City Commission Worksession Agenda Archive 08-13-2007

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                                City of Muskegon
                          City Commission Worksession
                                 August 13, 2007
                           City Commission Chambers
                                     5:30 PM


1.   Higher Education Access Management - Marquette at Getty, Harvey &
     Quarterline. ENGINEERING

2.   Precinct Boundary Modifications. CITY CLERK

3.   Resignation and Appointments from Various Boards. CITY CLERK

4.   Sanitation Contract Process. PUBLIC WORKS

5.   Restrictive Covenant. PUBLIC WORKS

6.   Sewer Back Up Claim. FINANCE

7.   Any Other Business

8.   Adjournment
                                        City of Muskegon
                                  City Commission Worksession
                                         August 13, 2007
                                   City Commission Chambers
                                             5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Wannington, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Wierengo, and
Absent: None.

Precinct Boundary Modifications
State Election law allows for 2,999 registered voters in each voting precinct. Precinct 1,
Marquette School, currently has 3,148 voters. It is proposed to move 349 voters from the area
bound by Wesley, Broadmoor, and the river to precinct 2, Steele Junior High. This change will
allow for 2,759 registered voters at Marquette School and 2,454 voters at Steele Junior High.

Precinct 9, the Fire Station, currently has 2,858 registered voters. The area is growing and the
Fire Station is unable to accommodate the large line of voters. It is proposed to move 379 voters
from the area bound by W. Laketon, Seaway, Young, and Barclay to precinct 8, Nelson School.
This change will allow for 2,479 voters at the Fire Station and 1,257 voters at Nelson School.

The Commission stated their approval.

Higher Education Access Management - Marquette at Getty, Harvey & Ouarterline
It is proposed to change the
traffic flow at the intersection of Marquette and Quarterline. There are 7,000 - 11,000 cars
traveling through this intersection per day. One of the suggestions is to change the intersection
from a four lane street to a three lane street. Signal modifications will be needed.

A new traffic signal will be installed at Harvey & Marquette and Broadmoor & Marquette.

Sanitation Contract Process
A history of the City of Muskegon solid waste service was provided for Commissioners along
with a current proposal for solid waste services from Allied Waste Services. Their contract will
expire at the end of the year. A proposal has been received for a three year extension and a five
year extension.

Bob Kuhn, Public Works Director, will continue negotiations.

Restrictive Covenant
Brett Kraley explained that the City of Muskegon is required by the MDEQ to treat water that is
running on 1385 E. Keating. If the City obtains a restrictive covenant from 1385 E. Keating, the
City will no longer need to treat the water. Current cost to clean the water is $25,000 per year.
The cost from the property owner to get a restrictive covenant is $9,000. With the approval of
MDEQ, the City will no longer incur the annual costs.

Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, seconded by Commissioner Carter to authorize a
Restrictive Covenant at 1385 E. Keating in the amount of $9,000.

                                                                     MOTION PASSES

Sewer Back Up Claim
On April 23, 2007 a blockage in a City main caused sewage to back up into claimants partially
finished basement at 1403 Jefferson. The settlement amount for damages is $30,795.69

Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Carter to authorize the
payment for damages at 1403 Jefferson in the amount of $30,795.69.

                                                                     ROLL CALL VOTE:

Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Carter, Davis, and Gawron.
Nays: Shepherd.

                                                                    MOTION PASSES

Resignation and Appointments from Various Boards
Resignations have been received from two boards.

Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, seconded by Commissioner Carter to recommend the
acceptance of the resignations of Rich Taylor from the Downtown Development Authority
and Latesha Thomas from the Equal Opportunity Committee.

                                                                    MOTION PASSES

A list of potential candidates was provided.
Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, seconded by Commissioner Wierengo to recommend
appointment of Doris Rucks to the Library Board.

                                                                    ROLL CALL VOTE:

Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo.
Nays: None.

                                                                    MOTION PASSES

Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, seconded by Commissioner Wierengo to recommend
appointment of Chip Vanderwier to the Downtown Development Authority.

                                                                    ROLL CALL VOTE:
Ayes: Warmington, Wierenga, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, and Spataro.
Nays: None.

                                                          MOTION PASSES

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to recommend
appointment of Janice Knox-Foster to the Equal Opportunity Committee.

                                                          ROLL CALL VOTE:

Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Carter, Davis, and Gawron.
Nays: None.

