City Commission Worksession Minutes 01-11-2016

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                        January 11, 2016
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM

Present: Commissioners German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Hood, Gawron, Johnson, Turnquist, and
Absent: None.

285 West Western Update.
As part of the potential redevelopment of 285 West Western Avenue, the City of Muskegon will
be required to submit a new/updated application to the Michigan Economic Development
Corporation. To accomplish this, a number of items need to be completed including updated
architectural drawings, updated cost estimates, and updated project proformas. Further, there are
a number of safety and security improvements needed at the vacant building, including boarding
broken windows and addressing roof drainage issues. City staff is requesting permission to
expend up to $45,000 in pre-construction expenses at 285 W. Western to prepare the MEDC
application, bid the project, and address a number of pressing security and safety items.

Staff recommendation: To authorize staff to expend up to $45,000 in pre-construction expenses
related to the redevelopment of 285 West Western.

This item will be considered by the City Commission at its January 12, 2016 Commission

Business Improvement District.
The City Commission approved the creation of a BID special assessment district at the
November 24, 2015 meeting and the Special Assessment Roll is now ready to be confirmed. The
assessments will go towards various downtown expenditures, including snow removal on
sidewalks, spring/fall cleanup and landscaping, holiday decorating, banners & directional signs,
marketing/advertising and art. The BID assessment includes both a “Class A” and a “Class B”
district. Since the November 24th Commission meeting, the maximum amount to be assessed for
Class B properties is $750, rather than the $3,000 that is the maximum assessed for Class A

In addition, if the Special assessment roll is confirmed, it is requested that the City Commission
authorize a loan payment to the BID in the amount $5,000 to cover initial expenses for the BID
until the assessment proceeds are collected.

Financial Impact: The total estimated cost of services with the BID is $128,467.36 of which
approximately 90% ($115,942.02) will be paid by the special assessment to property owners,
with the remaining cost being paid by the City. If the load to the BID in the amount of $45,000
is approved, it will be paid back with the assessments as they are collected.

This item will be considered by the City Commission at its January 12, 2016 Commission
LED Sign at Farmers Market.
This is a request to authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Allsigns LLC out of
Muskegon to purchase and install an LED digital sign at the Farmers Market using a 16mm
lighting system to enhance visibility for a cost of $29,550.00.

This item will be considered by the City Commission at its January 12, 2016 Commission

Motion by Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Johnson to adjourn at 6:35

                                                                        MOTION PASSES

                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                                                  City Clerk

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