City Commission Worksession Agenda Archive 05-07-2007

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                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                                   Monday, May 7, 2007
                                        5:30 p.m.
                                City Commission Chambers


1.    Update from Gary Post and Russ Strong - Western A venue Properties.

2.    Update from Dan Harjer - Vida Nova.

3.    Pere Marquette Smoke Free Beach Proposal.

4.    Procedures: Special Use Permits - Commissioner Davis.

5.    Noise Ordinance - Commissioner Davis.

6.    Farmers' Market Relocation - Commissioner Davis.

7.    City Manager Evaluation Fonn.

8.    New Fire Station Expense Update.

9.    Taxicab Licensing.

10.   Any Other Business.


1.    Approval of March 5, 2007, CRC Minutes.

2.    Accept Resignation from the Public Relations Committee and Equal Opportunity

3.    CRC Openings to be Filled.

4.    Any Other Business.

5.    Adjournment.
                                   City of Muskegon
                             City Commission Worksession
                                      May 7, 2007
                              City Commission Chambers


Present: Commissioners Spataro, Warmington, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, Wierengo,
and Carter.
Absent: None.

Update from Gary Post and Rnss Strong- Western Avenue Properties
Gary Post and Russ Strong gave an update of the Western Avenue properties.

Update from Dan Harjer - Vida Nova
Open houses are held every Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2p.m. It is hoped that the first offer
will be received tomorrow.

Pere Marquette Smoke Free Beach Proposal
Jamie Cross, Alliance of the Great Lakes, made a presentation regarding a Pere
Marquette smoke free beach. Ms. Cross and Commissioners discussed issues around size
of area designated for smoke-free.

Recommendation made to bring to next Commission work session for discussion. Staff
to obtain information on impact to size of area designated for smoke choice.

Procedures: Special Use Permits - Commissioner Davis
Discussion took place on the issuance of Special Use Permits.

Noise Ordinance - Commissioner Davis
Discussion took place regarding music at establishments on the beach. The police chief
will send a letter to those businesses.

Farmers' Market Relocation - Commissioner Davis
The adequate size of area of new location for Market was discussed.

City Manager Evaluation Form
Summary was given from Commissioner Wierengo of revision of job description and
recommended changes. A suggestion was raised to have the committee tweak the
evaluation and distribute the old and new form to commissioners.

New Fire Station Expense Update
The Commission discussed various items of Fire Station Costs.
Taxicab Licensing
The clerk discussed calls from different companies in reference to rates of cab fares.
Requests have also been received to license all vehicle transportation companies. The
police chief discussed issues with taxi operator background checks.

Motion from Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Davis to have staff
prepare an ordinance to repeal the ordinance that requires a taxi operator license.

                                                                   MOTION PASSES

Any other Business
The Commission discussed the address of a Bike Trail Maintenance fund.

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn.

                                                                   MOTION PASSES

                                                          ~N         ~~ (;,µ,t','-\
                                                            Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                City Clerk


Proposed non-smoking area for Pere Marquette would be south of the sidewalk leading to
the pier to the water plant on Beach Street.


Eight to ten no smoking signs would be posted along Beach Street at Pere Marquette


In an effort to capture cigarette litter as individuals leave their vehicles and enter the park
the committee will purchase special receptacles to be placed next to garbage cans along
Beach Street. The city will put receptacles in place and anchor them. They will empty the
ashtrays when they empty garbage bins at the beach. (Studies have been done showing
smokers are not likely to put spent cigarette butts in trash cans because they are afraid
they will start a fire. The cigarette receptacles provide smokers with an option for their
cigarette litter.)


Muskegon Save Our Shoreline participates in monthly volunteer cleanups at Pere
Marquette from April through September. During their visits volunteers not only remove
trash at the park but record their findings. To gauge the impacts of making a portion of
Pere Marquette Smoke Free, the Adopt-a-Beach team will clean and keep data on the
same section of beach using the same number of volunteers working for the same number
of hours each month.


