City Commission Worksession Agenda Archive 04-07-2008

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                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                            Monday, April 7, 2008
                                  5:30 p.m.
                          City Commission Chambers


1.   2007 Audit Review. (Finance)

2.   Roadway Changes to Facilitate Bike Path on Lakeshore Drive.

3.   Any Other Business

4.   Adjournment
                                      City of Muskegon
                                City Commission Worksession
                                        April 7, 2008
                                 City Commission Chambers
                                           5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Warmington, Gawron, Spataro, Wisneski, Shepherd, Gawron (arrived
at 5:45 p.m.), Carter, and Wierenga.
Absent: None.

2007 Audit Review (Finance)
Eric VanDop, of Brickley Delong, gave an overview of the 2007 audit. Mr. VanDop stated that
staff did a great job. The Mayor also thanked city staff.

Roadway Changes to Facilitate Bike Path on Lakeshore Drive
Mohammad Al-Shatel, City Engineer, presented a power point presentation for proposed
roadway changes for a bike path on Lakeshore Drive.

Pros are as follows:
Establish a trail connection between Lakeshore Trail to the new trail along Muskegon Lake to
Cost will be less than $100,000
It will preserve on-street parking
There is no need for additional right-of-way

Cons are as follows:
It will be a street bike lane
Eliminates the left tum lane
The terminus points do not provide for a margin of error
Easterly movement bikers will be traveling along parked vehicles
Proposed bike lane is a new concept for residents which may cause confusion

Commissioners requested that staff look further into the proposal and report to Commission.

Any Other Business
Commissioner Gawron indicated that the City Commission will be voting on Community
Development Block Grant funds tomorrow and ask that the board consider adopting the
administration recommendations and include Commissioner Carter's recommendation from a
previous meeting.

Paul Veltkamp, 592 W Muskegon, Muskegon voiced concern regarding the removal of
streelights on Webster Avenue.
Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn at 6:40

                                                          MOTION PASSES

                                                  ~     ,--..,:,\ ~   y -'.,_
                                                     Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                                ¼,I.A, JL,"
                                                         City Clerk
                                                    ,. / p I f 7 I~_,-,,_.,.-   _     /   --                 "'-

   l EOION
  "\ rr
                                           TWo ~ downtown
                                           By Robert c_ Burns
                                                                  1:0 oe u1mm1:u    -~- f'1,,./
                                                                                    ~t1 1                                ':".i,•t_:.;.,'f•••;               •=:.:...:.:_· 1Twenty ml{!•         ~ill@@r Moh;mimed Al-Shatel.
                                                      '     .,                                                                     block streetlights        By Al-Shatei's  ealc11.b1t!olli,
  ~t~                                                                                                                                                                    on Muskegon            removing the 20 streetlights will
                                             MUSKEGON - Now that Muskeg-
                                           on's Webster and Muskegon avenues                                                                                             Awnue - shown          cost the-city about $13,000. But it will
                                                                                                                                                                                                save the city about $3,600 a year in
                                           are no longer the eq_uivalent of                                                                                              here-and               enetgy costs.
                                           urban freeways, it's time to discon-                                                                                          Webster Avenue
IN                                         nect some of the freeway lighting,                                                                                            between Fourth
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Al-Shatel listed several other
                                                                                                                                                                                                advantages to the change, including
                                             By action of the Muskegon City                                                                                              and Ninth streets      removal of illumination some resi-
ire's liquor                               Commission Monday, 20 streetlights                                                                                            will soon be           dents might find undesirable, the
                                           will be removed from mid-b11lck
1e revoked                                 locations along a flve-block section
                                                                                                                                                                         removed.               possible discouragement of some
                                                                                                                                                                                                through traffic, less clutter along
                                           of Muskegon and Webster between                                                                                               Chronlcle photo        narrow terraces, and fewer light
,skegon City                               Fourth and Ninth streets.                                                                                                     • Robert C. Bums       poles to worry about during storms.
growing cho-                                  That's the residential portion of
ng a downtown                                                                                                                                                                                      One possible disadvantage: com-
                                           what used to be the downtown U.S.                                Spring streets.                              Many residents hlid urged the city     plaints from some homeowners who .
lquor license                              31 Business Route before that des-                                 Last November, Muskegon and             to turn the streets back into·the resi-    associate safety with illumination.
                                           ignation was shifted to Shoreline                                Webster. avenues were converted           dential neighborhood streets they            City commissioners weighed
.ble criminal                              Drive last July.                                                 back to the two-way streets they          were back then. The removal of mid-        those choices as well as a third
ily sold beer                                 All existing street.lWits will                                were until the late 1950s, and park-      b lock streetlights conforms to the        option of de-energizing some lights
1onNeiger-                                 remain along the much more com-                                  ing was again allowed on both sides       lighting standards of most other res-      before voting to reduce lighting in
' night of Dec.                             mercial section between Fourth and                              of the two streets.                       idential streets in the city, said City    the residential section only.
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To:      City Commission

