City Commission Worksession Agenda Archive 01-08-2007

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                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                              Monday, January 8, 2007
                                     5:30 p.m.
                             City Commission Chambers


I.   Downtown Arts Committee

2.   MAF/Main Street Annual Report

3.   Facility Sponsorship

4.   Sale of Central Fire Station

5.   2007 Goal Setting Session

6.   Any Other Business


I.   Approval of November I 3, 2006, CRC Minutes.

2.   Appointments to Committees/Boards.

3.   Any Other Business.

4.   Adjournment
                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                            Monday, January 8, 2007
                                   5:30 p.m.
                           City Commission Chambers


1.   Downtown Arts Committee
     John McGarry, Executive Director Muskegon County Museum, and Judy Hainer
     informed the Commission of activities. Information on Richard Hunt was
     Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Wierengo to
     support the project.
     VOTE: All Ayes

2.   MAF/Main Street Annual Report
     Dan Rinsema-Sybenga gave an update.

3.   Facility Sponsorship
     Tim Paul, Finance Director and Tim Wicinski, Sports Facilities Marketing Group
     explained the item.
     Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to
     authorize pursuing the naming rights of the LC Walker Arena based on the
     ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington,
                      Wierengo, and Carter
                      Nays: None

4.   Sale of Central Fire Station
     City Manager Bryon Mazade explained that an offer has been made.
     Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, second by Commissioner Spataro to
     direct staff to enter into negotiations with the proposed purchaser of the
     Central Fire Station and bring back the recommendation to the City
     ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo,
                       Carter, and Davis
                       Nays: None

5.   2007 Goal Setting Session
     City Manager Bryon Mazade asked the Commission to hold the dates of January
     26 and Febrnary 23 open.

6.   Any Other Business
     Finance Director Tim Paul explained that due to the switch out of copy machines
     we have a lot of old printers, fax machines, and computers.
     Motion by Commissioner Davis, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to authorize
     the selling of the machines to employees.
     VOTE: All Ayes

     City Manager Bryon Mazade explained the Special Event request from Summer
     Celebration/Muskegon Air Fair. This will be put on the January 9 City
     Commission Meeting agenda.

     Yuba Street Petition -Have staff look at Sumner Street and bring it back to the
     Legislative Policy Committee Meeting.

7.   Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

                                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                                         Linda Potter, CMC
                                                         Acting Clerk
                                                                             Page 1 of 1

 Potter, Linda

  From:    Mazade, Bryon
  Sent:    Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:29 PM
  To:      Potter, Linda
  Subject: January Work Session

Please put the downtown arts committee on the January work session. Thanks

RICHARD HUNT 1017 West Lill Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60614 (773) 929-6161

                                  Curriculum Vitae

Born: September 12, 1935


Public School, Chicago, Illinois
University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, B.A.E.1957, Chicago, llinois
Awarded James Nelson Raymond Foreign Travel Fellowship upon graduation: Travel
and Study. England, France, Spain, Italy 1957-1958
Military Service: United States Army 1958-1960

Fellowships, Prizes, Awards

1956, 1961, Logan Prize, The Art Institute of Chicago
1957        Palmer Prize, The Art Institute of Chicago
1962        Campana Prize, The Art Institute of Chicago
1962-1963 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
1965        Tamarind Artist Fellowship (Ford Foundation)
1970        Cassandra Foundation Fellowship
1993        Lincoln Academy of Illinois Fellow
1998        American  Academy of Arts and Letters, Elected to Membership
1999        National Academy of Design, Elected to Membership
2003        Watrous  Prize, National Academy of Design
2005        Hoffman Prize, National Academy of Design

Honorary Degrees

1972        Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois
1973        Dayton Art Institute School, Dayton, Ohio
1976        University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1977        Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
1979        Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
1982        The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1984        Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
1986        Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois
1987        Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois
1991        Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts
1996        Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois
1997        Governors State University, University Park, Illinois
2004        North Carolina A & T University, Greensboro, North Carolina
 Professorships and Artist Residencies