The City will explore a volunteer ranger program in which volunteers will patrol the
beach during high use times to work with city rangers.


Public Service Announcements: Develop and distribute public service announcements to
local media outlets that focus on getting smokers to properly discard of cigarette litter.

Newspaper mticles, letters to the editors, organizational web sites: Encourage individuals,
organizations and other Adopt-a-Beach teams to write letters to the editor in an effort to
inform the community about cigarette litter. Work with other organizations to get
information on smoke free beach posted in their newsletters and on their websites. West
Michigan Environmental Action Council, Alliance for the Great Lakes, Muskegon
Chronicle and the Muskegon County Health Project have recently written articles on this

Media interviews: Contact local media outlets to schedule interviews throughout the
spring and summer to provide information to the community on data results from
cleanups and impacts from smoking related litter.

Informational posters about cigarette litter: Create and post informational posters in the
community that focus on cigarette butts as litter. Post at concession stands at Pere
Marquette, bathrooms at Kruse and Spider Park, stores in Lakeside, etc.

Pocket ashtray give away: Give out pocket ash trays during the annual September
cleanup along with information about cigarette litter on beaches. Ashtrays would have
information on cigarette litter imprinted on them. Explore other venues for distribution of
pocket ash trays. (Hotel/motel smoking rooms, Yacht Clubs, Marina's, community
events, etc, )
      From: Mazade, Bryon
      Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 4:19 PM
      To: ''; Sue Wierenga (E-mail); Davis, Kevin(Home)
      Subject: Evaluation Form

      I have had an opportunity to review the most recent draft of the City Manager's evaluation form and I think it is a great
      improvement over the form currently used. However, I do have a few comments that I would like you to consider.

           1.   The first section of the form is in a statement format and then switches to questions when it comes to the
                Personal Characteristic portion.

           2.   One area says "Provides results of staff reviews .... " I am not quite sure what that means. Is it that reviews are to
                be conducted by the manager or that the reviews conducted will be provided to someone specifically?

           3.    One area mentions the maintenance of minutes of meetings with department heads and staff. This does not
                happen currently in the strict sense, although I take notes at various meetings as needed. If this serves some
                purpose it could be worthwhile. Otherwise, it could be a lot of unnecessary work. I would be apprehensive about
                preparing and keeping minutes of staff meetings that then becomes a public record. This could have a chilling
                effect on candid discussion.

           4.    I did not see anything relating to intergovernmental cooperation. I think that should be an area for evaluation as
                long as it remains a City Commission priority.

      I hope this input is useful to you. Thanks.

                                    City of Muskegon, Michigan

Evaluator _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __                        Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


The City Manager, under the general direction of the City Commission, provides administrative
supervision to all City departments and related agencies. Provides professional advice and
authoritative recommendations on all matters before the Commission, directs the implementation of
Commission mandates, plans and administers the City budget, supervises labor relations and
personnel management activities, and participates in the design and implementation of major civil
development projects. Assures the satisfactory provision of services to City residents, and takes
overall responsibility for the maintenance of a favorable public relations posture for city government
with City residents, surrounding communities, and other local, state and federal agencies.

           Circle rating number (1 - Poor   2 - Fair   3 - Average   4 - Good   5 - Excellent)

12345        Determines broad policy for operating departments, appoints department heads, and
             monitors activities for conformity to Commission mandates, department objectives and
             community needs.

12345        Provides results of staff reviews and performance of Department Heads (in general
             terms, related to goals).

12345        Serves as final operating authority for budget, establishing the priorities of programs in
             relationship to income, authorizing expenditures and developing funding mechanisms.
12345   Proposes funding mechanisms, ordinances and zoning regulations to the City
        Commission, in the interest of orderly community growth and development.

12345   Directs the negotiation of labor contracts with recognized employee groups and
        oversees the administration of those contracts, including the settlement of grievances.

12345   Regularly conducts department head and staff meetings to coordinate departmental
        activities, receive progress and general briefing reports, and to identify and develop
        solutions to problems.