From: Finance Director
Date: April 2, 2008
Re:     2007 Auditors Review - Monday April 7th

As noted in previous communications, printing and distribution of the City's 2007
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) will be delayed until June (possibly
May). We are delaying the CAFR so that we can incorporate information from the
12/31107 MERS actuarial valuations. Normally, year-old actuarial data would be
used; however, this is not possible this year due to the transition from local pension
funds to MERS during 2006-07.

Nonetheless, the auditors have concluded their fieldwork and we thought it better for
them to provide their summary of results at this time rather than waiting until June.
Attached is the Management Discussion and Analysis together with selected
financial statements from the 2007 CAFR that the auditors will focus on in their

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

• Page 1

0 \FINANCEIPAUL\MyDocumenls\MEMO - CITY COMMISSION 2007 Audit Presentation.doc

This section of the City of Muskegon's annual financial report presents our discussion
and analysis of the City's financial performance during the fiscal year ended December
31, 2007. Please read it in conjunction with the City's financial statements, which follow
this section.


  •   The assets of the City of Muskegon exceeded its liabilities by $131,868,102 as of
      December 31, 2007.        Of the total net assets, $18,143,248 (13.8%) was
      unrestricted and may be used to meet the City's ongoing obligations to citizens
      and creditors.

  •   The City's total combined net assets increased $2,346,908 during 2007. This
      increase is primarily the result of tight budget controls and investment in capital

  •   The City's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balance of
      $12,233,731, a decrease of $998,380 from the         Figure A-1, Required Components of the
      prior year.    Most of the change results from             City's Annual Financial Report
      spending down proceeds from long-term debt                  --------------------,
      issued in the prior year for construction of the new        '
                                                                           ..---       _..l..____

      Central Fire Station.                                1/uu«ujemeut 'a       Basic            Required
                                                                     v--.                       Financial   Supplementary
  •   The City's general fund reported a total fund balance          ad
      of $2,920,632, an increase of $230,593 over the prior          A""(7,345,550             (7,971)          7,142,298
     Industrial facilities taxes                                                            ?
                                                                                       351,8-8    .7
                                                                                                , _.,/,,';/        35J,8-8 ?                   "'hi>        ?
                                                                                                                                                   ,;,,364,6_8             12,800             396,366
     Payments in lieu of taxes                                                          89,000 { /                 ,.,89,-000                        91,393                 2,393              88,871
     Delinquent chargeback collected                                                     12,000   ';'~\i\-    .,,,_z:{:_£'.f2,ooo                                         (12,000)
             Total taxes                                                                              "-"'~ ,,,J4~806,349                       15,420,032                613,683           15,052,708
  Licenses and pennits
     Business licenses                                                                                                                               3:2,025                  (475)            33,656
     Liquor licenses                                                                                                                                 37,000                   (500)            36,452
     Cable TV fees                                                                                                                                  297,200                  1,700            285,124
     Housing licenses                                                                                                                                81,640                  6,640             55,623
     Rental property registration                                                                                                                        695                  (805)            12,980
     Burial permits                                                                                                                                 117,703                 (2,297)           118,399
     Building permits                                                                                              325,000                          348,349                 23,349            306,791
     Electrical pennits                                                                                            105,000                          106,607                  1,607             76,535
     Plumbing permits                                                                                               35,000                           34,540                   (460)            34,367
     Mechanical permits                                                                  52,500                     52,500                           56,016                  3,516             45,978
     Cat licenses                                                                         2,500                      2,850                             3,740                   890              3,115
     Police gun registration                                                                                             3                                 3                                          3
             Total licenses and pennits                                               1,015,000                 1,082,353                         1,115,518                 33,165           1,009,023

