Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 03-07-2011

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       Citizen’s Police Review Board


Board Members Present:                      Minister William C. Muhammad
                                            Dardinella Hippchen, David Bukala,
                                            Carlos Florez, Ann Craig, Quintan Cooley,
                                            Barbara Kuipers, William O’Shaughnessy

Board Members Absent:                       Andrew Cirner, (Excused)

Staff Present:                              Denny Powers, Staff Liaison

Chairperson William Muhammad called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

Chairperson Muhammad asked if everyone had a chance to read the previous meeting
minutes and if there were any corrections or additions. It was motioned, supported and
passed to approve the minutes as presented.

Old Business

Mr. Powers noted that Director Kleibecker was going to attempt to attend the meeting
this month, however at this point it appeared the Commission Work Session would be
running long and thus it might not happen.

Ms. Hippchen asked for him to be invited to the next meeting. The Chairperson stated
we could do that but there may be extenuating circumstances whereby he may not be
available. Mr. Powers stated he would pass this request on to Director Kleibecker.
New Business

Ms. Hippchen asked when the board would be holding election of officers. Chairperson
William Muhammad stated that it would be put on the agenda for the April meeting and
for anyone who is interested in a position to be prepared to state so at that time.

Public Participation

Mr. Jackie Darnell of the NAACP was present and asked several questions including
questions on an annual report from the CPRB, number of seats being filled by minority
coalition members, neighborhood association members, etc., and how many vacancies
there are at the present time.

There were several responses and input from various board members to Mr. Darnell’s

Ms. Hippchen asked for an updated listing of board contact information, which seats are
being filled, terms, etc.

Mr. Powers noted that this is part of the Community Relations Index from the City
Clerk’s Office and he would get copies of the page on the CPRB and either bring it to the
next meeting or mail it with the next agenda packet.

It was motioned and supported to adjourn the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

The next meeting is April 4, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in room 103 of Muskegon City Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Denny Powers
Denny Powers, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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