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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD Minutes DATE OF MEETING: Monday, August 23, 2021 PLACE OF MEETING: Muskegon City Hall – Room 204 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Hayward, Josie James, Rozelia Patino, Faye Redmond, Robert Roundtree, Chairman William Muhammad BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: David Bukala, Ruby Clark, Ann Craig STAFF PRESENT: Ryan Cummins - CPRB Staff Liaison The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm by Chairman Muhammad. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Approval of Minutes The July 26, 2021 Regular Meeting minutes were reviewed. No board members had any changes and the minutes were approved. Unfinished Business CPRB Staff Liaison Update on Board Member Questions R. Cummins provided follow up answers to the questions the board had from the last meeting. This included the retention policy for body camera video, the FOIA process, informal complaints, and that Chief Lewis gave approval of printing the CPRB pamphlet once it was complete. Proposed changes were provided to R. Patino. R. Cummins also advised the board of the process to make changes to the bylaws. Chairman Muhammad provided the board with an update on the status of discussions he had previously about bylaw changes. He advised COVID-19 and recent volatility with national police-community relations delayed things. It was asked who was meeting to discuss changes and Chairman Muhammad advised he was not at liberty to say. The board asked about the ability to submit online complaints. R. Cummins advised changes are being made to the City’s entire website and the new website will have the option to provide online compliments and complaints for the police department. R. Cummins explained the abilities and options the board has with its current bylaws. The board was also advised Chief Lewis has asked the board to let him know what they need. R. Patino and other board members feel further efforts are still needed to get the word out about the CPRB. Some on the board also expressed that they believe an advocate should be offered to complainants to help them through the process. It was noted some individuals cannot read, write, or understand certain words on the forms. R. Cummins advised that the City Clerk’s Office was available to assist with complaints and that no one is prohibited from helping someone. Some on the board felt an advocate should be a non-City employee. R. Cummins advised he would pass along the desire for non- City employee advocates to Chief Lewis. R. Roundtree expressed that he still feels that bylaw changes are needed to give the board more authority and ability to view disciplinary decisions. Chairman Muhammad and R. Patino advised the board that because of union contracts and confidentiality, disciplinary information cannot be disclosed which is common with employment. New Business Internal Affairs Complaints The board reviewed internal affairs complaints received and completed since the last meeting. Public Comment Public comment was offered but there was no participation. Adjournment R. Roundtree motioned and J. James seconded a motion to adjourn. After a unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34pm. Respectfully Submitted, Ryan Cummins, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
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