City Commission Worksession Minutes 01-27-2012

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                      JANUARY 27, 2012


Present: Mayor Warmington, Vice Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Hood, German, Spataro,
Wierengo, and Turnquist.

Staff Present: Mazade, Al-Shatel, Grant, Maurer, Brubaker-Clarke, Bailey, Paul, Smith,
Thompson, J. Lewis, Cummings.

Abset: B. Lewis

Others: Dave Alexander, Muskegon Chronicle, Gary Post, Keith Sype.

Opening remarks were given by Mayor Warmington.

Bob Kuhn facilitated the session.

Meeting began at 10:00 a.m.

The Mission, Vision and Value Statements were reviewed.

The goal of the City at this time is survival. It’s important that the Commission have a consensus
rather than a majority to accomplish the tasks that need to be accomplished.

Tim Paul and Bryon Mazade gave an overview of the city finances.

2012 Goals
Increase usage of Pere Marquette by residents
Promote development- housing
Code enforcement- target neighborboods
Neigborhood revitalization- rehab houses, private partnerships
Police Department - diversity, EEOC, cadet program, Civil Service
Re-zoning downtown b2 to b3
Cooperating Services - water, purchasing, income tax administration
Sappi Redevelopment, method of evaluation
Infrastructure Agreement, millage
Work with what we have, i.e. LC Walker Arena support
Consumer Power site
Baseball Complex
Level of services, eliminate/downsize

The top four priorities chosen by City Commissioners is as follows:
Sappi Redevelopment
Neighborhood Revitalization
Cooperating Services
Downtown Zoning
City Staff left the meeting/session at 2:00 p.m.

City Manager and Commission continued discussions immediately following.

                                                             Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                   City Clerk

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