City Commission Worksession Minutes 11-07-2005

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                               City of Muskegon
                        Community Relations Committee
                         City Commission Worksession

                                November 7, 2005
                           City Commission Chambers
                                   City Hall
                                    5:30 PM


The Community Relations Committee meeting was called to order by Mayor Warmington
at 5:33 p.m. Also present were Vice Mayor Larson, Commissioners Carter, Davis,
Gawron, Shepherd and Spataro.

Community Relations Committee:

   1.   Openings that need to be filled for 2006.
            Mayor Warmington commented that he would like all commissioners to
        start taking a look at the openings on city committees for January 2006. It
        was suggested by Commissioner Davis that the Commission look at term
        limits for these committees. It was asked that this be put on the next
   Community Relations Committee meeting.

   2.     Any other business. None.

   3.     Adjournment. This portion of the meeting closed at 5:38 p.m.

City Commission Worksession:

   1.     Title 5 Grant Presentation. Martha Bottomley presented the Commissioners with a
          handout covering the program. A video of the Seyferth Skate Park, which will air on
          Channel 77, was shown to Commissioners by staff.

   2.     Pension Issues

          a.      Update on implementation of Defined Contribution Plan for new hires (action
                  items for 11/08/05)
          b.      Migration of current non union employees to MERS (action items for

               Tim Paul reviewed both issues with Commission and answered question

   3.     L. C. Walker Clubroom project. Item was Removed from Agenda
   4.      Update on the Inspection Department software.

               Public Safety Director Tony Kleibecker presented handouts to the
        Commissioners and reviewed the software and processes. He responded
        to questions from the Commission.

   5.      Oakview Neighborhood Association - Lease of 1774 Madison

               City Manager Bryon Mazade updated the Commission on the history
        regarding this item. Discussion was held on the item.

               Motion by Spataro, seconded by Shepherd, to waive any outstanding fees
        owed the city relating to the Lease of 1774 Madison, by Oakview
        Neighborhood Association, and to close out the lease for the property.

               ROLL VOTE: 7 Yeas ( Davis, Carter, Larson, Warmington, Shepherd,
                                Gawron, Spataro)
                          0 Nays                             MOTION PASSED

   6.      Any other business.

              Commissioners asked for an update on the Hartshorn Marina bids. City
        Manager updated the Commission.

                Motion by Larson, seconded by Warmington, to rescind the previous
        action taken to reject the bids submitted for Hartshorn Marina.

               ROLL VOTE: 2 Yeas ( Warmington, Larson)
                         5 Nays (Spataro, Gawron, Shepherd, Carter, Davis)
                         MOTION FAILS

              Motion by Shepherd, seconded by Spataro, to adopt a resolution honoring
        Rosa Parks.

               VOTE:         7 Yeas         0 Nays               PASSED

   7.      Adjournment : The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gail A. Kundinger, MMC
City Clerk

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