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City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession July 7, 2008 City Commission Chambers 5:30 PM MINUTES The City Commission Worksession was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Warmington. Present: Mayor Warmington, Commissioners Wierengo, Wisneski, Shepherd, and Spataro, City Manager Mazade, and City Attorney Schrier. Absent: Vice Mayor Gawron and Commissioner Carter. 2008-62 Nuisance Business Ordinance. City Manager and City Attorney explained the ordinance. City Attorney stated he would draft the definition of nuisances slightly different and this will come back to the Commission for approval. Salary Range Adjustments. City Manager explained the adjustments and answered questions. This will be voted on at the July 8th Commission Meeting. City Manager Employment Agreement Amendment. City Manager explained the requested amendment to his employment agreement. This will be voted on at the July 8th Commission Meeting. Lighthouses. City Manager informed the Commission about a letter he received from the U.S. General Services Administration stating the Muskegon South Pierhead Light and the Muskegon South Breakwater Light are excess property and they are being made available to be sold to eligible entities, which include non-profit corporations. It was suggested to investigate and see what options we have, and contact Congressman Hoekstra’s office and see what he might suggest. Any Other Business. Concern reference weapons out on the street, Public Safety Director Kleibecker answered questions. Grand Rapids Mayor Hartwell asked us to join Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative for $3,000. Mayor Warmington believes it is important for us to belong to this and keep informed of what is going on in Lansing. This will be put on the July 22nd Commission Meeting. Regional Transportation Coalition working on an inner bus service between Muskegon, Ottawa, and Kent Counties. City Manager and Mayor have been involved in this and also Jim Koens from the County. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. ________________________ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk
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