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Citizen’s Police Review Board 08/24/2015 MINUTES Board Members Present: Carlos Florez, Quintan Cooley, David Bukala, Charles Anderson, Ruby Clark, Eloise Heiftje, Ann Craig. Nicholas Archer Board Members Absent: Minister William C. Muhammad, (Excused) Staff Present: Denny Powers, Staff Liaison Dennis Lord – Captain, I.A. Investigator Chairperson Carlos Florez called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Chairperson Florez asked if everyone had a chance to read the previous meeting minutes and if there were any corrections or additions. It was motioned, supported and passed to approve the minutes as presented. Old Business None. New Business The board was reminded that this meeting takes the place of the September meeting which would have fallen on Labor Day when City Hall is closed. Thus the next meeting will be October 5. Appeal of I.A. 15-01 & 15-02 Chairperson Carlos Florez opened the hearing by asking Mrs. Rosemarietta Barrett to speak to her two complaints and he asked that she keep to the nature of the complaint as contained on the complaint forms. Mrs. Barrett gave a lengthy history covering a number of years and read a lengthy letter that she states she distributed around the area. She also held up several items including printouts of numerous emails she had sent to Officer Conrad, contact listings from double-dutch team girls that she coached over the years and photos relating to being a pageant winner. Mrs. Barrett responded to a few of questions from board members. Chairperson Florez thanked Mrs. Barrett for all of the information she has provided but asked that she address specifically the two complaints before them. He noted that the board members each had copies of her complaints and had read them and asked if she had anything additional that related specifically to the two complaints. There was an exchange between Mrs. Barrett and the Chairperson on this issue. Chairperson Florez stated that the board would now formulate a motion and have discussion and vote. Mrs. Barrett asked if she could be excused at which time she and her husband left the meeting. Mr. Nicholas Archer stated that he would be abstaining from the motion portion of the hearing. ==================================================== MOTION Mr. David Bukala made the following motion: It is moved to accept the findings of Internal Affairs Case Number 15-01 as not sustained and of Internal Affairs Case Number 15-02 as exonerated. The motion was supported by Mrs. Eloise Hieftje. Discussion included a couple of questions for Internal Affairs Investigator Captain Dennis Lord. After discussion the motion was voted on and passed with seven affirmative votes and one abstention. ==================================================== Public Participation None. The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m. The next meeting is October 5, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in room 103 of Muskegon City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Denny Powers _______________________________ Denny Powers, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
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