12345   Maintains minutes of meetings with department heads and staff.

12345   Encourages employee training and develops requisite funding.

12345   Promotes cooperation with key business and property owners.

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    ( ) Board of Canvassers                                                    ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals
rl. )Board of Review                                                           ( ) Housing Commission
'I.::;!~) Citizen's Police Review Board                                        ( ) Income Tax Board of Review
   ( ) City Employees Pension Board                                            ( ) Land Reutilization Committee
   ( ) Civil Service Commission                                                ( ) Leisure Services Board
   ( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council                                         ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee
   ( ) Construction Board of Appeals                                           ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority
   ( ) District Library Board                                                  ( ) Local Officefs Compensation Com.
   (I) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                         ( ) Planning Commission
   ( ) Election Commission                                                     ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board
   ( I) Equal Opportunity Committee
   ( ) Historic District Commission
   ( ) Hospital Finance Authority

   Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above?
                                                                               (I) Public Relations Committee
                                                                               ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals

                                                                                                             NO        (Circle one)

   • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.
   Return this form to:        City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                                   -   V   -
Becker, Ann

From:                Connolly Robyn Jenkins []
Sent:                Thursday, April 19, 2007 1 :05 PM
To:                  Becker, Ann
Subject:             Connolly Jenkins: Public Relations committe member

To Public Relations Committee:

I feel very bad about not being able to make the last few meetings. I have a family crisis
that is simply not letting up. At this time I am unable to fulfill my obligations as a
committee member.

I thank you for the opportunity and apologize for the inconvenience.

It was a pleasure to be involved with such a dedicated group.

Connolly Jenkins

                                                                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                         TALENT BANK APPLICATION

Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check.
                  l                                                  r
NAME:             /,,          J,         ~· 1 .)                    •'--.       "-'.:   J   ,,.z_        ,t. /
HOME ADDREss:_"'":1"'".""S--,---'c'-\-+'_._,,...,,_""'·/""'v-_,_,·"'l,'--'·""'l,c..c·.......                               "-)-~•c.../=1..·~------------

E-MAIL ADDRESS:,-1,w,;"-l:.---"-''-'-?--"<';_>_,/J.!..'s..'',cl.,_,'""'t'e.;•:..:.·•----------------

OCCUPATION:._ __,,,__:1,..,_JC-',C../u.=...o)_~----- EMPLOYER:__,l"'(""'c""a~'""'-L""-...,.,,_.,/4"-/1-""'"•,....·-"'"""";j""'r."".,,z___
                '   (If retired, give former occupation)                                  7

EDUCATION:_--'-'a='                       -<'-'.--'-c-'-li~,-"~•'~1~,~t=,~'.;"i-''~,z~------------------
PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES:                                                    __,/~,l'-,~&-'·-~\"'l~-v~·,_'.~!~l~J=u~'·l~-·~e~o,,J. .,o-'-.,_,~C_.,_1t=-J'-.=h•~k..,0,-,,-----
Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the ,committee?

    /~     C&J;j,,\     L.J   :1,/r1f.'    'tfv       1     . _.J~                  _s/,·U,.                /_         ).f       ;4,/L/    ci/.J/e.,    '< -,.~vL,..-·. . ,
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PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references)

1.       //11/f,z. flt,J-             fso Mo1t1 /,, v                                                                      .               Z 5)- 7 z      z-r; <, oo
           _ p                 (NaJ11e)        .l!                           7                                                                     (Phone Number)
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      ..-c-                    (Name)             /                                                                                                (Phone Number)
3. .J       ,4-;VC          o+ah A                    e K1                                                                                ..::2::.::3:..,_)_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                               (Name)                                                                                                              (Phone Number)


