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AGENDA CITY OF MUSKEGON ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 2, 2008 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL - 5:30 P.M. i. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Oath of Office Ceremony- Muskegon County Clerk Karen Buie. Ward I Commissioner Christopher Carter Ward II Commissioner Clara Shepherd Ward Ill Commissioner Lawrence Spataro Ward IV Commissioner Steven Wisneski 3. Election of Vice-Mayor. 4. Setting Commission Meetings: 5:30 p.m. - 2 nd and 4th Tuesdays each month. 5. Setting Worksession Meetings: 5:30 p.m. - Mondays preceding the 2 nd Tuesday each month. 6. Appointment of City Manager: Bryon L. Mazade. 7. Appointment of City Clerk: Ann M. Becker. 8. Appointment of City Treasurer: Derrick Smith. 9. Appointment of City Auditor: Timothy Paul. 1 O. Appointment of City Assessor and Deputy Assessors: County Equalization Director Donna Stokes Deputy Director Dan Vanderkooi 11 . Designation of City Fund Depositories. Fifth Third Bank (Main Depository) Huntington Bank Comerica Bank National City Bank 12. Designation of Firm to Act as Legal Counsel: Parmenter-O'Toole. 13. New Business. 14. Adjourn. AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT POLICY FOR ACCESS TO OPEN MEETINGS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ANY OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hours notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Ml 49440 (231) 724-6705 or TDD (231) 724-4172 pb\AGENDA\2008 ORGANIZATION MTG CITY OF MUSKEGON ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 2, 2008 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL 5:30 P.M. Minutes The meeting was called to order by Mayor Warmington at 5:30 p.m. Also present were Commissioners Wierengo, Carter, Gawron, and Spataro. Commissioner Shepherd arrived at 5:45 p.m. Commissioner Wisneski was absent (excused). The meeting opened with prayer given by Muskegon County Clerk Karen D. Buie, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2008-01 A. Oath of Office Ceremony. Muskegon County Clerk Karen D. Buie gave the oath of office to Commissioner Chris Carter, and Commissioner Lawrence Spataro. The oath of office was also given to Commissioner Clara Shepherd at 5:45 p.m. · B. Election of Vice-Mayor. Motion by Spataro, seconded by Carter to elect Steven J. Gawron as Vice Mayor. VOTE: 5 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed th C::. Setting City Commission Meetings: 5:30 p.m. - 2 nd and 4 Tuesdays each month. nd Motion by Carter, seconded by Spataro to set City Commission dates for every 2 th and 4 Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. with the November meeting being on the 10th due to the I I th being a holiday. VOTE: 5 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed nd D. Setting Worksession Meetings: 5:30 p.m. Monday preceding the 2 Tuesday each month. Motion by Carter, seconded by Spataro to set Worksession meetings for the Mondays preceding the 2 nd Tuesday of each month at 5 :30 p.m. VOTE: 5 Yeas 0 Nays Motion Passed Commissioner Shepherd arrived. E. Appointment of City Manager: Bryon L. Mazade. Motion by Carter, seconded by Wierengo to appoint Bryon L. Mazade as City Manager. VOTE: 6 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed F. Appointment of City Clerk: Ann M. Becker. Motion by Gawron, seconded by Carter to appoint Ann M. Becker as City Clerk. VOTE: 6 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed G. Appointment of City Treasurer: Derrick Smith. Motion by Carter, seconded by Shepherd to appoint Derrick Smith as City Treasurer. VOTE: 6 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed H. Appointment of City Auditor: Timothy Paul. Motion by Spataro, seconded by Gawron to appoint Timothy Paul as City Auditor. VOTE: 6 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed I. Appointment of City Assessor and Deputy Assessors: Motion by Carter, seconded by Wierengo to appoint the County Equalization Director Donna Stokes and Deputy Director Dan VanderKooi as the City Assessor and Deputy Assessor. VOTE: 6 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed J. Designation of City Fund Depositories. Motion by Shepherd, seconded by Spataro to designate the following financial institutions as the official depositories of the City Funds: Fifth-Third Bank (Main Depository) Huntington Bank Comerica Bank National City Bank VOTE: 6 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed K. Designation of Firm to Act as Legal Counsel: Parmenter-O'Toole. Motion by Spataro, seconded by Carter to designate the firm of Parmenter-O'Toole as legal counsel for the City of Muskegon. VOTE: 6 Yeas 0Nays Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfhlly submitted, C···· . . ~\~ ~~'v"'\Q>vJLA, Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS 2008 City Hall Commission Chambers (Room 107) 5:30PM January 8 22 February 12 26 March 11 25 April 8 22 May 13 27 June 10 24 July 8 22 August 12 26 September 9 23 October 14 28 November 10 25 December 9 **City Commission Worksession meetings will be held on the Monday before each 2nd Tuesday City Commission meeting. The meetings will begin at 5:30pm in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street Muskegon, Ml. Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSIONS 2008 City Hall Commission Chambers (Room 107) 5:30 PM January 7 (CRC) February 11 March 10 April 7 (CRC) May 12 June 9 July 7 (CRC) August 11 September 8 October 13 November 10 December 8 The meetings will begin at 5:30pm in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI. Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk 2008-01 (j) RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CITY FUND DEPOSITORIES THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, that the following financial institutions shall be and hereby are designated as official depositories of the City funds: Fifth Third Bank (Main Depository) Huntington Bank Comerica Bank National City Adopted this 2nd day of January, 2008. AYES: Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo NAYS: None ABSENTENTIONS: None ayo r,-: _---._..; \ \>. /\ .(),; ATTEST"-.:S \"-,\\ l\ ~VI_,,\.,\\..;;.( <_.!_,j\,_ ..-, City Clerk CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on January 2, 2008. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON \\ By: J_) i\"-.)"'