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City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession August 11, 2008 City Commission Chambers 5:30 PM AGENDA (_\ 1. Geographic Information System (GIS) City/County Contract Presentation. (Tom VanBruggen) r;> 2. Sewer Back-up Claim at 1387 Sixth Street. (Assistant Finance Director) _) "-- 3. Memorial Honoring Commissioner Kevin Davis. (Leisure Services) tJ 4. Hackley Heritage Association, Inc. Request. (City Manager) ·'( 5. City Support for Movie Making. (City Manager) \ 6. Spotlight Liquor License. (City Manager) ) 7. West Michigan Transit Linkages Study. (City Manager) 8. Any Other Business. 9. Closed Session to Discuss Pending Litigation. 10. Adjournment. City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession August 11, 2008 City Commission Chambers 5:30 PM MINUTES 2008-68 Present: Commissioners Warmington, Carter, Wierengo, Wisneski, Gawron, Shepherd, and Spataro. Absent: None. Geographic Information System (GIS) City/County Contract Presentation. (Tom VanBruggen) Tom VanBruggen, ofMuskegon County, presented the proposed Geographic Information System City/County contract. This item will be placed on the August 26, 2008 Commission agenda. Sewer Back-Up Claim at 1387 Sixth Street. (Assistant Finance Director) Beth Lewis, Assistant Finance Director, provided a settlement in the amount of$ l 7,324.97 for a sewer back-up claim at 1387 Sixth Street. Commissioner Spataro disclosed that he works with the homeowner through the local Neighborhood Association. Motion by Carter, seconded by Shepherd to approve the settlement for the sewer back-up claim at 1387 Sixth Street in the amount of$17,324.97. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wiereugo, Wisneski, Carter, and Gawron. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES. Memorial Honoring Commissioner Kevin Davis. (Leisure Services) Beachwood-Bluffton Neighborhood Association requests that the volleyball coutt area at Pere Marquette Park north of Captain Jacks Restaurant be named Kevin Davis Volleyball Ct., in honor of former Commissioner Kevin Davis for his public service to the citizens of Muskegon, and devotion to developing beach volleyball at Pere Marquette Park. This item has been placed on the Commission agenda August 12, 2008. Hackley Heritage Association, Inc. Request. (City Manager) Hackley Heritage Association is seeking permission from the City of Muskegon to restore the fence, including the recreation of the missing comer posts, around the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Hackley Park. Motion by Spataro, seconded by Gawron to approve the request from the Hackley Heritage Association to restore the fence, including the recreation of the missing corner posts, around the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Hackley Park conditional upon approval of the Historic District Commission. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, and Wisneski. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES. City Support for Movie Making. (City Manager) The Watennark recently announced that a movie making studio will be placed in its facilities. Staff has received several requests for use of city services and equipment and is asking the Commission's guidance in creating a policy. City Commissioners gave several suggestions of items to be placed in a proposed policy. Staff will develop a policy to present to the City Commission at a future meeting for review. Spotlight Liquor License. (City Manager) The City Manager has been in contact with the Liquor Control Commission. Because the City is over its quota for liquor licenses, the City could lose the liquor license if it chooses to revoke the existing license. The City Commission will delay further action to revoke the liquor license and see if the license can be so Id within the City. West Michigan Transit Linkages Study. (City Manager) It is requested that the City Commission approve the resolution to support conducting a West Michigan Transit Linkages Study to complete a needs assessment for commuter transit services in West Michigan. Motion by Spataro, seconded by Shepherd to adopt a resolution to support conducting a West Michigan Transit Linkages Study to complete a needs assessment for commuter transit services in West Michigan. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES. Closed Session to Discuss Pending Litigation. Motion by Shepherd, seconded by Carter to go into closed session to discuss attorney-client privileged communication. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, and Shepherd. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES. Motion by Spataro, seconded by Shepherd to go into open session, MOTION PASSES. Motion by Spataro, seconded by Carter to concm· with the recommendation from the City Attorney and staff. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo. Nays: Shepherd. MOTION PASSES. Adjournment Motion by Carter, seconded by Shepherd to adjourn at 7:18 p.m. MOTION PASSES r \~. '\\' ' \ .I 1'\>rV" ~ ,\ iltl ·'-- "le JJ\ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk emorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Hope Mitchell \¾fv Date: 8/4/2008 Re: Geographic Information System (GIS) Basic Level of Service Inter-Governmental Agreement Between the City of Muskegon and the County of Muskegon. City staff has had meetings with Tom VanBruggen regarding the GIS Basic Level of Service Agreement for the past year. Tom has provided staff with help, training, etc. for over a year while we try to move forward to ArcMap 9.2. Currently the City zoning map is constructed in version 3.2a and has become obsolete as ESRI no longer services that version. City staff has been waiting for two main components to be in place before approving the contract. The first is the reconstruction of the City's zoning map. The County is working to rebuild the zoning map in version 9.2. The second was for a search button ( which is a very impmtant tool to have), The search button allows for staff to type in an addres,s and the program will automatically move the map to the location for that address. The County has~ contractor working on building this tool. It appears that both of these concerns are close to being completed now. On pages 5 'and 6 are a list of the services that are to be rendered under this contract. City staff will maintain !lie zoning map and provide the changes completed to the map to the County. This contract will allqw for Digital Ortho Photography (aerial photos) to be done evety five years. Tom has advised staff that this has been done for 2008 (the last time it was completed was in 200 I). Tom provides Mike Cameron with updated ownership information weekly. This is helpful to ensure that the environmental program is able to notify the most up to date owner as possible. This helps to cut down on the appeals due to the wrong owner being notified that a cleanup or cutting is needed. Another area that this will help will be with the notification process for Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. In the past staff was allowed to send a letter to the adjacent municipality for them to notify their residents of any proposed changes. Once eve1ything is completed, City staff will be able to get the owner information for notifications without having to contact the other municipality for their help. Torn VanBruggen from the County Equalization Department will be at the meeting to go over the contract and address any questions or concerns. As of July 31, 2008 there were 15 municipalities that signed the contract, 12 that are considering signing it, and 2 that have said no. 1 Geographic Information System {GIS} Basic Level ofService Inter-Governmental Agreement Between The City of Muskegon And The COUNTY OF MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN Geographic Information System {GIS) Basic Level of Service Agreement Between the City of Muskegon and the County of Muskegon, Michigan This Agreement, entered into as of this _ _ _ _ _ day of - - - ~ 2008, by Muskegon County, a political subdivision of the State of Michigan, with offices at at 990 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, 49442, acting by and through its Board of Commissioners, hereinafter called "County" and the City of Muskegon, hereinafter called "Municipality," a political subdivision of the State of Michigan, with offices located at 933 Terrace Street, Post Office Box 536, Muskegon, Michigan, 49443. WHEREAS, Section 3(1)(d) of the State of Michigan's Enhanced Access to Public Records Act (MCL 15.443(1)(d); MSA 4.1803(3)(1)(d)) authorizes the County and Municipality to enter into an intergovernmental Agreement which permits each of the parties to the Agreement to have for their official use access to or output from the other's geographical information system; and WHEREAS, the intergovernmental Agreements authorized by the State of Michigan's Enhanced Access to Public Records Act must contain certain provisions mandated by the Act; and WHEREAS, the County and the Municipality desire to enter into an intergovernmental Agreement as authorized by Section 3(1)(d) of the State of Michigan Enhanced Access to Public Records Act to exchange access to and/or output from the Muskegon County Geographic Information System, and to allow the County to charge a reasonable fee for providing this service; and WHEREAS, County and the Municipality desire to establish and maintain a legal relationship which will ensure adequate coordination with respect to development and on-going operation of a common GIS (Geographic Information System) base map: and WHEREAS, County and the Municipality desire to establish a common Muskegon County base map for use by Municipality as its base layer with geographic features tied to this base; and WHEREAS, County and the Municipality desire to define staff roles and responsibilities when coordinating programs that have shared benefits; and WHEREAS, County and the Municipality seek Agreement on how data sets are made available to both parties. GIS Basic Level of Service Contract- Version 12/19/2007 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: I. DEFINITIONS A. "Basemap" shall mean the Muskegon County GIS Primary Basemap, consisting of digital orthophotography, streets, geopolitical, and cadastral features, along with all associated data tables. See Appendix A for a detailed list of the feature classes (layers) of data that are part of the Basemap. B. "Core GIS Staff" refers to any and all GIS specific staff at the County. At the time of this contract, two (2) staff members are identified as Core GIS Staff, the Property Information Analyst and the Geographic Information Technician. C. "County" refers to Muskegon County, Michigan. D. "County GIS Layers" shall mean all works created by the County which are not derived from the County's Basemap. Examples include, but are not limited to, Environmental, Engineering, Public Health, Economic Development, Emergency Management, and additional layers. 