City Commission Worksession Minutes 04-09-2007

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                                   City of Muskegon
                             City Commission Worksession
                                     April 9, 2007
                              City Commission Chambers
                                        5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Spataro, Warmington, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, and Carter.
Absent: Commissioner Wierengo (excused).

Transmittal of 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) – Auditors
Eric VanDop, of Brickley Delong, presented the 2006 CAFR report.

First Quarter 2007 Budget Reforecast
Tim Paul, Finance Director, presented the first quarter 2007 budget. No significant
changes are anticipated at this time.

Musketawa Trail Corridor Study
Mohammed Al-Shatel, City Engineer, presented an executive engineering summary
prepared by Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. detailing various options to connect the
Musketawa Trail to the City’s trail system along Laketon Avenue and Shoreline Drive.

Business 31 Resolution
Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to adopt the
Business 31 Resolution as presented.

                                                           MOTION PASSES

Outstanding Citizenship Award
Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd, to adopt the
City of Muskegon Outstanding Citizenship Award application.

                                                           MOTION PASSES

Multiple Special Event Liquor Licenses
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Vice Mayor Gawron, to approve the
extension of the following liquor licenses to be able to offer outside entertainment
during the “Muskegon Bike Time” festival July 19 thru July 22, 2007:

Mike’s Inn, 555 W. Western Avenue – Requesting to fence off parking lot to set up
beverage entertainment area.
Racquets Downtown Grill, 446 W. Western Avenue – Requesting to set up beverage
entertainment area in the parking lot located between Racquets and the Muskegon
Holiday Inn.

Tipsy Toad Tavern, 609 W. Western Avenue – Requesting to set up beverage
entertainment area in the parking lot located between Tipsy Toad and Radiology,

Pop-A-Top, 2185 Henry Street – Requesting to set up beverage entertainment area
in their parking lot.

                                                            MOTION PASSES
431 Orchard
Commissioner Davis has received complaints regarding the condition of 431 Orchard.
Mark Kincaid stated that his office is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it.

Dog Enforcement
Discussion of a possible leash law took place. Staff has been directed to draft an
ordinance for further discussion.

Dog Beach
Commissioner Davis inquired when the beach will be opened for the season and when
signs would be posted.

Farmers Market
A survey was provided to farmers asking if they are interested in Thursday evening
hours. The Commission will be informed of the results.

Commercial liability insurance for Farmer Market Vendors selling processed and/or food
items was discussed.

Muskegon Chronicle Ad
Moved by Commissioner Carter, supported by Commissioner Spataro, to purchase
a full page color ad in the amount of $1950 commemorating the Muskegon
Chronicle’s 150th anniversary.

                                                            MOTION PASSES

Agreement – Consumers Energy
Moved by Commissioner Shepherd, supported by Commissioner Davis, to enter into
an agreement between the City of Muskegon and Consumers Energy to extend
electrical to 770 Terrace, the new fire station, in the amount of $13,509.50.

                                                            ROLL CALL VOTE:
Ayes: Commissioners Carter, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, and
Nays: None.

                                                          MOTION PASSES

Printer for Commissioner Shepherd
Mayor Warmington volunteered to use his own expense account to purchase a printer,
toner, and paper for Commissioner Shepherd citing her need for it due to her work with
the Michigan Municipal League.

Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Spataro, to adjourn
the meeting at 8:12 p.m.

                                                          MOTION PASSES

                                                         Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                                               City Clerk

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