1960-1961    The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1960-1962    University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1964         Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
1964         Cal Arts (formerly Chouinard Art School), Los Angeles, California
1965         Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana
1968         Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
1968-1969    Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
1969         Wisconsin State University, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1969         Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
1970         Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois
1975         University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana
1977         University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
1977-1978    Washington University, St: Louis, Missouri
1980         University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
1982         Utah State University, Logan, Utah
1985         Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
1988         Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan
1989-1990    Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1990         Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1990         State University of New York, Binghamton, New York
1997         Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

Selected Professional and Cultural Activities

1968°1974    Member, National Council on the Arts
1970-1975    Member, Illinois Arts Council
1972-1976    Board of Directors, College Art Association
1974-1994    Board of Directors, American Council for the Arts
1974-1981,   Board of Trustees, Ravinia Festival
1975-1979    Board of Trustees, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
1977-1985    Visiting Committee of the Visual Arts, The University of Chicago
1978-1979    International Exhibitions, Committee, USIA
1978-1983    Yale University Council Committee on Art
1979-1984    Board of Governors, Skowhegan School of Painting and
1980-1988    Commissioner, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian
1980-1982    Board of Trustees, American Academy in Rome
1981-1989    Board of Trustees, The Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago
1982-1988    President, Founder, Chicago Sculpture Society
1983-1987    National Chairman, Alumni Council, School of the Art Institute
1983-1992    Board of Trustees, Ravinia Festival
1984-1988    Advisory Committee, Getty Center for Education in Arts
1984-1996    Board of Directors, International Sculpture Center
1985-1991    Board of Governors, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
1994-1997    National Board, Smithsonian Institution
1996-2001    Board of Trustees, Ravinia Festival
2002-        Life Trustee, Ravinia Festival
Selected Solo Exhibitions

1958          Alan Gallery, New York, New York
1960          Alan Gallery, New York, New York
1963          Alan Gallery, New York, New York
1963          B.C. Holland Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1965          Felix Landau Gallery, Los Angeles, California
1966          B.C. Holland Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1967        • Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio
1967          Milwaukee Art Center (Retrospective), Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1968          B.C. Holland Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1968          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1969          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1970          B.C. Holland Gallery, New York, New York
1970          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1971          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1971        • The Museum of Modern Art (Retrospective), New York, New York
1971        • The Art Institute of Chicago (Retrospective), Chicago, Illinois
1973        • Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana
1973          Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1973          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1975        • The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Iowa
1975          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1976          Sears Bank and Trust Company, Chicago, lllnois
1976          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1976          B.C. Holland Gallery, Chicago, lllnois
1977          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1978          The Art Center, Waco, Texas
1978          Washington University and Laumeier Sculpture Park. St. Louis,
1978          Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, South Carolina
1979          The Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, Kansas
1979          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1981          Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, Missouri
1982          Miami University Art Museum, Oxford, Ohio
1983          Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, New York
1984          Fairweather-Hardin Gallery, Chicago, lllnois
1984          Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, New York
1985          G.R. N'Namdi Gallery, Detroit, Michigan
1985          Martin Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1986          Columbia College Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1986          Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
1986          Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, New York
1987          Century City, Los Angeles, California
1987          DeGraff Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1987          Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
1987-1988     U.S.I.S. Touring Exhibit organized by Los Angeles Museum of
              African American Art, Lagos, Monrovia, Accra Cotonou, Lome,
              Dakar, Abidjan
 1989        Dorsky Galleries, New York, New York
 1990        Kalamazoo Institute of Art, Kalamazoo, Michigan
 1990        Printworks Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1991         Gwenda Jay Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1991         Louis Newman Gallery, Los Angeles, California
1992         Shidoni Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
1994         Woodlot Gallery, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1995         Worthington Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1996         Worthington Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1996         Snite Museum, Notre Dame University, Noire Dame, Indiana
1996         Addison/Ripley Fine Art, Washington, DC
1997         Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, New York
1997         Andre Zarre Gallery, New York, New York
1998         Museum of African-American History, Detroit, Michigan
1998         Illinois Stale Museum, Chicago and Springfield, Illinois
1998         Lakeside Gallery, Lakeside, Michigan
1998         Holland Area Arts Council, Holland, Michigan
1998 ·       Worthington Gallery, Chicago, Illinois .
1999         Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, Missouri
1999       · Museum of Art Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
2000         Frederik Meijer Sculpture Garden, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2000         Foundry Gallery, Sacramento, California
2001         Noel Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina
2006         Worthington Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