1. "Unrestricted County GIS Layers" shall mean all GIS layers that are not defined as "Restricted." 2. "Restricted County GIS Layers" shall mean all GIS layers that are defined as needing to have restricted or authorized use due to their confidential and/or sensitive nature, or that are deemed to be protected due to emergency management and/or homeland security concerns. E. "Data" shall mean digital databases or data layers, which contain references to geographic locations. F. "Enhanced access" means a public record's immediate availability for public inspection, purchase, or copying by digital means. Enhanced access does not include the transfer of ownership of a public record. G. "Enhanced Access to Public Records Act" shall mean State of Michigan Public Act No. 462 of the Public Acts of 1996, as amended. [MCL 15.441 et seq; MSA 4.1803(1) et seq]. H. "GIS" shall mean the Geographic Information System. I. "Geographical information system" means an informational unit or network capable of producing customized maps based on a digital representation of geographical data. J. "GIS Coordinator" shall mean the Geographic Information Analysts of the Muskegon County Equalization Department, or subsequent position, based on the reclassification of staff and/or reorganization of the GIS program into a separate or different department within the County structure. K. "Metadata" shall mean information that describes the characteristics of the data, which must be in accordance with the GIS Data Standards developed by the County's Geographic Information System. L. "Municipality" shall mean the City, Township, or Village participating in this Agreement. M. "Municipality GIS Layers" shall mean all GIS layers or feature sets that are created exclusively by the Municipality outside of the provisions of this agreement. N. "Operating expenses" includes, but is not limited to, a public body's direct cost of creating, compiling, storing, maintaining, processing, upgrading, or enhancing information or data in a form available for enhanced access, including the cost of computer hardware and software, system development, employee time, and the actual cost of supplying the information or record in the form requested by the purchaser. 0. "Person" means that term as defined in section 2 of the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.232 GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page 3 P. "Public body" means that term as defined in section 2 of the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.232. Q. "Public record" means that term as defined in section 2 of the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.232. R. "Reasonable fee" means a charge calculated to enable a public body to recover over time only those operating expenses directly related to the public body's provision of enhanced access. S. "Software" means a set of statements or instructions that when incorporated in a machine-usable medium is capable of causing a machine or device having information processing capabilities to indicate,perform, or achieve a particular function, task, or result. T. "Third Party" shall mean a person or entity other than a party to this Agreement. II. TERMS OF AGREEMENT A. This Agreement shall be effective from the date approved and executed by both parties and will remain in effect until termination by either party. This Agreement may be terminated in accordance with Section 11, ''Termination of Agreement." B. The initial period of this Agreement shall be from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2013. Following this initial five-year period, the Agreement period will be from October 1 of a given year to September 30 of the following year. III. FEE SCHEDULE A. The fee schedule will be updated October 1't of each year by the County GIS Coordinator based on the formula established and set forth in Appendix A. This formula utilizes the factors of Geographic Area, Parcel Count, Current Taxable Value, and Population. The fee schedule will also be adjusted annually by the Consumers Price Index (CPI) by applying the adjustment percentage to the total fee generated by all parties involved. The CPI utilized will be the same formula as calculated for the purposes of Assessment Administration Taxable Value Increase formulas. B. Annually, following the update of the fee schedule, the GIS Coordinator will provide an updated fee schedule to all municipalities and produce invoices for the annual Agreement. The Municipality shall remit the annual fee in a single payment within 90 days of receipt of the invoice. C. For the period October 1, 2008 to September 2009, the fee charged to said Municipality for services provided by the County under this Agreement shall be $11,572.56. IV.OWNERSHIP OF GIS DATA A. This Agreement does not constitute a transfer of title or interest in the layers and/or features contained within the GIS. Any portion of this data that is modified or merged into another computer file or program by the Municipality, or is integrated with other programs and/or data to form derivative products, shall continue to be subject to the provisions of this Agreement. The County shall retain ownership of the basemap, County GIS Layers, and all such portions. B. The County reserves the right to incorporate all Municipalities GIS layers into the County's GIS Database. The Municipality will retain ownership of any such incorporated data and the rights to control any redistribution or use of the data. GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page4 V. DELIVERABLES AND SERVICES RENDERED A. Exchange of Data 1. The County agrees to provide access to the Basemap and unrestricted County GIS Layers in electronic media format and/or via an internet/intra-net application that may be developed for the dissemination of Muskegon County GIS data and services. 2. The Municipality agrees to provide access to any/all of its available GIS layers and/or data in electronic media format 3. Each party in this Agreement will provide corrections and updates to the other party for the data which it maintains. B. Basic Level of Service Elements 1. The County agrees to provide access to the following: a) Unrestricted GIS Layers and Databases on GIS Warehouse b) Development and implementation of web based mapping systems with appropriate links to/from existing County and Municipality web sites c) Mass purchasing opportunities for GIS So~ware and/or Data as situations present d) Technical support for GIS matters available through Core GIS Staff up to a maximum of 40 hours annually e) Establishment of a Muskegon GIS Users Group and associated user group meetings held at least quarterly. 2. The Municipality agrees to provide access to and copies of any/all information, including but not limited to maps, studies, reports, and information, needed for the development and/or maintenance of any feature classes (layers) being maintained or developed by the County as part of the GIS development. C. GIS Feature Classes (Layers) 1. The following Feature Classes (Layers) will be developed and maintained by the County as part of this Agreement. Layers being developed shall utilize data provided by the Municipality, and all maintenance will rely on the transmission of corrections and updates from the Municipality to the County. Layers noted as Maintenance shall begin on the effective date of this Agreement, and layers noted as "to be developed" will be developed within the first two (2) years of this Agreement, unless otherwise noted, provided data is available from the Municipality to support the development. a) Parcel Boundaries (and associated basemap layers) (maintenance) b) Zoning (maintenance/to be developed) c) DDA/TIFA and/or other Tax Districts (maintenance/to be developed) d) Digital Ortho Photography (to be acquired at least every 5 years beginning with 2008 acquisition) e) Elevation Models (to be updated with Digital Ortho Photography updates) f) UDAR based Contour Mapping (to be developed) g) Hydrology (to be developed) h) Street Centerlines with Addressing Ranges (to be developed) i) Census Boundaries (to be developed in conjunction with 2010 census update) j) Voting and Commission/Council District Mapping (to be developed) GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page S k) Land Use and Future Land Use (to be developed) D. Printed Mapping Product Deliverables 1. Parcel Tax Mapping a) The County will provide a complete, updated set of parcel tax maps to the Municipality during the first year of the Agreement. b) Annually in April of each year, following the establishment of the assessment rolls, the County will provide to the Municipality updated map pages for any pages that have changed during the course of the year. c) Additional sets of the parcel tax maps can be obtained for an additional cost to be agreed upon outside of this Agreement. 2. Zoning Maps a) The County will provide an updated Zoning Map annually and/or at the time of any major revisions to the Municipality Zoning Ordinance. At the request of the City, the Zoning Map Layer will be configured such that City of Muskegon Staff will be able to edit and maintain the zoning map layer. 3. Land Use/Future Land Use Maps a) The County will provide an updated Land Use and/or Future Land Use Map annually and/or at the time of any revisions to the Municipality Zoning Ordinance. VI. ACCESS TO ADDITIONAL PARCEL ATTRIBUTE DATASETS A. The County will provide basic ownership and tax parcel layer data containing a unique parcel identification number (PIN) for each parcel. If the Municipality requires additional parcel attribute data, such as detailed property ownership or tax information, the County will provide access to these data sets under the terms of this Agreement. VII. DISTRIBUTION OF GIS BASEMAP AND/OR COUNTY GIS DATA A. The Basemap, or any other County GIS Layers, are to be solely retained by the Municipality. In no instance is this Data to be placed on the Internet or Intra-net, sold, leased, copied, loaned, or transferred, in whole or part to other public agencies, private individuals, private firms, or non-profit entities without the expressed prior written consent of the County, via the GIS Coordinator. B. Following a request for Data under the Enhanced Access to Public Records Act, the Municipality shall refer the matter to the County, via the GIS Coordinator. C. Any release to third parties as authorized by this Agreement of the Basemap or County GIS Layers, in whole or in part shall be accompanied by a written notice of the County's ownership thereof and that they shall not be included in or subject to any patents or copyrights which the third party may obtain on products it produces there from. GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page 6 D. Any release of the Basemap or County GIS Layers, in whole or in part, to third parties