City Commission Worksession Minutes 08-08-2011

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                        August 8, 2011
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Warmington, Gawron, Carter, Spataro, Shepherd, and Wisneski.
Absent: Commissioner Wierengo.

Great Lakes Die Cast Financing Subordination.
Staff has recommended to continue the lien and subordinate the loan to refinance with Wells
Fargo, and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute necessary documents. This is acceptable to
the company.

This item will be brought to the City Commission on August 9, 2011 for their consideration.

L.C. Walker Arena Parking Lot.
The request is to authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Michigan Paving & Materials to
mill and resurface the northerly parking lot of L.C. Walker (between Shoreline Drive & L.C.) at
a cost is $20,190 for all labor, material and equipment necessary to perform the aforementioned
work. Michigan Paving & Materials was the lowest responsible bidder out of three contractors
solicited to bid on this project.

This item will be brought to the City Commission on August 9, 2011 for their consideration.

Chamber of Commerce Shared Services Study.
Nineteen suggested shared services were given in the Shared Services Study. Elected officials
met two weeks ago to discuss it. It is hoped that the seven communities set a plan of putting the
points of interest in the order of importance.

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn at 6:15

                                                                           MOTION PASSES

                                                             Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                                  City Clerk

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