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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD Minutes DATE OF MEETING: Monday, July 26, 2021 PLACE OF MEETING: Muskegon City Hall – Room 204 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Bukala, Ruby Clark, Ann Craig, Ron Hayward, Josie James, Rozelia Patino, Faye Redmon, Robert Roundtree BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman William Muhammad STAFF PRESENT: Ryan Cummins - CPRB Staff Liaison The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by Vice Chairwoman Craig. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Approval of Minutes The May 24, 2021 Regular Meeting minutes were reviewed. No board members had any changes and the minutes were approved. Unfinished Business There was no formal unfinished business from last month. The board asked if the complainant from the last appeal had reached out. R. Cummins advised the complainant has not. Some board members asked questions about the informal complaint process and whether formal complaints are still accepted. R. Cummins explained the process and confirmed the formal complaint process is still available and that process remains the same. It was asked whether there has been an increase in complaints and how long video footage is retained. R. Cummins advised he would find out and advise the board at the next meeting. D. Bukala commented that he liked the new informal complaint format and felt it was a good step for growth for officers. The board had discussion about getting the word out about the CPRB. The board discussed that 103.7 The Beat has let the community know via radio and some board members have also helped provide hard copies of complaint forms. Some on the board felt that a brochure would beneficial. R. Patino advised she would send a draft that was previously put together. R. Cummins advised he would check on printing. The board had discussion about their bylaws, procedures, and appointment process. Some on the board felt that the bylaws are outdated and should be changed. Some also felt the process and options in reviewing complaints could be better. Vice Chairwoman Craig advised changes could not just be made and felt the board should talk with Chief Lewis and the City Commission if there is a desire for changes. R. Cummins advised he would advise Chief Lewis about the concerns some board members raised and ask about the procedures to make changes. New Business Internal Affairs Complaints The board reviewed internal affairs complaints received and completed since the last meeting. Public Comment Public comment was offered but there was no participation. Adjournment Vice Chairwoman Craig asked why the board had to return to in person meetings. R. Cummins explained the recent changes to the local state of emergency order and the Open Meetings Act requirements to now meet in person. R. Patino motioned and D. Bukala seconded a motion to adjourn. After a unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19pm. Respectfully Submitted, Ryan Cummins, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
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