Selected Public Collections
           Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, New York
            The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
            Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama
           Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
           Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio
           The Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington,
           Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis, Missouri .
           Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, California
           National Gallery, Washington, D.C.
           National Museum of American Art, Washington, D.C.
           National Museum of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
           Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri
           New Jersey State Museum of Art, Trenton, New Jersey
           The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
           Milwaukee Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin .
           The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York
           Museum of the Twentieth Century, Vienna, Austria
           Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, New York
           Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, New York
           The Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, Kansas

Selected Commissions and Sculptures in Public Places
1967        Figurehead
           welded aluminum
            Ridgewood High School
           Norridge, Illinois
1967-1969 Play
           welded corten steel
           John J. Madden Mental Health Center
           Hines, Illinois
1968       Centennial Sculpture
           welded corten steel
           Loyola University, Centennial Forum Courtyard
           Chicago, Illinois
1971       Sea Wall
           metal, plaster, wood, glass
           Michael Reese Hospital
           Chicago, Illinois
1971       Cross
           welded bronze
           St. Matthew's United Methodist Church
           Chicago, Illinois
1972       Expansive Construction
           Welded bronze
           Johnson Publishing Company
           Chicago, Illinois
1972       Dynamic Pyramid
           Welded bronze
           Johnson Products Company
           Chicago, Illinois
1972       Large Hybrid
           Cast bronze
           Amalgamated Trust & Savings Bank
           Chicago, Illinois
1972       Natural Forms I & II
           Cast bronze
           Kraftco Corporation
           Glenview, Illinois
1974       Planar Hybrid
           Welded corten steel
           Governors State University
           University Park, Illinois
1974       Wallpiece
           Welded bronze
           Main Bank of Chicago
           Chicago, Illinois
1975       Why
           cast bronze
           University of Chicago
           Chicago, Illinois
       Second Cast
       Sculpture Garden, University of California at Los Angeles
       Los Angeles, California
       Third Cast
       Northwestern University law School
       Chicago, Illinois
1975   Slabs of the Sunburnt West
       welded bronze
       Memorial to Carl Sandburg, University of Illinois at Chicago
       Chicago, Illinois
1975   Historical Circle and Peregrine Section
       welded corten steel, two parts
       Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan
       Ann Arbor, Michigan
1975   Outgrown Pyramid
       welded corten steel
       Governors State University
       University Park, Illinois
1975   From Here to There
       welded bronze, two parts
       Martin Luther King Community Service Center
       Chicago, Illinois
1976   Texaurus
       welded corten steel
       The Woodlands
       Woodlands, Texas
1976   Richmond Cycle
       welded bronze, two parts
       Social Security Service Center
       Richmond, California
1976   Harlem Hybrid
       welded bronze
       Roosevelt Square
       New York, New York
1977   Cartwright Mound
       welded bronze
       Cartwright Park
       Evanston, Illinois
1977   Jacob's Ladder
       welded bronze
       Carter Woodson Library
       Chicago, Illinois
1977   Music for a While
       welded corten steel
       Ravinia Festival
       Highland Park, Illinois
1977   Sentimental Scale and Wedge
       welded bronze, two parts
       Justice Center .
       Cleveland, Ohio