performing services and/or working on projects for the Municipality (e.g., Engineers, Consultants, Contractors, etc.) shall be restricted to the performance of such services or work on such Project and may not be used for any other purpose or project. The Municipality, as a condition of releasing the Basemap or any County GIS Layers, shall require the third party in either the contract for the services or project or in a separate Nondisclosure Agreement agree to restrict its use of such materials to the services to be performed on the project and not use it for any other purpose or pass it on to any other party without requiring similar restrictions. A draft of this Nondisclosure Agreement is set forth in Appendix B of this Agreement. E. Except as provided in MCL 15.443(1), (2), (3), the" Enhanced access to Public Records Act", this agreement does not limit the inspection and copying of a public record pursuant the Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 to 15.246. This agreement does not apply to Public records prepared under an act or statute specifically authorizing the sale of those public records to the public, or where the amount of the fee for providing a copy of the public record is otherwise specifically provided by an act or statute. VIII. MODIFICATIONS AND/OR MAINTENANCE TO THE GIS A. The Municipality agrees to report all proposed changes, modifications, or corrections to the Basemap and/or any other GIS layer maintained by the County. All proposed changes should be reported within 90 days of determining the necessity of a change, and any necessary documentation regarding the change shall also be provided by the Municipality. B. The County agrees to review all proposed changes, modifications, or corrections and will process the requests within 90 days of receiving the report of necessity of a change. Upon the completion of the modification, any documentation supplied in support of the modification shall be returned to the originator of the request. IX. ADHERENCE TO STANDARDS A. The County and Municipality agree to conform to any/all County GIS Data Standards as may be created or amended from time to time. B. The County and Municipality agree to produce and maintain metadata for all GIS layers that are incorporated into the County GIS. This metadata shall be produced in accordance with Metadata Standards to be developed and/or maintained by the County. X. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, in writing by the County provided all of the following criteria are met: 1. Notification in writing must be given not less than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the intended termination date. 2. Opportunity for consultation between the County and Municipality must be provided. 3. Not less than five (5) years (defined as 60 months) have passed since the Agreement was put in place. B. This Agreement may be terminated, in whole or in part, in writing by the Municipality provided all of the following criteria are met: 1. Notification in writing must be given not less than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the intended termination date. 2. Notification must be delivered via certified mail, postage prepaid, and return receipt requested. 3. Opportunity for consultation between the County and Municipality must be provided. GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page 7 4. Not less than five (5) years (defined as 60 months) have passed since the Agreement was put in place. C. Upon termination, the Municipality must cease use of the County Basemap and all other County GIS Layers. D. Upon termination, the County must cease use of the Municipality GIS Layers. XI. NOTICES AND NOTIFICATIONS A. All notices pertaining to any and all parts of this agreement shall be delivered to the following addresses: 1. If sent to the County by the Municipality Muskegon County GIS Coordinator 173 E. Apple Ave. Muskegon, MI 49442 2. If sent to the Municipality by the County City of Muskegon Bryon Mazade, City Manager 933 Terrace St. P.O. Box 536 Muskegon, MI 49443 XII. ASSIGNMENT A. This Agreement may not be assigned, transferred, or in any way disposed of by either party without first having obtained written approval of the other party. XIII. GOVERNING LAW A. This Agreement, and all actions arising from it, must be governed by, subject to, and construed according to the law of the State of Michigan, with the understanding that terms and phrases used in this Agreement will be given their common and ordinary meaning and not construed against either party. XIV. LIABILITY A. All liability, loss, or damage as a result of claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising out of activities of the Municipality will be the sole responsibility of the Municipality and not the responsibility of the County. All liability, loss, or damage as a result of claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising out of activities of the County will be the sole responsibility of the County and not the responsibility of the Municipality. Nothing herein will be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity, as provided by statute or modified by court decisions, by either the County, its agencies, elected or appointed officers, employees or the Municipality, and its agencies, officers, and employees. B. Neither the County, nor its officers or employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, functioning, completeness, or usefulness of the County Basemap or other County GIS Layers. GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Pages XV. NON-DISCRIMINATION A. The County and Municipality agree that each shall comply with all Federal and State of Michigan laws, rules, and regulations governing fair employment practices and equal employment opportunity. The County and the Municipality further agree that each will require any contractor performing services under this Agreement to agree to the provisions of this Section. B. Breach of this section shall be a material breach of this Agreement. XVI. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES A. The relationship of the Municipality to the County is and will continue to be that of an independent contractor. No liability or benefits, such as workers' disability compensation, pension rights, or insurance rights, arising out of, or related to a contract for hire or employer/employee relationship accrues to either party or either party's agent, subcontractor or employee as a result of this Agreement. No relationship, other than that of independent contractor will be implied between the parties, or either party's agent, employee, or subcontractor. Regarding liability for benefits as described in this paragraph, the County agrees to hold the Municipality harmless from any claims and any related costs or expense; and the Municipality agrees to hold the County harmless from any claims and any related costs or expense. XVII. AMENDMENTS A. No amendment to this Agreement is effective unless it references this Agreement, is written, signed, and acknowledged by duly authorized representatives of both parties. XVIII. SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS A. If any clause or provision of this Agreement is rendered invalid or unenforceable because of any State of Michigan or Federal statute or regulation or ruling by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, that clause or provision shall be null and void, and any such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. Where the deletion of the invalid or unenforceable clause or provision would result in the illegality and/or unenforceability of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be considered to have terminated as of the date in which the clause or provision was rendered invalid or unenforceable. XIX. MERGER CLAUSE A. This document, including the Appendices, contains the entire Agreement between the parties, and all prior negotiations and Agreements are merged in this document. Neither party has made any representations except those expressly set forth in this Agreement. XX. NONEXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT A. The County or the Municipality may contract with other parties providing the same or similar exchange of materials and services so long as each party's obligations to one another contained in this Agreement will not be affected in any manner. GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page9 XXI. AUTHORIZATION AND CAPABILITY A. The County warrants to the Municipality and the Municipality warrants to the County that it has taken all actions necessary for the authorization, execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement, and that each is ready to perform its obligations. The County further warrants that the person signing this Agreement is authorized to do so on behalf of the County and is empowered to bind the County to this Agreement. The Municipality further warrants that the person signing this Agreement is authorized to do so on behalf of the Municipality and is empowered to bind the Municipality to this Agreement. B. This Agreement is effective only upon review and approval by the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners. C. This Agreement is effective only upon review and approval by the Municipality's Governing Body. XXII. SIGNATURES MUNICIPALITY: MUSKEGON COUNTY: By:------------ By:------------ Steve Warmington lames Derezinski Its: City Mayor Its: Chairman of the Board By:------------ By:------------ Ann M. Becker Karen D. Buie Its: City Clerk Its: County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY MUSKEGON COUNTY CORPORATE COUNSEL THEODORE WILLIAMS By:----------- Theodore Williams GIS Basic Level of Service Contract - Version 12/19/2007 Page 10 APPENDIX A 2008/2009 GIS Basic Level of Service Agreement Fee Schedule (Effective October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009) Area in Current Taxable Value + Current Population {2004 Total Annual Unit of Government Area Cost Parcel Count +Parcel# Cost (per current Taxable Value Est) per + Population % of Unit to Sq Miles Maintenance Equalization Report) Cost Cost Total WMSRDC Fee < r Blue Lake Township 36 1,346.05 1,836 398.74 69,802,844 288.13 2,331 256.37 2,289.30 2.93% casnovia Township 36 1,346.05 1,551 336.84 70,566,987 291.29 2,756 303.11 2,277.30 2 .91% Cedar Creek Township 36 1,346.05 1,860 403.95 76,435,529 315.51 3,323 365.48 2,430.99 3.11% Dalton Township 36 1,346.05 6, 704 1,455.97 225,584,610 931.18 8,884 977.09 4,710.29 6.02% Egelston Township 36 1,346.05 4,269 927.14 185,851,277 767.16 9,851 1,083.45 4,123.80 5.27% Fruitland Township 37 1,383.44 3,723 808.56 240,981,980 994.73 5,475 602.16 --'--' Fruitport Township 30 1, 121.71 6,651 1,444.46 460,940,566 1,902.69 12,993 1,429.02 3,788.89 5,897.87 4.84% 7.54% Holton Township 35 1,308.66 1, 598 347.05 53,817,409 222.15 2,602 286. 