  Intergovernmental revenues
     Federal grants                                                                      88,325                       84,993                          84,162                    (831)          172,881

        Grants                                                                           18,000                    18,500                            18,373                    (127)            18,302
        State shared revenue                                                          4,628,616                 4,479,345                         4,475,462                  (3,883)         4,556,801
             Total intergovernmental revenues - state                                 4,646,616                 4,497,845                         4,493,835                  (4,010)         4,575,103

     Local                                                                               60,000                       60,000                          60,000
                                                                         City of Muskegon
                                                         BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE
                                                                           General Fund
                                                              For the year ended December 31, 2007
                                              (with comparative actual amounts for the year ended December 31, 2006)

                                                                                                            2007                                             2006
                                                                                                                                       Variance with
                                                                                                                                       final budget-
                                                                                Budgeted amounts            <<'t·                         positive
                                                                           Original            Final        "'✓        Actual            (negative)          Actual
Charges for services
  Tax administration fees                                            $       216,541      $                             212,530    $           (970)     $     219,172
   Utility administration fees                                               180,000                                    I 80,000                               180,000
  Downtown Development Authority administration fees                                                                                         (5,000)             5,000
   Reimbursement for elections                                                                                                                  (58)            13,762
   Indirect cost reimbursements                                                                                        1,024,932                             1,045,539
   Site plan review fee                                                                                                    5,870                (130)            5,650
   Sale of cemetery lots                                                                                                  38,182                 (I 8)          27,190
   Police miscellaneous                                                                                                  120,470             26,470             97,093
   Police impound fees                                                                                                    43,234             (1,766)            49,206
   Landlord's alert fee                                                                                                      220                 (80)              355
   Fire protection-state property                                                                                         87,601            (20,399)           121,131
   Zoning fees                                                                                                            10,362               1,362            13,352
   Clerk fees                                                                                                              3,115                (385)            3,330
   Clerk fees - passport fees                                                                                              8,240                (260)            2.520
   Tax abatement application fees                                                                                         16,411                (589)           10,080
   Treasurer fees                                                                                                         61,277            (28,723)            73,030
   False alarm fees                                                                                12,000                 12,525                 525            14,130
   Miscellaneous cemetery income                                                                   22,000                 20,536              (1,464)           22,772
   Senior transit program fees                                                                      9,000                  9,254                 254            10,13 I
   Fire miscellaneous                                                                               5,000                  3,494              (1,506)            3,763
   Sanitation stickers                                                                            110,000                 84,735            (25,265)            87,263
   Lot cleanup fees                                                                               115,000                 70,987            (44,013)            74,581
   Reimbursements - lot mowing and demolitions                                50,000               40,000                 55,484             15,484             65,994
   Special events reimbursements                                             115,000              120,000                 92,041            (27,959)            96,691
   Recreation program fees                                                    30,000               40,000                 41,457               1,457            78,877
         Total charges for services                                         2,207,373           2,338,032              2,224,999           (113,033)         2,320,612
                                                                          City of Muskegon
                                                          BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE
                                                                            General Fund
                                                               For the year ended December 31, 2007
                                               (with comparative actual amounts for the year ended December 31, 2006)

                                                                                                                2007                                         2006
                                                                                                                                        Variance with
                                                                                                                                        final budget-
                                                                            Original              Final                 Actual            (negative)         Actual
Fines and forfeitures                                                                                 :'\\J.:i>_r
   Income tax - penalty and interest                                  $       200,000      $      ,;i,o;ooo'<; , $       240,315    $         10,315    $     192,822
   Late fees on current taxes                                                                                             38,931             (36,069)          35,701
   Interest on !ate invoices                                                                                               2,151                 151            2,112
   Parking fines                                                                                                          13,354              (6,646)          87,060
   Court fines                                                                                                           190,651                 651          208,356
          Total fines and forfeitures                                                                                    585,402             (31,598)         526,05 l

