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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD Minutes DATE OF MEETING: Monday, May 23, 2022 PLACE OF MEETING: Muskegon City Hall – Room 103 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann Craig, Josie James, Faye Redmond, Ron Hayward, Rozelia Patino, Robert Roundtree, Chairman William Muhammad BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Ruby Clark STAFF PRESENT: Ryan Cummins - CPRB Staff Liaison, Andrew Rush – Interim Public Safety Director The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Muhammad. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Approval of Minutes The February 28, 2022 Regular Meeting minutes were reviewed. No board members had any changes and the minutes were approved. Unfinished Business Law Enforcement Professional – Vacancy The CPRB was advised that the law enforcement professional seat is still vacant and the Community Relations Committee has not received any applications. The CPRB members discussed the types of professionals that could fill the vacancy and how to advertise. Suggestions were made to check with retired officer organizations and the COPS board. Chairman Muhammad advised he will write something up about the position and pass it along to Ryan to pass on to the COPS board. New Business Internal Affairs Complaints The board reviewed internal affairs complaints received and completed since the last meeting. No appeals have been received. F. Redmond inquired about the command officer receipt of complaint forms and Interim Director Rush explained the difference between a formal complaint and receipt of complaint form. Interim Director Rush explained that all are still documented. Introduction of Interim Director Andrew Rush Interim Director Rush advised the CPRB he wanted to attend the meeting to introduce himself and answer questions they may have. Interim Director Rush told the CPRB members about himself and his career. F. Redmond wondered about the timeline of filling the Director position permanently as well as the city manager position. Interim Director Rush envisioned the city manager position being filled first, then a new city manager making a decision on whether to divide police and fire leadership into separate positions or keep one director. Interim Director Rush advised a new city manager search is underway. J. James commended Interim Director Rush on his career experience and being familiar with the department and community. Interim Director Rush talked about his relationships with the community, the importance of admitting when we are wrong and talking about issues together. R. Patino advised it was critical to continually improve community relationships to keep trust of law enforcement and be ahead of trends. She wondered how Interim Director Rush sees trust happening, how the CPRB process can be promoted and how officers can be retained. Interim Director Rush talked about the important of engaging young people for their ideas, criticism and complaints. He explained the recruit officer program and GVSU academy recruitments. He also talked about the GREAT program opening lines of communication. Interim Director Rush advised he welcomes the CPRB to attend any event. A.Craig advised the citizens police academy is beneficial. Interim Director Rush discussed the career tech center programming and school resource officers being in schools with different uniforms. He advised there are residency incentives now and the department is now running a youth academy. Chairman Muhammad advised the burden is on the City and Police Department in how it handles itself during incidents. He explained one bad incident could end up like Grand Rapids or others and then trust is knocked down and has to be regained. He stated higher recruitment of black, Latino and minority candidates to be officers would help with the department’s reputation. Interim Director Rush advised recruitment is not about finding perfect candidates. He explained things are looked at differently now and minor past issues isn’t disqualifying. He advised sometimes mistakes can be a huge life experience. Chairman Muhammad advised its about respect. Some may get it back and some may not but a position of authority must show respect. R. Patino advised the department should think outside the box and seek bilingual, culturally competent candidates with a degree. She suggested recruitment with sorority and fraternity organizations or Latino veterans. She explained an effort has to be made and more has to be done than has been done in the past. R. Roundtree talked about his experience meeting with different gangs to discuss current tensions and issues. He talked about his son’s application experience and not getting a job with the police department. He advised gang members feel disrespect by police officers and he worries about the impacts this may have. Interim Director Rush advised the CPRB members if they need any information or want to talk more to let him know. Public Comment There was no public comment. Adjournment A.Craig motioned and R. Patino seconded a motion to adjourn. After a unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51pm. Respectfully Submitted, Ryan Cummins, Staff Liaison to the CPRB
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