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City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession March 10, 2008 City Commission Chambers 5:30PM AGENDA 1. Board of Review Poverty Exemption Policy. TREASURER 2. 2007 Operating Transfers. FINANCE 3. Muskegon and Webster Street Lights. ENGINEERING 4. Development of Pere Marquette Park. CITY MANAGER 5. Dangerous Building Consideration - 790 Terrace. CITY MANAGER 6. Approval of February 4, 2008, CRC Minutes. CITY CLERK 7. Appointments to Committees/Boards. CITY CLERK 8. Any Other Business. 9. Adjournment. City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession March 10, 2008 City Commission Chambers 5:30 PM MINUTES 2008-24 Present: Commissioners Warmington, Gawron, Spataro, Carter, and Wierengo. Absent: Commissioners Wisneski and Shepherd. Board of Review Poverty Exemption Policy Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Gawron to approve the Board of Review Poverty Exemption Policy as presented. Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES 2007 Operating Transfers Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, seconded by Commissioner Carter to approve the following 2007 Operating Transfers: Budget Stabilization $250,000 Major Streets $200,000 Sidewalks $300,000 State Grants $150,000 Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES Muskegon and Webster Street Lights Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Carter to remove the cobra- head lights along Muskegon & Webster from 4th to 9th Street. Ayes: Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, and Carter. Nays: None. JIIOTION PASSES Development of Pere Marquette Park The Commission will review any proposal for the possible development of Pere Marquette Park, Kruse Park, and Bronson Park on a case by case basis, but the City will not seek proposals for these areas. It was suggested that the Commission view a map of the area and decide which areas there could be possible development. Dangerous Building Consideration - 790 Terrace All permits have expired at 790 Terrace and no work is cun-ently taking place. Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Spataro that 790 Terrace is taken to the Housing Board of Appeals in June 2008 if there is a lack of permits filed or construction has not proceeded. Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Wierenga, Carter, and Gawron. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES Approval of February 4, 2008 CRC Minutes Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Wierenga to approve the minutes of the CRC meeting of February 4, 2008. MOTION PASSES Appointments to Committees/Boards Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Mayor Warmington to appoint Donata Clayton to the Citizen's Police Review Board. NJOTION PASSES Motion by Mayor Warmington, seconded by Commissioner Carter to appoint Lori Gomez- Payne to the Zoning Board of Appeals. NJOTION PASSES Motion by Mayor Warmington, seconded by Vice Mayor Gawron to appoint Deborah Crockett to the Land Reutilization Committee. NJOTION PASSES Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to adjourn at 6:40 p .m. NJOTION PASSES ~---h 1,~\AAJ!. k~ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk City of Muskegon Treasurer's Office Memorandum To: Mayor and City Commissioners From: City Treasurer Date: March 5, 2008 Re: Board of Review Poverty Exemption Policy Each year the County Treasurer posts property that is going to foreclosure for non-payment of property taxes. Some treasurers of individual municipalities go along with the County Treasurer to help locate the properties. This year is no exception, as the County Treasurer is again posting properties for non-payment of taxes and some municipalities are seeing signmcant increases in the numbers. As responsible government, we are entrusted to help our residents in gaining the knowledge to help themselves. Under state law, each township, village, and city is required to have a policy outlining the requirements to obtain a deferral/exemption if they qualify. Each year the City of Muskegon receives a number of applications. When one person is helped to stay in their home and have the opportunity to keep it off the foreclosure list, we have done our job. Recently all Assessors and Equalization Directors in the state were notified that the State Tax Commission intends to undertake a statewide review of poverty exemptions over the next year. Assessors were asked to review the policies adopted by their local units to ensure that they meet the requirements of the state law at MCL 211. 7u. A review of the records in the City Clerk's Office by the City Clerk indicates that no resolution of a Poverty Exemption Policy was found to have been on file as being adopted by the City Commission. Since state law requires that a policy be adopted by the governing board, the attached resolution has been drafted for approval and adoption by the City Commission. For a number of years, the city has been using the county's uniform application process for Homestead Poverty Exemptions. The applications have been processed by the Assessor's Office under the direction of the County Equalization Department with review and approval or denial of the applications by the city's Board of Review. The attached resolution is not a change to the policy or the process, but rather a formal adoption of the policy by the City Commission. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. CITY OF MUSKEGON Resolution No. 2008-24(a) Resolution to Adopt Poverty Exemption Income Guidelines and Asset Test WHEREAS, the principal residence of persons who, in the judgment of the City Assessor and Board of Review, by reason of poverty, are unable to contribute to the public charges is eligible for exemption in whole or part from taxation under the General Property Tax Act; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is required by Section 7u of the General Property Tax Act, Public Act 206 of 1893 (MCL 211.?u), to adopt guidelines for poverty exemptions: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, pursuant to MCL 211.?u, that the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, adopts the following guidelines for the City Assessor and Board of Review to implement. The guidelines shall include but not be limited to the specific income and asset levels of the claimant and all persons residing in the residence, including any property tax credit returns filed in the current or immediately preceding year. To be eligible, a person shall do all of the following on an annual basis: 1) Be an owner of and occupy as a principal residence the property for which an exemption is requested. 