City Commission Worksession Minutes 12-05-2005

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                            CITY OF MUSKEGON

                            Monday, December 12, 2005
                                    5:30 p.m.
                            City Commission Chambers


The City Commission Worksession meeting was called to order by Mayor Warmington at
5:33 p.m. Also present were Vice Mayor Larson, Commissioners Carter, Davis, Gawron,
Shepherd and Spataro.

1.    P roperty Donation by COGIC (Bishop Wells)

      A proposal to donate 8.5 acres of property owned by COGIC to build a stadium
      style park for sports events was heard from Bishop Nathanial Wells of 717
      Bridgeview Bay. Comments for the alliance with COGIC with the proposal were
      heard from Mrs. Vines of the East Muskegon Neighborhood.

2.    L. C. Walker Arena Clubroom

      A presentation for the proposal of construction of a Clubroom in the L. C. Walker
      Arena was heard from Tony Lisman of 1939 Rosemary Rd., Fruitport.

      Motion was put forward by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner
      Spataro to direct the City Manager and Staff to put together information for
      the construction of a clubroom in the Arena.
      Vote: Ayes 7          Nays 0

      Motion Passes

3.    Downtown Muskegon Development Corporation Update.

      An update on proposals for the development of the downtown/former mall
      properties was given by Frank Bednerek of 6024 Duck Lake Rd. The issue of
      available parking was discussed.
4.    Leisure Services Fee Update.

      A comparison report on the result of the 2005 Fee increase was discussed.

      Motion was put forward by Vice Mayor Larson, and second by Mayor
      Warmington to reduce the daily launch fee from $10.00 to $7.50 and to raise
      the fine cost from $ 17.00 to $55.00.
      Vote: Ayes 3          Nays 3         Absent 1

      Motion Fails

5.    Set Special Community Relations Committee Meeting.

      The January Community Relations Committee Meeting is scheduled for January
      5, 2006 at 5:30 pm in Room 203.

6.    Any Other Business.

      Various comments were heard from Commissioners.


The Commission Worksession adjourned at 7:30 pm.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Gail A. Kundinger, MMC
                                                  City Clerk

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