1977    I Have Been to the Mountain
        welded corten steel
        Martin Luther King Memorial
        Memphis, Tennessee
1977    Ascending Descending Form
        welded bronze, brass and copper
        Caleb Community Center
        Miami, Florida
1978    Centennial
       welded corten steel
        Prairie View A & M University
       Prairie View, Texas
1978   A Bridge Across and Beyond
       welded bronze
       Howard University
       Washington, D.C.
1978   Mountain Flight
       welded corten steel
       Greenville County Museum of Art
       Greenville, South Carolina
1979   Windover
       welded bronze
       Allen Center, Northwestern University
       Evanston, Illinois
1979   Orpheus
       welded bronze
       Cultural Activities Center
       Temple, Texas
1979   Fox Box Hybrid
       welded corten steel
       900 Lake Shore Drive
       Chicago, Illinois
1980   Farmer's Dream
       welded corten steel
       Museum of Contemporary Art
       Chicago, Illinois
       (formerly at International Minerals Corporation, Northbrook,
1981   Pillar
       welded corten steel
       Michael Reese Hospital
       Chicago, Illinois
1981   Bridging and Branching
       welded stainless steel
       Woodfield Lake
       Schaumburg, Illinois
1981   Spirit of Freedom Fountain
       welded bronze
       City of Kansas
       Kansas City, Missouri
1982      Growing in Illinois
          welded corten steel
          Veterinary Medicine Building, University of Illinois ·
          Urbana, Illinois
1982      Giant Steps
       . welded stainless steel
          Detroit Receiving Hospital
          Detroit, Michigan
1983      The Bush Was Not Consumed
          welded brass and bronze
          Temple B'nai Israel
          Kankakee, Illinois
1983      Eternal Life
          welded bronze
          Temple B'nai Israel
          Kankakee, Illinois
1983      Organic Construction
          welded bronze
          Urban Investment and Development Company
          333 Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois
1984      Meander
          welded corten steel
          Lake Forest College
          Lake Forest, Illinois
1984      Sea Change
          welded corten steel
          University of the District of Columbia
          Washington, D.C.
1984      From the Sea
          welded bronze
        . McDonald's Corporation
          Oakbrook, Illinois
1984      Icon
          welded and cast bronze
          McDonald's Corporation
          Oakbrook, Illinois
1984      Senator Adelbert Roberts Memorial
          cast bronze
          State Capitol Rotunda
          Springfield, Illinois
1984      Illinois River Landscape
          welded steel
          State of Illinois Center
          Chicago, Illinois
1985      Dune Growth
          welded stainless steel
          Gary Transportation Center
          Gary, Indiana

1985   Interchange
       welded stainless steel
       Gary Transportation Center
       Gary, Indiana
1986   Growing Orbit
       welded bronze
       FMC Corporation
       Chicago, Illinois
1986   Sea Change
       welded corten steel
       Northern Trust
       Chicago, Illinois
1987   Elements
       welded stainless steel
       University of Connecticut
       Storrs, Connecticut
1989   Freedmen's Column
       welded bronze
       Howard University
       Washington, D.C.
1989   Eagle Columns
       welded bronze
       Jonquil Park
       Chicago, Illinois
1990   Wisdom Bridge
       welded stainless steel
       Atlanta Public Library
       Atlanta, Georgia
1991   Expansion Column
       welded bronze
       United Missouri Bank
       St. Louis, Missouri
1991   Spatial Interactions
       welded bronze
       Hunter Museum of Art
       Chattanooga, Tennessee
1991   Altar, Lectern, Tabernacle, Crucifix
       stone, steel, stainless steel
       Holy Angels Church
       Chicago, Illinois
1992   Build-Grow
       Branching Column
       Four Growth Columns
       Swan Column Fountain
       welded bronze
       Edward Bennett Williams Building
       Washington, D.C.
1993   Freeform
       welded stainless steel
       State of Illinois Center
       Chicago, Illinois
1993   Nature's Palette
       welded bronze
       Kalamazoo College
       Kalamazoo, Michigan
1993   Explorer Column
       welded stainless steel
       Asnuntuck Community College
       Enfield, Connecticut
1994   Growth Development Interaction
       welded stainless steel
       McHenry County College
       Crystal Lake, Illinois
1994   Sculptural Improvisations
       welded bronze
       Ravinia Festival Park
       Highland Park, Illinois
1995   Victory Reconstruction
       corten steel
       Potter Center, Jackson Community College
       Jackson, Michigan
1995   Sculptural Enlightenment
       welded bronze
       Roosevelt University
       Chicago, Illinois
1995   Ascending. Descending Ascending
       welded bronze
       Law Offices of Bradley, Arant, Rose, and White
       Birmingham, Alabama
1996   Book Tops
       welded stainless steel
       Evanston Public Library
       Evanston, Illinois
1997   Ascension
       welded stainless steel
       Western Illinois University
       Macomb, Illinois
1997   Wingways
       welded stainless steel
       Belleville Area College
       Granite City, Illinois
1997   Chi-Town Totem
       welded bronze and stainless steel
       McCormick Place
       Chicago, Illinois
1997   Active Hybrid
       welded corten steel
       Rudy Park
       Dowagiac, Michigan

