City Commission Agenda Archive 11-24-2007

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                      SEPTEMBER 24, 2007

   The Special Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 6:00 p.m., Monday, September 24,
  Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Stephen Gawron,
Commissioners Sue Wierenga, Chris Carter, Clara Shepherd, and Lawrence
Spataro, City Manager Bryon Mazade, and City Clerk Ann Marie Becker.
2007-81   NEW BUSINESS:
      A. Interview of Ward 4 City Commissioner Candidates
The following candidates submitted a letter of interest to fill the unexpired term of
the Ward 4 City Commission seat:
                                 Steven T. Wisneski
                                Stephen Holdeman
                                     Ian Davis
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to nominate
Steven T. Wisneski to fill the Ward 4 Commission seat.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo
            Nays: None

      8. 2008 PROPOSED BUDGET
The City Commission discussed the proposed 2008 Budget. The budget will be
considered at its September 25, 2007 meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Ann Marie Becker, MMC
City Clerk
                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                           SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING

A "Special" City Commission Meeting is being scheduled for Monday, September 24             ,
2007, at 6:00 p.m., at Muskegon City Hall (933 Terrace Street), City Commission
Chambers to conduct the following business:


1.       Conduct interviews for Ward IV vacant seat and possible appointment.
2.       2008 Proposed Budget.

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cc:      City Manager
         City Commissioners


The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services,
such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being
considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting,
upon twenty-four hours notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities
requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or
calling the following:

                                      Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                      City Clerk
                                      933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Ml 49440
                                      (231) 724-6705 or TDD (231) 724-6773

                            INTERVIEW SCHEDULE
                        SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING
                               September 24, 2007

6:00 P.M.   Steve Wisneski

6:30P.M.    Stephen Holdeman (Mr. Holdeman may be unable to attend due to an eye
            surgery scheduled the same day. He will speak to his physician and see
            how he is feeling.)

7:00 P.M.   Ian Davis
                                      From the Desk of:
                                Steven T. Wisneski
                                  2321 Wickham Drive
                                  Muskegon,MI 49441
                                     (231) 759-8604

September 12, 2007

Ms. Ann Marie Becker
City Clerk
City of Muskegon
PO Box 536
Muskegon,MI 49443-0536

Dear Ms. Becker,

Please consider this letter as my formal request for consideration for appointment to fill
the vacant position of Ward 4 City Commissioner.

I am enclosing a brief biography which details some of my experience and background. I
will be happy to provide further information upon request.


Steven T. Wisneski

2321 Wickham Drive
Muskegon, MI 49441

Home           (231) 759-8604
Office         (231) 726-2600
Cell           (231) 578-3920
  Candidate for Muskegon City Commission
          4 th Ward, Precincts: Glenside, Lakeside, Bluffton, Pere Marquette

                      Steven T. Wisneski
                               2321 Wickham Drive
                               Muskegon,MI 49441

Community Service:
    Current:       Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce, Board Secretary
                   Muskegon Chamber Government Affairs Committee, Co-Chair
                   Michigan Pine and Dunes Girl Scout Council, Treasurer
                   Leadership West Michigan, Executive Committee
                   Muskegon Main Street, Board of Directors
                   Boy Scouts of America, Friends of Scouting Committee
                   Hume Home of Muskegon Board of Trustees, Past President
                   Muskegon Rotary Club
                   Baker College Employment Advisory Committee

      Past:         Nelson Neighborhood Association, Vice President
                    Boy Scouts of America, District Finance Chair
                    Troop 1, BSA, Bluffton School, Assistant Troop Leader
                    Child Abuse Council of Muskegon, Personnel Committee
                    City of Muskegon, various committee assignments

1999 - Current          Owner of Creative Benefit Systems, Inc.,
                        An employee benefits consulting company, founded in 1980, with
                        offices in East Grand Rapids and Downtown Muskegon.
                        4 Partners, 7 employees.
1987 -1999              Human Resources Management:
                        Bennett Pump of Muskegon
                        Worden Furniture of Holland
                        National Heritage Academies of Grand Rapids,
1976-1985               A. Krautl,eim Jewelers, Downtown Muskegon

                 1976   Graduate of Muskegon Senior High School
                 1978   Graduate of Muskegon Business College
                              Associates Degree, Business and Computer Science
                 1987   Graduate of Grand Valley State University
                              Bachelors Degree, Business Administration
                 2000   Graduate of Leadership Muskegon
                 2002   Graduate of Leadership West Michigan

Professional Affiliations:
                      West Michigan Association of Health Underwriters, President
                      Michigan Association of Health Underwriters, Board of Trustees
                      National Association of Health Underwriters, National Delegate
                      The Employers Association of West Michigan
                      Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce

                        Eagle Scout,
                        Two teenage daughters,
                        Recipient of Optimists International Respect for the Law A ward,
                        Backpacker and Environmentalist
                        Member of Harley Owners Group,
                              Stephen E. Holdeman
                                2011 Letart Ave.
                              Muskegon, Mi. 49441


City Clerk
City of Muskegon
Michigan, Mi. 49443

To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

Subject: Application to fill the Muskegon City Commission seat of the late Kevin

I wish to be considered to serve the balance of Mr. Davis' term.

