and bulk requirements for R-1 districts be recommend for approval as presented to the City Commission. 9 Hearing, Case 2024-28: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 400 of the zoning ordinance to allow duplexes, triplexes, and accessory dwelling units as principal uses permitted in the Single-Family Residential Districts. SUMMARY 1. Currently, single-family is the only housing option in R districts. This proposal recommends allowing duplexes, triplexes and accessory dwelling units (under certain conditions) in these districts. Proposed amendments (redline version) 10 DELIBERATION The following proposed motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request to amend Section 400 of the zoning ordinance to allow duplexes, triplexes, and accessory dwelling units as principal uses permitted in the Single-Family Residential Districts be recommend for approval as presented to the City Commission. 11 Hearing, Case 2024-29: Staff-initiated request to amend Article II of the zoning ordinance to create a definition for accessory dwelling unit. SUMMARY 1. A definition for accessory dwelling unit must be created. Proposed amendments (redline version) DELIBERATION The following proposed motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request to amend Article II of the zoning ordinance to create a definition for accessory dwelling unit be recommend for approval as presented to the City Commission. 12 Hearing, Case 2024-30: Staff-initiated request to amend Article IV of the zoning ordinance to remove R-2 and R-3 districts and rename single-family residential districts. SUMMARY 1. If the request to allow duplexes, triplexes and accessory dwelling units is approved, the name of the zoning designation should be changed to reflect the types of houses allowed. Staff proposes changing the name from “Single-Family Residential” to “Neighborhood Residential.” Proposed amendments (redline version) DELIBERATION The following proposed motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request to amend Article IV of the zoning ordinance to remove R-2 and R-3 districts and rename single-family residential districts be recommend for approval as presented to the City Commission. 13 Hearing, Case 2024-31: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 2326 of the zoning ordinance to reduce the minimum number of parking spaces for single-family and multi-family dwelling units. SUMMARY 1. Only one parking space per dwelling unit was required for residential uses prior to an ordinance amendment in 2002. Large apartment complexes continue to overdevelop parking lots based on the zoning ordinance’s requirements. Staff had considered proposing to eliminate parking minimums altogether, as is the case in form-based code districts, but based on public feedback a reduction to one parking space per dwelling unit is being proposed instead. Proposed amendments (redline version) DELIBERATION The following proposed motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request amend Section 2326 of the zoning ordinance to reduce the minimum number of parking spaces for single-family and multi-family dwelling units be recommend for approval as presented to the City Commission. 14 Hearing, Case 2024-32: Staff-initiated request to amend Article XX of the zoning ordinance to allow the conversion of single-family houses into duplexes and small multiplexes. SUMMARY 1. Within the form-based code districts, a few minor design requirements could prevent converting a single-family house into a duplex or triplex. 2. These requirements for Duplex Buildings include (requirements written in black. Suggested amendments written in red): a. Duplexes require “Entrances to upper floor unit(s) to be located at the front and/or side street and shall be directly accessed from and face the street (2006.16, 4.0, B.). Add language stating that existing Detached House Buildings may add an additional unit without meeting this requirement. b. Stoop Frontage Option for a Detached House allows for entry doors to be uncovered with no canopy or supported roof (2006.17, B., 2.) while duplexes require that entry doors be covered with a roof supported with columns. Add uncovered porches as an option for Duplex Buildings. c. Engaged Porch Frontage Option for a Duplex requires that a minimum of 50% of the building facade projects either beyond the line of the porch columns or flush with the porch columns (2006.16, H.), while a Detached House requires a minimum of 33% (2006.17, H.). Reduce the 50% requirement for Duplex Buildings to 33%. 