18 2,164.04 2.77% Laketon Township 17 635.64 3,792 823.54 220,898,765 911.83 7,712 848.19 3,219.21 4.12% Montag ue Township 19 710.42 1,182 256.71 51,018,964 210.60 1,678 184.55 1,362.27 1.74% Moorland Township 36 1,346.05 947 205.67 38,741,536 159.92 1,849 203.36 1,915.00 2.45% Muskegon Township 24 897.37 8,048 1,747.86 373,299,840 1,540.92 18,500 2,034.70 6,220.84 7.95% Ravenna Township 36 1,346.05 1, 670 362.69 78,555, 539 324.26 2,905 319.50 2,352.51 3.0 1% Sullivan Township 24 897.37 1,333 289.50 63,810,714 263.40 2,437 268.03 1,718.30 2.20% White River Township 16 598.25 1,376 298.84 85,004,426 350.88 1,388 152.66 1,400.63 1.79% Whitehall Township 10 373.90 1,008 2 18.92 65,987,258 272.38 1,668 183.45 1,048.66 1.34% City of Montague 3 112.17 1,705 370.29 83,159,686 343.27 2,345 257.91 1,083.64 1.39% City of Muskegon 14 523.46 16,480 3,579.11 745,111,000 3,075.70 39,954 4,394.28 11,572.56 14.79% City of Muskegon Heights 3 112.17 5,850 1,270.50 136,871,309 564.98 11,807 1,298.58 3,246.23 4.15% City of North Muskegon 2 74.78 1,920 416.98 146,068,385 602.95 4,009 440.92 1,535.63 1.96% City of Norton Shores 23 859.98 11,444 2,485.40 925,950,710 3,822.17 23,287 2,561. 19 9,728.74 12.44% City of Roosevelt Park 1 37.39 1,666 361.82 127,521,810 526.39 3,819 420.03 1,345.63 1.72°/o City of Whitehall 3 112.17 1,707 370.72 120,824,416 498.74 2,828 311.03 1,292.67 1.65% Village of casnovia 1 37.39 87 18.89 3,342,329 13.80 138 15.18 85.26 0.11% Village of Fru~port 1 37.39 599 130.09 31,429,780 129.74 1,090 119.88 417.10 0.53% Viii Lakewood Club 2 74.78 1,186 257.57 20,975,203 86.58 1,249 137.37 556.31 0.71% Village of Ravenna 1 37.39 700 152.03 27,939,674 115.33 1,236 135.94 440.69 0.56% Grand Totals 518 $1.9,368.20 90,.892 $1.9,739.83 $4,730,492,546 $29,526.70 1.78, $1.9, 589.62 $78,224.35 1.00.00% Total Less Village Count 523 $1.9,1.81..25 88,320 $1.9,1.81..25 $4,646,805,560 $1.9,181..25 1.74,401..00 $29,1.81..25 $76,725.00 98.08% GIS Basic Level of Service Contract -Version 12/19/2007 Page 11 APPENDIX B SAMPLE NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT To protect certain confidential information that may be disclosed to the RECIPIENT, the RECIPIENT agrees as follows: This Agreement is entered into effective __J__j __ between the County of Muskegon, with offices at 990 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49442 ("County'') and - - - - - - - - - - - ~ with offices a t - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - ~ __, _ _ _ _ _ ("Recipient''). I. DEFINITIONS A. "Confidential Information" means the following: 1. For purposes of this Agreement, the Confidential Information disclosed hereunder is identified in Attachment 1. Confidential Information in written or tangible form shall be labeled confidential or proprietary prior to disclosure. Confidential Information in oral or intangible form shall be designated as confidential or proprietary at the time of disclosure and/or designated as confidential or proprietary by notifying the Recipient in writing within thirty (30) days of said disclosure. II. RESTRICTIONS A. Recipient agrees not to disclose, provide, or otherwise make available any Confidential Information provided by the County to any other person or entity, except as expressly provided in this Nondisclosure Agreement. Recipient agrees to restrict disclosure of Confidential Information to those employees of Recipient who are made aware of, and agree to abide by, the terms of this Nondisclosure Agreement, and even then only on an as-needed basis. B. Recipient agrees to take all reasonable steps, at least as great as the steps Recipient takes with respect to its own confidential or proprietary information, to protect the Confidential Information provided by the County from unauthorized disclosure or use. C. County GIS Layers are to be solely retained by the Recipient. In no instance are these Data to be placed on the Internet, sold, leased, copied, loaned, or transferred, in whole or part to other public agencies, private individuals, private firms, or non-profit entities. D. Recipient agrees that it shall use Confidential Information only in the manner and for the purposes described in the Attachments. Any other use or disclosure of the Confidential Information shall constitute a material breach of this Nondisclosure Agreement. E. Recipient shall immediately notify the County in writing of any misuse, misappropriation, or unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information that may come to its attention. F. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Attachments, Recipient agrees that it shall not use any Confidential Information provided by the County for its own personal or commercial benefit or for the personal or commercial benefit of any other person or entity. GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page 12 III. NO RIGHTS CONFERRED A. Recipient acknowledges that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights by license or otherwise in any Information disclosed by the County. IV. NO WARRANTY A. None of the Confidential Information that may be disclosed by the County shall constitute any representation, warranty, assurance, guarantee, or inducement by the County of any kind. The County shall not be liable for the accuracy of the disclosed information. V. REMEDIES A. Recipient acknowledges that its obligations to protect the Confidential Information are essential to the business interests of the County and that the disclosure of such Confidential Information in breach or threatened breach of this Agreement would cause the County immediate, substantial, and irreparable harm, the value of which would be extremely difficult to determine. Accordingly, Recipient agrees that, in addition to any other remedies that may be available in law, equity, or otherwise for the disclosure or use of Confidential Information in breach of this Agreement, the County shall be entitled to seek and obtain a temporary restraining order, injunctive relief, or other equitable relief against the continuance of such breach, in addition to all other remedies, and without the requirement of posting a bond or undertaking or proving injury as a condition for relief. VI. POINTS OF CONTACT A. The designated points of contact for controlling the authorized release of the Confidential Information are B. For Muskegon County: Thomas Van Bruggen Property Information Analyst Muskegon County Equalization Mapping & GIS 173 E. Apple Ave. Muskegon, MI 49442 Telephone: (231) 724-6810 Fax: (231) 724-1129 E-mail: vanbruggenth@co.muskegon. mi. us C. For Recipient: Name: Company: Address: Telephone: Fax : E-mail: GIS Basic Level of Service Contract- Version 12/19/2007 Page 13 VII. RETURN OF MATERIALS A. Upon the County's written request, Recipient agrees to promptly return to the County any materials or documents, whether or not furnished by the County, containing Confidential Information together with all copies thereof made by Recipient, or to destroy such items and deliver to the County written certification that they have been destroyed. VIII. TERM; TERMINATION A. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date first written above and shall continue until terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice. All obligations undertaken respecting Confidential Information already provided hereunder shall survive any termination of this Agreement. The Recipient shall, within twenty (20) days of a written request by the County, return all Confidential Information, including all copies thereof, to the County or, if so directed by the County, destroy all such Confidential Information. The Recipient shall also, within ten (10) days of a written request by the County, certify in writing that it has satisfied its obligations under Articles 2 and 8 of this Agreement. IX. GOVERNING LAW A. The laws of the state of Michigan shall govern the interpretation of this Agreement as it relates to the specific disclosed Confidential Information. X. ACCEPTED AND AGREED Muskegon County: Recipient: Thomas Van Bruggen Name: Property Information Analyst Title: Date: Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ----------- GIS Basic Level of Service Contract-Version 12/19/2007 Page 14 City of Muskegon Finance Department Memo To: City Commission From: Assistant Finance Director Cc: City Manager, Finance Director, Director of Public Works Date: 7/31/08 Re: Sewer Back Up Claim at 1387 Sixth Street On April 3, 2008 the homeowner at 1387 Sixth Street experienced a sewage back up into her basement. The homeowner Ann Craig has filed a liability claim against the City for damages and costs associated with the sewer back ups. The homeowners initial claim was for over $30,000 and included replacement of furnace, washer, dryer and hot water heater. Due to the extent of this claim an independent adjuster was hired to view the damage and settle the claim. The independent adJustor Chenard & Osborn and the homeowner have agreed on a settlement amount of $17,324.97 for structural damage and contents. Chenard & Osborn recommends that the City settle for this amount. The claim will be paid from the City of Muskegon's retention fund at MMRMA This settlement must be approved by the City Commission because of the dollar amount. Staff recommends approval and asks that action be taken at the Worksession. Attached you will find the adjustor's reports. a.::ott Loc~ood Tlm Cole HENARD Chris Howe Richard Guider ~ .... & Paul Roon Jim Davis Grand Rapids .,.._,, SBORN, INC. Nick Woloszyk 2432 Camelot Court SE • Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Kalamazoo ADJUSTMENTS (616) 956-9345 • Fax (616) 956-1106 APPRAISALS Brian Howard Website: E-mail: INVESTIGATIONS Mike Lake Traverse City July 1, 2008 MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT RISK AUTHORITY 14001 Merriman Livonia, Michigan 48654 Attention: Frank R. Hughes INSURED: CITY OF MUSKEGON CLAIMANT: ANN CRAIG CLAIM NO: 2008-111-53 GPDS (139216) OUR FILE NO: 1080843 LOSS LOCATION: 1387 SIXTH STREET MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN 49441 DATE OF LOSS: APRIL3, 2008 SECOND REPORT ENCLOSURES 1. Inventory Sheets (2). 2. Estimate for repair of basement. 3. Invoice from Servpro dated June 24, 2008. 4. Estimate from Servpro dated June 13, 2008, for sewage remediation and cleaning. 