Interest and rental income
    Investment earnings                                                                                                  456,224             131,224          416,856
    Flea market                                                                                                           22,064              (6,936)          20,736
    Farmers' market                                                                                                       40,325               2,825           34,719
    City right of way rental                                                                                               4,400                                4,400
   Arena events                                                                                                                                               137,977
    Advertising                                                                                      2,000                                    (2,000)             284
    Fire station lease - Central Dispatch                                                            6,180                 6,180
    Parking rentals                                                                                  2,700                 2,800                 100            2,800
    McGraft park rentals                                                                            45,000                42,114              (2,886)          44,008
    Other park rentals                                                                              29,000                302.920              1,920           30,403
          Total interest and rental income                                                         480,780               605,027             124,247          692,183
   Sale of land and assets                                                      1,000                1,000                                    (1,000)
   Police sale and auction proceeds                                             1,500                1,500                                    (1,500)
   CDBG program reimbursements                                                188,000              205,000               225,149              20,149          240,!43
   Contributions                                                               11,000               52,000                50,499              (1,501)          17,992
   Contribution - Veteran's Park maintenance                                   17,250               17,250                18,328               1,078           17,977
   Community Foundation for Muskegon County                                                         13,000                 3,000             (10,000)          11,675
   Miscellaneous reimbursements                                                  1,000               1,000                                    (1,000)
   Miscellaneous and sundry                                                     15,000              29,000                 53,794             24,794            11,894
          Total other                                                         234,750              319,750               350,770              31,020          299,681
          Total revenues                                                    24,047,264          24,227,102             24,939,745            652,643        24,648,242
                                                                              City of Muskegon
                                                               BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE
                                                                         General Fund
                                                                   For the year ended December 31, 2007
                                                   (with comparative actual amounts for the year ended December 31, 2006)

                                                                                                                         2007                                           2006
                                                                                                                                                 Variance with
                                                                                                                                                 final budget-
                                                                                      Bud_£eted amounts                                             positive
                                                                                Ori_£inal             Final                      Actual           (ne_£ative)           Actual
     Public representation services
        City commission                                                   $        86,156                                          80,462    $          3,661      $      88,670
        City promotions and public relations                                        9,029                  12,729                  11,696               1,033              5,402
        City manager                                                                                      Z,6,800                 213,848               6,952            209,693
        Contributions to outside agencies                                                      <''C;   ?,;:_.187,824              180,880               6,944            176,013
        City attorney                                                                           '\!:-·,, ,'.•' 440,000            440.434                (434)           424,117
            Total public representation services                                                       \/94.5,476                 927,320              18,156            903,895
     Administrative services
       Administration                                                                                                             126,444               5,281            159,841
       City clerk                                                                                         312,042                 277,610              34,432            297,542
       Civil service                                                                                      188,609                 163,761              24,848            175,899
       Julia Hackley internships                                                                            5,374                   5,374                                  4,350
       Affirmative action                                                                                  78,232                  71,724               6,508             32,157
            Total administrative services                                                                 715,982                 644,913              71,069            669,789

     Financial services
        Finance administration                                                    421,292                 420,922                 423,512              (2,590)           430,314
        Assessing                                                                 427,490                 454,800                 459,837              (5,037)           442.617
        Arena administration                                                      175,300                 175,300                 269,434             (94,134)           141,032
        Income tax administration                                                 358,668                 381,668                 373,433               8,235            335,776
        Information systems                                                       349,989                 356,089                 364,246              (8,157)           315,066
        City treasurer                                                            346,522                 346)22                  341,057             ~                  391,775
            Total financial services                                             2,079,261              2,135,301               2,231,519             (96,2 I 8)       2,056,580
     Public safety
        Police department                                                        8,470,172              8,307,989               8,235,772              72,217          8,232,492
        Fire department                                                          3,759,363              3,777,363               3,652,524             124,839          3,719,404
        Fire safety inspections                                                  1,014,248              1,017,548                 966,136              51,412            994,574
            Total public safety                                                 13,243,783             13,102,900               12,854,432            248,468          12,946,470
                                                                         City of Muskegon
                                                         BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE
                                                                           General Fund
                                                              For the year ended December 31, 2007
                                              (with comparative actual amounts for the year ended December 31, 2006)