2) File a claim with the City Assessor or Board of Review, accompanied by Federal and State income tax returns for all persons residing in the residence, including any property tax credit returns filed in the immediately preceding year or in the current year. 3) Produce a valid drivers' license or other form of positive identification if requested. 4) Produce a deed, land contract, or other evidence of ownership of the property for which an exemption is requested if requested. 5) Meet the Federal poverty income guidelines as defined and determined annually by the United States Office of Management and Budget (or its successor). 6) Total household assets, except for the principal residence being claimed, essential household goods, and one motor vehicle, may not exceed one quarter (25%) of the Federal poverty guideline for the entire household. Assets include, but are not limited to real estate, motor vehicles, recreational vehicles and equipment, time shares, certificates of deposit, savings accounts, checking accounts, stocks, bonds, life insurance, retirement funds, antiques and collectibles, etc. Assets do not include basic essential household goods such as furniture, appliances, dishes and clothing. The value of assets will not be reduced by the amount of any indebtedness owed on such assets, or any indebtedness otherwise owed by the applicant or members of the household. C:\Docurnents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKIA\Poverty Exemption Resolution.doc 7) The applicant must be able to produce evidence as requested that they have owned and occupied the residence for a minimum of two years before tax day of the year in which they seek the exemption. 8) The State Equalized Value of the property for which the exemption is claimed shall not exceed the mean average for residentially-classed properties in the City of Muskegon for the current tax year. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Board of Review shall follow the above stated policy and Federal guidelines in granting or denying an exemption, unless the Board of Review determines there are substantial and compelling reasons why there should be a deviation from the policy and Federal guidelines and these are communicated in writing to the claimant. This resolution passed. Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierenga Nays: None CI~ Y ?F MUSKEGON By ~ ~ : \ ~ ~ ~,LJL~ Ann Marie Becker, MMC, City Clerk CERTIFICATE This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Muskegon City Commission, held on March 10, 2008. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. Clr \OF MUSKEGON By~ \ \-v~) ¼GL~L , Ann Marie Becker, MMC, City Clerk C:\Documenls and Settings\Po11er\Local Settings\Temporary lnlemet Files\OLK IA\Poverty Exemption Resolution.doc Finance Administration Memo To: City Commission City Manager From: Finance Director Date: March 3, 2008 Re: 2007 Operating Transfers As we near completion of the annual audit, I'm pleased to inform you that general fund operating results for 2007 were better than anticipated. Primarily this is due to the unexpected strong performance of the local income tax combined with tight cost controls. Final 2007 net income tax collections stand at $7,617,746 up from our revised estimate of $7,000,000. The unexpected good news affords us the opportunity to address some important issues by making additional year-end transfers from the General Fund to areas of need. Specifically, staff recommends making the following transfers as part of the fiscal year 2007 closeout: FROM TO AMOUNT REASON Future Financial General Budget Stabilization $250,000 Uncertainty General Major Streets $200,000 Street Needs Future Debt General Sidewalks $300,000 Requirements Exceed Resources Local Match for General State Grants $150,000 Smith-Ryerson State Grant • Page 1 O:\FINANCE\PAUL\MyDocumentslMEMO -CITY COMMISSION 2007 YEAR END TRANSFERS.doc A complete review of 2007 financial results will be provided upon completion of the audit. At this time, staff requests your approval of the above referenced year-end operating transfers. Thank you. • Page2 RECEIVED FEB O 5 2008 MEMORANDUM MUSKEGON CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE To: Bryon Mazade, City Manager From: Mohammed Al-Shatel, Engineer ///16--{fc- Date: 2/5/08 Re: Street Lights As per your request, I had a chance to explore some options with C.E. regarding the existing street lights along the recently converted sections of Muskegon & Webster in to two way streets. My conversation with C.E. focused on two options, remove or de- energ1ze; • Remove; th 1- Removal of the cobra-head lights on both Muskegon & Webster from 9 street to Spring Street. This option consists ofremovingall the mid-block fixtures for an estimated count of about 40 or so at a cost of ($630 per pole) of $25,000 and an annual energy savings of$7,200. 2- Removal of the Cobra-head lights along Muskegon & Webster from 9th to 4th street (mostly residential). This option consists of removing all the mid block fixtures with an estimated count of20 at a cost of $13,000 and possible annual energy savings of $3,600. The advantages of the removal options are, on going energy savings, less possibly un- desirable illumination, possibly discourage thru traffic, less cluttering along these narrow terraces & less poles to worry about during storms. The disadvantages on the other hand are; disappointed residents and business owners if they associate safety with illumination and initial investment. • De-energize; The cost to de-energize would be about $3,000 for any section(s) we desire. The advantages are the initial cost and savings as well as the ability to re-energize without much expense. The disadvantages are cluttered terraces, rusty poles and the possible complaints about street lights being out. February 25, 2008 Jerrid Velte ·R· E·-: . ., c. ,, i.:: ,i' ' i 11 . .