                                                          MOTION PASSES

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Wierenga to adjourn at 7:05

                                                          MOTION PASSES

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                                                    Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                        City Clerk
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Date:       August 7, 2007
To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:       City Clerk's Office
RE:         Precinct Boundary Modifications

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: State Election Law allows for 2,999 registered
voters in each voting precinct. Precinct 1, Marquette School, currently has
3, 148 voters. It is proposed to move 349 voters from the area bound by
Wesley, Broadmoor, and the river to precinct 2, Steele Junior High. This
change will allow for. 2,759 registered voters at Marquette school and 2,454
voters at Steele Junior High. (See attached map)

Precinct 9, the Fire Station, currently has 2,858 registered voters. The area is
growing and the Fire Station is unable to accommodate a large line of voters.
It is proposed to move 379 voters from the area bound by W. Laketon,
Seaway, Young, and Barclay to precinct 8, Nelson School. This change will
allow for 2,479 voters at the Fire Station and 1,257 voters at Nelson School.
(See attached map)

The proposed changes will not affect the Wards.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Staff recommends adoption of the attached
                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

WHEREAS, neighborhoods in precinct 1 and precinct 9 have grown in
         population; and

WHEREAS, State Election Law mandates that the City of Muskegon keep its
         precinct below 2,999 registered voters;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission
authorize the change in precinct lines for Precinct 1, Precinct 2, Precinct 8,
and Precinct 9 as shown on the attached maps.

Signed this 14th day of August 2007.

                                                   Steve Warmington

                                                   Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                         City Clerk
City of Muskegon    •   Area to be joined with
Wards & Precincts
                    •   Area to be moved

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TO:            Bryon Mazade, City Manager
               City Commission
FROM:          Robert H. Kuhn, Director of Public Works
DATE:          August 13, 2007
RE:             Solid Waste Services Current Proposal

Allied Waste Services is requesting that the City of Muskegon consider a three- or a five-year
contract extension from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010 or 2012.

To date, Allied Waste has offered the following alternate proposals.

For a three-year extension:

I.      Waive the Cost of Living Adjustment for 2008 (estimated at 3% increase""

2.      Allied Waste to purchase one truckload of replacement carts per year ($27,000/year).

3.      Allied Waste will institute an education effort in city schools, public and private, and
        neighborhood associations to increase inner-city recycling efforts. ($Value = ??)

4.      Allied Waste will reinstitute a modified Pitch-It Sticker Program. Allied Waste will
        reprint Pitch It Stickers and distribute them through the neighborhood associations.
        (Value $4,000±/year.)

5.      Provide free dumpster service to neighborhood "dumpster days." City to pay disposal
        costs. (100 dumpsters@$100 fee/tip= Value $10,000/year.)

6.      Provide waste disposal at all City parks, cemetery, Marina, and Farmers' Market sites.
        Allied Waste to continue to provide free disposal to all City offices ($11,277/year).

7.      If legislation is passed (current proposal is $7.50/ton) which surcharges tipping fees,
        Allied Waste will be allowed to pass on State-mandated tipping fee charge.

8.      The yard waste tipping fee remains at $10.00/ton for 2008, with an annual Cost of Living
        adjustment beginning in 2009.

9.      Recycling fee to remain at $1.00/month for the life of the contract.

10.     Neighborhood association dumpster tipping fee shall remain at $14.50/ton. There will be
        no dumpster charges. (See #5.)
11.    Tipping fee for mixed refuse pick-up and city dumpsters shall remain at $21.00/ton for
       the life of the contract.

12.    Should Muskegon County enact a "flow control" ordinance or any form of flow control,
       Allied Waste will have the option to either negotiate new rates with the City or opt out of
       the contract with six months' notice.

13.    Recycling program shall be expanded to include plastics #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 (currently #1
       and #2) and aerosol cans.

14.    Allied Waste to work with the City of Muskegon to recycle old trash carts.

15.    The City reserves the rights to continue negotiation with Kent County on a regional
       recycling coalition and may cancel the recycling portion ofthis contract with a 90-day

For an additional two-year extension (from three to five years):

16.    Allied Waste will waive the COL adjustment in 2012 (estimated at 3%; $50,000/year).

17.    Allied Waste will buy an additional truck ofreplacement carts per year (total of two per
       year; valued at $54,000/year for the life of the contract).

18.    City will agree to negotiate a fuel surcharge schedule if prices should exceed $4.00/gallon
       for diesel fuel. Surcharge to be determined on the actual bulk cost of Allied Waste fuel
       purchases and shall be audited by the City. (See attached schedule.)