1997   St. Procopius
       welded bronze
       St. Procopius Abbey
       Lisle, Illinois
1997   Harp Song
       welded bronze
       Weinberg Center
       Northbrook, Illinois
1998   Growing
       welded stainless steel
       Town Center
       Leawood, Kansas
2000   Column of the Free Spirit
       welded bronze
       Frederik Meijer Sculpture Garden
       Grand Rapids, Michigan
2000   Celestial Conversation
       welded bronze
       Mount Mary College
       Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2000   Man's Way Nature's Way
       welded stainless steel
       California Environmental Protection Agency Building
       Sacramento, California
2001   Three Crosses
       welded stainless steel and bronze
       University Park Baptist, Church
       Charlotte, North Carolina
2002   Open Book
       welded bronze
       Schaumburg Public Library
       Schaumburg, Illinois
2002   Tower of Aspiration
       welded stainless steel
       Springfield Village Park
       Augusta, Georgia
2002   Memorial Cross
       welded bronze
       Immanuel Lutheran Church
       Valparaiso, Indiana
2002   And You. Seas
       welded stainless steel
       St. Joseph, Michigan
2002   Flight Forms
       welded stainless steel
       Midway Airport
       Chicago, Illinois

2003    Oasis
        welded bronze, brass, copper, and stainless steel
        Stroger Hospital of Cook County
        Chicago, Illinois
2004    Progress
        welded stainless steel
        North Carolina A&T State University
        Greensboro, North Carolina
2004    Victory Victory
        welded stainless steel
        Fort Des Moines Memorial Park
        Des Moines, Iowa
2005    Timescape and Steel Away
        welded corten steel
        North Carolina School of the Arts
        Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2005    We Will
       .welded stainless steel
        Heritage Building
        Chicago, Illinois
2006    Crossroads Plaza
        7 Sculptures
        welded bronze
        Lewis and Clark Community College
        Godfrey, Illinois
2006    Quest for Peace
        welded stainless steel
        Adlai Stevenson High School
        Lincolnshire, Illinois

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 Potter, Linda
  From:  Brubaker-Clarke, Cathy
  Sent:      Tuesday, October 03, 2006 11 :48 AM
  To:        Potter, Linda
  Subject: FW: MAF/Main Street Report

Hi, Linda. Here is one for the future- January 2007! It should be the MAF/Main Street Annual Report to Commission. Thanks.

From: Brubaker-Clarke, Cathy
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 11:48 AM
To: 'Dan Rinsema-Sybenga'
Subject: RE: MAF/Main Street Report
January 8 Working Session would be best. Be sure to remind us that first week back after New Year's. Thanks.

          From: Dan Rinsema-Sybenga []
          Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 9:36 AM
          To: Brubaker-Clarke, Cathy
          Subject: RE: MAF/Main Street Report
          Jim and I are thinking January. How about the second commission meeting of that month which I assume would be the
          23rd_ How does that sound?