· 740 Powers Ave NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 FEB 2 'l 2008 Cell: 269.986.5754 1._; j ' ;- I'~!.'. Mr. Bryon Mazade Muskegon City Manager 933 Terrace Muskegon,MI 49440 Dear Mr. Mazade: My fiance and I are growing tired of our careers. She is a physical therapist on the lakeshore, and I a project engineer for a Rockford plastics company. We have a strong desire to run a business near Lake Michigan, and Pier Marquette would be an ideal location for us. I spoke with Diane in zoning last week regarding the possible leasing of Pier Marquette property from the city, as Larry Zeiser, owner of Captain Jack's currently does. Diane referred me to you. The initial plan for this service-oriented, year-round business would require approximately 0.5 acre with a two-level facility. Parking would have to be discussed. Please contact me at your earliest convenience, as we would like to get things moving along. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon. ~~------· / - " / Jerrid Velte CITIZEN'S POLICE REVIEW BOARD PURPOSE A. To provide policies and procedures for processing and investigating citizen complaints regarding alleged police misconduct. B. To provide civilian review of the investigations of alleged police misconduct undertaken by the City of Muskegon including investigations conducted by the "Internal Investigations Unit'' of the Muskegon Police Department. C. To ensure the integrity of investigations of police misconduct and to thereby enhance community confidence in the Muskegon Police Department D. To encourage compliance with rules and regulations concerning police officers' conduct during interactions with citizens. E. To encourage people who believe they have been mistreated by police officers to use the Internal Affairs system to have that officer's conduct reviewed. F. To create a process that fairly and evenhandedly evaluates and judges the conduct of everyone involved to determine whether or not a breach of departmental rules and regulations has occurred. G. To afford the community a sense of confidence that the community itself is involved as necessary in reviewing the activities of its police officers; and to maintain high morale and good disciplinary practices within the police department. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: Commission Action #98-117 (g)- Letter of Understanding Dated 11 / 10/98 - Oath not required. APPOINTED BY: Mayor/City Commission MEETING: First Monday of each month @ 6:30 P.M. st City Hall - 1 Floor Conference Room #103 TERM: 2 Years COMPOSITION TYPE DESCRIPTION A 3 Members of Minority Based Organization B 2 Citizens At-Large C 1 Law Enforcement Professional D 3 Neighborhood Association Representatives CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Denny Powers) TYPE NAME ADDRESS ZIP PHONE TERM EXP. A Charlotte L. Perez 550 W . Western #142 0 457-4124 1/31/ 10 A William Muhammad • 111 2 Ambrosia St. 2 722-2974 1/31/09 A Carlos Florez 1511 Caterbury 4 288-0240 1/31/09 B 1/31/09 B Barbara Kuipers 1863 Superior 2 726-6674 1/31/09 C David Bukala 4434 Manchester Ln. Twin Lake, 49457 854-6615 1/31 / 10 D William O'Shaughnessy 1080 Terrace #101 5 2 853-5156 1/31 / 10 D Dolly Hippchen 325 Houston 1 726-4890 1/31 /09 D Ann Craig 1387 Sixth St. 1 726-6345 1/31/09 (* Chairperson) 18 Per Mayor Warmington, Steven Brocl( (who serves on the Zoning Board of Appeals) is also willing to serve on the Citizen's Police Review Board Date~Jc.l YI 23, O7 CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPLICATION Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check. NAME: ~ f i'f? L HOME ADDRESS: (Stree~ City, State, Zip) HOME PHONE#: 2 3 I~ 7-ZfY- 1 3 8 y woRK PHONE#: 23; - 7:J::r-2223 E-MAILADDRESs:J77~'S'(c' f)hc. 9tfk; OCCUPATION:~s-~ 11 etziplofJ!t'i EMPLOYER: IJ.(Ja/1.-hr I K){IUS -/J{)f)lJ) Hmr~.1~ /} (lf.ret~-, gi~ eroccupat~on) / ' . _ I) L J_ ~ /V1)tSt J/,d.e lrci1h~~ EDucAT10N:r/&SDfIott'. uqrJe Ill L,1m, ntLL \, Jl<,$TT Lt . . :; ~~RSONAL ~ COMMUNITY ACTMTIES JJ)r $ A_fo. Sher I ./JC i,/;c;/rq1 SerUIee (t /1 I 6' Comm, free /Jltm6Lr '71Y, 'r}r ~lln7?ner would you be a good memb~r of this ~mmittee? Wha! do you bring to the committee ? Ce/ehro-/)t,,Y7 J 2003 - {;/;o('Yl~ ' . . Yfq; ~ -ttJ(rne.ct:: 1.s a t)19 r:ru3qde Jorme/ r°!)U'(_Q./ per tenCI. 3. .(Name r:r.. 1 e _ oen n1 o. u, 231_- (P1J.Q11e !'.5.lo:=5 - CA.1 ~ o... (Name) (Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Commission (/) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) District Library Board ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com. (') Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Election Commission ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee ( ) Public Relations Committee ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Hospital Finance Authority ~ 5 siVj Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checl 3 3 WORK PHONE#: 2 3 1 - rt-Z4 - (oSCJ &:.:> ·1 4 @ Co M C.A ~ff, A) ET E-MAIL ADDRESS: (', ('{') F- 11 1 OCCUPATION:LA?T A )J / DcPvil/ :51-tEe , }={EMPLOYER: C oc✓i ,J,Lj or 6 H'-'1SK'.~ 601.J (If r~tired, give former occupation) · J_._$;;_....__C=-.... EDUCATION:_!- ..... 6....;;L;;...L-;;...l::-= - ...;;b;_,_;;€;.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,,-_ __ PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: C IJ I\ ~ 6 C> p- Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the committee ? PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references) 1. ·vcA 0 R-,1:. s L_E i?- · -z ~ t - ~:; t;J.. t/ 1;;-~ ~ J~ame) ~ (PhQDe Number) 2. VE Q_ ,-.) . f-3c, (~£-., V:V\A LJ 'l l • -., 8c-;:, - \ S ll . (['Jame) (Phone Number) . 