                                                                                                                2007                                              2006
                                                                                                                                              Variance with
                                                                                                                                              final budget-
                                                                                    Bud_£eted amounts                                            positive
                                                                         _____ Original ____        Final       ,,/           Actual            (negative)        Actual
Public works
   Street lighting                                                   $         572,325      $       ,i~p;OOD'z,;\     $        593,486    $         (3,486)   $     563,184
  Community event support                                                       34,750               '32,600      '-;? 1,254,700     S   1,108,348     £      (146,352)
      State                                                                              4,143,269    '},i        4,143,269        3,825,191            (J 18,078)
   Charges for services                                                                    300,000    '    ~""'",.175,000            370,376             195,376
   Investment earnings                                                                                         ~.;JJ 5,000           116,227                1,227
   Other                                                                                                          'iso,ooo           272_:291              22,291
         Total revenues                                                                                           5,937;969        5,692,433            (245,536)

    Highways, streets and bridges                                                                                 4,392,900        4,462,763             (69,863)
   Debt service
      Principal                                                                                                    639,750           640,000                (250)
      Interest and fees                                                                                             28,387            28,638                (25 I)
         Total expenditures                                                                                       5,061,037        5, 131,40 I           (70,364)

Excess of revenues over expenditures                                                        27,378                 876,932           561,032            (315,900)

  Transfers in                                                                                                                       200,000             200,000
  Transfers out                                                                                                    (600,000)        (300,000)            300,000
         Total other financing sources (uses)                                                                      (600,000)        (I 00,000)           500,000

Net change in fund balance                                                           $      27,378           $     276,932           461,032     $       184,100

Fund balance at January 1, 2007                                                                                                      708,102

Fund balance at December 31, 2007                                                                                              $   1,169,134

Note: Both budgets and actual figures are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
                                                           City of Muskegon
                                               BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE
                                                            Local Street Fund
                                                  For the year ended December 31, 2007

                                                                                                                                                          Variance with
                                                                                                                                                          final budget•
                                                                           Bud_g_eted amounts                                                                positive
                                                                      Ori~inal            ,,Final                                         Actual            (negative)
  Intergovernmental revenues
     Federal                                                     $    1,300,000 (j;Y $ '<,
  Insurance premiums and claims
                                                                                                        <:Ji"'      -;:\tl>··            ··\.'    -
                                                                                                                                                                22,680           814,376             290,568
  Wastewater treatment                                                                                                                           '\;'     ,
  Filtration plant operations                                                                                .-.-l~J 18.009                           '0'',                    1,418,009
  Water distribution                                                                                      -;\'it',491,337                                                      1,491,337
  Other operations                                                                                                                                             241,760           241,760           2,850,308
  Depreciation and amortization                                                                    j}
                                                                                                                1,784,768                                      131,017         2,575,690             568,841
           Total operating expenses                                                                             5,189,417                                      395,457         10,679,990          7,677,004
           Operating income (loss)                                                                                  1,379,811                                  (113,778)        1,350,012            558,697

  Investment earnings                                                                                                136,511                                         38          170,594             145,290
  Gain on sale of capital assets                                                                                                                                                                      12,000
  Interest expense                                                                                                  (642.594)                                                   (667,815)
           Total nonoperating revenue (expenses)                                                                    (506,083)                                        38         (497,221)            157,290

           Income (loss) before transfers                                             92,803                         873,728                                   (113,740)         852,791             715,987

Transfers in                                                                                                                                                    40,000            40,000              28,046
           Change in net assets                                                       92,803                         873,728                                    (73,740)         892,791             744,033

Net assets at January 1, 2007                                                      14,450,264                28,915,964                                       1,403,359                         __6_,009,699

Net assets at December 31, 2007                                                $   14,543,067      $         29,789,692                               $       2,329,619                     $      6,753,732

Adjustments to reflect the consolidation of internal service fund activities
  related to enterprise funds                                                                                                                                                     92,839
Change in net assets of business-type activities                                                                                                                                 985,630
The accompanying notes are an integral part ofthis statement.

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