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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION Monday, October 13, 2008 5:30p.m. City Commission Chambers AGENDA 1. Presentation: Old Landfill. David Farhat ,.\\ 2. Presentation: Milwaukee Clipper C,0-'l(\~v" Pigeon Key Boat Slip. ''\ 3. . t) 5. DSE, Ann Bratsburg AmTrak, John Langdon. 6. Film & Music Policy - City of Muskegon. Planning & Economic Development 7. Timeline - Tax Abatements. Bryon Mazade 8. Congress of Cities Registration. Commissioner Shepherd 9. Branding. Vice Mayor Gawron 10. CRC Appointments. 11. Any Other Business 12. Adjournment City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession October 13, 2008 City Commission Chambers 5:30 PM MINUTES 2008-85 Present: Commissioners Warmington, Wierenga, Wisneski, Gawron, Shepherd, and Spataro, and Carter (arrived 5:42 p.m.). Absent: None. Presentation: Old Landfill. David Farhat David Farhat made a presentation to develop the old landfill located on the causeway by developing a nature preserve and creating a regional law enforcement training facility. He will continue to keep the City Manager informed of any developments. Presentation: Milwaukee Clipper Dr. Hilt made a presentation seeking the Commission's input to move the Milwaukee Clipper be moved to the old site of the Port City Princess at the Hartshorn Marina. Wisneski moved, Carter seconded, to approve allowing the Milwaukee Clipper to move to the Hartshorn Marina site as a temporary location till research can be completed to determine if it is an appropriate long-term location, and that it has a specific timeline and that the final agreement comes back to the City Commission for final approval. Jl,JOTJON PASSES. Pigeon Key Boat Slip Mr. Richard P. Stutzman made a presentation regarding a boat slip at Pigeon Key that the City recently purchased from the County for back taxes. He is asking that the City re-consider and allow him the boat slip. Spataro moved, Shepherd seconded, to refer this matter back to staff for a recommendation at next months worksession meeting. MOTION PASSES. DSE, Ann Bratsburg This item will be placed on the next worksession agenda. AmTrak, John Langdon Mr. Langdon asked that the City Commission consider passing a resolution to increase current funding level for the state-supported Pere Marquette passenger train to add a second daily train out of Chicago to arrive in Grand Rapids before noon. Spataro moved, Shepherd seconded, to adopt the resolution of support to increase current funding level for the stat-supported Pere Marquette passenger train to add a second daily train out of Chicago to arrive in Grand Rapids before noon. i'rlOTION PASSES. Film & Music Policy - City of Muskegon. Planning & Economic Development Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Community & Economic Development Director, presented a proposed Film & Music Policy. Timeline - Tax Abatements. Bryon Mazade The City has been approached by companies asking that the City consider a longer timeline than what is currently in the City policy. The City Commission will evaluate each request on a case-by-case basis. Congress of Cities Registration. Commissioner Shepherd Commissioner Shepherd requested that the City Commission consider paying the registration fee of $525 to the Congress of Cities Registration. Commissioner Wierenga and Carter have volunteered to take the fees from their budgets. Branding. Vice Mayor Gawron Vice Mayor Gawron presented the branding concept, Simply J,;fuskegon' To the City Commission. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. \ ·. . \\', . ) ,/ ~\ :,,;"',\\~\_;'\, v, ,) i..,.j'-- c, Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk PAYMENT DK.\DLINE Persons lhal hold an interesl in real estate with unpaid 2005 and/or previous years taxes will LOS E ALL TITL!s INTEREST IN THAT PROPERTY AFTER ~l,\RCII 31. 2008 T MUSlU!GOli CIJUNTY T REASURER DELINQUENT TAX RECEIPT 000184754R .." Payment or2005 and/or previous yeals laxes MUST DE PAID IN FULL by end of business MARCIi 31, 2008. ., . TAX YEAR: 2005 THERF. IS NO WAY TO RF.C OVER THIS PROPERTY AFTF.R MARCH 31.1008. 7CN't ~OJLATS I OTIS 990 Terrace DATE PAID: 0 1 1 26/ ) '3 Muskegon HI 494'12 1231) n~-6261 I NTEREST DA-TE : 03/26/08 Property Coun ty: MUSKEGON CHCCJIS AR~ ACCt?t£D AS CONOlf[O:tAL M'tt-tUIT. ,r t'OT HOtlOlltO a Y Tiff. HIit.ii. no: TAX I l COllSIOC!ttO t:IIPA(D OUID Parcel ID #: 24-67)-001-0011-00 THt arctur IS voro. '!'Ht TREASl,lfl;tl' rs !IOT iltSPONSteu: roit PA"i~£NT OU THE lfRONG PARCI.L. APPLICATI0/1 :--.Act ro PAY f,IC n'.Afl'S TAX OJI. tTL'ior TAX APP£J,f11NG OH ! MIS Rl:Ctl PT' AIIO 1(0 OTHER. Rcrercnce # : 61-05-01138 PARCEL: 24-673-001-0011-00 AMOUNT PA ID : 1,432.1 J Streel Add rm: 3545 MARINA VIEW PT MUSK EGON UNI T : CITY OF MUSKEGON CHE:CK NO : 12 86 Legal Otsrriptlon: CITY OF MUSK.EGON PIGEON kE.Y MARINA CONDOMINIUM UNrT t i IXJCK A STUTZM~N RICHARD P CASHI ER NO : JH Cot-:MENTS: Other Parties Ofh•terest In This Property: RICHARD P STUTZMAN 1753 EDGENATER ST CTR- CASH• 400.00 CK-...1032.10 MUSKEGON MI 49 4H-1 01 PREV. A~T CUE PAYMENT OUF: [ f PA.lD THIS MQ11TH BA SE TAX 000. oi 800 . 07 0.00 INTER EST. 300. 03 300.03 ADtHN f ,E & 32.00 32.00 EXPENSE Of SALE OTHER . OVC~/UNOEtl PA123 FEES TO'J'.AL LB~At. oescai PT ION : CONTACT THE M USKEGON COUNTY T REASURER AT (231) 724-6261 FOil THE CURRENT PAYOFF AMOUNT. l'le-l~e di51tgard lhis nolicc !()'OU h;Wc ,cun1ly paid this .amount, Of ifyou d aimoo inlant in chis piopcr1y. VERIFY PAYMENT OF TAXES BY YOUR LENDER if you escrow tax payments wit!• your Mortgage. CH.ECJi YOUR otseuntOll: This real estate is In the process of FOR ECLOSURE for u upahl 2005 and/or previous years The freH1,1 n~ i , !'lot.. r uponsiti l e to.,: p•y.::itl\t O!I, t he "~?nCJ pi1rc:,1, property taxes . It you p•y on the wron9 des cr i ption, ., #.rl ,· •. • , ,:.. ,,.1,.1 , : .... we <1rt not pt rJDltted to ,uike .-d)Ustmirnts h,t, r. · Coun t y Trea .suret THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Tl IE COUNTY OF MUSKEGON HAS ENTERED A JUDGEMENT WHICH BECOMES EFFECTIVE MARCH 3 I, 2008 VESTING TITLE IN THE FORECLOSING GOVERNMENTAL UNIT. It is recommended that you pay, or no1iry persons thal arc responsible for paying these taxes immediately to prevent loss of lhis propc1ty. lf)'OU ti..ive questions or commen1s about ibis proc<'n, con111ct us by sending enuil to Musktgon@titlc• Qf calling (2G9) 226-2600. Tille: Chtd: LLC is a 1itle 5t,nch and nOlicccontr~
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