3. M Ai.,__,c_ \:LA0 ·i)c,f>_t:'1Su.L- 2. 1~ z~-;,t -J-99 - ..,L, s_ 4 (Name) (Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Commission J.>1-Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) District Library Board ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com. ( · ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Election Commission ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee ( ) Public Relations Committee ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Hospital Finance Authority Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above? YES NO (Circle one) • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0 . Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPLICATION NAME:; _ _.:::,,~~Q!'.',,£._JL__....:_..!..',.._..!._=!b-~~------,--------- HOME ADDRESS:.____..,.~""'----:~"-¥-"~,--"--/l,-'-'1""'w._,,,1ke,.,.~µ•1112-·'+t>L.A:::....1=,~=l..._)_l{J'-..q"-,4-'-4_._· ,...;z:--- HOME PHONE #:.-{12:::p,iff,-----Ll....>i....,-!.1!..w~:'21··1Ls2...··1!.Q&.i-i:CT:ic woRK PHONE #:~p \k) ~q Lj -- )?..l .z ~, E-MAIL ADDRESS_.:__'j_.!_L.!..L-..:.i...!..l.~..LLL"2>!1.L''-'~(;;,•~•"-'=------'-4------~---- 0CCUPATION: &k1-.ok'L ,~R.ic:,<';, EMPLOYER:,_ _.:~=c::,""\.:.:VI~~~->lll::sc-:,,!_.. .!C~.c2i:·.Jl.l.1\ll,l..lP.1.\.d?A...., (If retired, give fo er occupation) EDUCATION:.__,_\--\--".'"",,)"","-'""--'-\"'--'-1....U.:"""--'-f--c.:::.'-'-c...;tc,.N'..::,,.V:,:_~c...:\,"""""'-"'CU.l-.L!W=..,_.:""'->...!..l..-'1-',.,~----- PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ~W~c.::::ti.,~'-::;:'- n,l!!l.l....S:'-"'-';;:Co!.L.!\.1:lecl,..l:.+/..1..IJ=&<..J~~J..'clcL.!::>..l+""I¥-~ Wo rile ~ 1'fo~;,../ h~ Ip · Why would you be a good member o, this committe ,? What do you bring to the committee ? ..___.. ' . ,Jru .,' ~ 1----e~Lll!.l.!.!.IY~~~~-------- 2. -L~::+4'=~.-.t::.!/lX.1-~~------- PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ~ ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Commission '\::::f.~) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) District Library Board ( ) Local Oflice~s Compensation Com, (I) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board_ () Planning Commission ( ) Election Commission ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( I) Equal Opportunity Committee (I) Public Relations Committee ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Hospital Finance Authority ~ Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked· off above?V N O (Circle one) • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - I Date:tJ/-/?~o z I CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPLICATION NAME: --- Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check. lo M HOMEADDRESS: M ,· e /'//)(, l"2 . l2t I..J o '4 :S,,... tJ $ucHezt'f /&e..., d2l,rLegor1 ezT t%1Y' sic. at: {6:L le J1!1) Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the committee ? -:I wc.,/J for:, a ,,.eof "'1c..,bcr brc&u,e, T1r11 (4cmrc mr.,,,luc .. ~ /Ar ct l,.,.,1 ,eo,?,·/.-,,./la11 (',irt,,1,.,1'/l.,i o-,,J ..ho Hl"lhrc ()or,,rJ ,.,,.,,..t,.,.,. a f /At: '5e.c.l ,,._ PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references} (Phone Nuru):>er) 2$1- 7 YO •q/1/6/ (Phone Number} 3J/ 732•1/47S (Phone Number} PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( } Board of Canvassers ( } Housing Code Board of Appeals ( } Board of Review ( } Housing Commission ( WCitizen's Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( } City Employees Pension Board (r,(Land Reutilization Committee ( } Civil Service Commission ( ) Leisure Services Board ( } CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( } Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( } 9istrict Library Board ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com. ( ,rDowntown Development Authority/Brownfield Board ( (Planning Commission ( } Election Commission ( } Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( } Equal Opportunity Committee (} Public Relations Committee ( } Historic District Commission ( } Zoning Board of Appeals ( } Hospital Finance Authority Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above? ~ NO (Circle one} • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - Tommie.D.Watson January 17, 2007 1426 W Summit Ave Muskegon,MI49441 Attn: City Clerk's Office City of Muskegon Talent Bank 933 Terrace ST P.O. Box 536 Muskegon,MI49443-0536 Please accept this letter and enclosed resume as an indication of my interest in a Position with The City OF Muskegon Citizen's Boards/Commission Committees: my background experience and education is solid documentation of my professional abilities. My qualification includes: • Strength in education with Certificate in Management/Supervision, Conflict Resolution, Communication and Conflict Management Also, several years of experience in social service related agencies. • Former committee member of the Land Reutilization also former Board member of the Jackson Hill Neighborhood Association. • A solid background associating and interacting with professionals, groups, Service agencies community-based programs, and the court system. • Strengths in planning, communication, and case management. • Abilities to work as an independent, yet perform equally as well as a" Team" member. • Willing to participate in additional education/training curriculum. I will be available by phone or in person to answer any questions you may have about my background or objectives. Please feel free to call me at (231) 755-0573 or (231) 329- 9320, I Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration. Page I of2 Tommie D. Watson 1426 W Summit Ave 2204LEAHY Muskegon, Ml 49442 (231) 755-0573 (231) 329-9320 .coco42.