3. These requirements for Small Multiplex Buildings include (requirements written in black. Suggested amendments written in red): a. Small Multiplexes shall have an 18” to 32” pilaster or wall surface every 18 to 30 feet along building facades facing streets. Pilasters shall extend vertically from grade to cornice expression line (this is not a requirement for the Detached House Building Type). Remove this requirement. b. 10’ minimum ground floor ceiling height (9’ for Detached House Building Type). Reduce this requirement from 10’ to 9’ for Small Multiplexes. c. Different types of entry door treatments are required for Small Multiplexes and Detached Houses (2006.14, 9.01, A.2.). Add uncovered porches as an option for Small Multiplexes. d. 18” minimum stoop height for a Small Multiplex is higher than the 12” minimum for a Detached House. Reduce the minimum stoop height for Small Multiplex Buildings from 18” to 12”. e. A Small Multiplex Building requires that 10% to 50% of the façade between the adjacent grade and the finish floor line of the second story be windows, but Detached House Buildings require 40% to 60% be windows. Increase the maximum percentage for Small Multiplex Buildings from 50% to 60%. f. Engaged Porch Frontage Option for a Small Multiplex requires that a minimum of 50% of the building facade projects either beyond the line of the porch columns or flush with the porch columns while a Detached House requires a minimum of 33%. Reduce the 50% requirement for Small Multiplex Buildings to 33%. 4. Please see the proposed amendments on the following pages. A redlined version is not compatible with the document type that is used for the form-based code. Instead, proposed amendments have been highlighted. 15 SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 1.0 BUILDING TYPE DESCRIPTION The DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE is a small- to medium-sized detached structure that consists of two side-by-side or stacked dwelling units, both facing the street and within a single building massing. This Type has the appearance of a medium- sized single-family house and is appropriately scaled to fit in single family neighborhoods. This Type enables well-designed higher densities. It is an essential Building Type for providing a broad choice of housing types. 2.0 PRECEDENT OF DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE The following images represent precedent examples of the Duplex Building Type. They are intended as examples only and should be used for inspiration in the creation of this Building Type for projects within the Muskegon Form Based Code area. IMAGE 6.70 SIDE-BY-SIDE DUPLEX BUILDING WITH SEPARATE IMAGE 6.71 SIDE-BY-SIDE DUPLEX BUILDING WITH SHARED STOOP ENGAGED PORCH FRONTAGE FRONTAGE IMAGE 6.72 STACKED DUPLEX BUILDING WITH SHARED IMAGE 6.73 SIDE-BY-SIDE DUPLEX BUILDING WITH SEPARATE PROJECTING PORCH FRONTAGE ENGAGED PORCH FRONTAGE CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.99 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 3.0 BUILDING SIZE AND MASSING Refer to Illustration 6.90 for Building Type size and massing ILLUSTRATION 6.90 BUILDING SIZE AND MASS graphic representation. A. Building width at front street: 48 feet maximum. B. Building depth: 20 feet minimum. ALLEY OR REAR ACCESS C. Building may have an attached garage located in the rear of the building and accessed from an alley or side street. Attached garage is not D permitted if a Carriage House is included on PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE the parcel. C D. Building may have a Carriage House in lieu SIDE STREET of an attached garage. Refer to Carriage BUILDING BUILDING House Building Type in Section 2006.18 for FOOTPRINT FOOTPRINT requirements. B E. Maximum site coverage: 50% including garage or Carriage House. FRONT STREET A A 4.0 GROUND FLOOR ACTIVATION AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Refer to Illustration 6.91 for Building Type ground floor ILLUSTRATION 6.91 BUILDING SIZE AND MASS activation and pedestrian access graphic representation. A. Entrances to ground floor unit(s) are required to be located at the front and / or side street and shall be directly accessed from and face the street. ALLEY OR REAR ACCESS B. Entrances to upper floor unit(s) are required to be located at the front and / or side street and C shall be directly accessed from and face the PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE street. Existing Detached House Buildings may add an additional unit without meeting this requirement. SIDE STREET B BUILDING BUILDING C. Carriage House entrances shall be as required FOOTPRINT FOOTPRINT by the Carriage House Building Type in Section 2006.18. A A B FRONT STREET 5.0 NUMBER OF UNITS 6.0 USE Number of units per Building Type: Building Type use: A. Total of 2 units per building. A. Uses are regulated by Context Area. Refer to Section 2005 for permitted uses in each Context B. Duplex Buildings per lot: 1 maximum. Area. C. An additional unit is permitted if Carriage House Building Type is used in conjunction with the Duplex Building. 