5. Appliance Evaluation Results. PROPERTY DAMAGE: ANN CRAIG As outlined in my first report, Servpro of Muskegon completed an estimate of what it would have taken them to extract and clean the claimant's basement and any resulting damage from tracking into the first level by removal of the contaminated property. Their estimate totals $2,893.32. As you will recall, the claimant was requesting almost $6,000.00 toward that aspect because of the help of family and friends. Additionally, Servpro had Electronic Restoration Services inspect all of the appliances which they reported to be in good working order. There was some cleaning that had to be done. Their invoice totals $443.00. Page No. Two CITY OF MUSKEGON Our File No: 1080843 They also contracted with Lasco Plumbing & Heating to check the hot water heater and furnace. Those items checked out all right and were clean and dry, as well as being in working order. Lasco did note some water damage from a leaking air conditioner coil in the furnace, but obviously this has nothing to do with the loss. Servpro's total charges for the above is $787.20, inclusive of the vendors' invoices referenced above. After receipt of those items I again met with the claimant and attempted to work out an acceptable number. The items inspected by the vendors as undamaged were eliminated from the claimant's loss. The remaining items were depreciated significantly as the claimant had little purchase evidence other than the credit cards received and the documents provided in my last report. Some of the other items were compromised as reasonable numbers. We also added cleaning and painting the basement floor and reinstalling paneling in the corner. The number we came up with that is acceptable to the claimant is $17,324.97. This is approximately 1/2 of the original claim. The following day the claimant called and requested a $500.00 fee for her friend Jeannette Lee to compile the receipts and figures and inventory the property. I advised her I would run this by you. INSURED I was also able to speak with the two DPW employees who were in the basement immediately after the incident. They both state there was up to three inches of sewage in the basement, particularly in the middle around the furnace area and the end of the basement toward the stairs and front portion of the house. Based on the photographs taken by the claimant and your DPW personnel, it appears as though a lot of the items claimed were on the floor at the time the incident occurred. The claimant has significant photographic evidence of a large amount of contents in boxes, etc. There also appears to be a large amount of contents on the floor. RECOMMENDATIONS Although the claimant does not have specific receipts for many items claimed, I believe the photographic evidence tends to support there was a large amount of contents on the floor. ' . Page No. Three CITY OF MUSKEGON Our File No: 1080843 Please review the attached material and inventory and advise if you will authorize payment in the amount of $17,324.97, with an additional $500.00 to document the claimant's loss. If not, please advise on what you would like to offer the claimant in the alternative. Lastly, please issue a check in the amount of $787.20 payable to Servpro of Muskegon. Mail directly to them at 4075 Airline Road, Suite A, Muskegon, Michigan 49444. Their tax ID number is 38-3253494. Our file is diaried for 60 days pending your response. CHENARD & OSBORN, INC. '< ,(__~~ Timothy H. Cole Liability General Adjuster THC:pgw MUSKEGON•2ND.APT PAGE2 ...··•.'' )''··~:-~~,.-~.-: .: . s El&ctronic Restoration Services s 130 Patterson Ave Se .• Svite B Invoice d3te: 6/19/2008 Grand Rapids. Ml 49512 Invoice#: 203078 (888) 248-3148 (616) 464-1042 ERS Contact: Kstla Martin IRS ID 3~-3586931 Damage · Waler CIQim: CRAIG Insurance J\ame: SERVPRO MUSKEGON 1387 6TH ST Agent'& n1me CHAD MUSKEGON Ml 49441 Ajlent's Phone: (231) 733-7508 (231) 726-6345 Agent's Fnx: (231) 733-7601 Invoice Report Number of items 4 CRAIG 10203078 Bar Code ID# Item Type Manuttofurar Serial Number Mod•I Number Invoice 10203078001 dryer Wh;rlpool 4112 GGW9200LWO $88.00 vent was clogged, macllin~ was filled with lint. RoUers ate worn from age and use. . Pretested. cleaned an4-;,vl0R 14: 11 ServPro MFP P.1:12 ----~~-· P, UUc '' Daily Service Repon Phone: 231.725.27li www,/asakoservice$.com Project ~tfM::: , Job P h o n e # - - - - - - - - - - - Job Number CLM,. · Customer P,O. #_'.c.--·~ - - - - - - - - Job Descrfpllon g~~C{] ~11- i2f: Nke.d .· . I . STR. OT Rate QTI''. Materials Unit Cost Total .. I - I .. . . I '. •j. >_.·_ ,·;,.c _· .... .s,-, -·:,,, -✓ __ .,-,-,, .J.- ·,:,., .,...-, ·..;-,;._. ,;,; ·.z,, .,;,:_ J..1-l'i r✓.Af.; l..t· . Y~-._.~L. .,.,;,,, .1. ·• .H: i"i .. ·:: :./•, ;·, J;, , .. :,1n ,i; 'A -:I:,, ,.-; ~ . .· / ', ::, .. , , ''7 '_,.:,, / ,- •. µ.__, '/ ;;,· _.,.. I A' •; . . . ·. ;1,/J:• /.. //, ,. 'dr- r •' r ,·. Total Hours: STR T/H DBL Total Materials: ~ aid Total Equlpmentnruck Rental: ~ Total Labor: ~~~- orher. r1~!g~fl"}~rr T,ltel A!t/NJ,/'lt Due: '31, It) 95% P.03 JUN-24-2008 14:12 ServPro MFP '-VVV vv '-' , .., • .- ,. ··J:ascko / ,,I" Plumbing& 375 Bayou SI. Mvskegon, M/49442 231725, 2i 11 INVOICE NO. 15585 ~~ ;J;....J' Mcch,;nical, LLC Fax 231725 8377 PAGE 1 B ' I SERV PRO, INC. S 1387 6TH ST. ANN CRAIG L 4075 AIRLINE RD. I 1387 6TH ST. L SUITE A & B 'T MUSKEGON MI 49441 MUSKEGON MI 49444 E -·· 06/13/08 15585 SER00l DUE UPON RECEIPT U:NI'P UNIT TICKET# QTY MEAS DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE W/0 # - A80612005 SERVICE WORK PER CHAD Checked water heater and it was producing hot water. Turned off gas, re-lit and ·it lit right up. Looks clean and dry. No signs of water. Working good at this time. A80612005 SERVICE WORK 99,00 WE ACCEPT DISCOVER, MASTERCARD & VISA PAYMENTS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSJ;NESS, WE APPRECIATE YOUR REFERRALS! FEDERAL ID #20-2014011 - LASCKO PLUMBING & MECHANICAL, LLC GROSS TAX NET AMOUNT 99.00 .00 99.00 95% P.el4 Tl lt-l-?4-21'!08 14: 12 SeruPro MFP Date: August 5, 2008 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Lowell Kirksey, Recreation Supervisor RE: Memorial Honoring Commissioner Kevin Davis SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Beachwood-Bluffton Neighborhood Association request that the volleyball court area at Pere Marquette Park north of Captain Jacks Restaurant be named Kevin Davis Volleyball Ct., in honor of former Commissioner Kevin Davis for his public service to the citizens of Muskegon, and devotion to developing Beach volleyball at Pere Marquette Park. The Neighborhood association will have a dedication ceremony at their community picnic, August 19 th 6:00PM at the Margaret Drake-Elliott pavilion. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Leisure Service Board approved the recommendation at there February 19 meeting. 484 West Webster Avenue P.O.Box32 Muskegon, Michigan 49443 llacAu~ 1/o,u<, tlll 11- 11..u<, tlll Hackley Heritage Associatiop,.[t(l'f•✓ E o AUG O1 2008 Bryon Mazade Ni• i.,,(EGQN Manager ,.., r,! ,\-'!' .f\"I P'; f•rFICE City of Muskegon 933 Terrace Street Muskegon,MI49443 1 August 2008 Dear Bryon: Hackley Heritage Association seeks pe1mission from the City of Muskegon to restore the fence, including the recreation of the missing corner posts, around the Solders and Sailors Monument in Hackley Park. This project will complement the restoration of the statues and complete the renovations of Hackley Park. If we receive permission, funding for this project will come from our fund at The Community Foundation for Muskegon County. Eagle Alloy is on board to do the casting work and McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratory, Inc. will provide technical support. As I'm sure you remember, McKay Lodge is the firm that did the restoration of the statues in Hackley Park, Hackley School, and Kearney Parle Eagle Alloy reproduced the cast parts of the lampposts in Hackley Park. McKay Lodge and Eagle A lloy worked together on the restoration of the fountain in Kearney Park. I will be pleased to provide any further information needed in the consideration of this request. I will send an electronic image of the complete fence. »l~'7_--- Sincerely Jon G. Colburn President AGENDA ITEM NO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY COMMISSION MEETING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TO Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bryon L. Mazade, City Manager DATE: August 1, 2008 RE: West Michigan Transit Linkages Study SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve a resolution to support conducting a West Michigan Transit Linkages Study to complete a needs assessment for commuter transit services in West Michigan. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. pb\AGENOA\WEST Ml TRANSIT LINKAGES STUDY 080108 RECE IVED JUL 3 1 2008 County of Ottawa MUSKEGON CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Planning and Grants Department Mark Knudsen, Directot' 12220 Fillmore Street, Room 170,West Olive, MI 49460 Tel. (616) 738-4852 Fax (616) 738-4625 Grand Haven (616) 846-8295 July 28, 2008 Grand Rapids (616) 662-3100 Bryon Mazade E-mail: Planning/ City of Muskegon 933 Terrance Street Muskegon, MI 49440 RE: West Michigan Transit Linkages Study Resolution of Support Dear Bryon: As you may be aware, Ottawa County received a $110,000 grant in 2007 from the Michigan Department of Transpo,tation (MDOT) to conduct a countywide transit needs assessment and feasibility study. In early 2008, Mayor Roger Bergman of Grand Haven approached the County Planning & Grants Department with a proposal to study the needs and feasibility of creating transit linkages between the existing transit providers in the region (See Enclosure). The Ottawa County Planning Commission, in partnership with the City of Grand Haven, City of Holland, Grand Valley State University and several stakeholder groups (See Exhibit A), developed a Request for Proposal (RFP) in order to hire a consultant to conduct the "West Michigan Transit Linkages Study". The purpose of the West Michigan Transit Linkages Study is to complete a needs assessment and feasibility study of commuter transit services in the West Michigan area. The Study will involve the analysis of three different types of commuter transit needs. The first type of commuter transit need is traveling between existing public transit service areas. The second type of commuter transit need is traveling from communities without existing transit systems to an existing public transit service area. The third type of commuter transit need is traveling to major employers that are located outside of the existing public transit service areas. If the Study indicates that there is a need for commuter transit service and if the provision of commuter transit services is determined to be feasible (based on the overall cost, funding availability, and service provider commitment), a recommended network of express bus routes and transfer stations will be proposed by the consultant. To that point, the Ottawa County Planning Commission and the West Michigan Transit Linkages Study Coordination Committee would like to ask the City of Muskegon to suppmt the scope of work (See Exhibit B) and collaborate with other local units of government, transit providers, and area road agencies to the Study. A sample resolution of support has been enclosed for your consideration. If you have any questions, please contact Meghann Rauscher, Ottawa County Planning & Grants Department, at ( 616) 73 8-4893. t~lly? ~ Jim Miedema, Chair Ottawa County Planning Commission JM/mr cc: Ottawa County Planning Commission Mark Knudsen, Director Dean Peterson, Michigan Department ofTranspmtation file: 2008 Co1Tespondence West Michigan Transit Linkages Study - Resolution --- r~---~- ,. · West Michigan Transit Linkages Commuter Transit Services F~ Muskegon Arca Trnnsit System Herman Ivory Transfer Termina l ,---+-::......