City Commission Worksession Minutes 06-10-2013

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                         June 10, 2013
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Gawron, Spataro, Hood, German, Turnquist, and Markowski.
Absent: Commissioner Wierengo.

2013-2014 Budget.
Mayor Gawron thanked the City Manager, Finance Director, and city staff for their contributions
to the proposed budget.

Bryon Mazade, City Manager, gave an overview of the proposed 2013-14 budget. The General
budget is projected to decrease the City’s fund balance by $592,495.

The City Manager reviewed each fund with the City Commission. The Commission asked
questions of staff as line items were reviewed.

A new fire truck has been budgeted for. Contributions to a senior transit system, codification of
city ordinances, and codification of zoning ordinances were among other proposed budgeted

Discussion took place regarding the SmartZone property and lack of payments. Discussion of
casinos and lack of payment were discussed. Mr. Mazade suggested the topic be placed on a
future Worksession meeting.

A 10% water rate is being recommended that will be effective October 1st. Tim Paul stated that
even with the recommended 10% increase, the City will be the lowest rate of the surrounding
communities with the exception of Montague who has wells.

Discussion of shared services and what services the City provides other municipalities and vice
versus was discussed. Mayor Gawron asked that Mr. Mazade share with the City Commission a
study conducted approximately three years ago that indicate that the County is ahead of many
Counties for the services we currently share.

Capital projects were reviewed including major and local street projects, water and sewer
projects, and police cruisers and equipment.

Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner German to adjourn at 7:20

                                                                           MOTION PASSES

                                                             Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                  City Clerk

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