6.100 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.0 FACADE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.92 FACADE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.92 for Building Type facade composition requirements. A. Building shall have a pitched (sloped) roof that A is compatible to the surrounding residential architecture. D B. Transparency Upper Stories: Building facades facing streets shall have 10% to 50% of the façade be windows between the finish floor line of the second story and bottom of the eave. B C. Transparency Street / Sidewalk Level: Refer to Building Frontage options for transparency requirements at the street and sidewalk level. C D. Upper windows shall be square or vertically proportioned with clear glass. Refer to definitions in Division 11 for clear glass requirements. 8.0 BUILDING TYPE STORY HEIGHT ILLUSTRATION 6.93 BUILDING TYPE STORY HEIGHT Refer to Illustration 6.93 for Building Type story height requirements. A. Ground floor ceiling shall be 9 feet minimum. B. Upper floor ceilings shall be 8 feet minimum. C. Overall height of Building Type is regulated by Context Area, refer to Section 2005. C B A 9.0 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTIONS The Duplex Building Type is required to have 1 of the following 3 frontage configurations applied to the ground level floor where it abuts front and side streets, civic space, and / or public rights-of-way. Frontage options for the Duplex Building Type are provided in the table below and described on the following pages of this sub-section. CONTEXT AREAS BUILDING TYPE DUPLEX FRONTAGE OPTION BUILDING TYPE DT MS MSW NC NE UR LC LHC LMR LR with STOOP By Right By Right By Right By Right with PROJECTING PORCH By Right By Right By Right By Right with ENGAGED PORCH By Right By Right By Right By Right Shaded areas represent Public Realm Context Areas where Building Type is not permitted. CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.101 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 9.01 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 1: STOOP DESCRIPTION In a Stoop Frontage Type, the facade of the building that faces the front and / or side streets is setback a small distance from the front and side streets, typically within a build-to-zone. The stoop is elevated above the sidewalk. Steps or a ramp from the stoop may lead directly to the sidewalk or may be side-loaded. IMAGE 6.74 DUPLEX BUILDING WITH SEPARATE STOOPS STOOP LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.94 FRONTAGE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.94 for frontage location graphic reference. A. The building facade(s) are required to be placed within a build-to-zone as required by the building site placement requirements in the PROPERTY LINE Context Area section. Refer to Section 2005. LINE OF CURB B. The ground area between the front and side LINE OF BUILDING street property lines and the main building FACADE façade shall be landscaped with a sidewalk SIDE STREET FRONT OR connecting the entry door to the public BUILDING FOOTPRINT sidewalk. Sidewalk connecting stoop and public sidewalk shall be minimum 5 feet wide. C. Balconies, awnings, canopies, cornices, upper bays, and projecting signs may extend into the B public right-of-way per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. A D. Stoops, wells, and / or steps may extend into PLAN VIEW required setbacks per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PROPERTY LINE A LINE OF BUILDING FACADE D LINE OF CURB SECTION VIEW HATCHED AREA REPRESENTS THE BUILD-TO-ZONE. REFER TO SECTION 2005 FOR THE LOCATION OF BUILD-TO-ZONE FOR SPECIFIC CONTEXT AREAS. 