_____ 1; /. I Musl .:IE!;c.iu.-.>)YIC'II .,_,.,n.t,11, t.r-:f<..1) ,"l"""'~C""'l ...,,, ~ . , . .. iu~,.,1-i,,'l't,~.. 2;,;,t~10E•[.;'; .;.1 Park and Ride Lots Ex isting Transfer Stations City of Muskegon Resolution No. 2008-68(g) A resolution to participate in West Michigan Transit Linkages Study At a regular meeting of the City of Muskegon, at the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street of Muskegon, Michigan on the 11 th day of August, 2008 at 5: 30 p.m. local time. PRESENT: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Steven Gawron, Commis.sioners Chris Carter, Clara Shepherd, Larry Spataro, Sue Wierenga, and Steven Wisneski ABSENT: None It was moved by Commissioner Spataro and supported by Commissioner Shepherd that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the West Michigan Transit Linkages Study Technical Committee, with input from a wide-variety of stakeholders (See Exhibit A), has developed a request for proposal (RFP) in order to hire a private consultant to conduct the West Michigan Transit Linkages Study (' Study'); and WHEREAS, the proposed Study is being funded entirely by a grant from the Michigan Department of Transportation, Ottawa County acting as fiduciary, and is under the auspices of the Ottawa County Planning Commission and the West Michigan Linkages Study Coordinating Committee; and, WHEREAS, the purpose of the study is to conduct a needs assessment and feasibility study of commuter transit services in West Michigan; and, WHEREAS, the Study will be comprised of four major components, I) transit needs assessment, 2) commuter transit service options, 3) feasibility analysis, and 4) commuter transit service recommendations; and, WHEREAS, the transit needs assessment will analyze the following items: I) existing transit providers and the various services that each provide, 2) locations where transit needs originate and locations of major destinations where ti-ansit services are needed, and 3) the specific transit needs of major employers; and, WHEREAS, based on the results of the needs assessment and analysis of transit service options the consultant will provide recommendations for a proposed network of commuter bus routes and transfer stations that will, 1) meet the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) definition of"commuter bus service", 2) allow linkages to be made between existing transit service areas and communities without existing transit systems, and 3) provide options for transit service to major employers; the consultant will also recommend service provider(s) are willing and able to provide commuter transit services; and, WHEREAS, the feasibility analysis will determine if the recommended commuter transit service is feasible based on the need, estimated ridership, overall cost, funding availability, and the willingness/ability of each of the recommended service providers to be involved; and, WHEREAS, the completion of the Study will provide a document from which local officials and decision-makers can use to determine if commuter transit services are needed and feasible, and to what extent, if any, a commuter transit system should be implemented in West Michigan; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Muskegon approves the scope of the work of the West Michigan Transit Linkages Study (See Exhibit B) and will collaborate with other local units of government, transit providers, and area road agencies to complete the West Michigan Transit Linkages Study. th Adopted this 11 day of August, 2008. Ayes: Wierenga, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington Nays: None Absent: None By \_)hv½'\'\,..'\)y\~ ,, (s ~ Ann Marie Becker, MMC i fc '-" Its Clerk CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on August 11, 2008. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON I B~ ,\ 'v~ \~\A~ Qd(_l V\ Ann Marie Becker, MCC, City Clerk Exhibit A est 1 IC . L'lil ka!!:es Stu dIv- C oor d'mahon Comm1't tee 1gan T rans1t Organization Contact Info. Allendale Charter Township Supervisor Jim Beelen Supervisor 6676 Lake Michigan Drive PO Box 539 Allendale, MI 49401 Phone:616-895-6295 E-Mail: Chamber of Commerce, Grand Rapids Area Jeanne Englehart President Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce 111 Pearl Street N.W. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: (616) 771-0322 City Manager of Coopersville Steven R. Patrick City Manager City of Coopersville 289 Danforth Street Coopersville, MI 49404 Phone: 616-997-9731 E-Mail: City Manager of Ferrysburg Craig Bessinger City Manager City of Ferrysburg 102 West Savidge Spring Lake, MI 49456 Phone: 616-842-1889 E-Mail: City Manager of Grand Haven Patrick McGinnis City Manager City of Grand Haven 519 Washington Avenue Grand Haven, MI 49417 Phone: (616) 847-4888 E-mail: City Manager of Grand Rapids Kurt Kimball City Manager City of Grand Rapids Executive Office 300 Monroe - Room 660 Grand Raoids, MI 49503 1 Exhibit A . L'm kages S tu dIV- C oord'mat10n Comm1'ttee West M'1c h'1gan T rans1t Phone: 616-456-3166 E-Mail: Eric DeLong Deputy City Manager City of Grand Rapids Executive Office 300 Monroe - Room 660 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: 616-456-3318 City Manager of Hudsonville Pauline Luben City Manager City of Hudsonville 3275 Central Blvd. Hudsonville, MI 49426 Phone: 616-669-0200 E-Mail: City Manager of Muskegon Bryon Mazade City Manager City of Muskegon 933 Terrace St. PO Box 536 Muskegon, MI 49440 Phone: (231) 724-6724 E-mail: City Manager of Spring Lake Ryan Cotton City Manager Village of Spring Lake 102 W. Savidge Street Spring Lake, MI 49456 Phone: (616) 842-1393 E-mail: City Manager of Zeeland Tim Klunder City Manager City of Zeeland 21 S. Elm Street Zeeland, MI Phone: (616) 772-6400 E-mail: 2 Exhibit A West ~Iichi2an Transit Linka2es Study - Coordination Committee Disability Advocates of Kent County David Bulkowski Executive Director Disability Advocates of Kent County 3600 Camelot S.E. Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Phone: (616) 949-1100, ext. 228 E-mail: Disability Network/Lakeshore Ruth Stegeman Executive Director Disability N etwork/Lakeshore 426 Century Lane Holland, Ml 49423 Phone: (616) 396-5326 E-mail: Genevieve Risner Director of Public Policy Disability Network/Lakeshore 426 Century Lane Holland, MI 49423 Phone: 616-396-5326 E-mail: Georgetown Township Supervisor Bill Holland Georgetown Township Supervisor 1515 Baldwin Street Jenison, MI 49428 Phone: 616-457-2690 Grand Valley State University Jim Bachmeier Vice President for Finance & Administration Grand Valley State University 1 Campus Drive, 18 JHZ Allendale, Ml 49401 Phone: (616) 331-2188 E-Mail: Grand Valley State University Lisa Haynes Assistant Vice President Pew Campus and Regional Centers 219 C DeVos Center 401 W. Fulton St. Grand Rapids, MI 49504-6431 Phone: (616) 331-6702 E-mail: 3 Exhibit A West Michi!rnn Transit Linkages Studv - Coordination Committee Grand Valley Metro Council Donald J. Stypula Executive Director 40 Pearl Street, N.W ., Suite 410 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: (616) 776-7604 E-Mail: Abed A. Itani Director of Transportation Planning 40 Pearl Street, N.W ., Suite 410 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: (616) 776-7606 E-Mail: Andrea Dewey Transportation Planner 40 Pearl Street, N.W ., Suite 410 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: (616) 776-7606 E-Mail: Harbor Transit Tom Manderscheid Director Harbor Transit 440 North Ferry Grand Haven, MI 49417 Phone: (616) 842-3220 E-mail: Holland Charter Township Superintendent Willis E. Driesenga Superintendent Holland Charter Township 353 North 120th Avenue Holland, MI 49422-8127 Phone: (616) 396-2345 ITP-The Rapid Peter Varga Executive Director ITP-The Rapid 300 Ellsworth Ave. SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: 456-7514 E-mail: Jim Fetzer Director of Development ITP-The Rapid 4 Exhibit A West lVIichigan Transit Linkages Study- Coordinat10n Committee 300 Ellsworth SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: 456-7514 E-mail: Lakeshore Advantage Randy Thelen President Lakeshore Advantage 201 W. Washington Ave. Suite 410 · Zeeland, MI 49464 Phone: (616) 772-5226 E-mail: Macatawa Area Express (MAX), Linda LeFebre (Dial-a-Ride) Coordinator Macatawa Area Express 171 Lincoln, Suite 20 Holland, MI 49423 Phone: (616) 928-2486 E-mail: Macatawa Area Coordinating Council Sue Higgins (MACC) Executive Director MACC 400 136th Ave., Suite 416 Holland, MI 49424 Phone: (616) 395-2688 E-mail: Steve Bulthuis Planner MACC 400 136th Ave., Suite 416 Holland, MI 49424 Phone: (616) 395-2688 E-mail: Mayor of Coopersville Hon. Kenneth Bush 289 Danforth Street Coopersville, MI 49404 6I 6-997-9731 E-Mail: Mayor of Ferrysburg Hon. Jeff Stille 408 Fifth Street PO Box 38 Ferrysburg, MI 49409 Phone: 616-842-5803 5 Exhibit A Wes tM'1ch'1gan r rans1"t L'Ill kages Std U 1y- Coor d'1na f10n C omm1'tt ee E-Mail: jeffsti! Mayor of Grand Haven Hon. Roger Bergman Mayor City of Grand Haven 519 Washington Ave Grand Haven, MI 49417-1486 Phone: (616) 842-3210 E-mail: Mayor of Grand Rapids Hon. George Heartwell Mayor City of Grand Rapids 300 Monroe Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: 456-3168 E-mail: Mayor of Holland Hon. Al McGeehan Mayor City of Holland 270 S. River Ave. Holland, MI 49423 Phone: (616) 355-1314 E-mail: Mayor of Muskegon Hon. Steve Warmington Mayor City of Muskegon 933 Terrace St Muskegon,MI 49440 Phone: (231) 724-6701 steve. Mayor of Zeeland Hon. Les Hoogland 21 S. Elm Street Zeeland, MI Phone: 616-772-6400 E-Mail: Michigan Department of Transportation Steve Redmond (MOOT) MDOT - Grand Region 1420 Front Street NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Phone: (616) 451-4994 E-mail: redmonds( 6 Exhibit A ... .... Transit Linkaaes Studv - Coordination Committee West l\t!ichiaan Dean Peterson MOOT - Lansing 425 West Ottawa Street P.O. Box 30050 Lansing, MI 48909 Phone: (517) 335-2544 E-Mail: Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce Cindy Larsen President Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce 900 Third Street, Suite 200 Muskegon,MI49440 Phone: 231-722-3751 E-Mail: Muskegon Area Transit System (MATS) Jim Koens Transit Systems Manager Muskegon Area Transit System 2624 Sixth St. Muskegon Heights, MI 49444 Phone: (231) 724-6420 E-mail: Ottawa County Planning & Grants Mark Knudsen Department. Director Ottawa County Planning and Grants Department. 122220 Fillmore, Room 331 West Olive, MI 49460 Phone: (616) 738-4852 E-mail: mknudsen Meghann Rauscher Transportation Planner Ottawa County Planning and Grants Department. 