Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 12-07-2020

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                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               December 7, 2020

Location:                   Zoom meeting due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad in Muskegon Hts, MI; David Bukala in Grand Haven,
                       MI; Faye Redmond in Muskegon, MI; Ann Craig in Muskegon MI; Ron
                       Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (briefly by phone), Robert Roundtree in
                       Muskegon, MI

Board Members Absent:        Ruby Clark

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. R. Hayward
was present for the whole meeting via phone but was unable to unmute to offer comments/say he
was present. R. Patino joined via phone briefly but was not present during roll call.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
Unanimous consent.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
W. Muhammad acknowledged the complaint that was marked as exonerated and not appealed. F.
Redmond questioned the length of time it took before this complaint was closed. It was further
questioned if there is documentation on each contact or attempt of contact with the complainant. W.
Muhammad stated that delays were most likely due to COVID concerns and he would check in to
seeing if the timelines need to be revised.

A. Craig reminded members with terms expiring to notify the City Clerk’s Office of intent or fill out an
application as soon as possible. R. Roundtree requested a copy of the link to be resent.

W. Muhammad asked members if they felt we should meet in January due to it being immediately
after the holiday and asked if we usually meet if it falls so close to a holiday. J. James confirmed the
board was held in January this year. W. Muhammad stated we would proceed with the meeting
scheduled for January.
Public Participation
There was no public participation.

R. Roundtree moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by J. James and the motion carried
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:59pm.

The next meeting is Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:30pm with location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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