Citizens Police Review Board Minutes 06-26-2023

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           CITIZEN’S POLICE REVIEW BOARD
DATE OF MEETING:               Monday, June 26, 2023

PLACE OF MEETING:              Muskegon City Hall – Room 103

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:         Ann Craig, Josie James, Eric Hood, Rozelia Patino, Robert Roundtree,
                               Chairman William Muhammad

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT:          Ruby Clark, Faye Redmond

STAFF PRESENT:                 Emily Morgenstern - CPRB Staff Liaison, Tim Bahorski – Detective

The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by Chairman Muhammad. Roll call was taken and a quorum
was present.

Approval of Minutes
The May 23, 2022 Regular Meeting minutes were reviewed. No board members had any changes and
the minutes were approved by Chairman Muhammad.

Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business.

New Business

Internal Affairs Complaints
The board reviewed internal affairs complaints received and completed since the last meeting. No
appeals have been received.

Personal information for both the complainant and officer were redacted on the complaint forms. This is
a new process put in place by Chief Kozal. The board has concerns about this new process and not being
able to have full information for complaints. Captain Bahorski explained to the board that this new
process follows procedures set in place by the department’s accreditation through the Michigan Law
Enforcement Accreditation Program. Full information will also be sent for any appeals for the board to

J. James suggested if the board were given the complaints without redacted information at meetings
and hand them back in at the end of the meeting if that would be acceptable.
R. Patino suggested still redacting the complainant’s personal information but keeping the officer’s
personal information so the board can know if certain officers have a patter on complaints.

Chairman Muhammad said he would follow up with Chief Kozal to discuss adapting this new process.

R. Roundtree made the point of ensuring filling out a complaint can be accessible for those that wish to
not go directly to the police department. It was confirmed by E. Morgenstern that people can submit
complaints online, pick up in person at the Police Department, Clerk’s Office or Public Safety Office and
drop off at those same locations. This information is online as well. E. Morgenstern is looking into
getting these location options put on the actual complaint form as well as a box people must check that
explains where the complaint form will be sent and how it will be handled.

Vacant Position

There is currently an open position for a Citizen At-Large position on the board. The Clerk’s Office has
received one applicant. That applicant is moving on to the Community Relations Committee for review.

CPRB Flyer

Small changes including contact names for Chief of Police and Community Coordinator need to be made
to the CPRB flyer that promotes the board. R. Patino has the file and will work with E. Morgenstern to
get the file updated.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.


R. Roundtree motioned and A. Craig seconded a motion to adjourn. After a unanimous vote, the
meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Emily Morgenstern, Staff Liaison to the CPRB

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