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City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession February 9, 2009 City Commission Chambers 5:30 PM MINUTES 2009-10 Present: Commissioners Warmington (arrived 5:45 p.m.), Wierengo, Shepherd, Wisneski, Gawron, Carter, and Spataro. Absent: None. P resentation: Principal Shopping District/Mainstreet. Steve Vaugn, City of Norton Shores, owner of 605 W. Western Avenue, Chairman of Downtown Mainstreet, introduced Dan Rinsema-Sybenga. Dan Rinsema-Sybenga of Downtown Mainstreet gave a power point presentation of the summary of the Downtown Muskegon Principal Shopping District proposal. Ed Garner, President of Muskegon Area First, stated that other funding alternatives are still being evaluated. Several Commissioners commented or asked for clarification of the proposal. Commissioner Wisneski is a member of the Mainstreet and a downtown business owner. Mainstreet will distribute a survey to those in the proposed district and continue fact finding. Several business owners in the proposed district made comment against a new tax within the proposed district. Mayor Warmington left at 7:10 p.m. Old Central Fire Station Proposal – Greater Muskegon Blue Sky Lions Club. Mr. Mike Johnson, 141 W. Pontaluna, Norton Shores, District Governor representing 47 clubs of the Lions Club, made a presentation. The Lions Club is asking for use of the Old Central Fire Station to run several programs for the youth. Mr. Johnson explained that Commissioner Clara Shepherd is President of the newly found club. It is expected that the building will be mostly used on weekends and will not take up parking spots during the week. The club will service children ages 4 to 18. The club is hoping for a 50 to 100 year lease. Commissioner Spataro suggested a long term lease for a small monthly fee. Commissioner Carter left at 7:20 p.m. Mr. Johnson indicated that the National Lions Club has given funds to the local Lions Club to support the pilot program in Muskegon. The Manager indicated that it would be a good item to discuss at the goal setting meeting. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. MOTION PASSES ________________________ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk
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