6.102 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 1: 9.01 2: STOOP BALCONY-STOREFRONT ILLUSTRATION 6.95 FRONTAGE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS STOOP COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.95 for frontage composition graphic reference. A. Entry door(s) are required to be elevated above adjacent grade. Elevated entry doors shall have one of the following treatments: 1. Covered with a supported roof. Roof shall be supported with columns. (As depicted in the graphic). 2. Uncovered (with no canopy or supported roof). G B. Depth of stoop landing shall be 4 feet minimum. C. Width of stoop landing shall be 5 feet minimum. FINISH FLOOR LINE SECOND FLOOR D. Stoop shall be 12” minimum above adjacent grade. F A E. Transparency: Stoop frontage shall have 40% to 60% of the façade be windows between the adjacent grade and the finish floor line of the ADJACENT second story. Entry door transparency shall be GRADE included as part of the required transparency ELEVATION DIAGRAM calculation. F. Transparency Upper Stories: Refer to Building E Type for transparency requirements of upper stories. BUILDING INTERIOR C B D PLAN DIAGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.103 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 9.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 2: PROJECTING PORCH DESCRIPTION In a Projecting Porch Frontage Type, the facade of the building that faces the front and / or side streets is setback a medium distance from the front and side streets, typically within a build-to-zone. The resulting yard is typically small and can be defined by a fence or hedge to spatially maintain the street edge. The projecting porch is open on three sides and all habitable space of the building is located behind the rear edge of the porch. The porch is elevated above the sidewalk. Steps from the porch may be on the front or side of the porch and shall lead directly to the sidewalk. IMAGE 6.75 DUPLEX WITH PROJECTING PORCH PROJECTING PORCH LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.96 FRONTAGE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.96 for frontage location graphic reference. A. The building facade(s) are required to be placed within a build-to-zone as required by the building site placement requirements in the PROPERTY LINE Context Area section. Refer to Section 2005. LINE OF CURB B. The ground area between the front and side street property lines and the main building LINE OF BUILDING FACADE façade shall be landscaped with a sidewalk connecting the porch steps to the public BUILDING FOOTPRINT sidewalk. Sidewalk connecting entry door and A public sidewalk shall have a width of 5 feet SIDE STREET FRONT OR minimum. C. Balconies, awnings, canopies, cornices, upper bays, and projecting signs may extend into the B public right-of-way per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PLAN VIEW D. Stoops, wells, and / or steps may extend into required setbacks per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PROPERTY LINE A LINE OF BUILDING FACADE D LINE OF CURB SECTION VIEW HATCHED AREA REPRESENTS THE BUILD-TO-ZONE. REFER TO SECTION 2005 FOR THE LOCATION OF BUILD-TO-ZONE FOR SPECIFIC CONTEXT AREAS. 6.104 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 2: PROJECTING 9.02 BALCONY-STOREFRONT PORCH ILLUSTRATION 6.97 FRONTAGE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS PROJECTING PORCH COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.97 for frontage composition graphic reference. A. Depth of porch shall be 6 feet minimum. B. Width of porch shall be 8 feet minimum. C. Height of porch ceiling, measured from porch floor shall be 8 feet minimum. D. Porch shall be 18” minimum above adjacent I grade. E. Projecting porches shall be open on three sides (no walls on three sides). FINISH FLOOR LINE SECOND FLOOR F. Furniture area shall be 4 feet x 6 feet minimum clear area. A D H G. Transparency: Porch frontage shall have 10% to 50% of the façade be windows between the adjacent grade and the finish floor line of the ADJACENT second story. Entry door transparency shall be GRADE included as part of the required transparency ELEVATION DIAGRAM calculation. H. Transparency Upper Stories: Refer to Building E Type for transparency requirements of upper stories. BUILDING INTERIOR B F G F F C PLAN DIAGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.105 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 9.03 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 3: ENGAGED PORCH DESCRIPTION In an Engaged Porch Frontage Type, the facade of the building that faces the front and / or side streets is setback a medium distance from the front and side streets, typically within a build-to-zone. The resulting yard is typically small and