-)\\· ' !) ( '•\J\.A)u\ 1 '..::i.Cc_ -\./\ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk 2008-0l(k) RESOLUTION DESIGNATING FIRM TO ACT AS LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be and hereby is authorized to designate any other member of the firm of Parmenter-O'Toole to represent the City of Muskegon in court and in all other legal proceedings in such matters as the City Attorney shall, in his discretion, deem advisable, from time to time. No additional compensation shall be paid for such services unless same are of an extraordinary nature for which additional compensation is authorized in advance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in any matter wherein the City Attorney, or his firm, shall be unable by reason of a conflict to represent the City, the City Manager is authorized to use a Special Assistant City Attorney to represent the City in such matter, and any expenses thereby incurred shall be charged to the budget of the City Attorney, unless such services are of an extraordinary nature as determined by the City Manager, and in such event additional compensation may be authorized. Adopted by the City Commission this 2nd day of January, 2008. AYES: Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierenga NAYS: None ABSENTENTIONS: None CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on January 2, 2008. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON By: 7 Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk Neighborhood Associations of Muskegon Agenda Wednesday, January 2, 2008 City Hall • Second Floor Conference Room (#203) • 4:30 pm I. Departmental/Agency Reports a. Planning/Zoning b. Department of Public Works Ted Russell - Recycle Program c. City Clerk's Office d. Community Policing e. Community & Neighborhood Services Lead Program f. Leisure Services g. Inspections Services II. Action Needs Planning Commission, City Staff, and consultants will gather and a nalyze data and info rmation o n the commu nity. The second phase is where you ca n really make A dwrrcttc is n cru1tit•c, 11is11r1l hrainstorn1ing a difference. This phase includes a public exercise oflen 11sal in rhe design and implementatio n cha rrette that m<1ster planning />roccss will build on past efforts and help advance 1/wt hd/J.1 garner p11l,lic them to fruition. The plann ing a nd design inp11t mid gcnerotc team will lead this participato ry activity, id~<1, and sol11 Iions for n which will span a period of rwo clays. The charrerre will provide the opportunity fo r the planning and des ign team to obtain a great deal of public input regarding the preliminary design and impleme ntation con cepts, quickly commu n icate the input grap hically, a nd 7o !earn more, visit develop the ideas. In this manner, concepts can be ,·isualized and ernl uatecl by the public so they ca n quickly unde rstand the potential impact of proposed solutions. The third and final phase is plan fina lization and adoption. This process will co nsume more than half of the time frame to co mplete the plan and includes a n open ho use where the Jave the 1Jatel public is welcome to come and review the fi rst Community Input Charrette draft of the plan update and discuss more ideas for the Downtown/Lakeshore and concerns. Redevelopment Plan January 30"': 9:00-12:00, I :00-3:00 How can you participate? January 31": 8:00-12:00, I :00-3:00 C itizen participation is strongly desired! A public presentation will follow on You wil l have a number of oppo rtunities to January 31" at 7 p.m. participate at various points in the process. The Second Floor of the Hilt Building first opportu n ity is the two-clay charrette where (connected to the Frauenthal) you can come to share your ideas a nd concerns 425 West Western Avenue regard ing downtown and the la kefront. Pla nne rs a nd landscape architects wi ll be o n hand to listen to your ideas a nd create a \'isual represen tation o f those ideas. Additio na lly, you will be im·ited to the open house where the various elements of the p lan wi ll be prese nted. This will be a second opportunity for yo u to voice you r thoughts on the work completed up to this point and make fu rther suggestions for the final plan. Yo u can also ,·isit www.muskegon-m· and post co mmen ts o n the process and lea rn abo ut t1 pcoming events and meeting schedu les. For additional information, to offer comments, and to be added to our mailing list. contact Michael Franzak, Planner II at (231) 724.6982 or at Planning Commission, City Staff, and consultants will gather and analyze data and information on the community. The second phase is where you can really make 11imal !mlimtorrning a difference. This phase includes a public exc1\_i-1c often used in 1he design and implementation charrette that 111asti:'r pla11nh1g t1roc,;ss will build on past efforts and help advance tlwt /djJs gmn,:r tm/1/ic them to fruition. The planning and design inp11t rrnd gmailt.: idt'!IS nnd so/urions fm !l team will lead this participatory activity1 which will span a period of two days. The charrette will provide the opportunity for the planning and design team to obtain a great deal of public input regarding the preliminary design and implementation concepts, quickly communicate the input graphically, and 1"0 fearn more, vfrif develop the ideas. In this manner, concepts can be Yisualized and evaluated by the public so they can quickly understand the potential impact of proposed solutions. The third and final phase is plan finalization and adoption. This process will consume more than half of the time frame to complete the plan and includes an open house where the public is welcome to come and review the first draft of the plan update and discuss more ideas and concerns. How can you participate? Citizen participation is strongly desired! You will have a number of opportunities to participate at various points in the process. The first opportunity is the t\vo-day charrette where you can come to share your ideas and concerns regarding downtown and the lakefront. Planners and landscape architects will be on hand to listen to your ideas and create a visual representation of those ideas. Additionally1 you will be indted to the open house where the various elements of the plan will be presented. This will be a second opportunity for you to voice your thoughts on the work completed up to this point and 11"1.ake further suggestions for the final plan. You can also visit www.muskegon, and post comments on the process and learn about upcoming events and meeting schedules. For additional information, to offer comments, and to be added to our mailing list, contact Michael Franzak, Planner II at (231) 724.6982 or at
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