122220 Fillmore West Olive, MI 49460 Phone: (616) 738-4852 E-mail: Pioneer Resources Tiffany Bowman Transportation Director Pioneer Resources 4190 Sunnyside Drive Holland, MI 49424 7 Exhibit A West Ivlichii!:an Transit Linka2:es Study- Coordinat10n Committee Phone: (616) 355-3219 E-mail: Spring Lake Township Supervisor John Nash Spring Lake Township Supervisor 15643 View Drive Spring Lake, MI 49456 Phone: 616-844-2100 E-Mail The Right Place Rick Chapla Vice President for Redevelopment The Right Place 161 Ottawa Ave NW, Suite 400 Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2701 Phone: 771-0328 Cell: 443-6053 E-mail: West Michigan Regional Planning Dave Bee, AICP Commission Director West Michigan Regional Planning Commission 820 Monroe Ave. NW, Suite 214 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Phone: 774-8400 E-mail: West Michigan Strategic Alliance (WMSA) Greg Northrup President West Michigan Strategic Alliance 213 C DeVos 401 West Fulton Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Phone: 356-6060 E-mail: West Michigan Shoreline Regional Sandeep Dey Development Commission (WMSRDC) Executive Director WMSRDC 316 Morris Avenue, Suite 340 P.O. Box 387 Muskegon,MI49443-0387 Phone: (231) 722-7878 Fax: (231) 722-9362 E-mail: 8 Exhibit A West ~Iichi2an Transit Linka2es Studv- Coordination Committee Jerry Scott E-mail: 9 Exhibit B WEST MICHIGAN TRANSIT LINK,\GES STUDY Project Scope A. Purpose The purpose of the West Michigan Transit Linkages Study is to complete a needs assessment and feasibility study of commuter transit services in the West Michigan area. This Study will involve the analysis of three different types of commuter transit needs. The first type of commuter transit need is traveling between existing public transit service areas. The second type of commuter transit need is traveling from communities without existing transit systems to an existing public transit service area. The third type of commuter transit need is traveling to major employers that are located outside of existing public transit service areas. B. Definitions All defined terms are noted in italic font throughout this RFP. For the purposes of this Study, the following terms shall apply: I. "Existing public transit service areas" shall refer to the fixed-route service areas of the following transit systems: Macatawa Area Express (MAX), Muskegon Area Transit System (MATS), and The Rapid. It shall also refer to the demand-response service areas of the following transit systems: Macatawa Area Express (MAX) and Harbor Transit. 2. "Communities without existing transit systems" shall refer to the following municipalities that do not presently have transit services: Allendale Township (except for the Grand Valley State University campus which is served by The Rapid), City of Coopersville, Georgetown Township, and the City of Hudsonville. 3. "Commuter transit services" shall refer to transportation between the existing public transit services areas; transportation to/from communities without existing transit systems; and transportation to major employers. 4. "Major employers" shall refer to employers located within Ottawa County but outside of the existing public transit service areas that employ five-hundred (500) or more persons. Major employers shall also refer to major employment cores, such as industrial parks and office parks. C. Assessment of Existing Public Transportation Services I. Service Provider Identification Identify all of the transit agencies that provide transit services within Ottawa County 1• This list shall include, but is not limited to the following: a. Public transit agencies 1 The Muskegon Area Transit System (MATS) does not currently provide service into Ottawa County, however this transit provider must be included in this assessment due to the fact that the commuter transit services as proposed in this RFP could potentially include transit services to/from the MATS service area. I Exhibit B b. Private transportation companies c. Non-profit agencies d. Other transit providers as identified by the consultant 2. Service Provider Assessment Once all of the transit providers have been identified, assess the services provided and the ridership of each agency 2• This assessment shall include an analysis of the following items: a. Type of transit service(s) provided (i.e. demand-response, line-haul, senior transportation, transportation for disabled persons) b. Service area, fixed-route locations, number and location of bus stops/transfer points, and route frequency. A GIS (geographic information systems) map shall be provided that displays the geographical extents of the service area, fixed-route locations, bus stops, and transfer points. c. Hours of operation d. Fare structure for all transit services provided e. Overall capabilities, including the types of riders that can be accommodated. Types of riders shall include, but are not limited to the following: i. Seniors ii. Disabled persons iii. School children (unaccompanied) f. Population served and the demographics of riders served. Population served shall include, but is not limited to the following groups: i. Seniors ii. Disabled persons iii. School children iv. Low-income individuals v. Unlicensed drivers Demographics analyzed shall include, but are not limited to the following: i. Age ii. Income iii. Race g. Total number ofrides provided (current and historical figures). D. Needs Assessment (extend of demand) The consultant shall conduct a needs assessment for commuter transit services focusing on the needs of the residents of Ottawa County. 1. Determine the need (extend of demand) for commuter transit services in Ottawa County. This analysis shall itemize the transit needs of each local unit of government in Ottawa County separately. a. Determine the types of trips that are needed. Types of trips may include, but are not limited the following: i. Employment ii. Medical appointments 2 Methods used to collect this information may include, but are not limited to, on-board surveys and data being collected by the transit provider. 2 Exhibit B iii. Education (e.g. school, job training, higher education, extra-curricular activities) iv. Government programs v. Shopping vi. Recreation vii. Worship and other social activities b. Determine the types of riders that need commuter transit services. Types of riders may include, but are not limited to the following: i. Employees ii. Seniors iii. Disabled persons iv. School children (unaccompanied) v. College/university students vi. Low-income individuals c. Determine when (times, days, and seasons) commuter transit services are needed. d. Determine the specific locations of major trip originations and destinations within Ottawa County. A GIS map and text shall be used to describe the following locations: i. Identify major locations within Ottawa County where transit needs originate. Major locations may include, but are not limited to the following: I. Assisted living facilities 2. Senior housing 3. Maj or residential cores ii. Identify major destinations within Ottawa County. Major destinations may include, but are not limited to the following: I. Major employers 2. Medical centers/campuses 3. Schools/colleges/universities 4. Govermnent facilities 5. Shopping centers 6. Places of worship 7. Recreational destinations iii. Other pertinent locations as determined by the consultant and/or Coordination Committee 2. Conduct a survey of the major employers that were identified in item d(ii) above. The survey shall be conducted to analyze each employer's hours of operations, beginning and ending times of each shift, total number of employees, and the number of employees with unmet transportation needs. A detailed report highlighting the information above shall be provided. E. Commuter Transit Service Options In order to consider the provision of commuter transit services, a proposed network of express bus routes and transfer stations must be developed. The commuter transit service options shall meet the requirements/definition of"commuter bus service" as defined by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The consultant shall provide options for commuter 3 Exhibit B bus routes and transfer stations that could potentially be utilized to provide linkages between the existing public transit service areas; provide transit options for persons residing in communities without existing transit systems; and provide transit options for persons traveling to major employers. 1. Commuter Bus Routes/Bus Stops In order to fully analyze the use of commuter bus route(s) and bus stops, the following items shall be addressed: a. Provide options for the total number and location of commuter bus routes that could potentially be utilized to meet the need for commuter transit services (based on the results of the needs assessment). The number and location of commuter bus routes shall be based on, but not limited to the following priorities: 1. Meet the requirements of "commuter bus service" as defined by the FTA. ii. Provide direct links between the existing public transit service areas with a limited number of stops iii. Minimize travel time (to the greatest extent possible) b. Provide options for the optimal number of stops along each of the commuter bus route options. The number of stops along each commuter bus route shall be based on, but not limited to the following priorities: 1. The number of stops should be based on the requirements of "commuter bus service" as defined by the FTA 11. Locate bus stops so as to accommodate the areas where the greatest need for commuter transit service is present (as determined in the Needs Assessment) iii. Locate bus stops so as to provide service to communities without existing transit systems iv. Locate bus stops at or near existing facilities, such as park and ride lots c. Provide a GIS map displaying the options for commuter bus routes/bus stops d. Provide options for the frequency of service (arrival/departure times) for each of the commuter bus route options. Frequency of service shall be based upon, but is not limited to the following priorities: i. Accommodate the need for commuter transit service (as determined in the Needs Assessment) ii. Accommodate the schedules (to the greatest extent possible) of major employers e. Provide an estimation of the potential ridership for each bus route option. Additionally, provide the projected ridership for each bus route over the next twenty (20) years. 