@comc.ast,11J1.t Objective: Youth Services, Case Manager, Para Professional, Youth Coordinator Program Manager for Meals Program with Youth and Adult. Employment History: Brighter Futures Prevention Specialist Muskegon, Ml Coordinate in Brighter Futures allow with Amer-I-Can Dec06 offering information on variety of public services as part of Amer-I-Can and Brighter Futures Anti-Drug and Anti- Crime Program Wal Mart Stores,lnc. Merchandise Supervisor Muskegon, Ml Supervising associate in the area of toys and daily May 06 - Present operations and perfonming regular security checks Project Rehab-Adult Residential Care Counselor Residential Services Monitoring all movement of all program participants, Grand Rapids, Ml perfonming regular security checks throughout the Aug-05 - 12-05 facility, admitting and discharging residents , urine collection and alcohol screening of residents. Gerald.R.Ford, JobCorps Residential Advisor Grand Rapids, Ml Assisting students in day to day activities.providing 04-01-05 - 08-05 infonmalion, enforcing Job Corps rules, and securing intake and social history infonmation. CATHOLIC HUMAN Coordinator DEVELOPMENT Coordinate Meal Program and other Center projects, Muskegon, Ml developed and recruited volunteers assigned to the 03/02 - 06/04 Center. Volunteer Muskegon Youth Mentor and Tutor (Americorps) Assisted students in day to day activities, coordinated Muskegon Heights, Ml after school programs, and collaborated with community 09/00 - 07/01 agencies. Education: Certificate Certificate Major: Criminal Justice, Conflict Management Major: /Supervision, Communication Muskegaon Community College Muskegon Community College Ml Ml Certificate Certificate Major: Cultural Diversity, Conflict Resolution Major: Service-Learning Muskegon Commuity College Americorps National Service Ml Ml Certificates and Licenses: Communication, MCC, Ml Conflict Resolution, MCC, Ml Conflict Management, MCC, Ml Management/Supervision, MCC, Ml Skills and Abilities: Workforce Diversity Orienting,Training and Evaluating,Leadership,Communication Honors and Activities: Plaque for Leisure Services (Basketball), volunteered at Hoover United Methodist Outreach Services, Christian Community Center Boardmember, NAACP Member . Muskegon Community College Continuing Education Management/Supervision Certificate Program This is to certify that Tommie Watson has satisfactorily completed 12 hours of training in: • Communication • Orienting, Training, and Evaluating ·• Workforce Diversity and Employee Empowerment • Conflict Management ~ rJ/2:. Directof of Professional Programs . Dealil' of Community Services ~ · November 16, 2004 · ·~ '1ate. A ~ . Muskegon Community C o l l e g e ~ . ·, . Continuing Education . -v- Intercultural Community Leadership Academy This is to certify that Tommie Watson Jr. . has successfully completed nine weeks of training in: . Teamwork * Cultural Diversity * Leadership Skills Conflict Resolution * Personal Empowerment * Communication Community Service & Boardsmanship ~ v f / ;;•v ""J i'res1dent ~ . · · ~ ICLA~ . . . -~ . ~ ,, V J ., r 1-rz-() ::> ~% ·t:-,cfr11'gV1 _1:J>r- · ICLA Director . - Date Certificate ofNational Service In recognition of your service to our communities and our country Presented to ,_o/,nn,n-u;, Ya&.;,,n, as a member of awarded this day {!?~ 0 &{ AmeriCorps in the year 20& Harris Wofford Pd1!t ·, p'eter Heinaru Chief Executive Officer Director Corporation for National Se AmeriCorps*State/National - LOVE AND LOGIC INSTITUTE, INC. the Love and Logic People Presents This Certificate To /o,n m / c. h/4 ls04 In Recognition of Completion of our Parent Training Course Becoming a Love and Logic Parent President Instructor /) . (. M , -ii. _ ,· c...-u1C I I I L,:,u.e~VJ _ _ , ~ The Love and Logic People ffi/lrc/, 11-5· ('1t;l [ci..,b::1r C<-fz-'--1 CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD OF APPEALS PURPOSE The purpose of the Construction Code Board of Appeals shall be as follows: • To determine appeals and variances in connection with the State of Michigan Construction Code, including its building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing provisions, together with Codes in force in the City of Muskegon from time to time. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: City Code of Ordinances, Article II, Section 10-31 to 10-64 APPOINTED BY: City Manager MEETING: Upon Demand - Minimum of twice per year TERM: 2 Years COMPOSITION TYPE DESCRIPTION A Architect B Electrical C Mechanical D Plumbing E Public Health F Construction Manager G Fire CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Tony Kleibecker) TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE TERM EXP. A Stephen Parker 2116 Harrison 755-6219 1/31 /08 B Robert Lowder 2555 E. White Lake Drive Twin Lake, 49457 828-6284 1/31/10 C Matt Tighe 1448 Beach Street 759-1401 1/31/09 D John E. Smith 1470 Wesley 2 773-0529 1/31/10 E Vicki Webster 2512 Lorenson 5 766-2050 1/31/09 F Kevin Donovan * 1086 Ireland Ave. 722-4327 1/31/09 G Steven Lague 1852 Cedar Ave. 5 744-0349 1/31/10 (* Chairperson) 21 HOSPITAL FINANCE AUTHORITY PURPOSE To construct, acquire, reconstruct, remodel, improve, add to, enlarge, repair, own and lease hospital facilities within the boundaries of the City of Muskegon for the use of any non-profit hospital; lend money to a hospital for those purposes; refund or refund in advance obligations of the Authority or the Michigan State Hospital Finance Authority; or refinance the indebtedness of a hospital. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: Public Act No. 38 of 1969, Article of Incorporation MCLA Section 331.31 thru 331 .84 - Oath not required. APPOINTED BY: Mayor/City Commission MEETING: Upon Demand TERM: 5 Years COMPOSITION TYPE DESCRIPTION A 5 Citizens (a majority shall be residents of the City of Muskegon) CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Bryon Mazade) TYPE NAME ADDRESS ZIP PHONE TERM EXP. A 1/31/12 A Bess Commodore 1917 Carriage 2 773-8858 1/31 /12 A Brandi Gary 1163 Fourth St. 1 343-9816 1/31/08 A Thomas Schaefer 3695 Watson 1 759-0258 1/31 /08 A William Tardani 657 Jackson 2 722-2867 1/31 /09 (* Chairperson) 27 LAND REUTILIZATION COMMITTEE PURPOSE The purpose of the Land Reutilization Committee shall be as follows: 1. Prevention of loss of usable, but not maintained housing. 2. Relieve unacceptable neighborhood density. 3. Provide for neighborhood stabilization. 4. Carry out other public purposes. 