I recommend that we approve a five-year contract extension.

1.     Allied Waste is a City of Muskegon employer from which we capture significant
       revenues and qualifies for local preference.

2.     Allied Waste has given excellent customer service for the life of the existing contract.

3.     Allied Waste is a major supporter of local charities and events (Summer Celebration,
       Unity Fest, etc.).

4.     With this and prior negotiations, we have reduced the sanitation millage from 3.0 mils to
       2.7 mils.

In the event that the actual diesel fuel price paid by Allied Waste Services of Muskegon exceeds
$4.00 per gallon, the City Will pay a fuel surcharge fee of 1.5% of the then cunent monthly rate
per residential unit. For each additional 50¢ increase in the price of fuel, the City will pay an
additional 1.5% fuel surcharge fee. The fee would be paid each month that the monthly average
fuel price remained above the trigger price ($4.00 and each 50¢ increase thereafter). In any
month that the price of fuel dropped below the trigger price, the surcharge would be removed
(see example below).

                Average Monthly
Month              Fuel Price              Monthly Surcharge
April                $3.90                            0
July                 $4.05                         1.5%
August               $4.60                         3.0%
October              $4.45                         1.5%
December             $3.98                           0

L:/DPW/Office/Hamil/Docs/Solid Waste Services Current Proposal
                         Allied Waste Contract
                        Summary of Services: 2007
Service                 Price per Unit per Wet±                Tipping Fee
Mixed Refuse Pickup                        $9.24                    $21.00
Recycling Pickup                           $1.00                    $10.00
Yard Waste Pickup                       Included                    $10.00
City Office Dumpsters                 No charge                  No charge
City Parks Dumpsters               Fee schedule             Included in fee
Neighborhood Assn                        $100.00                    $14.50
CPI Adjustment                              January
Base Count                                   13,364
Refuse Benchmark                           952 tons             Tipping fee
Recycling Benchmark                         67 tons             Tipping fee
Cart delivery &                            Included
Monthly report                             Included
DPW 30 yd. Dumpster                         $100.00                 $21.00

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TO:            Bryon Mazade, City Manager
               City Commission
FROM:          Robert H. Kuhn, Director of Public Works
DATE:          August 13, 2007
RE:            Solid Waste Services


Prior to 1974, the City of Muskegon collected solid waste in-house, including the operation and
maintenance of its own vehicles. Around 1975, the City of Muskegon privatized this operation.
Waste Management was the low bidder and took over the garbage collection and took possession
of the City's garbage packers. During that period of time, the City had a policy that anything
that was brought to the curb was picked up. That included yard waste, garbage, and even
hazardous-type wastes.

In the mid 1980s, the City experienced a tremendous increase in residential solid waste volumes.
As tipping fees throughout the area increased, the City became aware that many landlords were
bringing solid wastes in from other properties and putting then out for disposal in front of their
Muskegon properties. We witnessed people coming to work within the City of Muskegon from
outer areas and placing their garbage on the curb near their places of employment. At that time,
the only source of funding for solid waste services was the three-mil levy on assessed property

City staff began developing new policies and procedures and worked very closely with Waste
Management and White Lake Landco in developing specifications and requirements. Those two
vendors provided valuable service and insight in the setting up of our specifications. In 1990, the
City sought proposals based on the new contract. It was an innovative and unique refuse
collection program. Research had indicated that 'pay as you go' programs worked very well in
reducing solid waste volumes and costs.

The City of Muskegon developed a hybrid program where individuals who generate larger
amounts of waste would have to pay more. For over a year, various members of the community
utilized and tried a cart system of various sizes to come up with the ideal system. As a result of
that study, the City provided a 65-gallon cart for each residence. In addition, the City started a
curbside recycling program. The State Legislature initiated a bill prohibiting yard waste from
landfills. This necessitated an entirely separate yard waste collection system. The City of
Muskegon provided a spring collection of yard waste (2 weeks) and a fall collection (6-8 weeks)
of leaves and yard waste as well as a Christmas tree collection program. They later introduced
Saturday morning yard waste drop_-offs and neighborhood association dumpster days.

The cart system provided a financial incentive to recycle. Any garbage that did not fit within the
container necessitated the purchase of a sticker at $1.25 each. The individuals and households
who recycled, therefore, had more room in their carts and did not have to purchase stickers. The
City initially billed each resident $6.00 per month for these services. This fee was eliminated by
the City Income Tax. The City provided mechanisms for those with physical limitations and
smaller carts for those who did not need a 65-gallon caii.

