Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 05-24-2021

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                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                          CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD
DATE OF MEETING:               Monday, May 24, 2021

PLACE OF MEETING:              Electronically via Zoom due to COVID-19 Local State of Emergency

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:         David Bukala (Grand Haven, MI), Ann Craig (Muskegon, MI), Ron
                               Hayward (Muskegon, MI), Josie James (Muskegon, MI), Rozelia Patino
                               (Muskegon, MI), Faye Redmon (Muskegon, MI), Robert Roundtree
                               (Muskegon, MI), Chairman William Muhammad (Muskegon Heights, MI)

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:          Ruby Clark

STAFF PRESENT:                 Ryan Cummins - CPRB Staff Liaison, Denny Powers – Interim Community
                               Coordinator, Dennis Lord – Administrative Captain

The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm by Chairman Muhammad. Roll call was taken and a quorum
was present.

Approval of Minutes
The February 1, 2021 Regular Meeting minutes were reviewed. No board members had any changes and
the minutes were approved.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business from last month.

New Business

Appeal Hearing – IA 21-02
IA 21-02 was scheduled for an appeal hearing at the complainant’s request. The complainant was not

Chairman Muhammad asked the staff liaison to advise the board of how the complainant was notified of
the hearing. R. Cummins advised the board that the complainant was contacted via e-mail a number of
times. The complainant recently confirmed via e-mail that they still wished to have an appeal hearing.
An e-mail was sent to the complainant with the meeting date, time, Zoom links, and with further
information about the hearing. R. Cummins advised he also tried to reach the complainant as the
meeting started and their phone was not accepting calls.
Chairman Muhammad advised they would move on to other new business unless the complainant
shows up during the meeting. The complainant did not join the meeting.

Internal Affairs Complaints
The board reviewed internal affairs complaints received year to date except for two which are still under
investigation. Chairman Muhammad advised the complaints were not for discussion but noted some
had been sustained.

Revised 2021 Meeting Schedule
The board reviewed the new meeting dates for the remainder of the year now that meetings are being
held the 4th Monday of each month. The board discussed whether to change the November or
December meeting dates with them being close to the holidays. The board will leave the scheduled
dates as they are for now.

Staff Updates

Accreditation Report – The board was advised that the Muskegon Police Department received
accreditation through the Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. This makes the Muskegon
Police Department 1 of 34 accredited law enforcement agencies out of over 550 in the state. The board
was provided with a copy of the on-site final accreditation report for information purposes. R.
Roundtree had questions about community engagement for the report and the GREAT program. Captain
Lord answered the questions but advised it would be better to meet personally with him and Director
Lewis to go over the report details. Chairman Muhammad advised the board discussion of the report
was beyond the scope of the board’s duties but separate meetings with staff could occur on an
individual basis.

Body Cameras – Captain Lord provided an update on body cameras. The department has received the
cameras, they are operational and Officers have received training on them. Once procedures are
finalized, Director Lewis will set a date for all Officers to use them. F. Redmon had questions about
privacy and Captain Lord explained the department’s approach with the cameras. F. Redmon further
asked about drones and Captain Lord advised the department does not have or use drones.

Neighborhood Officers – The board was advised that Neighborhood Policing Unit Officers are now
assigned to all City neighborhoods. The list of officers and their contact information was provided for
information purposes.

Upcoming Events -The board was provided a list of events the police department is working on for
information purposes.

Policies on Website – R. Robtree noted he read in the minutes from last month that the policies are on
the police department website. He advised he printed them and is reviewing them. D. Bukala asked
where to find them and the link was provided to the board.

Public Comment
Public comment was offered but there was no participation.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ryan Cummins, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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