City Commission Worksession Minutes 06-11-2012

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                         June 11, 2012
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM

Present: Commissioners Warmington, Gawron, Hood, Wierengo, German, Turnquist, and
Absent: None.

Proposed 2012/2013 Budget.
City Manager, Bryon Mazade, gave a brief overview and explained the timeline in which the
budget must be adopted.

Mr. Mazade gave a powerpoint presentation with a detailed review of the General Fund. The
total budget is $56,737,416. The fund balance is $4,576,273.

City employees will be reduced from 241 employees to 233 employees through attrition.

Mayor Warmington suggested the Commission consider a 1/10th mill to retain the senior transit
program. The City should retain flexibility by partnering with other organizations. He suggested
the program be funded for six months until voters decide the 1/10th mill question.

Staff should consider a plan with reduced days or hours that the service may be available until
the end of the year.

Any Other Business.
Public comments were received.

Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to adjourn the
meeting at 7:34 p.m.

                                                                           MOTION PASSES

                                                             Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                      City Clerk

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