The City's volume-based system resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of garbage
collected and landfilled. The City no longer witnessed an entire terrace filled with garbage and
furniture as landlords evicted tenants. Animal attacks on plastic bags no longer resulted in
garbage being strewed all over the street.

The City of Muskegon's cart system has accomplished many goals. The total volume per
household has decreased. All these programs were initiated, coordinated, and financed by the
City of Muskegon; no other community provides so many options for its residents.


Bids were received in late 1990 from four vendors---Laidlaw, Waste Management, White Lake
Landco, and BPI. Although Waste Management and White Lake Landco participated in the
contract development process, neither was the low bidder. Laidlaw (which became Sunset
Waste and then Allied Waste) was the low bidder at $1,357,440 for the garbage collection, and
with recycling included, the bid caine to $1,730,400. The initial contract price called for $8.08
per household per month for garbage service and $2.22 per month for weekly recycling. The
difference between the low bid and the second low for basic service was about $.60 per
household per month. A five-year contract was awarded to Laidlaw in 1991.

Once the program was initiated, it was much more successful than anyone anticipated. The 1992
volumes of garbage collected was less than 40% of the peak year collection of 1988. Overall, we
saw about a 50% decrease in the total volumes collected. This was an ainazing statistic that no
one had predicted. We could only assume that the ainount of garbage being imported to the city
at that time was much greater than we had initially thought. In 1993, the City negotiated with
Sunset Waste a significant cost reduction, amounting to approximately $2.00 per household per
month. A three-year extension was granted (until February 1999).

In 1994, additional price reductions were granted for reduced recycling collection, and an
additional three-year extension was granted (until February 2002). In 1998, an additional price
reduction was granted for landfill costs being reduced from $24 per ton to $18 per ton.

Sunset Waste and the City of Muskegon later negotiated so that recycling would be picked up
every other week rather than twice a month (two additional pick ups per year).

In 2000, the City of Muskegon staff negotiated a three-year contract extension from March 2002
to February 2005. Additional services were added as outlined below and an additional savings of
$32,000 to $57,000 was negotiated on the City's behalf.

1.     Full season yard waste pick-up at the curb on all household garbage days.
2.     The elimination of Saturday morning drop-offs.
3.       Establishment of an $.18 per household credit per month towards recycling fees (10%
4.       Continuation of the limitation of$1.00 per year maximum landfill charge increase.
5.       The addition of corrugated cardboard to the recycling stream.
6.       Increase yard waste handling fee to $10.00 from $5.00.

In 2003, the City of Muskegon granted a three-year extension from March 1, 2005 to December
31, 2007.

As part of the 2004 budgetary process, the City Commission directed the Public Works
Department to reduce the Recycling Budget by $100,000. The result of our negotiations was as

     •   The new price for Mixed Refuse (Garbage) which included year-round waste
         collection was $8.423 per household. ($8.423 x 13,364 x 12 months)        $1,350,780
     •   The new price for Recycling Services for 26 weeks per year was $1.00 per
         household.                                                                $160,000
     •   Disposal of yard waste remained at $10 per ton with estimated tonnage of
         3,300 tons per year.                                                      $33,000
     •   Special Tire Disposal from clean-ups and City-owned lots at $35 per ton estimated at
         71.4 tons.                                                                $2,250
     •   Neighborhood clean-ups with each box at $100 each and disposal at $21/ton or less.
         Estimated 120 boxes at 2 tons.                                            $17,040
     •   Revised Estimated Contract                                                $1,563,070

Sunset Waste agreed to:
   • Waive the 2004 Cost Of Living adjustments on mixed refuse and recycling ($39,700
   • Waive the $1 per ton annual increase in tipping fee allowed by previous contract.
   • Adjust the refuse benchmark fro 854 tons to 952 tons per month.
   • Adjust the recycling benchmark to 67 tons per month.
   • Absorb the new state tax on tipping fees of 21 cents per ton ($2,400).

The City of Muskegon agreed to:
   • Waive performance bond requirements ($16,000).
   • Waive some public relations requirements ($12,000).
   • Pay or receive $21 per ton for mixed refuse exceeding or below the benchmark of 952
       tons per month.
   • Pay or receive $10 per ton for recycling exceeding or below the benchmark of 67 tons per
   • Eliminate the Pitch-It Sticker Program ($7,000).
   • Change the anniversary date from March 1 to January 1 with Cost of Living adjustments
       to be made retroactive effective on that date beginning in 2005.

