City Commission Worksession Agenda Archive 11-07-2005

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                          City of Muskegon
                   Community Relations Committee
                    City Commission Worksession

                            November 7, 2005
                       City Commission Chambers
                               City Hall
                                5:30 PM


Community Relations Committee:

   1.    Openings that need to be filled for 2006.

   2.    Any other business.

   3.    Adjournment.

City Commission Worksession:

   1.    Title 5 Grant Presentation.

   2.    Pension Issues

         a.     Update on implementation of Defined Contribution Plan for new hires
                (action items for 11/08/05)
         b.     Migration of current non union employees to MERS (action items for

   3.    L. C. Walker Clubroom project.

   4.    Update on the Inspection Department software.

   5.    Oakview Neighborhood Association - Lease of 1774 Madison

   6.    Any other business.

   7.    Adjournment

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