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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION December 9, 2024 @ 5:30 PM MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Present: Mayor Ken Johnson, Vice Mayor Rebecca St.Clair, Commissioners Destinee Keener (left at 6:56 p.m.), Rachel Gorman, Katrina Kochin, and Jay Kilgo, City Manager Jonathan Seyferth, and City Clerk Ann Marie Meisch Absent: Commissioner Willie German, Jr. 2024-99 NEW BUSINESS A. Muskegon Social Equity Program - Economic Development Grants Planning The Planning Department has created a draft Facade Improvement Grant that would utilize funds from the Muskegon Social Equity Program (MSEP). The MSEP application has been updated to show the proposed Facade Improvement Grant, which can be found at the end of the document. Any commercial, industrial or non-profit business located within one mile of a marihuana retailer would be eligible for up to $10,000 in grant funding, with no matching funds required. This grant is intended to beautify our commercial corridors by funding building facade improvements, signage upgrades, parking lot improvements, landscaping, fencing/screening, etc. In June of this year, the Commission approved the plan to allocate 35% ($56,870) of the MSEP funds towards business grants, with a proposed program to be presented at a later date. Mike Franzak, Planning Director, explained the item and answered questions. There was a consensus of the City Commission. B. Beach Parking Fees Summer 2025 - Update Manager's Office Staff is requesting a change to the recently approved beach parking fees. In an effort to address concerns with the newly adopted beach parking fees, staff is recommending the following changes: Reduce the weekend daily rate from $20 per day to $15 per day. Offer a special sale price for the month of December 2024 for seasonal passes. Each person purchasing a 2025 season pass at a city office will receive 1 free 2025 season pass. Members of the public are welcome to purchase as many season passes as they wish, but only one free pass will be provided. City Manager Jonathan Seyferth and Deputy City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell Page 1 of 2 gave an overview of the item. Commission suggested that the BOGO should end January 16, 2025, and that they should be limited to two free passes. It was also suggested that the weekend would mean Saturday and Sunday. C. 880 First St. Demolition- Asbestos Abatement Proposal Economic Development City staff requests approval of Asbestos Abatement Inc.'s proposal for asbestos abatement to proceed with the approved demolition of the 880 First St. structure. The City of Muskegon solicited bids from qualified contractors for the demolition of the building located at 880 First St., Muskegon, MI 49440. The scope of work includes complete demolition and removal of the structure, including all foundations and footings, backfilling the site, hydroseeding, and asbestos abatement. The primary objective is to eliminate blight, improve the area's aesthetic appeal, and encourage economic development by preparing the site for future opportunities. Asbestos Abatement Inc. was awarded the bid by the City Commission on October 8, 2024. They have completed an asbestos survey. To proceed with demolition, asbestos abatement must be completed. Asbestos Abatement Inc. has submitted their abatement proposal. Scope of Work • Removal and disposal of asbestos-containing materials as identified in the NESHAP survey dated 11/25/24. • Required personal air monitoring and clearances included. • Continuous third-party air monitoring is not included. • State notifications and permits included. Total Cost: $94,125 City Manager Jonathan Seyferth explained the item. PUBLIC COMMENT: Public comments received. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Commissioner Kochin, second by Vice Mayor St.Clair to adjourn at 7:09 p.m. MOTION PASSES Respectfully Submitted, Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk Page 2 of 2
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