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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 2007 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS @ 5:30 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: PRAYER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: HONORS AND AWARDS: A. Honorary Ambassador – Robert Andres. B. Winner of Recycling Logo Contest – Raya Wood. INTRODUCTIONS/PRESENTATION: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK B. Rezoning Request for Property Located at 145 W. Laketon Avenue. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance – Add Sidewalk Signs as Exempt Signs in all Zoning Districts. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Remove “A-Frame Signs” from “Prohibited Signs”. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT E. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Add a Definition for “Sidewalk Sign”. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT F. Set Public Hearing for Amendment to Brownfield Plan – Heritage Square Development, LLC. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT G. One Year Extension of Temporary Services Contract with GoodTemps Temporary Staffing Services. CIVIL SERVICE H. Traffic Crash Reporting System Use Agreement. PUBLIC SAFETY I. Purchase of Audio Visual Presentation System. PUBLIC SAFETY J. Write Off of Invoices for 487 W. Clay. CITY MANAGER K. Engineering Services for the Design of Drainage Facility at West Branch of Ruddiman Creek and Vacated Greenwood Street. ENGINEERING L. Accept Resignations from Various Boards. CITY CLERK PUBLIC HEARINGS: COMMUNICATIONS: CITY MANAGER’S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: A. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish 1497 Division. PUBLIC SAFETY ANY OTHER BUSINESS: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. Submit the form to the City Clerk. Be recognized by the Chair. Step forward to the microphone. State name and address. Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services to individuals who want to attend the meeting upon twenty four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Please contact Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TDD: (231) 724-4172.
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