2. Transfer Station(s) In order to fully analyze the use of transfer station(s), the following items shall be addressed: · a. Provide options for the total number and location of transfer station( s) that could be utilized to meet the demand for commuter transit service (as determined in the Needs Assessment). The number and location of transfer station(s) shall be based on, but not limited to the following priorities: 4 Exhibit B i. Meet the requirements of "commuter bus service" as defined by the FTA. ii. Utilize the existing main transfer stations of the following transit agencies: 1. Harbor Transit - Transfer Station 2. MAX - Padnos Transportation Center 3. MATS - Herman Ivory Transfer Terminal 4. The Rapid - Central Station iii. Options for new buildings/facilities may be proposed if necessary to meet the need for commuter transit services. If a new building/facility is proposed, the following items shall be considered: 1. Locate transfer station(s) in order to accommodate major trip originations and destinations (as determined in the Needs Assessment), including (to the greatest extent possible) major employers. 2. Transfer stations shall be located and designed in order to accommodate the current estimated ridership and projected ridership over the next twenty (20) years. b. Estimate the total number of riders that will be utilizing each transfer station option during operating hours. Additionally, provide the projected number of riders that will be utilizing each transfer station over the next twenty (20) years. c. Provide options related to the infrastructure needs for each transfer station option (including any additional infrastructure needs that will be necessary to provide commuter transit services at the existing main transfer stations listed above). The consultant shall consider, but is not limited to analyzing the following infrastructure needs: i. Parking lot size, bicycle parking ii. Rain shelters iii. Lighting, emergency telephones, and other safety measures iv. Accessibility requirements of the ADA, and general accessibility/pedestrian needs (e.g. sidewalks, crosswalks, etc) v. Visual aids stating bus routes, hours of operation, and other necessary information d. Provide options for the hours of operation and staffing requirements that will be necessary to provide commuter transit services at each transfer station option. Hours of operation shall accommodate the proposed commuter bus route schedule and shall be coordinated with the schedules of other modes of transportation that are available at the transfer station (e.g. Amtrak, inter-city bus). e. Determine the impact that the transfer station( s) may have on the surrounding road network due to the increased vehicular traffic during peak hours. f. Provide a GIS map displaying the general location of each transfer station option. 3. Vehicle Fleet(s) Provide options for the type of vehicle (or fleet of vehicles) that will be necessary to provide commuter transit services at each transfer station. Options for vehicle(s) 5 Exhibit B and/or vehicle fleets shall meet the accessibility requirements of the ADA. In addition, vehicles and/or vehicle fleets shall (to the greatest extent possible) be the most efficient, in terms of overall cost and fuel consumption, for the estimated ridership. The consultant shall also determine the equipment needs that will be necessary in order to accept fares, particularly multi-ride tickets as required for "commuter bus service" as defined by the FTA (see item #4 below). 4. Multi-Ride Tickets Provide options for the utilization of multi-ride tickets, pursuant to the requirements of"commuter bus service" as defined by the FTA. 5. Service Provider(s) The consultant shall provide options for the service provider(s) that could be utilized to provide commuter transit services on each of the bus route options and at each transfer station option. Options for the service provider(s) shall be provided that meet the requirements of "commuter bus service" as defined by the FTA. Service provider options may include, but are not limited to the following: a. Utilizing existing public or private transit providers to provide commuter transit services on each of the proposed bus routes and at each transfer station. b. Creation of a new system(s) that will provide commuter transit services on each of the proposed bus routes and at each transfer station. c. Create partnerships among major employers in order to provide pick-up and drop-off service for their employees at the transfer station(s). d. A combination of the above methods and/or any other option(s) as proposed by the consultant. F. Commuter Transit Service Feasibility Based on the options for commuter bus routes, transfer station(s), vehicle fleet(s), multi- ride tickets, and service provider(s), the consultant shall conduct a feasibility analysis that addresses the following items: 1. Overall Cost a. Determine the overall capital, administrative, and operational costs necessary to implement and sustain commuter transit services on an annual basis and for a ten (10) year period. 2. Itemized Cost a. Provide the estimated capital, administrative, and operational costs necessary to implement and sustain commuter transit services along each of the bus routes options and at each of the transfer station options. b. Determine the cost per ride for each of the bus route options. c. Determine the cost for major employers to provide pick-up/drop-off service for their employees. 3. Funding a. Identify all funding sources that could be utilized to implement and sustain commuter transit services. Funding sources shall be itemized by their purpose (i.e. capital, operational, administrative, etc.). 6 Exhibit B b. Once all available funding sources and funding amounts have been identified, determine the amount of gap funding that will still be needed in order to implement and sustain commuter transit services. c. The consultant shall identify revenue sources that could be utilized to eliminate any funding shortfalls. Revenue sources may include, but are not limited to the following: i. Fare box revenue I. Determine the price-point consumers are willing to pay for commuter transit services on each bus route option. ii. Local millages or other local contributions iii. Advertising and/or other marketing promotions iv. Other revenue sources as identified by the consultant 4. Transfer Station(s) a. Determine the willingness/ability of the following transit agencies to permit the use of their existing transfer stations in order to accommodate commuter transit services: i. Harbor Transit -Transfer Station ii. MAX - Padnos Transportation Center ii. MATS - Herman Ivory Transfer Terminal iii. The Rapid- Central Station 5. Major Employers a. Determine the willingness/ability of major employers to change their hours of operation and/or shifts in order to accommodate commuter transit services. b. Determine the willingness/ability of major employers to contribute to the system financially, and to what extent. c. Determine the willingness/ability of major employers to initiate commuter incentive programs and/or other incentive programs (e.g. transit vouchers, flexible work hours for employees using public transit). 6. Service Providers a. Determine the willingness/ability of each of the transit service provider options to provide commuter transit services on each of the bus route options and at each transfer station option. b. Determine the willingness/ability of demand-response transit providers to provide coordinated service to each of the transfer station options. c. Determine the willingness/ability of major employers to provide pick-up and drop-off service for their employees at each transfer station. G. Recommendations l. Commuter Bus Service (FTA) The final recommendations for the creation of a commuter transit system shall meet the requirements of "commuter bus service" as defined by FTA, and the recommendation shall further be approved by the FTA in writing. 2. Commuter Bus Routes/Transfer Station(s)Nehicle Fleet(s)/Multi-Ride Ticket(s) 7 Exhibit B Provide recommendations for the most feasible network of bus route(s) and transfer station(s). Provide recommendations for the most feasible vehicle or fleet of vehicles that will be necessary to provide commuter transit services and accept multi-ride tickets. The recommendations shall be based on the results of the needs assessment and feasibility analysis and shall meet (to the greatest extent possible) the demand for commuter transit services in the most cost-effective manner. 3. Service Provider(s) Provide a recommendation for an appropriate service provider(s) that is willing/able to provide commuter transit services. H. Study Coordination There are several public transportation studies being conducted in West Michigan. The results of these studies, if completed, may be utilized to fulfill any of the requirements listed herein, but only if their use will not add expense, time, or undue burden to any part of the Study. 1. Harbor Transit: This study is being conducted by officials at Harbor Transit. The purpose of the study is to explore expanded service areas, determine feasibility of fixed-route services and conduct a demand-response efficiency study. 2. Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC): This study is being conducted by officials at GVMC. The purpose of the study is to determine the feasibility of expanding the transit service area. 3. Disability Network/Lakeshore: This study is being conducted by officials at Disability Network/Lakeshore. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact that lack of transit has on individuals residing within the Hudsonville/Georgetown Township area. I. Meetings The consultant will be required to provide a qualified representative(s) to attend all required meetings. At a minimum, the following meetings shall be held: I. Kick-Off Meeting: The consultant shall hold a "kick-off' meeting in order to present detailed information regarding the methodology and step-by-step approach that will be used in completing the scope of work (i.e. the "Approach Plan", see Section IV, Item A, #3). This meeting is anticipated to occur in September, 2008. 2. Coordination Committee: The West Michigan Transit Linkages Study Coordination Committee (a group of key stakeholders) was assembled in order to oversee and guide the progress of the Study. Input shall be solicited from the Coordination Committee throughout the entire study process. The consultant shall propose a regular schedule of meetings (at least four [4] meetings) for the purpose of obtaining input from the Coordination Committee and keeping committee members abreast of the Study progress and outcomes. A list of the members of the Coordination Committee will be provided to the chosen consultant. 3. General Public: The consultant shall hold at least two (2) meetings for the purposes of obtaining input/feedback and presenting study findings to the general public. The 8 Exhibit B consultant shall propose methodology that could be utilized to engage the general public in the study process. 4. Final Presentations: The consultant shall conduct a formal presentation of the study findings to the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners, Ottawa County Planning Commission, and Coordination Committee once the Study is complete. 9
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