City Commission Worksession Minutes 10-07-2013

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                        October 7, 2013
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM



Present: Commissioners Gawron, Markowski, German, Hood, Turnquist, and Spataro.

Absent: Commissioner Wierengo.

Water and Sewer Connection Fees for Farmer’s Market.
This is a request to waive the water and sewer connection fees and water meters cost for the new
Farmer’s Market.

The financial impact is $27,200 for the water and sewer connection fees and $2,900 for two

This item has been placed on the October 8, 2013 for consideration by the City Commission.

West Michigan Economic Development Partnership Update.
Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Planning and Economic Director, gave an update.

The Partnership was created to market and spur the development of strategic real estate serviced
by two or more modes of transportation infrastructure in Muskegon and Kent Counties areas.

A new website will be developed using local resources in West Michigan. Several printed
marketing pieces will be produced, a professional PR firm will be utilized as well as direct
mailing efforts. Participating municipalities are asked to contribute $7,262.80 each towards this

More information will be provided in the future.

Muskegon Avenue and Webster Avenue Traffic Signal Update.
Mohammed Al-Shatel, City Engineer, updated the City Commission. A study has been
conducted of the on-street parking in the area and the impact of removing the traffic signals.

Currently there are 209 parking spots. Removing the turn-lanes will create 266 parking spots
and removing bike lanes will create 498 parking spaces.

City Commission has the option to:
   1) Do nothing
   2) Remove the traffic signals but not re-do the pavement markings
   3) Hold off and apply for grants and/or budget for the project

The City Commission directed staff to look for funding for the short-term solution to re-stripe
the streets and grants for a long-term solution i.e. streetscaping.

City Commission to Petition LCC to Revoke Elk’s Club License.
The Director of Public Safety requests that the City Commission review and consider petitioning
the Michigan Liquor Commission to revoke, suspend or amend the Elk’s Charity Lodge “Club
Liquor License” through a hearing process.

John Schrier, City Attorney, suggested the City Commission consider hiring Bob Chessman, as a
hearing officer.

This item has been placed on the October 8, 2013 for consideration by the City Commission.

Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner German to adjourn at 6:35

                                                                           MOTION PASSES

                                                             Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                    City Clerk

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