City Commission Worksession Minutes 05-09-2022

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                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                         CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                                Monday, May 9, 2022
                                      5:30 p.m.
                             City Commission Chambers
                       933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440



Present: Mayor Johnson, Vice Mayor German, Commissioners Gorman, St.Clair, Hood,
and Ramsey

Absent: Commissioner Emory

eScribe Meeting Manager Software Demo
Blair MacDonald, Representative from eScribe provided a brief overview and
demonstration of the eScribe product that the City Clerk’s Office intends to enter into an
agreement with for Agenda Management software.

The core of eScribe’s end-to-end meeting management solution, Meeting Manager,
optimizes the creation of agendas, minutes, and action lists while providing a flexible
platform for adding further eScribe functionality. Meeting Manager streamlines and
automates tasks before, during, and after meetings, with unlimited customizable
templates and user-configurable workflows.
Currently the city uses manual processes to prepare and publish agendas, packets,
and minutes. The process can be very time consuming and requires multiple steps.
The eScribe product puts the responsibility for agenda items in the hand of
departments. It’s easy to edit agenda items and re-organize them with single drag-
and-drop. Pre-populating minutes during the meeting also saves time. eScribe also
offers multiple add-on modules which may be beneficial to the City at a later date.

HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP)
HUD has awarded the City of Muskegon HOME ARP funds in addition to our regular
FY2021 HOME formula allocation. These funds are to be used (one-time) to create a
significant opportunity to meet the housing and service needs of our community’s most
vulnerable population.

CNS proposes to use these funds to provide resources to youth at risk of
homelessness (under the age of 18) who are struggling to have shelter/housing, lack
of mentors and health services. Support the development of non-congregate shelter
for those identified as uncovered youth.
In addition, partnering agencies within the county of Muskegon will assist with
resources to offset immediate housing stabilization. CNS is proposing the purchase
of existing Rental Housing units within our community in order to mandate HUD
HOME rents to those identified as homeless in our community- individuals or
families assessed and counted as eligible through our Muskegon Continuum of
Lastly, these HOME funds will continue to supply the housing market with Affordable
housing choices to those who income qualify to purchase. This process is faster with
existing properties within our county and HOME allocation funds.

This item will appear on the Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Agenda for consideration.

Shoreline Drive Traffic Study
Staff solicited proposals from engineering firms to provide comprehensive traffic
engineering services related to conceptual development, design, and traffic study
completion for a pilot road diet on Shoreline Drive.

Staff is requesting to award the engineering services agreement to the highest scoring
firm (Progressive AE)                                     Firm                  Score
                                                          Hubbell, Roth & Clark 745
                                                          Progressive AE        755
Staff scored the proposals using Qualifications Based Rowe PSC                  735
Selection criteria to ensure we were selecting the best Spalding DeDecker       710
partner for this important project. The scoring showed
Progressive AE as the leading firm, and staff recommends contracting with them based
on their proposal and their history of service. Progressive AE has provided admirable
engineering services for the City of Muskegon in the past, including on previous traffic
engineering projects in the area in particular for the development of the Convention
Center. A summary score table is shown.

This item will appear on the Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Agenda for consideration.

Excise Tax Allocation
The City received $112,000 in marihuana excise tax revenue in 2021 and we will be
receiving $451,628 in 2022. Staff has prepared a spreadsheet that explains 2021
expenditures and proposed 2022 expenditures.

This item will appear on the Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Agenda for consideration.

3rd Quarter Reforecast
At this time staff is asking for approval of the 3rd Quarter Budget Reforecast for the
FY2021-22 budget year as presented.

The Finance Department has adjusted numerous accounts, some of the notable
changes in revenue are as follows:
We have seen a modest increase in Property Tax & Property Tax Sanitation collections
through the 3rd Quarter. Revenue projections are up over $200,000 from the original
Revenue projections from our Inspections which includes building, electrical, and
heating are down $72,000 from the original budget.
The Marihuana excise tax payment was significantly larger than expected. This year’s
payment was $451,627 compared to our first payment of $112,005. This revenue is in
our State Grant fund 101-00000-4400.
Miscellaneous & Sundry revenue 101-00000-4800 is up significantly due to a one-time
overpayment correction.
101-00000-4904 represents ARPA money coming into the General Fund.
Some of the notable changes in expenses are as follows:
The Police budget was raised by almost $400,000 primarily due to salary increases,
retirements, and comp payouts.
This 3rd Quarter reforecast reflects the $2,668,933 that the Commission approved to
transfer to the Convention Center from the General Fund.
The Central Dispatch Capital Project expenditure number has been lowered from
$1,100,000 to $289,176, this project is now complete.
Changes specific to Mercy Health Arena – revenues are projected to be up more than
$1.2 million than the original budget. However, almost $650,000 of the revenue is
coming from Carlisle’s for reimbursement of the buildout.
We had to increase revenue projections on quite a few line items for the Arena.
Water and Sewer Funds also have adjustments. The Sewer Fund had some minor
revenue increases. We are reducing Muskegon County Wastewater Treatment costs to
$5,000,000 based on the current projections. The original budgeted for 20/21 was
$6,000,000 and then was reduced to $5,500,000 in the 1st quarter.
The Water & Sewer Maintenance Depart (60559) had to have its budget increased by
$130,000 primarily due to salaries and supply costs.
We had to lower our Wholesale Water revenue projections by $400,000 and are behind
last year’s pace, this is a more realistic number.

This item will appear on the Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Agenda for consideration.

Public Comment:     Public comments were received.

Adjournment: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

                                               Respectfully Submitted,

                                               Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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