          Dan Rinsema-Sybenga
          Muskegon Area First
          Main Street Manager
          900 Third Street, Suite 200
          Muskegon, Ml 49440
          (231) 724-3180 tel
          (231) 728-7251 fax

                  -----Original Message-----
                  From: Brubaker-Clarke, Cathy []
                  Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 8:47 AM
                  To: Dan Rinsema-Sybenga; Jim Edmonson
                  Subject: MAF/Main Street Report
                  Since the Commission has already approved the $10,000 for next years Main Street budget, Bryon and I suggest
                  you do an annual report on Main Street along with the annual MAF report to Commission, whenever that is done.
                  Thanks. Cathy

                               Muskegon Area First
        President's Report for City of Muskegon Commission Work Session
                                  January 8, 2007

Our Mission: Muskegon Area First strives to enhance the economic vitality of Muskegon
County consistent with its quality of life. Our focus is on job creation through the
retention, expansion, and attraction of private investment.

2006 Activities

       The Muskegon Area First 2006 Annual Report is currently being finalized.
       Included below is a summary of what will appear in the final report. Muskegon
       Area First's core mission is business attraction and retention, and goals are
       implemented through general services, as well as special projects which
       contribute to over-all attraction and retention. Special projects Muskegon Area
       First administers include the PTAC center, Muskegon Main Street, marketing of
       the Muskegon County Wastewater System, and downtown Whitehall business
       district improvements. During 2006, Muskegon Area First ended its Whetstone
       Incubator Project when it terminated its lease and the lease was taken up by a
       Whetstone client that had grown to the point that it needed the entire space.

   1. 2006 Retention Visits

Company                                        Community                                 Visits
A.C.E. Tooling, Inc.                           Norton Shores                                 2
ACEMCO                                         Spring Lake                                   1
Action Industrial Supply                       City of Muskegon                              1
Action Mold & Machining, Inc.                  Grand Rapids                                  1
ADAC Plastics                                  City of Muskegon                              2
Advanced Finishing                             Norton Shores                                 2
Aero Foil International                        City of Muskegon                              3
Air Master Systems                             Norton Shores                                 2
Allied Machine                                                                               1
American Coil & Spring                         City of Muskegon                              2
Ameriform                                      City of Muskegon                              2
Anderson Global                                Muskegon Heights                              2
Automated Industrial Motion                    Fruitport                                     1
Automotive Racking Systems                     Muskegon Heights                              2
Baker Machine                                  Grand Haven                                   1
Bayer Crop Science                             Muskegon Township                             1
Bekaert                                        City of Muskegon                              1
Burnside Industries                            Spring Lake                                   4
CW Marsh                                       City of Muskegon                              1
CS Tool Engineering, Inc.                      Cedar Springs                                 1
Campbell Grinder                               Spring Lake                                   1
Cannon-Muskegon M. Arguesso                    Norton Shores                                 1
Challenge Machinery.                           Norton Shores                                 2
Cole's Quality Foods                           City of Muskegon                              2
 Consumer Energy                            North Muskegon                  4
ewe Textron                                 Roosevelt Park                  2
D & D Logistics                             Muskegon Heights                3
Die Tech                                    Norton Shores                   4
Dymet Corp.                                 City of Muskegon                1
Dynamic Finishing                           Muskegon Heights                2
Eagle Alloy                                 Egelston Township               1
Eagle Aluminum                              Egelston Township               1
E-Coaters of West Ml                        Norton Shores                   2
Erdman Machine                              Whitehall Township              4
ESCO                                        City of Muskegon                1
First Choice Tooling Alliance                                               1
Fleet Engineers                             City of Muskegon                3
Fleet Engineers                             City of Muskegon                1
Forming Technologies                        City of Muskegon                1
Gaining Ground Transportation & Logistics                                   1
General Dynamics Land Systems               Norton Shores
GMI Composites                              City of Muskegon                2
GraphiteXpress, LLC.                        Whitehall Township              1
Great Lakes Die Cast                        City of Muskegon                1
Harbor Front Interiors                      City of Muskegon                1
Harrington Tool                             Ludington                       1
Hayes-Lemmerz                               Montague                        1
Hazekamp Meats                              Fruitport Township
Holland USA                                 City of Muskegon                2
Howmet                                      City of Whitehall               1
Howmet Castings                             City of Whitehall               1
IED, Inc.                                   City of Muskegon                2
Industrial Metal Cleaning                   Norton Shores                   1
Intricate Grinding                          Norton Shores                   2
ITT Gauge                                   Dalton Township                 2
Johnson Engineering                                                         1
Johnson Technology                          City of Muskegon                4
KAYDON                                      Norton Shores                   1
Kirksey & Associates                        City of Muskegon                1
Klever Kutter                               Muskegon Township/Grand Haven   1
Knoll                                       Norton Shores                   1
L & L Pattern                               Muskegon Heights                1
L-3 Communications                          Muskegon Township               1
Lee Manufacturing                           Fruitport                       1
Lorin Industries                            Grand Haven                     1
MCC Lakeshore Business & Industry Service
Center                                      City of Muskegon                1
Metal Technologies                          Ravenna Township                1
Ml Steel                                    City of Muskegon                1
Michigan Adhesives                          Whitehall Township              1
Michigan Metal Products                     City of Muskegon                1
Michigan Spring & Stamping                  Roosevelt Park                  1
Michigan's Adventure                        Dalton/Fruitland Township       1
Midwest Spring & Manf.                      City of Muskegon                1
2. 2006 Manufacturer's Job Inventory