(   ) Board of Canvassers                                                                                                        ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals
(   ) Board of Review                                                                                                            ( ) Housing Commission
(   ) Citizen's Police Review Board                                                                                              ( ) Income Tax Board of Review                  /Joqr&~
(   ) City Employees Pension Board                                                                                               ( ) Land Reutilization Committee
(   ) Civil Service Commission                                                                                                  ( ) Leisure Services Board                        .swf!<-i;f
(   ) CDBG-Cilizen's District Council                                                                                           ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee
(   ) Construction Board of Appeals                                                                                             ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority                 fo /,',;, e.)
(   ) District Library Board                                                                                                    ( ) Local Office(s Compensation Com.
(   ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                                                                           ( ) Planning Commission
(   ) Election Commission                                                                                                       () Police/Fireman's Pension Bo~rd
(   ) Equal Opportunity Committee                                                                                            1- ll,'.Public Relations Committee
(   ) Historic District Commission                                                                                              ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals
( ) Hospital Finance Authority                                                                                                             /,iJ ~\_,\};,
Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above?                                                                 L7          ~    (Circle one)

• Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.
Return this form to:        City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536
                                                                                                                                                                                                   I      '.J.
f::. Ple+ye                     r1..evv1uv c                    /\/It'                       f"7.Uv1/l                rtl Lcc+l           ~euclGp.       /:'1,v,4,vce              /)     v-r4.a.1i' 'l'

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                                                                                                                  -    V     -
                                                        CID' Of MUSKEGON
                                                     TALENT BANK APPi !CATION

Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on llle for one year. All applicants subject to a background check.

NAME: _ "' " ·· ,

HOME ADDRESS:                  3. ·7 1.1 f. G<~ c/2?4', ;,1 (-__,, Ik'i?~<,7'(.. 1 '1
                                                                                                                                                          L/       k     ,.,

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(    ) Board of Canvassers                                                   ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals
(    ) Board of Review                                                       ( ) Housing Commission
(    ) Citizen's Police Review Board                                         ( ) Income Tax Board of Review
(    ) C~y Employees Pension Board                                            ( ) Land Reutilization Committee
(    ) Civil Service Commission                                               ( ) Leisure Services Board
(    ) CDBG-Cll/zen's District Caurrdl                                       ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Commit/ee
(    ) Construction Board of Appeals                                         ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority
(    ) District Library Board                                                ( ) Local Officer's Compensation Com.
(    ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                        ( ) Planning Commission
(    ) Election Commission                                                    ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board
(    ) Equal Opportunity Committee                                           )l'Public Relations Committee
(    ) Historic District Commission                                          ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals
(    ) Hospital Finance Authority

Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above?                         YES        &    (Circle one)

* Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.
Return this form to:        C~y Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                                 -   V   -
                      3345 GERMAINE RD.• MUSKEGON, Ml 49441
               PHONE (231) 780-1464 • E-MAIL LJHALVERSON@VERIZON NET

                   LARRY IiAL VERSON

OBJECT[VE · · - · · - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .......................

                       To assist people, interface with customers, and succeed in this organization's
                       communications outreach


                       Bachelor of Science in Public Relations from Grand Valley State University

                       l1re::;ented 111y GVSU pro)ec.t "Qufilhy In Chi\d Care" for Kent County Regiona11
                       4C's, to the Grand Rapids media core news conference. This PowerPoint
              hjghJjghte.d the. c:oJlection and analysis of relevant data for Grand
                       Rapids parents in their search for childcare. Then offering a public relations plan
                       from the analysis of the data to the 4'C's.

                       Written and submitted several news releases to the Muskegon Chronicle, Norton
                       Examiner and other suburban publications for community organizations. Some
                       being picked up by the Associate press and used nationwide.

                       Succesifu\ ipecia\ pro)ect for the ~1:u";;kegon Jaycee':. that   'wdS   covered by ABC,
                       NBC, CBS, and FOX local affiliates.

                       Increased attendance twenty-three percent for the Muskegon Shoreline Spectacular
                       by using a concise marketing and public relations plan


                       Lead writer for successful "Quality In Child Care" project for Kent County
                       Regional 4C's, including collection and analysis of relevant data, designing and
                       executing print and electronic media campaign witli finds submitted during a
                       Grand Rapids media news conference next sent to then- Governor Engler for

                       Currently volunteering as the Marketing Director for Lakeside Baptist Church.
                       Responsibilities include: gathering primary and secondary research to formulate a
                       marketing plan for church growth, promote the services and activities of the
                       church, create community awareness and involvement, to set a budget and work
                       within those guidelines, and then to tract the plan and make adjustments if needed
                       - weD site design and optimization -media relations.