L:/DPW/Office/Hamil/Docs/Solid Waste Services
 To:     City Commission

 from:   Elizabeth Lewis

 Cc:     Bryon Mazade; Tim Paul; Bob Kuhn

 Date:   8/10/07

 Re:     Sewer Back Up Claim - 1403 Jefferson

 Attached please find a request for payment on a sewer back up claim at 1403 Jefferson. On April 23,
 2007 a blockage in a City main caused sewage to back up into claimants partially finished basement.
 An independent adjustor has toured the damage and reviewed the claimant's inventory of damaged
 and destroyed items along with the estimates received for repair of structural damage. The claimants
 and our independent adjustor have agreed upon a settlement amount of $30,795.69.

 I am requesting approval to pay this claim out of our reserves at the Michigan Municipal Risk
 Management Authority (MMRMA).

 e Page 1
   CI-:IENARD & OSBORN, INC.                                                             Adjuster's Report
                                                                                                            Pa c l of 2
                     5449 - 28th St Court SE                                             Date of Report: August 9, 2007
                     Grand Rapids, MI 49546                                              Adjuster:             CARLEEN SCHNEIDER
                                                                Our File II:          1070625
                                                                                         Report Type:          D First       :;?] lutcrim   D Fiual
       Phone: 616-956-9345         Fax: 616-956-1106

                                                                       Insured:            MUSKEGON, CITY OF
   MUSKEGON, CITY OF                                                   Policy Number::
   933 TERRACE STREET                                                  Claim Number:
   MUSKEGON, Ml 49443                                                  Loss Location:      1403 JEFFERSON STREET
                                                                                           MUSKEGON, Ml 49441
                                                                       Policy Type:        Commercial Policy Tenn:
  Attenlion To: Beth Lewis
                                                                       Date of Loss:       Apr 23, 2007

::::overage                                          Items Covered                                                 Insurance                 Reserve
)cductiblc   $0.00                                   QQYE:RAG.s.f\                                                           $0          $2!?,QQO.OO..
<'orm No:                                            COVERAGE.B. .... .                                          .............$0 ................ $0.00..
                                                     .COVERAGE.C ....... .                                                 ...$0       ...$15,000.00 ..
                                                      COVERAGE D.                                                    ....... $0 ................. $0.QQ ..
                                                                                                               Total:                     $40,000.00

Enclosures       •   ProofofLoss           0    Diagrams                0 Contractor Estimate           D    Photographs
                 D   Detailed Estimate     0     Subrogation Receipt    0 Police Report                 •
                 ~ Statement of Loss       1,-i] Inventory Sheets       [J Fire Report                  •
                 Blockage in main sewer line caused sewage lo back up into claimants' partially finished basement.

                 Attached are claimant's completed inventory worksheets. Their personal property claim amounts to
                 RCV of $16,239.44, after applying depreciation of $3,396.47 !here is an ACV of $12,842.97. Invoice for
                 emergency service and adjuster's structural repair estimate have been submitted with reports of
                 05/21/2007 and 06/18/2007.

                 The emergency service charges are $10,818.74, ACV structural repairs are $7,133.98, ACV personal
                 property is $12,842.97 for a claim payable of $30,795.69.

                 Please issue check as requested and route payment through our office so that we may obtain a properly
                 executed Release.

                 Our file is diaried 30 days.

Payment Recommendations
                     $30,795.69     to Claimants
                          $0.00     to
                          $0.00     to
                          $0.00     to
                          $0.00     to                                                                                 CllY OF MIJSi -...A,J(O-i0
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ln_sur~as-,,,              A                   .                                                                                                                            Date              "'7 - · - I"-._--,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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                                                                             (Brand, Model, Sena! No.)                                                                                                             City & Store                                      /Mo.-Year)                                         os          Betterment                         Wear; &                   Age               Complete

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Adjuster to
                                                                      (Brand, Model, Serial No.)                                                                                                                                             Source          Cost          or        ering Use1
                                                                                                                                                                                    City & Store                          (Mo.-Year}                                   Betterment   Wear, &Age    Complete