       Company                             New Jobs        Jobs Lost
       Howmet Castings                           210
       L3 Communications                         200
       Tower Laboratories                         60
       Ameriform                                  38
       Johnson Technology                         30
       TGW Ermanco                                21
       Snook                                       15
       Aerofoil                                   15
       Coles                                      14
       GMI Composites                               8
       Brunswick                                                       110
       Perrigo                                                          70
       Bekaert                                                          65
       Grand Totals                                  611               245

3. 2006 Website Statistics

                                         Number of
           Quarter 1 (1/01/06 -
          3/31/06)                                    32,274
          Quarter 2 (4/1/06 - 6/30/06)                31,953
          Quarter 3 (7/1/06 - 9/30/06)                28,248
          Quarter 4 (10/1/06 -
          12/31/06)                                   33,308
          Grand Total                                125,783

          Percent Change from last year: +36%

4. Monthly Information Requests

                                             Number of
               Month                         Requests
                January                                        105
                February                                       307
                March                                          277
                April                                          197
                May                                            156
               June                                            174
                July                                           249
               August                                          176
               September                                       143
               October                                         189
               November                                        127
 Miller Engineering                     Muskegon Heights       2
 Monarch Powder Coating                 Norton Shores          1
 Muskegon Tooling Alliance                                     1
 Nelson Design & Mani.                 Twin Lake               1
 Northern Machine Tool Company         City of Muskegon        2
 Nova Pattern                          Montague                3
 Nowak Machine Products                Norton Shores           2
Nugent Sand                            Norton Shores           6
Nupak                                  Norton Shores           1
Orion Machine                          City of Muskegon        1
Padnos Iron and Metal Co.              Holland                 1
Paragon Pattern                        Muskegon Heights        1
Perrigo                                Allegan                 1
Port City Group                        City of Muskegon        1
Progressive Machine & Tool             Spring Lake             1
Qwick Tool                             Muskegon Heights        2
RAM Electronics                        Fruitport               1
Reed City Tool & Die                   Reed City               1
Reliable Gage                                                  1
RW Bakers                              Norton Shores           1
Sappi                                  City of Muskegon        6
Security Sealtex                       Norton Shores           1
Select Manufacturing                   City of Muskegon        1
Shoreline Recycling                    City of Muskegon        1
Snook, Inc.                            Norton Shores           1
Source One Digital                     City of Muskegon        1
Spectrum Illumination                  Montague                1
Structural Concepts                    Norton Shores           3
Sun Rise Pattern                       City of Muskegon        1
Tholstrup Cheese USA                   Norton Shores           1
Tower Laboratories                     City of Montague        1
Tru Tech Machine and Rollforming       Norton Shores
Van Andel Global Trade Center          Grand Rapids            1
Viking Tool & Engineering Company      Whitehall Township      3
Westech Corp.                          Whitehall Township      2
Whitehall Products                     Whitehall Township      1

