Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 11-02-2020

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                                   CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD

Meeting Date:               November 2, 2020

Location:                   Zoom Livestreamed through Facebook due to COVID-19/City Hall Closure

Board Members Present: William Muhammad, David Bukala, Faye Redmond, Ann Craig, Ruby Clark,
                       Ron Hayward (phone), Rozelia Patino (phone), Robert Roundtree

Board Members Absent:       Josie James

Staff Present:              Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by W. Muhammad. A quorum was present. Multiple
members reported difficulty signing in and arrived late; however, a quorum was present at the start of
the meeting and throughout the remainder of the meeting.

Approval of the Previous Minutes
R. Clark moved to accept the minutes as submitted, seconded by D. Bukala. F. Redmond stated that
she felt the minutes were incorrect as last month she meant if the City would pay if a person wanted
an attorney present during the appeal process not a court hearing. D. Bukala stated that minutes are a
summary and are not worded exactly as spoken other than when there is a vote. Unanimous support.
Motion carried. W. Muhammad reminded everyone that they should state their name when talking,
making a motion or voting so it can be documented correctly while virtual. D. Bukala shared that if it is
easier, the chair can ask if there is an objection to the minutes and if no one voices any it can be
entered as no correction needed as there was no objection.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business discussed.

New Business
A. Craig asked if we can continue meeting virtually while the virus is still here. Most members voiced
concerns on meeting in person due to the health and safety of board members and families. J.
Hallberg acknowledged that we have permission to meet virtually in December but then will have to
await guidance due to the Open Meetings Act regulations.

W. Muhammad mentioned that his Zoom screen kept moving around. J. Hallberg informed the board
that both the agenda and participation call-in information has to be “shared” and this causes changes
in the Zoom layout.

A. Craig asked R. Roundtree if he had additional information to share as she spoke with someone at
his office. R. Roundtree began to share that he saw video footage of a police officer then stopped and
stated he would discuss this with the Chair before bringing this to the full board.
Public Participation
There was no public participation; however, a comment was listed on Facebook that asked what we
were discussing. W. Muhammad stated that the Board is there to review complaint cases if we receive
any. W. Muhammad stated if anyone had direct questions for him they can message the staff liaison
to receive his contact information.

A. Craig moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by R. Clark and the motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:52pm.

The next meeting is Monday, December 7, 2020 at 6:30pm and will be held virtually via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Hallberg, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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