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  Claim No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                                                                                                           INVENTORY SHEET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page No.      5     ci,5
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                                                                    (Brand, Model, Serial No.)                                                         City & Store                               (Mo,-Year)
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,. Attach Bills cf Sale or Receipts or Other Evidence cf Ownership
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    ured's-          ,..                              ·               ~                           7                    ./',(/                                 -7~ ~ ·                        .,                           Adjuster's
                                                          /              /.       ~"-"".,y_g-""7'.c__                                           Date           /         //-t,·/                                          Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                   -~                                          •                  0                (/)'
   CHENARD & OSBORN, INC.                                                                       Adjuster's Report
                                                                                                                 Pa e 1 of 2
                       5449 - 28th St Court SE                                                  Date of Report: May 21, 2007
                       Grand Rapids, MI 49546                                                   Adjuster:       CARLEEN SCHNEIDER
                                                                       Our File #:     1070625
                                                                                                Report Type:         ~   Fil'st     O Interim O Final
        Phone: 616-956-9345           Fax:   616·956·1106

                                                                            Insured:               MUSKEGON, CITY OF
   MUSKEGON, CITY OF                      RECEIVED                          Policy Number::
   MUSKEGON, Ml 49443
                                          MAY    22) 2007                   Claim Number:
                                                                            Loss Location:         1403 JEFFERSON STREET
                                     CITY 01' MUSKEGON FINANCE                                     MUSKEGON, Ml 49441
                                                                            Policy Type:           Commercial   Policy Term:
  Attention To:   Beth Lewis
                                                                            Date of Loss:          Apr 23, 2007

:overage                                                 Items Covered                                                    Insurance                 Reserve
>ccluctible   $0.00                                      .COVERAGE A ............................................................$0 ....... $25,000.00.
'ormNo:                                                  .COVERAGE B. ...........................................................$.0. ................. $0.00..
                                                         .CO.Y.E;Rf.\GE.C ............................................................$.0..........$1.5,QQQ,0.0..
                                                          COVERAGE D ........................................................... $0 .............. $0.00.
                                                                                                                     Total:                        $40,000.00

Enclosures D Proof of Loss                      0 Diagrams                    0 Contractor Estimate            ~   Photographs Qty: 15
                    D Detailed Estimate         D   Subrogation Receipt       D   Police Report                ~   Se1vPro invoice
                    0 Statement of Loss         0 Inventory Sheets            D   Fire Report                  D

                     Blockage in main sewer line caused sewage to back up into claimants' partially finished basement.

                    At the time of our inspection cleaning, disinfecting and dry out had taken place. Paneling, drywall, doors
                    and floorcoverings had been removed. The emergency service was provided by ServPro of Muskegon.

                    There is still a sewage odor present. The structural framing in the basement could be 80 to 100 years
                    old and is very dry and pourous which is more than likely retaining the odor. We talked with the repairer
                    who was working on the exterior of the house, a project separate from this claim, and recommended to
                    him that he include seal spray in his estimate. He is not experienced in sewage back up remediation,
                    but definitely is capable of handling this project.

                    The claimants had an inordinate amount of contents in the basement. ServPro's invoice for emergency
                    service contains an inventory of discarded items. Claimant was given inventory forms to complete and
                    said she would have them ready in about two weeks. We have not yet received them. Without having
                    seen the items, we went through the inventory and estimated a replacement cost of approximately

                     The Claimants have a residence in California also, and divide their time between the two locations.

                     We are waiting for contractor's estimate but will be preparing our own as well.

                     Our file is diaried 30 days.

Payment Recommendations
                                                                               File/Claim Nhl': 1070625
Photo Sheet                                                                Compa11y Claim Nhl':

     I11s111'ed: MUSKEGON. CITY OF
    Clai111a11t: CUNNINGHAM, PICK & TERRI
    Locatio11: 1403 JEFFERSON STREET
             MUSKEGON, Ml 49441
                                                                 Date/Time Take11:                            I () , oo   a. 711

                                                                                                 c-L -~'---L-u?_,_ .,_~-,,.

                                                                                          Photo#:             :J-

                                                          ,• ·

                                            : ..., . '-....
Date:         August 7, 2007
To:            Community Relations Committee
From:          City Clerk's Office
RE:            Resignation and Appointments from Various Boards

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The following people have resigned from their respective
committees. Applications are attached for those applicants who expressed an interest to
serve on the board:

DOA- Resignation of Rich Taylor, term expires January 31, 2011 - Citizen.

Potential Applicant:

Chip VanderWier - Citizen

Library Board - Mayor/City Commission Appointment, term expires June 30, 2011.