Whitehall Township Tooling Coalition
A.C.E. Tooling, Inc.                   City of Norton Shores
Action Mold & Machining, Inc.          City of Grand Rapids
CAD-CAM Services, Inc.                 City of Kentwood
CS Tool Engineering, Inc.              City of Cedar Springs
Erdman Machine Company                 Keene Township
GraphiteXpress, LLC                    Whitehall Township
Northern Machine Tool Company          City of Muskegon
Viking Tool & Engineering Company      Whitehall Township      6
Wisconsin Power                                                1
       S. 2006 PTAC numbers

                                  Total Contracts for Fiscal
                                  Year                                    $92,500,000
                                  International                              $500,000
                                  Jobs Retained                                 2,186

       6. 2006 Community Programs
                                                              ·•39 ·..    i••ss ••··     :/~ffl'.>i{J\ieYciur~~dt1";wltl)$l.lzanhiifisher,,.·,;•
                                                        · ' ·· '' <;                    l,(11Mk~g19g et,gine.eri~g nia~,ger; fpr tte®•r •·•'·

                                                               110            8 -,             E~~~-t~ -;;~;te·d'b/Fl~'k(E:a~~e~t
                                                                                       -,cc:•'',,                                      c:·
                                                                                                                                        Brooks West
                                                                                                    Shoreline Correctional Facilities, MAREC, L3
                                                                                                    Communications, Consumers Energy BC Cobb
                                                                                                    Electric Plant, Clear Channel Radio, Muskegon
                                                                                                    County Wastewater Management System, &
                                                                                                    Mercy General Health Partners.

                                                         81'                 67 •• ,Wl).~t·~n.apj,~nilJgNol'/IG\($U 811P,light . . ·
                                                          .· · ' ' ·             ' ,,i;:orP!'[•!lpn ~re !•~ding th.~ w'aylll." v,lth or. !mad                 •
                                                          c·,,c,t\•-,,·                  > M~bavviJi,e~ecuti~e.dir~ct%ilfMAREiC/"Update
                                                         f   J , ' , /'f'                 ;/9Ln 9or sy,jier(E;~.•rilf l\~;e~smeryf ~•.'l(~e''. with .
                                                                                                         1 cpporate,acco~nt !lla)lag~r,qr-· ,,.,,.
                                                                                         .·••·•·.· $8 fl!e•o~;
                                                                                         iiQdnsurners,Energy, and ;En.1r9flilillate" with.,,,· ,.
                                                                                         i .<;lhuck(l'!~cta~n:yiqe, pr~•i~erit of government              ·
                                                                                         ·' ,.,• a/la 1ri;;Mi9.h lgan ·MariufaQ!tit)iJg}',s~oclallon.:'

:_:•-:~---,.r;~~--M~-~-~:r~dt'~~1-~g u;-~~ ·   8         146                 40                     "5S Workplace Organization" presented by April
                   Group                                                                            Lothschutz of"Not So Basic Training". The idea is
                                                                                                    to help participants develop an environment that
                                                                                                    promotes an efficient and effective working



7. 2006 Attraction Efforts

      MAF continues Whittaker Associates to receive leads of expanding
      companies that fit the target industries that were identified by MAF in 2005.
      The biggest attraction success of2006 was Connecticut based Tower
      Laboratories entrance into Muskegon county with its purchase of the Perrigo
      facilities at Montague. Attraction efforts have also been influenced MAF' s
      effort to identify businesses interested in locating at the Muskegon County
      Wastewater System properties. Currently MAF is working with a large
      industrial food processing company to locate at the current treatment system
      facility, as well as a large lot industial user. MAF is working with three Bio-
      fuel prospects, one for the Whitehall Wastewater site, one to partner with
      SAPPI, and one to partner with another currently Muskegon county business.
      MAF is currently investigating SmartZone marketing activities through the
      21 ' t Century Jobs Fund.
 2006 Employment Conditions

 Job Postings in Chronicle
                                                Educational and Health






 Number of Muskegon County Residents employed

                            Muskegon County Unemployment Rate








                           Muskegon County Employment by Sector

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