City Commission Worksession Agenda Archive 09-08-2008

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                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                             Monday, September 8, 2008
                                     5:30 p.m.
                             City Commission Chambers


1.    Hometown Productions - Free Maps Request. City Clerk

2.    Universal Adcom - "Community Guide" Magnet. City Clerk

3.    2009 Budget. Finance

4.    Any Other Business

5.    Adjournment

Remember: Please Bring your Budget Book
                                     City of Muskegon
                               City Commission Worksession
                                     September 8, 2008
                                City Commission Chambers
                                          5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Warmington, Caiter, Wierenga, Wisneski, Gawron, Shepherd, and
Absent: None.

Hometown Production -Free Maps Request and Universal Adcom - "Community Guide"
Magnet (City Clerk)
Motion by Spataro, seconded by Carter to authorize the Clerk to sign an agreement
authorizing Hometown Production and Universal Adcom to advertise free maps and
magnets are available at City Hall.

                                                                    N/OTION PASSES.

2009 Budget (Finance)
Bryon Mazade, City Manager, presented the proposed 2009 budget.

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn at 7:07

                                                              MOTION PASSES

                                                     ~ Ann"  ' ~Q.,~
                                                          Marie Becker, MMC
                                                              City Clerk
                                            Z9Z1.     AVEN.UE E.                    EAET
                                        ARLING:roN,TEXAS                             76011
                           EMAIL: ALISHAC!ii!IJNIVTIKS.AL.AD.C.OM
                                                                      . i
                                                              "   .     "       '
                                       FACSIMILE TRANSMIT1'AL SHEET
 TO:                                                                   FROM:
                                                                        DAVID FRANCO
  &//-y r/4//
 ATTN:                                                                DATE:

-F,AK-WHMJ;H;Hl.,,.,..- - - . . ~.•-...,~ ·,,., .. ··,·· ·••n~, •......q@eT,JlbNG-:~G :Fk,ll,<.A,GEl,£,~I,JN,GbtJ.I).J;..i>J.G,G~R.-,-....~.
 PHONE NUMBER:                                                        SENDER'S PH ON'E NUMBER:

_,,z_,~g~/_·~c_Z"---JCV-___,_/4-=j,-<-MJ~s'--_ _ _ _1_-8_0_0-_77_8_-(;195 EXT __438 _ _
 RE:                                                                  SENDER'S fi,X NU1IBER:
 FREE 1'1.APS                                                         1-817--385-(1822 or 1-817-(i33-8246
                                                                      1-817;.649-'. '509 or 1-866-633-5775

                                                                                                           .. , - - · · · - - - -

                                                                            D PLEASE :oll!CMllIBNT D PLEASE RECYCLE
       HOMETOWN                          2921 Avenue E. East•. Arli11gtor1 • Texas • 76011
                                               E-MAIL: alishac@Wliversalad.co1 n
   ~-                                          llAX 817-633-8i46
                                                              ,· • 1-866-633-57'. 5
                                                                 ',' y

                                                                    ,.   '
                     DISTRIBtrTION AGRJ~EMEN1
   I-Iometown Productions would like to thank ff{p/l                              /4 w          £   CtJ· //4-(/
   for your participation in the upcoming n- 03                                           edition of the XII/;\]) project for
                J-lv.5£.ef!J1121     7
                                         ,,.m/ ~oz:,,L - ~ - - - - - - - -

   We appreciate your organization agreeing to provide our free ~aps to y~ur community.
   Local businesses make it possible to provide these maps t :i the community ,~t no-4-cost,
   through the purchase of advertis;1ng space.