5. Improvement of housing quality and affordability. 6. Encouragement of home ownership. 7. Encouragement of historical preservation. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: Policy #91 -61 c - Oath not required. APPOINTED BY: Mayor/City Commission MEETING: Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 1:00 P.M. City Hall - 1st Floor Conference Room #103 TERM: 4 Years COMPOSITION DESCRIPTION A 2 City Commissioners B 1 Member of a Neighborhood Organization C 1 Officer of a Financial Institution D 1 Licensed Residential Contractor E 2 Residents At Large CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Hope Mitchell) TYPE NAME ADDRESS ZIP PHONE TERM EXP. A Clara Shepherd 408 Monroe 1 725-8130 Commission A Commission B William F. Wright 452 W. Webster 0 726-4929 1/31 / 10 C Clement Coulombe 1135 Fifth St. 0 727-1981 1/31/ 11 D 1/31 /09 E Robert Hill 1661 Ruddiman St. 755-263 1 1/31/09 E 1/31 / 10 (* Chairperson) 31 LOAN FUND ADVISORY COMMITTEE PURPOSE Conducts reviews and determines the merits of loan applications to the City's Economic Development Revolving Fund. Board will recommend whether or not the proposed loan should be approved. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: Resolution - Oath not required. APPOINTED BY: Representative MEETING: Upon Demand TERM: 3 Years COMPOSITION TYPE DESCRIPTION A 2 City Commissioners B 1 Member from Area Financial Institution C 1 Citizen CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Cathy Brubaker-Clarke) TYPE NAME ADDRESS PHONE TERM EXP. A Stephen Gawron 1362 Palmer 755-3425 Commission A Chris Carter 943 Ada 2 777-4784 Com mission B Cassandra Foster PO Box 1323 3 744-9020 1/31 /10 C Carol Lynn Nash 1405 Lakeshore 755-2649 1/31 /08 (* Chairperson) 33 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE AUTHORITY PURPOSE To encourage local development to prevent conditions of unemployment and promote economic grow th, to create and implement development plans; to acquire and dispose of interests in real and personal property; to issue bonds and other evidences of indebtedness if and when needed; and to use tax increment financing, if needed, to achieve its goals. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: Act 281 , Public Acts of 1986 - Oath required. APPOINTED BY: 7 Members of City Manager/City Commission 2 Members by the Superintendent of O rchard View School District 2 Members by the Superintendent of Muskegon School District 1 Member of the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners 1 Member by the President, Muskegon Community College MEETING: Upon Demand TERM: 4 Years COMPOSITION TYPE DESCRIPTION A 7 Citizens B 2 Orchard View School District Representatives C 2 Muskegon Public School District Representatives D 1 County Representative E 1 Community College Representative CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Cathy Brubaker-Clarke) TYPE NAME ADDRESS Z IP PHONE TERM EXP. A Faye Redmond 1065 Calvin 2 773-5010 1/31 /11 A Tracy Wallace 1491 Albert 2 773-7452 1/31/08 A Robert Long 1709 Ruddiman Dr. 5 726-4756-W 1/31/08 A DavidWotli 3133 Country Club Dr. 1 755-1322 1/31 /09 A Phillip Okerlund 1010 E. Forest 2 638-2182-W 1/31/09 A 1/31/10 A Jason E. Bolton 1182 W . Dale Ave. 1 759-2518 1/31/10 B Kim Bidwell 231 O Marquette 2 760-1304 1/31 /12 B Patricia Walstra 2310 Marquette 2 760-1304 1/31 /10 C Gary Privasky 349 W . Webster 0 722-1602 1/31 / 12 C Charles Hazekamp 349 W . Webster 0 720-2051 1/31 /09 D Paul E. Roy, Jr. 1611 Oak 2 724-6381 1/31/ 11 E 1/31 / 11 (* Chairperson) 34 Date: CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPi /CATION Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check. NAME: l -/ ""1DS£MA~\/ A- z IN1'... HOME ADDRESS: J 70(:, BB J NS Ko K·b Lo T (Street, City, State, Zip) HOME PHONE#: VJ I lo - ~4 /o - O.}. '1 7 WORK PHONE#: ~ 3 I - 77 7- 0 3 I 1./, E-MAILADDRESs:Ru S"'-.~Cq:'j • Z /VI U'5.K£6l> /J CC.., £]) U I NI;. @ OCCUPATION: Asso Auov,.;T11\J6, f:;,,-p&, ENCG PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references) 1. kvRr 1+vM.()1-\R.E'.':;{ &10 -5o;} -"!,78:;;J ,, (N~!)1e) (Phone Number) . 2. Ui/9NA (;s.·Ec.1.rJ ;513)- 7Tl - 035o r ~) ~~~, 3. 1-f<.f.\ ",)K, J:'.> Q> N A/?:&K <{ 3i - 7 :/ ;1.. - :5•ro 7 (Name) (Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Commission ( ) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) City Employees Pension Soard ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) Civil Seivice Commission ( ) Leisure Seivices Board ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) Construction Board of Appeals (I) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) District Library Board ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com. ( ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Election Commission ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee ( ) Public Relations Committee ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Hospital Finance Authority Are you willing to seive on other boards/committees not checked off above? YES NO (Circle one) rn Ay· 0 f, • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this fonn to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Sox 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - Date: CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPLICATION Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check. NAME:_ ___:J==::::-L..A ~1½1..1-t'..1..-f_...J....:.K.~1.ll.1+-/--FK~iJ.w.ll<...::..:.~'_;;_.;_llll1.:...:...A-:.....l.-,.._ ;,,j~ "'J; _/,_'A_. l _f'_K- _c.. _ _ _ _ __ HOME ADDRESS: 100 /l,l 1 ·d (Street, City, State, Zip) ()4,k Jr_ JV. frlacf"l(Jftt-/J, /L-11 · c/cf V//.15 i HOME PHONE#: d 3/ . 1 c/I./ l.1(/{JQ WORK PHONE#: ;?_ JJ ., 7:2 --l/3 3J OCCUPATION: .i H612 o.e L-1 EMPLOYER: e= u,t,f? ·f 'J,-::.;,C/{J, eoucAr10N, · Va c()ild&.J (If retired, give former occupation) "' f}?lfiJ .t'c f t17,,li-1< PERSONAL&COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ~ ,c-'tlli,.,. 1 We,;;,,.., ~ ?2<)-4o,ll~~ Vt}-/~ l1f Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the committee ? cl U/dtLI d. ..