Potential Applicants:

Doris Rucks (Recommended by Charles Johnson, Jr. President of the Board of Trustees of
Hackley Public Library)

Donata Clanton

Ofelia Jimenez

Egual Opportunity Committee - Resignation of Latesha Thomas, term expires January 31,
2009 - Citizen.

Potential Applicant:

Janice Kay Knox-Foster - Resident

STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Staff recommends acceptance of the resignation and
appointments to the boards.

•                                                                       City' Clerks Office
                                                                             CITY OE MUSKEGON
                                                                        TAI ,;NT BANK APPLICATION

        Please Type or Print. Applications wl7/ be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check.
                                                                                                                                   Date:   /-$"-0 '1

        NAME          Cb, ,Q                     i~l) 1A,l/e,1
        HOME ADDRESS:_-...!...:iJ.'--'---'7'---=(,:,:__-1,-;=--.c,R_!:(,,e..:.,-'..'=c.g,..,·        ___________
                                (Street, City, State, Zip)

        HOME PHONE#:                2Jj. S-79, 2 b :JJ                                                   WORKPHONE#:        <,J j. 7J.7 0~05
        E-MAIL ADDRESS: c.. hi .a. vc~ nd.orLJ,..,..I'                                                                   ru:+
                                                                                                         {~ Lllli'•'.?6~1 .

        OCCUPATION: //4vs,'Zf] £/it1h Sp.u,.J,:fT                                                         EMPLOY~/U:e, 1 /, hot' ho<'d.. /, 24,,n.e n                  f-
                                               (If retired, give former occupat1on)                                               C.<'.\•'P<'.1<'-+'   v,1

        EDUCATION:                 fl,£ A.                  Sculp\-..1• L                       ,:       l-'2,"C\ ,,,,·, ".,.
                                                                           .                                            '                                        '            f
     PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES:                                  t11o,'1sft _u:f'                     hN1'1.)   &,h7       t:o,·P1,;,,r& L,'c•dS<1{1            tkvJ. ,
                                                              C'1     j',./.e..    (e,,,,.,.,;-rl-~e,           ttt· MJS~•:s•''1 SJtv1,,,.,,,,,              C.J ,;   6,~,,,/,¥'..-J
    Why would you be a good member of this committee? Whal do you bring to the committee?

         /    o«> ,,J..·••< /14..J1r1M/ <"[ Jh.-5 CcJW'l,,µ,,;,q;/y_ c:,11s.,n•lfv
                             an         .0
    4 1n /11J5h.1c' 'l q,,,J r716 y1.11.d 6,,c-i:_ c;.C:/4r 1·c,//4 'i.£-,
•                                                                                                                                          -

    PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references)

    1.       ·-:r.., ss c <;._ 1           Els a7                                                                     ,-2 7- o {1,e, 1
             /;                    (NameL   . ..                                                                            (Phone Number).
    2.       rln.rtl<                     Cohb                                                                     'l-JJ,,so.1<100
                   1               (Name) ,    ~  1 t..                                                                     ,{Pho~K
    3.       \J O11,tt.,y_/                                                          .),J I -     7 Lf 4: - o .3J d,
                ,           (Name)            .                                                       (Phone Number)


(    ) Board of Canvassers                                                     (   ) Housing Commission
(    ) Board of Review                                                         (   ) Housing Stock Review Committee
(    ) Cemetery Committee                                                      (   ) Image Committee
(    ) Citizen's Police Review Board                                           (   ) Income Tax Board of Review
(    ) City Employees Pension Board                                            (   ) land Reutilization Committee
(    ) Civil Service Commission                                                (   ) Leisure Services Board
(    ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council                                         (   ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee
J4     District Library Board ,. # /                                           (   ) Local Develop. Finance Authority
(    ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                         (   ) Local Officer's Compensation Com.
(    ) Election Commission                                                     (   ) Mechanical Board of Examiners
(    ) Electrical Board of Appeals                                             (   ) Planning Commission
(    ) Enterprise Community Citizen Council                                    (   ) Plumbing Board of Appeals
(    ) Equal Opportunity Committee                                             (   ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board
(    ) Historic District Commission                                            (   ) Tax Increment Financa Authority
(    ) Hospital Finance Authority                                              (   ) Zoning Board of Appeals
                                                                               (   ) Other_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(    ) Housing/Building Code Board of Appeals

• Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.

