City Commission Worksession Minutes 08-13-2012

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                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                        August 13, 2012
                                  City Commission Chambers
                                            5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Gawron, Spataro, Hood, Wierengo, German, Turnquist, and
Absent: None.

Appointment of Vice Mayor.
Motion by Turnquist, seconded by Markowski to appoint Commissioner Larry Spataro as
Vice Mayor.
                                                                ROLL CALL VOTE:

Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Spataro, German, Wierengo, Turnquist, and Markowski.
Nays: None.

                                                                            MOTION PASSES.

Non-Discrimination Resolution.
This is a request to approve a resolution prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation or gender identity.

Motion by Wierengo, seconded by Spataro to adopt the Non-Discrimination Resolution.

Motion by Spataro, seconded by German to table the item until the Tuesday, August 14,
2012 City Commission Meeting.

                                                                            ROLL CALL VOTE:

Ayes: Hood, Spataro, German, Wierengo, Turnquist, Markowski, and Gawron.
Nays: None.

                                                                            MOTION PASSES.

Water Supply Agreement.
This is a request to approve a water supply agreement with the City of North Muskegon, City of
Roosevelt Park, and County of Muskegon. This action will create a single agreement for the
City of Muskegon to supply water to these customers at a uniform rate.

Tim Paul, Finance Director, explained there may be a minor loss in revenue initially, but the
agreement will provide long-term financial stability.

This item has been placed on the August 14, 2012 Commission Meeting for consideration.

Grant Application for Fisherman’ Landing.
The City is seeking this grant from the Great Lakes Fisheries Trust (GLFT) for Fisherman’s
Landing for the purpose of renovating restrooms and other amenities.
If the City is awarded the GLFT grant, it will be programmed into the 2013-14 budget.

This item has been placed on the August 14, 2012 Commission Meeting for consideration.

Motion by Hood, seconded by Wierengo to adjourn at 5:48 p.m.

                                                                         MOTION PASSES.

                                                           Ann Marie Cummings, MMC
                                                                City Clerk

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