                Experience and trammg on PC hardware. Software and systems: MS-DOS,
                Windows XP Microsoft Office package (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher),
                Drearnweaver 8, Fireworks 8 - webs:ite des-ign package, SPSS 8.0 - a
                comprehensive system designed to analyze data for research, digital cameras, and
                video production. Associated Press style, proofreadini,;, editing te>ct from multiple
                contributors in coherent whole.

SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATI1-755-255\lxi\i\99
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ·-·•-·····-·····

                      Muskegon Jaycees - Project of the Year

                      i\lfuskegon Jaycees - Chairperson of the Year

                      ~1u<,;ke.gan j'd.ycee.<,;- Ditectot of the. Yeir

                      Prudential Clyde Hendrick, REALTORS - Sales Person of the Month

                      Ptudential Clyde Hendrick, REALTORS -Listing Peron of the Month
                                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                         TALENT BANK APPLICATION

Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check.

NAME:_ _'-..!J=-1~A~l'-'l->...L..<.I f_~i--1~11-I----+-'-l<~iJ~I/.~l(,l~Vri~,4_·~~s~,;✓/,_'A_l_lE"_lc_ _ _ _ __
                                                     J            ~      ,(
HOME ADDRESS:                 1110          /LliCI/ {J,4-J; l!JX.:,J:>l~~-------


     ( ) Board of Canvassers                                                ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals
~       ) Board of Review                                                   ( ) Housing Commission
'(::!~) Citizen·s Police Review Board                                       ( ) Income Tax Board of Review
     ( ) City Employees Pension Board                                       ( ) Land Reutilization Committee
     ( ) Civil Service Commission                                           ( ) Leisure Services Board
     ( ) CDBG-Cilizen·s District Council                                    ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee
     ( ) Construction Board of Appeals                                      ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority
     ( ) District Library Board                                             ( ) Local Office(s Compensation Com.
     (I) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                    ( ) Planning Commission
     ( ) Election Commission                                                ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board
     (I) Equal Opportunity Committee                                        (I) Public Relations Committee
     ( ) Historic District Commission                                       ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals
     ( ) Hospital Finance Authority                                                   ~

   Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above?U N O                    (Circle one)

   • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.
   Return this form to:        City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                           -        V   -
                                                               l/1 O O;
                                                              "' ,111          ''/:fl"/

                                                            City Clerks Office                                                Date:/ ·S"· O '1
                                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                            TALENT BANK APPLICATION

Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. Alf applicants subject to a background check.

                                                                                     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
HOME ADDRESS:_---'--'i _,lc....::0:____,8c...-...,R~C\.!.:,,'--'-"'c.e"""'""':s.,_'_
                                    J.:..:·                                               _.,,S"--'+__,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                      (Street, City, State, Zip)

HOME PHONE#   2 J /, S-7 f:l , 2 (,, 23             WORKPHONE#: ~31- 7J.7 066'.J

E-MAILADDRESS: c.., h·, {). V01t1d1>t-l-...\,....,1 @ ll~f'•'.16'1 . /1.e+

OCCUPATION /-k,iJ5',Zj /?p/,e,/i Spu:;J.,j ·_r       EMPLOY/;AJe,Jh }Wt' hoe-d_ ../,11/L-Sl-,n-L n f-
                                '    (If retired, give former occupation)                                                     Ct."·"f.\o~1tv.\., VI"\

EDUCATION:             ss: A.                                                 :        (..JJ/1( \ h'1
                                                                                                            l (.-   5

PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES:                            /11c;;>1 s-lt ~+- &a,ni> -h,!h1                                t'c,.-,,,,r,;'Jrh     Le,-ds,,{l M<-vJ/
                                                   en       -S,k Cc.,,.,,,,.,:--H--H'- t'cr                   fr1JS1:C•j•'>1         S.1,r,~<'        c~ /,, o,"'qf,·~·,1.
Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the committee ?

