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City of Muskegon City Commission Meeting Agenda August 22, 2023, 5:30 pm Muskegon City Hall 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT POLICY FOR ACCESS TO OPEN MEETINGS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON AND ANY OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES To give comment on a live-streamed meeting the city will provide a call-in telephone number to the public to be able to call and give comment. For a public meeting that is not live-streamed, and which a citizen would like to watch and give comment, they must contact the City Clerk’s Office with at least a two-business day notice. The participant will then receive a zoom link which will allow them to watch live and give comment. Contact information is below. For more details, please visit: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or by calling the following: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440; 231-724-6705; 1. Call To Order 2. Prayer 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Roll Call 5. Honors, Awards, and Presentations 5.a Two Residents Honored for Life Saving Measures 6. Public Comment on Agenda Items 7. Consent Agenda 7.a Approval of Minutes - City Clerk 7.b Certification of MERS Representatives - Finance 7.c Munetrix Contract - Finance 7.d Purchase of Salesforce - Economic Development 7.e MDNR Spark Grant Agreement - Parks & Recreation 7.f Rezoning of 417 Jackson Avenue - Planning Department 7.g Rezoning of 1225 E Laketon Avenue - Planning 7.h Rezoning of Several Properties on Myrtle Ave, Allen Ave, and Jay St. in the Angell Neighborhood - Planning 7.i Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance - Fencing - 2nd Reading - Planning 7.j Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance - Residential Design Criteria - 2nd Reading - Planning 7.k 30" Water Main Meter - DPW - Filtration 7.l DWRF ARPA Grant Agreement - DPW 7.m Vehicle Purchases - DPW 7.n Vehicle Purchase - Skid Steer - DPW 7.o SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) CLG (Certified Local Government) Grant Agreement 7.p Contract Award - Nelson House Move - Development Services 8. Public Hearings 8.a Public Hearing - Approval of the Lakeside Business Improvement District Special Assessment - Economic Development 9. Unfinished Business 10. New Business 10.a Amendment to Zoning Ordinance, Residential Setback Requirements 10.b City ARPA Community Grant - Pioneer Resources, Inc. - Manager's Office - REMOVED PER STAFF REQUEST 10.c Assistance to Firefighters Grant - Public Safety 11. Any Other Business 12. Public Comment on Non-Agenda items 13. Closed Session 14. Adjournment
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