&. oi/4. d-4 .J>v5 a -I;J J ,'t/Jfr-f- ~ PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references) 1. &~ r+r:4.;2/;f !)31· ?Jc/- ~Mo .(NallJID / ' 1 !2/(Phone Number) 2. _4e w rt ~ h .zr--f" ~ V - • '7 l./ 1 . (J 2 ~ <¥ _ 1 _. (Name) '1 !2 (Pho~ Number) ~ :.;;,/ 1 3. rl..drlC. I:.. 11._ljet./1 ,.. 'l~:J • 4 c./lf(/ (Name) (Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Commission ( ) Cemetery Committee ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) City Emp!oyees Pension Board ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( i)J ning Board of Appeals ( ;-ttistoric District Commission ( ) Hospital Finance Authority Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above? C, NO (Circle one) • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0 . Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - LOCAL OFFICER'S COMPENSATION COMMISSION PURPOSE Shall recommend salaries of all local elected officials. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: City Code of Ordinances, Section 2-296 thru 2-305 - Oath not required. APPOINTED BY: Mayor/City Commission MEETING: Every odd-numbered year TERM: 7 Years COMPOSITION TYPE DESCRIPTION A 7 Citizens CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Bryon Mazade) TYPE NAME ADDRESS ZIP PHONE TERM EXP. A Nick Archer 1075 Washington 1 725-7151 1/31 / 12 A Dwayne Lang 856 Ada 2 773-5383 1/31 / 13 A Jodi McClain 1561 Sixth St 1 670-9038 1/31 / 14 A Robert Mitchell 1260 Seventh 1 722-4138 1/31/08 A 1/31 /09 A Jodi Carson 1592 Sixth St. 722-3974 1/31 /10 A Kathleen Pietsch 1909 Jefferson 750-1686 1/31 /11 (* Chairperson) 35 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS PURPOSE To grant variances in cases where the general requirements of ordinance creates a hardship on individual owners and to make interpretation of code. MECHANICS ENABLING LAW: State Act No. 207 of 1921 , as amended (125.581) & Zoning Ordinance Article XXV - Oath not required. APPOINTED BY: Mayor/City Commission MEETING: Second Tuesday of each month @ 4:00 P.M. City Hall - Commission Chambers TERM: 3 Years COMPOSITION DESCRIPTION 1 City Commissioner 5 Residents 1 Planning Commission Member CURRENT MEMBERS (Staff Liaison - Mike Cameron) TYPE ADDRESS PHONE TERM EXP. A Commission B Raymond Hilt 1627 Jefferson 722-2538 1/31 /09 B Jane Clingman-Scott 3485 Lake Dunes Dr. 759-0593 1/31 /10 B Ernest Fordham 3201 Lake Ridge Ct. 759-0026 1/31 / 11 B Steven Brock 2110Mann 759-8018 1/31 / 11 B Lori Gomez-Payne 1229 Peck, Apt. 1 343-4715 1/31 /08 C Bill Larson 1555 Randolph 755-5358 1/31 /09 (* Chairperson) 38 ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS [ Date: t} -1 f7--otl .c.l.IT._O.E.M.l.lS.KEG.Qtl TALENT BANK APPLICATION City Clerks Office ease-=Fype-em~ rplications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check. NAME: Gere (cl10 ~ en Ge~oll.j 'S HOME ADDRESS: 105?0 7=±' rrc ce 5 + &pf (Street, City, State, Zip) HOMEPHONE#:,;;28/- 7dd- Cf,gC)S WORKPHONE#:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ OCCUPATION: CJ;, Aj A EMPLOYER:_ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ (If retired, give former occupation) EDucAT10N: 1.9,'-t+1 - L1 )ifh £0 me c_,o /( e ci½ , lc ssc s c. Al SD q_--h 9,(f' 1 Len ·Pb t, ce ak,e.ct·e-m ~ · let v✓- PERSONAL & COMMUN1mcT1Vrr1E~ 'U O l ~06 r en+ e,e f: Q \j-- roe +-h Q Y\Lf·cl,\__, o.n~~\ ~ o_ \I\.~ 0 0 \ -en 1-F.( r \.0 i. \\---'\r--. ~ V Y \ , i+'i Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to \h;committee ? ~ Gt.'rd.,- e...;r =t;" '1 \cJ e c::. ~ 'clcn::-t6 td ~\ ex roec:, 9 o \ nc, PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers .l LJ-iousing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ~ousing Commission ( ) Cemetery Committee ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com. ( ) District Library Board ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( ) Election Commission ( ) Public Relations Committee ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Hospital Finance Authority Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above? @ NO (Circle one) * Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPLICATION Please Type or Pnnt Applicadons will be kept on file for one year. Ail applicants subject to a background check. NAME: Ofelio. V. 7:J:mene z.. DATE: 0'i? - 06 - Q7 HOME ADDRESS: I] I b S:mit Y) (Street, City, State, Zip) s± HOME PHONE #: / d- 9{ - 7 d::: d- £> WORK PHONE#:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ occuPATION: . ~J\cq ,se ,10~ (If retired, givrmer occupation) EDUCATION: ,-XJ c~ ooe V/,Cl'Q I ,..e J2. . C" cJ.a.,:ss,Ya i /) (en INTEREST IN SERVING; 0S Q Odllaate ood cu Lrox& 9,>s r -€ c_5-cv- Au.s(~~&v\ G.,,u,, '71 1 PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references). \J } 1. ----'-''--+-"'-'-"~~'-""'='--- ;2 3 I - Cf 63 - 5~ 0 l (Phone Number) o231 --3~3-6cf.-a9 (Phone Number) . C))3'1-057- 7ocf3 (Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Commission ( ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Stock Review Committee ( ) Cemetery Committee ( ) Image Committee ( ) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Land Reutil.ization Committee ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ·,~ District Library Board ( ) Local Develop, Finance Authority ( ) Downtown Development Authority/Browntield Board ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com, ( ) Election Commission ( ) Mechanical Board of Examiners ( ) Electrical Board of Appeals ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Enterprise Community Citizen Council ( ) Plumbing Board of Appeals ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Tax Increment Finance Authority ( ) Hospital Finance Authority ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Other_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( ) Housing/Building Code Board of Appeals • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired, Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0, Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - Date; ,CITY OF MllSKEG.Ql>I TAI FNT BANK APPLICATION Please Type or Print. Applications will be f,ep/ on ff/e for ano year. All applicants suojoct to a background chock. NAME.:____,_,M~e~xi~·n~e"-'L""e~n~e"'e"-'r~------------ DATE OF BIRTH: February 26 HOME ADDRESS: 604 Allen Muskegon Michigan 49442 (Street, City, Si.ate, Zip) HOME PHONE#.