City Commission Worksession Minutes 10-09-2006

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                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                          City Commission Worksession
                                 October 9, 2006


The City Commission Worksession was called to order at 5:37 p.m. by Mayor Warmington.

Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Stephen Gawron, Commissioner Kevin
Davis, Clara Shepherd, Lawrence Spataro, Sue Wierengo, and Chris Carter.

1.    Continuum of Care.
      Judy Kell explained the ten-year plan to end homelessness in Muskegon County.
      Motion by Commissioner Wierengo, second by Commissioner Davis to recommend
      a resolution of support for the Continuum of Care Program.
      VOTE: All Ayes

2.    Sustainability.
      Commissioner Wierengo and City Manager Bryon Mazade explained the item.
      Discussion was held.
      Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to adopt a
      resolution in support of the “Sustainability” issue.
      VOTE: All Ayes

3.    Financial Policies Update.
      Assistant Finance Director Beth Lewis, explained the changes to the policy.

4.    Division Street Project – Laketon to Southern.
      Public Works Director Bob Kuhn gave an overview.

5.    Any Other Business: Delegation to Muskegon Sister City Antalya, Turkey.
      Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Wierengo to have
      Assistant City Manager Lee Slaughter go to represent the City of Muskegon.
      VOTE: All Ayes
      The Commission commented on various other items.

6.    The meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.

                                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                                         Linda Potter
                                                         Acting City Clerk

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