City Commission Worksession Minutes 01-26-2016

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                                    City of Muskegon
                             City Commission Goal Setting
                                    January 26, 2016
                                   The Coffee Factory
Present: Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Turnquist, Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga, German,
Warren and Johnson.
Staff present F. Peterson, C. Brubaker-Clarke, J. Lewis, M. Al-Shatel, K. Grant, J.
Maurer, B. Lewis, O. Bailey and D. Thompson.
Mayor Gawron opened the Goal Setting Session welcoming several Neighborhood
Association members in attendance and introduced the Facilitator Lewis Bender.
Facilitator Bender called on Commissioners to comment on why they ran for City
Commission and the strengths and weaknesses of Muskegon as they see it.
Commission and Staff broke off into two groups to discuss and record their comments
on the following:
A Vision Tour of what a visitor to the City of Muskegon would see in 2021.
Provide three Major Goal areas for the City.
List tasks under each Major Goal area to be completed in 2016.
The two groups presented their vision, goals and current year tasks to the whole group.
Facilitator Bender and City Manager Peterson reviewed the steps that need to be taken
to put a strategic plan into place following this meeting.
Mayor Gawron thanked everyone for their participation and adjourned the meeting at
                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Elizabeth Lewis, Asst. Finance Director

Facilitator’s summary follows:
                                         City of Muskegon
                                   Goal Setting Session Summary

I.         Vision Tour
II.        Major Goal Areas
           One-Year Tasks
III.       Next Steps

I.         Vision Tour
           A visitor to the City of Muskegon circa 2021 will find:
          SAPPI transition done
          Terrace point complete (40)
          Mid-town square filled with homeowners
          *Smart zone/Edison Landing – generating tax revenue
          West Western (Destination for retail, college presence, commercial, convention center
          New construction on vacant lots on West Western Avenue
          Housing
          * Old farmers market property cleaned up and developed
          Gateways to the city – beautification
          Pere Marquette Park
          Building on Western
               o Mixed use
               o Retail – specialized – for example – ice cream or toy store
          Grocery store/Coop
          Public infrastructure – updates – pipes and lights
          Fountain
          Streets are attractive
          Magnet school downtown (county)
          Festivals
               o Walkable – pedestrian route
          Cruise ship
          No blight
          Convention Center
          Muskegon Lake is thriving
          Housing (condo/rentals/single family
          Expanded markets
          Art and cultural unique environments
II.   Major Goal Areas
      Goal Area One: Housing
      Objectives - Housing
          Attract residents to live here
          Fill employment gaps
          Attract new business
          Housing expanded
      One-Year Tasks for Housing:
          Mid-Town Square
          Fill proposed housing projects
          SAPPI - Coordination for public release of Redevelopment Plan
          Midtown – 100% build/sold (majority asking funds)
          Highpoint flats – development underway
          Ameribank – developer on board
          Collaboration with M.P.S. – coordinate action plan

      Goal Area Two: Image
      Objectives for Image
              Housing
              Blight fight
      One-Year Tasks for Image:
             Individual and business projects Highlights
             Continue Watch Me Go
             Promote public safety community engagements
             Old Farmers Market clean-up
             Restart Welcome Committee – expand with Chamber – Star training
             Walkable community
             Community meetings

      Goal Area Three: Quality of Life
      Objectives for Quality of Life
              Amenities
              Safety
              Investment
      One-Year Tasks for Quality of Life
              Address public safety
              Remediate old Farmers Market property
              Continue to encourage and support neighborhood associations
              Walkable community
              Entertainment – encourage “Pop Up” arts
              Dog park and skate park
              Blight app
            Goal Area Four: Revitalize Revenue Stream
            Objectives – Revitalize Revenue Stream
                     Sell houses
                     Nurture start up projects
                     Staff bring revenue ideas – during budget time
            One-Year Tasks – Revitalize Revenue Stream
                     Develop a strategy to preserve fund balance
                     Explore special assessments
III.        Next Steps
       1.   The City Manager and Senior Staff will review this draft document and identify a final
            draft to be proposed to the Mayor and City Commission. Commission will discuss,
            potentially revise and formally adopt the strategic plan.
       2.   Every month the Mayor, Commission and the City Manager will discuss and update at
            least one element of the strategic plan.
       3.   Six to seven months after adoption the Mayor, Commission and Manager and Senior
            Staff will review the entire strategic plan and make in-course adjustments.
       4.   Twelve to thirteen months after adoption it is recommended that the elected and
            appointed leadership team: a) review the progress over the past year, b) reaffirm/adjust
            major goals and objectives and c) identify the one year tasks for 2016-17

Respectfully submitted:
Lewis G. Bender, PhD.
618-792-6103 (cell)

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