·_ __;2:cc;3e;1:..__,_7,,;28,:_-_,9e,2'--'4":l.'_ _ _ _ _ WORK PHONE#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E-MAILAnDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OCCUPATION.: ____R_e_t_i_r_e_d----"E"-x--'e_1,--'u--'t=i--'-v.::.e---"'-D=i=-r--'-._ EMPLOYER.·_---'C~A~A~P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (If retired, give rormer occupation) EDUCATION: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. Bethesda Baptist Churc b Habitat for Humanj ty CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the committee ? Member since 1988; experi8nce both personal and professional PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list tt,e name and phone numbers of three per.ional refarences) 1· - -Charles W. Poole Sr. 231 722-7552 ----cc-~------------- (Name) (Phone Number) 2. Marion Palmer 231 777-3425 (Name) (Phone Number) 3, Jerry Lottie 231 740 7349 (Na1e) (Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BpARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ( )I Housing Commission ( ) Citizan·s Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Leisure Setvlces Board ( ) CDBG-Cttizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) District Library Board ( ) Local Officers Compensation Com. ( ) Downtown Development Authority/Browe neld Board ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Election Commission ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee ( ) Public Relations Committee ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Hospital Finance Authority Are you willing to setve on other boan:Js/committees not checked off above? YES NO (Circle one) - Atlach Additional Sheats or Resume if Desired, Return this form to: City Clerk's Offic,e. 933 Terrace St, P. o. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - B09-d ZOO/ZOO"d zs~-1 .~· Date: CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPLICATION Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check. NAME: L /1, IZ le ti ( A , TAc/Lo J /2 ,'- HOME ADDRESS: J<..-s:1 s c u iv., a &: 12, L II A) 12 (Street, City, State, Zip) HOME PHONE#:--23 / - 7 r-9- ()(;I lf WORK PHONE#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RE.·,;a,;: D OCCUPATION: ,1-/t;/U) {) F' $ tf I i f)JA} h EMPLOYER: (,°6 E.@ 1p @- £ j (ltretired, give f6rrner occupation) • EDUCATION: G f< A-0 VA 1 £ D 1-lr C If 5<:.-i+o cJ l T 1'1tr~ r1 ""ff r;-·f- S A, t-1 I~ c.1.., ,t, ( f' -4 M. l:.'.- f'Jfl r J-) ~ r C, A-VVI f?. ~ PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: /)flt//(: ro!?, (l,[::p C..IG.£> ls; Hf>Lf ·r (5 L-rc.v<,//) f=()IL 7 ;vet~ 11 'FP.i< H,•tl1> ,155,x, Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the committee ? ,. I" t T t-. I K'F [6 tb&L;P ll l,\,c ' t I '1V 1 fJ. £___ e-8 hr) W\ ti d .. • IT t ~ ' / ~ + dtv1 n,v Ha/Vfi: g1-7 nrn, CftZlf P 1Jt.1)!i-,JP1t:fitt11;. P~VS'.,,u PNP wf'.u,'P ~ ·' ~ Jl11,/ TH£. N£JJili3bP.Jl-o ~:,, PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references) 1. i C, A p l?e FL.(• Fl A M ,,_ &l . vt2. r c...r: Nal"l3) · 2. Q.s i2__,_7_,$'"-""~'-'h~-n_.,.1..,/"-'m~"-e-r),__7_ _ _ __ , (Name) ' 3. .S ttL Y /iJ IB~( P6 (-°'") /J__,_,'--'-g-'-P-ho_n.e::e-'N""um-"'b'-e 7,5 I I> J ;] ....~ Z ------ T(Name) ' (Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ,_ Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Commission ( ) Cemetery Committee ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Office~s Compensation Com. ( ) District library Board ( ) Planning Commission ( ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board _. Election Commission ( ) Public Relations Committee ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Hospital Finance Authority Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above? YES ~ (Circle one) • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St, P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V - CITY OF MUSKEGON TALENT BANK APPLICATION Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check. NAME:_ _ _ _ _ M_.__._lL_ev_u_J_lU_o._~~'-D.5 ___~ - - - - - - - - - HOME ADDRESS: 2-?1 DE'J ,c_;,,2-~ Mv,; t:~t 'fi201::=t;nW;./.A(... "Zi? Lu.h ./ f;:puU"><··n.,oA) P W JvH..t rfi.1U.;,"1/I Tt2 {oJ.1MVU~ -ry PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references) 1. ~r?JzQiJ (Name) Ml.lo ud'L- 1 i-8 --~i,O ( (Phone Number) C, Cw) 2. s.Ja i:u2 'Dkt 1ZZ---- ~iJ'g cw) (Phone Number) 3. ~e)'71 IL\11,2 t l.zl1~~t:3'1D ((-1-J (Name) {Phone Number) PLEASE INDICATE BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES INTERESTED IN SERVING ON - MARKING #1 AS YOUR FIRST PREFERENCE: ( ) Board of Canvassers ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals ( ) Board of Review ( ) Housing Commission ( ) Citizen's Police Review Board ( ) Income Tax Board of Review ( ) City Employees Pension Board ( ) Land Reutilization Committee ( ) Civil Service Commission ( ) Leisure Services Board ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee ( ) Construction Board of Appeals ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority ( ) District Library Board ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com. ( ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board -ilt lX,.Planning Commission ( ) Election Commission { )Police/Fireman's Pension Board ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee :J:Jz...t) Public Relations Committee ( ) Historic District Commission ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals ( ) Hospital Finance Authority Are you 'Nilling to serve on other boards/ccmmittees not checked off above?@- NO (Cird e one) * Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired. Return this form to: City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 - V -
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