City Commission Worksession Minutes 09-13-2021

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                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                          CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                               Monday, September 13, 2021
                                        5:30 p.m.
                               City Commission Chambers


Present: Mayor Gawron, Vice Mayor Hood, Commissioners Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory,
Johnson, and German

Absent: Commissioner Ramsey

Alley Paving Policy
The Department of Public Works Director, Leo Evans, presented an Alley Paving Policy
for City Commission consideration. An overview of the process is as follows:

Citizens organize amongst their block and complete a (3) three-page application to
petition the city to have their alley paved. Application requires designation of a Block
Captain to serve as the single point of contact, information on the specific alley, and a
roll for the parcels with alley frontage.

The city staff will review all applications and create a shortlist of alleys to be paved on
an annual basis. Alleys will be reviewed and prioritized based on access, ownership,
utility conditions, use types/frequency, DPW availability for the work, and neighbor
support. Not all alleys are candidates for paving. City staff will communicate with the
Block Captain on the findings and recommendations.

Unanimous support is not necessary to proceed, however majority support is
necessary, and the higher the support the higher the priority.

Once an alley is selected the Block Captain is responsible to collect the fees associated
with the paving request and deliver them to the City. Once paid the City will schedule
the work during the available paving season (May – October) based on staff availability.
Work will take approximately 1 week to complete and residents are asked to minimize
their use of the alley during the work.

Alley paving will consist of a singe 12 FT wide late at approximately 2 inches thickness
asphalt. No flare outs or widening will be constructed. Any additional work to extend
existing paved driveways to meet the paved alley is the homeowners responsibility. City
will maintain the alley for its useful life, when full replacement is warranted the process
must be restarted.

Discussion took place regarding the proposed policy. This item will be considered at a
regular meeting in the future.

Draft Deer Hunting Ordinance
Department of Public Works Director, Leo Evans, presented a draft deer hunting
ordinance for City Commission Consideration. An overview of the process is as follows:

Parcels would apply for status as a designated Deer Management Area (DMA). Staff
would review applications and present a recommendation to the Commission for
approval. Staff would review the following in determining their recommendation:
    • Size of parcel (Minimum 5 Acres between maximum of 2 parcels)
    • Appropriate areas within the parcel
    • Number of hunters
    • Shooting Direction
    • Duration of DMA designation
Public and/or Private parcels could be considered for DMA status; combined public and
private parcels, to meet the 5-acre minimum, would not be considered.

Hunters are required to meet all MDNR rules and regulations, only archery hunting is
allowed and only during MDNR approved archery seasons. A legal MDNR harvest tag
must be possessed by the hunter and used if a deer is harvested.

Hunting within a public land DMA requires issuance of a permit from the City. A city
issued permit is not required for private land.
150 FT setback required from any public building, street, and DMA perimeter is

Hunters may not trespass for any reason.

Discussion took place regarding the proposed ordinance. This item will be considered at
a regular meeting in the future.

ARP Infill Housing Program
City staff has developed and released a Request for Qualifications for homebuilders to
participate in our ARP Infill Housing Program. We received a total of four responses.

Staff is recommending that all four builders be selected to submit formal proposals to
construct homes as part of the ARP Infill Housing Program. LRS Enterprises submitted
to construct five homes; Williams Construction submitted to construct six homes;
Kramer Builders submitted to construct three homes, and West Urban Properties
submitted to construct the full $5 Million program. We are using a rough estimate of
$250,000 per home, the actual costs will be determined as the builders bid their specific
projects with their subcontractors. The breakdown will look something like this:
Builder/Developer               City ARPA Funds                 Developer Funds
LRS Enterprises                 $750,000                        $750,000
Williams Construction           $750,000                        $750,000
Kramer Builders                 $250,000                        $250,000
West Urban Properties           $3,250,000                      $3,250,000

Discussion took place regarding the ARP Infill Housing Program. This item will be
considered at the September 14, 2021 regular City Commission meeting.

Arena Buildout – Carlisle’s
Carlisle’s restaurant is officially moving forward at Mercy Health Arena. Staff is seeking
approval to perform the construction activities.

After more then two years of planning, we have started demolition of the front entryway
at the arena to accommodate the facility’s newest restaurant. There are a number of
logistics related to the construction timing that is resulting in a logical path forward that
includes the City managing the construction project and timeline.

There are a number of key milestones that we must hit, including the two greatest
issues: moving doors for the opening of the hockey season in October, and building in
compliance with our liquor license. Our lease with Carlisle’s calls for them to begin
construction after the DDA liquor license is secured – that may take much of October
and is not acceptable to the Lumberjacks. To expedite the process, the Arena is
seeking to undertake and manage the construction efforts. We would enter into the
construction contract with Platinum Construction (Carlisle’s contractor). Carlisle’s
ownership group would then pay us in full once construction is complete. Not that we
have their bank approval letter, and their financing is already set. The buildout will take
8-10 weeks at an estimated cost of $647,202.49.

Discussion took place regarding the Arena Buildout for Carlisle’s. This item will be
considered at the September 14, 2021 regular City Commission meeting.

Marihuana Facilities Update
Jill Montgomery-Keast from Public Health Muskegon County updated the City
Commission on how funding is being used to provide education, communication, and
outreach related to the use of marihuana. The education is harm-reduction focused.
Discussion took place about partnering with the Health Department on the education

Mike Franzak, Planning Manager, updated the City Commission on Social Equity grants
that have been awarded. Two have been awarded. Mr. Franzak also provided some
suggested amendments to the Social Equity grant program. The Planning Department
is also working the County Clerk to hold an expungement clinic.
Mike went on to provide the Commission with some suggested Zoning changes that will
be discussed at an upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The suggestion includes
some rezoning in the Lakeside area to allow for certain marihuana license types. The
current zoning in that area does not allow for most of these types of businesses.

Public Comment – No public comments were received.

Adjournment – The Worksession meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

                                       Respectfully Submitted,

                                       Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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