   This DISTRIBUTION AGREEJ\t.IENT shall in no way bi; considered as an endorsement
   of the map and no.persons name will be used in the sales presentation. Hov,,ever
   :Hometown Productions will mention that the free maps ,)an be obtained at your
   location. Based on the population of, w: will provide you with these
   free maps up to two times in the: next 12 months on a sei: ri-annual bas· h, you for
   your participation.                                                              /,,., ..,,,-·

   XAutbo:nzed by:             \~n Cl           ~Q_     vG c                          9~ / f, \J...r:J"'-------

- · XPrintname:             \~n V\            ~1..Jlll                       - ~T1t1e~C. 1}\,f C!)r\
   X Shipping Address               C:\ "J ~ J-Q ,,. ""'.l c. \
   XFal.'.Number                     '-~ \- )z.J-,1 -~ /7 8'

   x Phone #_ _ _ _ _·_2-::~~=-....,_/_-·__,_2--=2--c..cwCL..C.--"-b.,_')L-'>LO..,_f_

 for yourp:mirt~~( up~vn
:Universal :Ad1com woul alike to thanli -'---''---'--"'..,.,.~'f--"-l--'~USf'-+J.l.JI,.,yl/1------

project for
                        ~               edition of tbi                    -Gui!lle" magnet
                                        =-"'6=..!a!:='.L1-l-'--4-'.1.__ _ _ _ _ _ __
We appreciate your orgi nization agm ing to provide our free magn"'1l to your
community, These quid : refe:t:flllce ms gnets contain emergency lllld community phone
numbers that are impor1 mt to the citiz lllS of your community. Local bu.~inesses make it
possible to pr--
will mention that the fu ~ :magnets can be obtained ·at your location.
Thank you for your part .cipation.


X Authorized   b&rvh                 ~((.,cf"--"R-'-:'.)i--------Date:             S - )'6 - C) I?
XPnntname:      \~n           I'.)   bR   0r 9...1              Title   C,t IJ Ci~,-(
X Shipping Address:_ ~ ~              :-S L\/ r rc1 c A,
X Mailing Address_                   ~S           LJ:J c) o_,    ,(l::):T'   L/ °I Lf '-1   ,;
           Af/ - 2 "2J-/- Lf-'--'-/-"-)_.'.[,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
X Fax Numbe(

XPHONE NUMBERL STED ONM,\.GNET: f},"J, I - 7 2./--1- ~-✓,) -c'.

               2921 Ai enue ;E East• Arlington• Tens• 76011
 817-633-3300 • l-8 )0-778-2571: "Fax 817-385-0822• Fa:x: :gJ7-649-7509
                               FACSlMI:~E TRANSMITTAL SHEET

                                                          BRITT~i MCCORKLE

                                                                7 / l (JJ/{fg
AiTN:A             'lZn                                 DATE:
          · VlYl-t 1.:cCJ0 :L
FAX NUMBER:                                             TOTAL NO. OF PAGES lNCLUDING COVER:
      Z 3) - 7 z_ uJ - L1 I7~
                           ---                                         JJ
PHONE NUMBER:                                           SENDER'S PHONE NUMBER:

                                                        1-800-778-6195, EXT              506
RE:                                                     SENDER'S FAX NUMBER:
100 FREE MAGNI:'TS                                      1-817-385-0822: or 1-817-633M8246
                                                        1-817-649-75091 or 1-866-633-5775

      •   URGENT   I!] )'OR R EVI~'w' I!! RE 'LY ASAP     O PLEASE COl\1:MMEN'X' 0   PLEASE RECYCLE


fl~cr:ce       SK\b' ~ l!dd~
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_ _ _ ______._ 'J ®'L_ ~"-"--,. ~ - - - { - - - - \ \ \ \ ' - \ ' ~ , - - - - - - - , - r - - - - -

             ( . Offl
                         2921 Avenue E. East• Arlington • Texas • 76011
                        817-633-3300 • 1-800,778-2578 • Fux 817-385-0822
                                                                           PREM JER

            Universal Adcom
                    DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT
Universal Adcom would like to thank    C,#_, Df:J1J.,d..,.·  OflC-i--"'VI--"-\:-_ _ _ __
for your participationvin the upco~ edi~{o~t!ie "Con'l}llunity'

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