I am a former City Commissioner having served from 1986 through 1989,
including two years as Vice Mayor and a short time as acting Mayor.
During my term we lost two Mayors, several commissioners and the city
manager. We also hired Byron Mazade as the new City manager.
It was an extraordinary time and many difficult decisions were made.
I am a retired businessman, a WWII vet, and a nearly life long resident of

I would be honored to serve the balance of Mr. Davis' term.
I would not run for another term. My appointment would leave the playing field
open for candidates to run as write-ins.
Thank you for your consideration.

Stephen E. Holdeman
Muskegon City Commission
City Hall
933 Terrace

Dear Mayor Warmington and the Muskegon City Commission,

I am writing to express my interest in filling the position of Ward 4 City Commissioner
that was left vacant due to the untimely death of my father, Kevin Davis. I feel that I am
obligated not only morally, but as a citizen of Muskegon and of Ward 4 to apply for this

Throughout the past four years, I have worked side by side with my father when
discussing issues that concern the city. He always relied on my opinions, not only
because I am a political science scholar, but because he knew that I care about our
community as much as he did. We would chat on the phone on a weekly basis, and until
his death, I was heading up his reelection campaign. We all know how diligent he was in
expressing his love of our community, and I can only hope that I demonstrate half the
heart he did.

In considering me for the position, there may be some apprehension due to my age, but I
believe that my age is to my advantage. My concerns for the city and for Ward 4 go
much deeper than what is best for the city now. I would like to concentrate on how the
decisions of today will affect our community in the future. Aside from the fact that I will
be an active member of this community for many years to come, my presence may
compel the youth of our city to begin participating in local government. Too few of our
city's young adults realize that they are indeed adults and can have a voice in our

I am applying for this position because I feel it necessary to continue pursuing the goals
that my father and I shared. This position would be much more than a job, it would be a
message. Life continues, and the spirit of those who were passionate about what they
pursued shall be carried into the future.
                                                                                           .   ,,

Ian Kelly Davis
3290 Wilcox Av~nue, Mu~kegon, MI 49_441

Objective            To obtain the position of City Commissioner of Ward 4

Profile                 Six years experience at high-end private marina in customer service and reception
                        Excellent verbal and written communication skills ·
                        Strong loyalty to the company and customers
                        Self motivated and strong team player

Employment           Harbour.Towne Marina, Muskegon, MI                                05/01-Present
                     Marina Attendant
                        •   Specialized in customer service in a private high-end setting
                        •   Handled transi~nt resetvations and att~nded to the needs of guests and
                            slip owners                        .                                .
                       ·•   Operated supervised the service station which included fueling and
                            setvicing of .yachts                               ·
                        •   Participated in general marina maintenance and upkeep

                     Flossie'~ Cafe, Kalamazoo, MI                                      01/06-06/07
                     Customer Service
                         • Serviced customers in a !ugh volume setting
                         • ·Maintained and stocked goods provided
                     Muskegon Yacht Club, Muskegon, MI                             05/97-05/01
                     Food Service/
                            .      Yard and Dock Attendant            '
                        • P.repared and served food in a high-end/high volume setting
                        • Maintained and se1viced yard·and docks

Education             Western Michiga11 University, Kalamazoo, MI
                     • B.A. in English/Political Science                               Summer2007

                     Kalamazoo .Valley Community College, Kalamazoo, MI
                      Associ~te b _egree in Liberal Arts                                 Spring 2005
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Two individuals have contacted me and indicated they have an interest in filling the
unexpired term of Commissioner Davis. They are as follows:

Ian Davis
Steve Wisneski
                                    John Page
                                1853 Cherry Street
                            Muskegon, Michigan 49441
                              Home: (231) 759-2316
                               Cell: (231) 670-7943

September 9, 2007

Muskegon City Commission
933 Terrace Street
Muskegon, Michigan 49440

Dear Muskegon City Commissioners,

Please accept this as my letter of intent to run as a write-in candidate for the seat
of Ward Four Muskegon City Commissioner vacated by the late Kevin Davis.

I am also available for appointment by the Commission to serve out the
remainder of Mr. Davis' term if needed.


John Page

 I.   What experience have you had or what activities have you been involved
      in that has prepared you to be a City Commissioner? Give examples from
      your professional or personal life, your involvement in the neighborhood
      (i.e., years in Ward IV and membership in Neighborhood Association),
      your involvement with City Board/Committees, attendance at City
      Commission meetings or otherwise.

      a) Briefly give an overview of you education backround.

2.    Describe the role and qualities of an effective City Commissioner.

      a) What qualities do you possess that make you best suited for this

3.    What is your vision for the City of Muskegon?

      a) Your vision for Ward IV?

4.    What, in your opinion, are the three most important issues facing the City
      of Muskegon?

5.    What are your suggestions for improving downtown?

6.    What ideas do you have to encourage neighborhood revitalization
      including addressing the following:

      a) Blighting influences (deteriorated houses, junk cars, trash, etc.).

      b) Re-use of vacant city lots.

      c) Use of City ordinances to reduce crime, loitering, etc.).

7.    How would you address differences of opinion with other Commissioners,
      staff, and citizens?

8.    What steps should the City take to improve race relations within the
      Greater Muskegon community:

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