can be defined by a fence or hedge to spatially maintain the street edge. The engaged porch has two adjacent sides of the porch that are engaged to the building (connected to and enclosed by building walls) while the other two sides are open. Steps from the porch may be on the front or side of the porch and shall lead directly to the sidewalk. IMAGE 6.76 DUPLEX WITH SEPARATE ENGAGED PORCH ENGAGED PORCH LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.98 FRONTAGE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.98 for frontage location graphic reference. A. The building facade(s) are required to be placed within a build-to-zone as required by the building site placement requirements in the PROPERTY LINE Context Area section. Refer to Section 2005. LINE OF CURB LINE OF BUILDING B. The ground area between the front and side FACADE street property lines and the main building façade shall be landscaped with a sidewalk A connecting the porch steps to the public BUILDING SIDE STREET FRONT OR FOOTPRINT sidewalk. Sidewalk connecting entry door and public sidewalk shall have a width of 5 feet minimum. C. Balconies, awnings, canopies, cornices, upper B bays, and projecting signs may extend into the public right-of-way per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PLAN VIEW D. Stoops, wells, and / or steps may extend into required setbacks per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PROPERTY LINE A LINE OF BUILDING FACADE D LINE OF CURB SECTION VIEW HATCHED AREA REPRESENTS THE BUILD-TO-ZONE. REFER TO SECTION 2005 FOR THE LOCATION OF BUILD-TO-ZONE FOR SPECIFIC CONTEXT AREAS. 6.106 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.16 DUPLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 3: 9.03 2: ENGAGED BALCONY-STOREFRONT PORCH ILLUSTRATION 6.99 FRONTAGE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS ENGAGED PORCH COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.99 for frontage composition graphic reference. A. Depth of porch shall be 6 feet minimum. B. Width of porch shall be 8 feet minimum. C. Height of porch ceiling, measured from porch floor shall be 8 feet minimum. D. Porch shall be 18” minimum above adjacent J grade. E. Engaged porches shall be open on two sides (no walls on two sides). FINISH FLOOR LINE SECOND FLOOR F. Engaged porches shall have building walls on two sides. A D I G. A minimum of 33% of the building facade shall project either beyond the line of the porch columns or flush with the porch columns. ADJACENT GRADE H. Transparency: Porch frontage shall have 10% to ELEVATION DIAGRAM 50% of the façade be windows between the adjacent grade and the finish floor line of the second story. Entry door transparency shall be E included as part of the required transparency calculation. I. Transparency Upper Stories: Refer to Building Type for transparency requirements of upper stories. BUILDING INTERIOR G B F G C H PLAN DIAGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.107 SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 1.0 BUILDING TYPE DESCRIPTION The SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE is a medium-sized structure that consists of 3 to 6 side-by-side and / or stacked dwelling units, typically with one shared entry or individual entries along the front. This Type has the appearance of a large single-family house and is appropriately scaled to fit in single family neighborhoods. This Type enables well-designed higher densities. It is an essential Building Type for providing a broad choice of housing types and promoting walkability. 2.0 PRECEDENT OF SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE The following images represent precedent examples of the Small Multi-Plex Building Type. They are intended as examples only and should be used for inspiration in the creation of this Building Type for projects within the Muskegon Form Based Code area. IMAGE 6.56 TWO SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDINGS WITH STOOP IMAGE 6.57 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING WITH STOOP FRONTAGE FRONTAGES AND FLAT ROOF IMAGE 6.58 SMALL MULTI-PLEX WITH PROJECTING PORCH IMAGE 6.59 SMALL MULTI-PLEX WITH STOOP FRONTAGE CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.79 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 3.0 BUILDING SIZE AND MASSING Refer to Illustration 6.70 for Building Type size and massing ILLUSTRATION 6.70 BUILDING SIZE AND MASS graphic representation. A. Building width at front street: 48 feet maximum D B. Building depth: 48 feet