  / Od1             a11         ot·l-.·.•-e. /1-4-'n?6R/ "" [                             /h.·s                 £'(:)U?,n,r,q;/y o,"U u1<:./fv
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                                                                                                                                      -;,?.        'J    '

PERSONAL REFERENCES: (Please list the name and phone numbers of three personal references)

1.    '':J".esS1c,\.             Elsey                                                                       r.)7-05D1
     ,,,..._            (Name)._   . ,                                                                                  (Phone Number)
2.   c~n.,i,       k            co h b                                                             'l:31, rSD - l'-1 o 0
      \1     ,       (Name)                                                                                         _{Pho'l;s Number)        }
3.    \IO-.\ O t ::\(_,
                                    L0 DO 0- i;:,0
                                                   1 \...
                                                              c-y                                                       1-<       -32.0
                                                                                                                        (Phone Number)


( ) Board of Canvassers                                                                9'l Housing Code Board of Appeals
( ) Board of Review                                                                     (xj Housing Commission
( ) Citizen's Police Review Board                                                       ( ) Income Tax Board of Review
( ) City Employees Pension Board                                                        (,l.l Land Reutilization Committee
( ) Civil Service Commission                                                            ( ) Leisure Services Board
( ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council                                                     ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee
( ) Construction Board of Appeals                                                       ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority
( ) District Library Board                                                              ( ) Local Officers Compensation Com.
~Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                                        ( ) Planning Commission
( ) Election Commission                                                                 ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board
( ) Equal Opportunity Committee                                                         ~ Public Relations Committee
C>'I- Historic District Commission                                                      ()l Zoning Board of Appeals
( ) Hospital Finance Authority                                                                                             ,<--

Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above?                                  YES         @>        (Circle one)

• Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.
Return this form to:        City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                                         -    V    -
                    =------=--           RECE:IVED
     .. C;:--;:E;:;_\\/t:O
       HB     (i                      City Clerks Office                                                            Date:.) /:;           /ul
   City ~ S Qtt\Ce                                              TALENT BANK APPLICATION

-·Pl;;;. Type or Print.       Applications will be kept on file for one year All applicants subject/a a background check.

                                                                                          EMPLOYER:        /Utf-io,n ( ti'fy             J?,:r_,1 ),_..
                                      (If retired, give former occupation)

                     , 1,.
   EDUCATION:• - ' , L  /                . 1 ··,r ✓-
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   PERSONAL & coMMuNITY AcTIvITIEs:                              led C,, t SS. {_/r, · -( :I Wtt(
                                                                                                         i)Y110.✓ 1-}c.1 ,t1,cl'•v::n l
                                                       /ltl~l,£.( ('1,,, ,c I /ti;'f1"-'-5. ·1 ,0e,·;,A-v ~vi•v"-'.i\,ll'D,
   Why would you be a good member of this committee? What do you bring to the committee?                                                       l.c ,cl.t:'    ·,h ,t' i/,~.4: ,,
   ,T l\{),&       1(   1'.\('11 <;€ VV€d l\"\          fl.    bc,,n{          bvi         (L1>c ('<'SS, c,,..Jz C0brvt            c}1--<_ e,Jy \
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   2.     Chie+          5'11        ,'\/1"       JI-!
           <              (Name)                          I                                               .      (Phoni,,_Number)
   3.     ' Ju e,_        \)0 i f'.y :CV\ $,()                                                           :]__ 7, I - ![.:JL{ - (.,, -) 0 J
                          (Name)                                                                               (Phone Number)


