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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION Monday, May 13, 2019 5:30 p.m. City Commission Chambers MINUTES 2019-36 Present: Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Turnquist, Warren, Hood, Johnson, German, and Rinsema-Sybenga. Absent: None. Purchase Agreement Extension - 1490 Lakeshore Drive Staff is seeking permission to enter into a purchase agreement to sell the city-owned property at 1490 Lakeshore Drive. The potential developer has been working with City staff, the DEQ, and Amoco/BP to resolve the existing environmental issues on the site. The prognosis for an amicable resolution is good, but it may take a number of years. As such, staff is seeking a five year agreement. This item has been placed on the May 14, 2019 City Commission meeting for consideration. Arena Management - Arc Arena Management Staff is seeking approval with Arc Arena Management to undertake the daily management of the LC Walker Arena. Matt Gongalski and Arc Arena Management have been managing aspects of the arena for the past year. With the departure of the previous arena manager, staff is recommending that Arc be appointed to fill that role. This item has been placed on the May 14, 2019 City Commission meeting for consideration. Marina Management Agreement Staff has been working with the developer of Hartshorn Marina Village to create a plan to co- manage the marina and the condominium association. The two assets will have many of the same users and will share many of the same amenities. Consistency in management is important to both organizations. Staff is recommending approval of the marina management agreement. It is expected the agreement will be cost-neutral compared to the city’s previous years’ management expenses. This item has been placed on the May 14, 2019 City Commission meeting for consideration. Book Review The Planning Department has purchased copies of the book, Suburban Nation, by Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck for each Commissioner. The first two authors of this book are also the founders of the consulting firm, DPZ, who completed the plans for the Windward Pointe development. The book is very informative. The authors have written in a way that makes complicated topics easy to understand. It is full of examples and photos that illustrate important points. The intent is to present topics from the book at upcoming work sessions. Because the city is in the midst of so much development, the hope is to be able to provide Commissioners with further understanding of planning principles to better inform decisions. Parks & Streets Capital Request Leo Evans, Public Works Director, gave a PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of the needs of the parks and local streets. Commissioners discussed the possibility of asking the public to consider a millage. Prohibition of Sale and the Consumption of Marihuana in Public Places (Sec 58-4) The Director of Public Safety requests that the Commission consider approving the prohibition of sale and consumption of marijuana in public places. A public place is considered any places owned, occupied, or managed by the City of Muskegon. The penalty is a civil infraction as prescribed by MCL.333.27965. This ordinance does not supersede rights and obligations with the respect to the transfer or consumption of marihuana on private property to the extent authorized by the person who owns, occupies, or operates such property and with the respect to the use of marijuana for medicinal purpose. This item has been placed on the May 14, 2019 City Commission meeting for consideration. Recreational Marihuana Q & A Mike Franzak, Planning Director, presented the Q&A on Recreational Marihuana produced by the Michigan Municipal League. Public Participation Roger Rappaport, 339 Houston, is concerned with closing Fourth Street unless the City opens Fifth Street. Any Other Business There was general discussion about other items on the regular meeting agenda. Commissioners were encouraged to ask any questions they had for the City Manager at this meeting, as he would not be present at the Regular Meeting on May 14, 2019. Warren left at 9:25 p.m., German left at 9:40 p.m., Hood left at 9:55 p.m. The Worksession meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk
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