maximum. ALLEY OR REAR ACCESS C. Building secondary wing depth (if secondary wing is used): 30 feet maximum. PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE D. Building secondary wing width (if secondary C wing is used): 30 feet maximum. E. Maximum site coverage: 70% BUILDING BUILDING SIDE STREET FOOTPRINT FOOTPRINT B FRONT STREET A A 4.0 GROUND FLOOR ACTIVATION AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Refer to Illustration 6.71 for Building Type ground floor ILLUSTRATION 6.71 GROUND FLOOR ACTIVATION & ACCESS activation and pedestrian access graphic representation. A. Main entrances shall be located along front street. ALLEY OR REAR ACCESS B. Each unit may have an individual entry or units may be accessed from a common entrance and lobby. PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE C. On corner lots, units may enter from a secondary side street individual entry or common entry. D SIDE STREET D. Units may enter from a secondary common entry or individual entry in the rear of the BUILDING building. BUILDING FOOTPRINT FOOTPRINT C A A FRONT STREET 5.0 NUMBER OF UNITS 6.0 USE Number of units per Building Type: Building Type use: A. 3 units minimum, 6 units maximum per building. A. Uses are regulated by Context Area. Refer to Section 2005 for permitted uses in each Context B. Small Multi-Plex Buildings per lot: 1 maximum. Area. 6.80 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.0 FACADE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.72 FACADE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.72 for Building Type facade composition requirements. A. Building may have a flat roof with parapet or a A pitched (sloped) roof. E B. Buildings with flat roof shall have a cornice B expression line at roofline. C. Transparency Upper Stories: Building facades facing streets shall have 10% to 50% of the C façade be windows between the finish floor line of the second story and bottom of cornice expression line or eave. D. Transparency Street / Sidewalk Level: Refer D to Building Frontage options for transparency F requirements at the street and sidewalk level. E. Upper windows shall be square or vertically proportioned with clear glass. Refer to definitions in Division 11 for clear glass requirements. F. Building shall have an 18” to 32” pilaster or wall surface every 18 to 30 feet along building facades facing streets. Pilasters shall extend vertically from grade to cornice expression line. 8.0 BUILDING TYPE STORY HEIGHT ILLUSTRATION 6.73 BUILDING TYPE STORY HEIGHT Refer to Illustration 6.73 for Building Type story height requirements. A. Ground floor ceiling shall be 9 feet minimum. B. Upper floor ceilings shall be 8 feet minimum. C. Overall height of Building Type is regulated by Context Area, refer to Section 2005. C B D D. On Building Type with flat roof option, the height of parapet wall shall be between 12” minimum and 4 feet maximum, measured from roof line. A 9.0 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTIONS The Small Multi-Plex Building Type is required to have 1 of the following 3 frontage configurations applied to the ground level floor where it abuts front and side streets, civic space, and / or public rights-of-way. Frontage options for the Small Multi-Plex Building Type are provided in the table below and described on the following pages of this sub-section. CONTEXT AREAS BUILDING TYPE MULTI-PLEX FRONTAGE OPTION BUILDING TYPE DT MS MSW NC NE UR LC LHC LMR LR SMALL with STOOP By Right By Right By Right By Right By Right with PROJECTING PORCH By Right By Right By Right By Right By Right with ENGAGED PORCH By Right By Right By Right By Right By Right Shaded areas represent Public Realm Context Areas where Building Type is not permitted. CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.81 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 9.01 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 1: STOOP DESCRIPTION In a Stoop Frontage Type, the facade of the building that faces the front and / or side streets is setback a small distance from the front and side streets, typically within a build-to-zone. The stoop is elevated above the sidewalk. Steps or a ramp from the stoop may lead directly to the sidewalk or may be side-loaded. IMAGE 6.60 SMALL MULTI-PLEX WITH STOOP STOOP LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.74 FRONTAGE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.74 for frontage location graphic reference. A. The building facade(s) are required to be placed within a