   (    ) Board of Canvassers                                                              ( ) Housing Code Board of Appeals
   (    ) Board of Review                                                                  ( ) Housing Commission
   (    ) Citizen's Police Review Board                                                    ( ) Income Tax Board ofReview
   (    ) City Employees Pension Board                                                    ·wand Reutilization Committee
   (    ) Civil Service Commission                                                         ( ) Leisure Services Board
   (    ) CDBG-Citizen's District Council                                                  ( ) Loan Fund Advisory Committee
   (    ) Construction Board of Appeals                                                    ( ) Local Develop. Finance Authority
   (    ) District Library Board                                                           ( ) Local Officers Compensation Com.
   (    ) Downtown Development Authority/Brownfield Board                                  ( ) Planning Commission
   (    ) Election Commission                                                              ( ) Police/Fireman's Pension Board
   (    ) Equal Opportunity Committee                                                     J;,{ Public Relations Committee
   (    ) Historic District Commission                                                     ( ) Zoning Board of Appeals
   (    ) Hospital Finance Authority

   Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above?                            YES     N·o      (Circle one)

   • Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.
   Return this form to:        City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                                           -     V    -
                                              TALENT BANK APPLICATION

Please Type or Print. Applications will be kept on file for one year. All applicants subject to a background check.

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                        ? /~)                                       WORKPHONE(c.;;7£/(,:ff..--JY,~

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PERSONAL & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ...L...~~~r.4.U,4...--.£'....!!....,l.kJ&L'..=!4-l,~~~==A~.,.1:;ZW4.-u                              ~
Why would you be a good member of th~s committee? _What do you bring to the committee ?                                   '        (J


( ) Bo~f Canvassers

(\.}-Board of Review

               s xn
       ilizen's Police ~ev,ew Board
( ) City,.Employees Pension Board
(~.!.,(il-6lirvice Commission
(\~9]3G-Citizen's District Council
(~_,9nstruction Board of Appeals
(i.}{'.)~ Library Board
(..,-cr~own Development Authority/Brownfield Board
M"!=Jeclion Commission
             Opportunity Committee
(\.rfl_jpwric District Commission
~ospital Finance Authority

Are you willing to serve on other boards/committees not checked off above?~\ NO                (Circle one)

• Attach Additional Sheets or Resume if Desired.                            V
Return this form to:       City Clerk's Office, 933 Terrace St., P. 0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536

                                                        -   V   -

TO:           Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM:         Leisure Services Department
DATE:         May 1, 2007
RE:           Farmers Market -- Commercial Liability Insurance

Per your request, regarding the question of how much the Insurance coverage amount
should be for Commercial Liability Insurance, we consulted with the City's Risk
Authority office and the following advised was offered by specialist Keith Potter:

   1.      The Commercial Liability Insurance Policy requirement should be set at $1
           Million Dollars.

   2.      The cost of coverage to individual vendors is determined by various factors

              1.      The Parameter of the business
              2.      What they are selling
              3.      It may be a rider to their regular business
              4.      Coverage amount is determined by the scope of what is sold to the

Staff will be present at the May 7th City Commission Work Session to respond to further
questions that the Commission might have on this issue.

Thank you.
Date:          April 5, 2007
To:            Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:          Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager
RE:            Commercial Liability Insurance for Farmer Market
               Vendors Selling Processed and/or Food Items

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The practice of requiring certain market vendors of the
Farmers Market and Flea Market to obtain Commercial Liability Insurance was
enacted as the market has evolved into a processor-friendly seller venue. It offers
baked-goods, cheeses, jams, relishes, jerky, and has expanded to offer meat
products, poultry and has home-licensed processors. Until 1998 the market was
limited to agricultural products. With the introduction of fresh meat, poultry, shellfish,
and fish, mechanical refrigeration was required. Therefore it was decided to require
vendors to have Commercial Liability Insurance for the purpose of protecting the city,
vendor, and customers, when selling or purchasing market product and/or
mechanically-altered (processed) foods.

Vendors have complied with Michigan State Department of Agriculture and
purchased licenses to operate their Business. The license does not cover one from
improper food handling, storage, or processing.