Return this fom, to:                   City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                                    -   V -
10/10/2006 TUE 12:17          FAX 2317333847 SOM DHS MUSKEGON COUNTY

                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
             Pleas• Type or Print. Applications will be kept on fl/a for one year. Alf appl/ctmts subject to a backgrcund check.

             NAME:         !Jc a ala, C   1ara
                                    /,Ju() fJi,! kY. (,Jz;e
                                                            r}                          DATE:·      /o/;6/ef(,
             HOME ADDRESS:
                                         (Street, City, Sta_te, ~f
                                                                                   //us /1:,c;an           NJ 1'114.J.
             HOMEPHONE#:        JJJ. 77J',,.<) District Library Board                                          (   ) Local Develop. Finance Authority
  ( ) Downfown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                  (   ) Local Officer's Compensation Com.
 ( ) Election Commission                                               (   ) Mechanical Board of Examiners
 ( ) Electrical Board of Appeals                                       (   ) Planning Commission
 ( ) Enterprise Community Citizen Council                              (   ) Plumbing Board of Appeals
 ( ) Equal Opportunity Committee                                       (   ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board
 ( ) Historic District Commission                                      (   ) Tax Increment Finance Authority
 ( ) Hospital Finance Authority                                        (   ) Zoning Board of Appeals
 ( ) Housing/Building Code Board of Appeals                            (   ) Other_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.

Return this foQJJ to:          City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                           -     V -
August 6, 2007

Latesha Thomas                                 crrY
968 E. Forest Avenue
Muskegon, Michigan 49442

Dear Dwana Thompson & EEOC Committee Members,

This letter is to announce my resignation as a member of the Equal
Opportunity Committee. I will no longer be attending meetings and
ask for the removal of my name from the committee list. I am asking
for your consideration and understanding with the decision that I have

The reason that I have chosen to resign is because my job is requiring
that I work additional mandatory hours which conflict the days that the
committee meets.

I would reconsider being a part of the committee again in the future if
my schedule permits. Thank you for the opportunity as well as the
experience that I have gained from being a part of this committee.


futQSJ1t ~11)I~ ~
Latesha Thomas
JUL-,.51::::l-cl:Jl::::l(   11:c~H i-r:::u1•1;                                                                                                                         t"'. C:

                                                                                                                            ._D_at_e:_1.w,1/3:....,0/.-',7'---_.,I   ~ ; tG.,
                                                                               CITY OF ll,IIJSKl!GON
                                                                          TALMrulNW,(!l.JCATION                                                                                  "\\"\·~
                       Pla&sa Typa or Print. Applications w/11 b8 kept on fl/I) for ana yoor. All applicants subject ta a bllckground chock.

                       NAME:               ~ n I l'f         ~          £aej ~ µJ/-r:r
                       HOME ADDREss,                    2.   z.if (fnvi,;;,~ 1-1«.rteaa<-4
                                                        (Street, City, Stato, Zip)                  /                  ,/
                                                                                                                                      Ill Vt:Jet/9(
                       HOME PHONE 11:        (;z 31,         :lkv. s1a                         woRK PHONE         ,1,(? 31 J f3{}; 3'1 s·V'
                       E•MAILADDRESS:...1a.rle.nJ.;.::r.u:,..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                      OCCUPATION:            f/v~~ ffi-t,d,-vu                                     EMPLOYER:. fYlu ( )le,.,.,..,           f-J.h,,jJJ.r__fl,a;J,e Ji!Jw-o/J
                                                  U-- (If mtlred, give fonneroccupation)                    ~ -

                      EDUCATION:            /41,tJ~!
                                                              1& tlatd,-{;,a;_./ '£t.@4<,,ulrA✓
                      PERSONAL&COMMUNITV ACTIVITIES: (/td,.i,Y'f!(,vy,,;/J ..                           W5tf,L
                                                                                                    iiMrcl                          · Ju/m           we~/'011//Clf{ <".¾:tuuL
                       A/Attt!.fl. AA-t"l-1-Y~vi {~111,f.,/n..u.,.iu..kj J,/1,d,n1;J -;t.-fr,,,1..-h,v\,                                                       ft._.:.,_1"'"r,,_ __
                                    /        (NalJl•)
                                <..,/,./.,1'/'U I.A
                                                    tltt                                                    -33 IL.(!'hone,Number)
                                                                                                                          p. ,f i2 I ~
                                                                                                                       (Phone Number)


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