build-to-zone as required by the building site placement requirements in the PROPERTY LINE Context Area section. Refer to Section 2005. LINE OF CURB B. The ground area between the front and side LINE OF BUILDING street property lines and the main building FACADE façade shall be landscaped with a sidewalk SIDE STREET FRONT OR connecting the entry door to the public BUILDING FOOTPRINT sidewalk. Sidewalk connecting stoop and public sidewalk shall be minimum 5 feet wide. C. Balconies, awnings, canopies, cornices, upper bays, and projecting signs may extend into the B public right-of-way per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. A D. Stoops, wells, and / or steps may extend into PLAN VIEW required setbacks per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PROPERTY LINE A LINE OF BUILDING FACADE D LINE OF CURB SECTION VIEW HATCHED AREA REPRESENTS THE BUILD-TO-ZONE. REFER TO SECTION 2005 FOR THE LOCATION OF BUILD-TO-ZONE FOR SPECIFIC CONTEXT AREAS. 6.82 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 1: 9.01 2: STOOP BALCONY-STOREFRONT ILLUSTRATION 6.75 FRONTAGE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS STOOP COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.75 for frontage composition graphic reference. A. Entry door(s) are required to be elevated above adjacent grade. Elevated entry doors shall have one of the following treatments: 1. Covered with a supported roof. Roof shall be supported with columns. 2. Covered with a canopy. Canopy shall be cantilevered or supported by brackets or cables. G 3. Uncovered (with no canopy or supported roof). B. Depth of stoop landing shall be 4 feet minimum. FINISH FLOOR LINE SECOND FLOOR C. Width of stoop landing shall be 5 feet minimum. D. Stoop shall be 12” minimum above adjacent A F grade. E. Transparency: Stoop frontage shall have 10% to ADJACENT 60% of the façade be windows between the GRADE adjacent grade and the finish floor line of the ELEVATION DIAGRAM second story. Entry door transparency shall be included as part of the required transparency calculation. E F. Transparency Upper Stories: Refer to Building Type for transparency requirements of upper stories. BUILDING INTERIOR C B D PLAN DIAGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.83 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 9.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 2: PROJECTING PORCH DESCRIPTION In a Projecting Porch Frontage Type, the facade of the building that faces the front and / or side streets is setback a medium distance from the front and side streets, typically within a build-to-zone. The resulting yard is typically small and can be defined by a fence or hedge to spatially maintain the street edge. The projecting porch is open on three sides and all habitable space of the building is located behind the rear edge of the porch. The porch is elevated above the sidewalk. Steps from the porch may be on the front or side of the porch and shall lead directly to the sidewalk. IMAGE 6.61 SMALL MULTI-PLEX WITH PROJECTING PORCH PROJECTING PORCH LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.76 FRONTAGE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.76 for frontage location graphic reference. A. The building facade(s) are required to be placed within a build-to-zone as required by the building site placement requirements in the PROPERTY LINE Context Area section. Refer to Section 2005. LINE OF CURB B. The ground area between the front and side street property lines and the main building LINE OF BUILDING SIDE STREET FRONT OR FACADE façade shall be landscaped with a sidewalk connecting the porch steps to the public BUILDING FOOTPRINT sidewalk. Sidewalk connecting entry door and public sidewalk shall have a width of 5 feet A minimum. C. Balconies, awnings, canopies, cornices, upper B bays, and projecting signs may extend into the public right-of-way per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PLAN VIEW D. Stoops, wells, and / or steps may extend into required setbacks per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PROPERTY LINE A LINE OF BUILDING FACADE D LINE OF CURB SECTION VIEW HATCHED AREA REPRESENTS THE BUILD-TO-ZONE. REFER TO SECTION 2005 FOR THE LOCATION OF BUILD-TO-ZONE FOR SPECIFIC CONTEXT AREAS. 