In the process of the Commission studying this issue it is recommended that the
Commission adopt the practice and it be written into the Farmers and Flea Market
policy to include Commercial Liability Insurance for all vendors selling food and/or
mechanically -altered (processed) foods.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Presently not required but advised we uphold
requirement for Commercial Liability Insurance as policy.


TO:            Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM:          Leisure Services Department
DATE:          May I, 2007
RE:            Farmers Market - Farmers Response to Change in Operation Hours on

Attached please find the results of the survey questionnaire sent to Farmers regarding the
question of changing the market's hours of operation on Thursdays from morning to

This item is on the City Commission's Work Session Agenda for Monday, May 7, 2007.
Staff will be present to respond to questions that you might have.

Thank you.

                          2007 FARMERS MARKET SURVEY RES UL TS
                                      Revised 4-30-07


           1. Do you want the current market hours on Thursday changed from morning to
              afternoons? If so, why?
                     14= NO
                      4= YES
                      3 = UNDECIDED OR NO OPINION

          2. Do you want the current market hours on Thursday to remain the same 'as is? If
             so, why?
                    16 = YES
                      1= NO
                     4 = UNDECIDED OR NO OPINION

           3. If the hours are changed, will you continue your vendor§hip at the market?

                      10 = YES
                       9 = UNDECIDED OR NOT ON THURSDAYS

        QUESTIONS             YES                    NO                     UNDECIDED
        Question #1           4                      14                     3
        Question #2           16                     1                      4
        Question #3           10                     2                      9

          Total Surveys sent out were 69, with 21 customers responding to date.


          Vegetables and fruits are picked in the morning, FRESHNESS is the problem

           Have attended many afternoon markets and they never work

          If hours are in the evening on Thursdays I just will not attend the market on that day

           Rather than change hours, why not extend them
25% of weekly sales are already done on Thursday mornings

Why change what is successful

We stay at market in the afternoons but it is much slower than mornings

I will stay later but only if there is business

Our customers depend on us to be there at that time, and they already come in the
afternoon anyway

I have to keep fruits and vegetables cold, on ice, the ice will melt very fast in the

It is not good to cultivate in the morning when dew is on the crops, so afternoons
work better for that

We have hired help in the field in the afternoon

I think people would rather come to the market earlier when it is cooler out

We have tried afternoon markets and they NEVER EVER WORK

Please leave the hours the same

We sell plants that in the afternoon it is too hot to stay at the market, because the
plants can't take the excess heat

If market time is changed I will try it, but the heat is an issue so I may not be able to

The market is dead by 2:00 pm

Our customers have stated they want it in the morning hours

We will still come on Thursdays but we will not stay late

Please keep the hours the same, if we stay late on Thursdays we are rushing around to
pick and pack for Friday and Saturday market

Market should have a varied schedule

Perhaps afternoon hours would bring in customers that can't normally come

We would try it
It would be interesting to try different hours

I am flexible, but if it does not do good after a month switch it back please

I am not available in the morning so I would be much more inclined to sell in the

Thursdays have been slow anyway, why not make it happen

Seems the public is used to current hours if you change will it hurt the market?

Brain dead idea, all markets are open in the AM

It is usually slow by 2 pm why start later

Go ahead and change it, I just won't be there on that day

It is hard enough farming right now without changing the hours

I will return to market but not on Thursdays

Our customers come in the morning for FRESH PRODUCE

Keep the hours the same because the market is about all done by 1:00 pm

Very doubtful I return on Thursday

Why change a good thing!

Cc: Lee
               Campaign to Reduce Cigarette Litter at Pere Marquette Park

Costs                           Detailes                            Total
Signage                         $75 each x 10 signs =               $750
                                $1.25 each x 500 (minimu order)=
Pocket Ashtrays                 $625 plus shipping $25 .00 =        $650
Smoking recepticals for beach   $100 each @10                       $1,000
Posters (copy at Staples)       .38 cents each x 50 copies =        $20
Total costs .            . ·.
                                 . .,..
                                               .. ,.   '. .         $2,420

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