Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 02-03-2020

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                              CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:                February 3, 2020

Location:                    Muskegon City Hall, Room 103

Board Members Present:       David Bukala, Ann Craig, Josie James, Ron Hayward, William Muhammad

Board Members Absent:        Rozelia Patino (excused), Robert Roundtree, Faye Redmond, Ruby Clark

Staff Present:               Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Ann Craig moved to accept the minutes as submitted, seconded by David Bukala. No additional discussion.
Unanimous support. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business
Jackie Hallberg shared copies of board membership requirements. William Muhammad confirmed that they
would not be changing the number of participants on the board due to designations already set in place by the
City Commission. Josie James questioned what is considered a minority based organization, if it is only race
based or inclusive of other minority group such as the disability population. William Muhammad confirmed this
board was made due to racial minority concerns only. David Bukala confirmed there has only been one
amendment and that was due to needing to remove one of the initial minority groups as they were no longer in
existence. At that same time, term limits were also taken out. William Muhammad stated he will continue to
review the GR Board, but it is much different than our board.

New Business
Ron Hayward questioned if board members were able to sit in on disciplinary hearings but it was confirmed by
David Bukala and William Muhammad that officers still have due process and that it is not a public meeting.
The board reviewed the calendar for 2020 and confirmed that we will not be meeting in the months of July and
September. David Bukala shared that he would not be available to attend the next two meetings. Jackie
Hallberg discussed not updating the minutes on the website until there was board approval, which the board
agreed with, so the minutes will be showing a month behind on the website.

Public Participation
There was no public participation.

Ron Hayward moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ann Craig and the motion carried unanimously. The
meeting was adjourned at 7:04pm.

The next meeting is Monday, March 2, 2020 at 6:30pm in room 103 of Muskegon City Hall.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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