6.84 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 2: PROJECTING 9.02 BALCONY-STOREFRONT PORCH ILLUSTRATION 6.77 FRONTAGE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS PROJECTING PORCH COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.77 for frontage composition graphic reference. A. Depth of porch shall be 6 feet minimum. B. Width of porch shall be 8 feet minimum. C. Height of porch ceiling, measured from porch floor shall be 8 feet minimum. D. Porch shall be 18” minimum above adjacent I grade. E. Projecting porches shall be open on three sides (no walls on three sides). FINISH FLOOR LINE SECOND FLOOR F. Furniture area shall be 4 feet x 6 feet minimum clear area. A D H G. Transparency: Porch frontage shall have 10% to 50% of the façade be windows between the adjacent grade and the finish floor line of the ADJACENT second story. Entry door transparency shall be GRADE included as part of the required transparency ELEVATION DIAGRAM calculation. H. Transparency Upper Stories: Refer to Building E Type for transparency requirements of upper stories. BUILDING INTERIOR B F G F F C PLAN DIAGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.85 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS SECTION 2006 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 9.03 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 3: ENGAGED PORCH DESCRIPTION In an Engaged Porch Frontage Type, the facade of the building that faces the front and / or side streets is setback a medium distance from the front and side streets, typically within a build-to-zone. The resulting yard is typically small and can be defined by a fence or hedge to spatially maintain the street edge. The engaged porch has two adjacent sides of the porch that are engaged to the building (connected to and enclosed by building walls) while the other two sides are open. Steps from the porch may be on the front or side of the porch and shall lead directly to the sidewalk. IMAGE 6.62 SMALL MULTI-PLEX WITH ENGAGED PORCH ENGAGED PORCH LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ILLUSTRATION 6.78 FRONTAGE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.78 for frontage location graphic reference. A. The building facade(s) are required to be placed within a build-to-zone as required by the building site placement requirements in the PROPERTY LINE Context Area section. Refer to Section 2005. LINE OF CURB LINE OF BUILDING B. The ground area between the front and side FACADE street property lines and the main building façade shall be landscaped with a sidewalk A connecting the porch steps to the public BUILDING FOOTPRINT sidewalk. Sidewalk connecting entry door and public sidewalk shall have a width of 5 feet minimum. C. Balconies, awnings, canopies, cornices, upper B SIDE STREET FRONT OR bays, and projecting signs may extend into the public right-of-way per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PLAN VIEW D. Stoops, wells, and / or steps may extend into required setbacks per the requirements of the encroachment section in Section 2003. PROPERTY LINE A LINE OF BUILDING FACADE D LINE OF CURB SECTION VIEW HATCHED AREA REPRESENTS THE BUILD-TO-ZONE. REFER TO SECTION 2005 FOR THE LOCATION OF BUILD-TO-ZONE FOR SPECIFIC CONTEXT AREAS. 6.86 DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE CITY OF MUSKEGON SECTION 2006 BUILDING TYPE STANDARDS 2006.14 SMALL MULTI-PLEX BUILDING TYPE 7.02 BUILDING TYPE FRONTAGE OPTION 3: 9.03 2: ENGAGED BALCONY-STOREFRONT PORCH ILLUSTRATION 6.79 FRONTAGE COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS ENGAGED PORCH COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS Refer to Illustration 6.79 for frontage composition graphic reference. A. Depth of porch shall be 6 feet minimum. B. Width of porch shall be 8 feet minimum. C. Height of porch ceiling, measured from porch floor shall be 8 feet minimum. D. Porch shall be 18” minimum above adjacent J grade. E. Engaged porches shall be open on two sides (no walls on two sides). FINISH FLOOR LINE SECOND FLOOR F. Engaged porches shall have building walls on two sides. A D I G. A minimum of 33% of the building facade shall project either beyond the line of the porch columns or flush with the porch columns. ADJACENT GRADE H. Transparency: Porch frontage shall have 10% to ELEVATION DIAGRAM 50% of the façade be windows between the adjacent grade and the finish floor line of the second story. Entry door transparency shall be E included as part of the required transparency calculation. I. Transparency Upper Stories: Refer to Building Type for transparency requirements of upper stories. BUILDING INTERIOR G B F G C H PLAN DIAGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON DOWNTOWN FORM BASED CODE 6.87
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