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CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES 02/01/07 5:30PM ATTENDANCE: Randy Mackie, Jon Rolewicz, Greg Borgman, Ed Simmons, Chris Carter, Nick Kroes ABSENT: EXCUSED: Kirk Kolberg STAFF: Mark Kincaid, Jim Hoppus, Carmen Smith, Don LaBrenz, Ken Murar, Henry Faltinowski GUESTS: Patrick Inglot (3480 Wilcox) Meeting minutes: A motion was made by Randy Mackie and seconded by Jon Rolewicz to approve the January 2007 minutes. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: NAYES: EXCUSED: ABSENT: ABSTENTION: Greg Borgman Randy Mackie Jon Rolewicz Nick Kroes Chris Carter Ed Simmons Kirk Kolberg Motion carried. O:\Inspections\Grabinski_Lorraine\Word\HBA MEETINGS\Agenda & Min. 2003 & 2004\MINUTES 02-01-07.doc 1 OF 4 DANGEREROUS BUILDING NEW CASES: EN-060433 – 3480 Wilcox – Charles/Jill Pawlak – 3480 Wilcox, Muskegon, MI 49441 Patrick Inglot was present to represent case. Mr. Inglot stated he just purchased the property December 15, 2006 and he has secured funding to start renovations. He said some cleanup has taken place to determine the extent of repairs. Mr. Inglot stated his plans are to completely rehab the property and put it on the market to sell. Mr. Kincaid said there is serious concern about the dune encroaching into the back of the house, sand pushing through the foundation, pictures were given to board to review and Mr. Kincaid stated that any piers will need DEQ approval because of being located in the critical dune area. Ed Simmons asked how did case come to the attention of board and Randy Mackie stated it was from a rental housing inspection that triggered the process. Mr. Inglot stated he thinks a lot of the dune issue is a result of the sloping of the roof. Mr. Inglot said he has already removed about two feet of sand from around the sliders. Henry Faltinowski stated if Mr. Inglot goes thru the proper procedure in addressing issues with the critical dune and engineering, then the Inspection Department would not have any problem with it. Mark Kincaid stated staff would be willing to wait until May 2007 to give Mr. Inglot time to address engineering and DEQ issues and to report back to Inspections the findings. Staff Recommendation:Table case until May 2007. Motion made by Nick Kroes and seconded by Chris Carter to accept staff recommendation. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: NAYES: EXCUSED: ABSENT: ABSTENTION: Greg Borgman Randy Mackie Jon Rolewicz Nick Kroes Chris Carter Ed Simmons Kirk Kolberg Motion carried. O:\Inspections\Grabinski_Lorraine\Word\HBA MEETINGS\Agenda & Min. 2003 & 2004\MINUTES 02-01-07.doc 2 OF 4 EN-060464 – 1178 Chestnut – Mark James, 2538 Jameswood Ct, Holland, MI 49424 EN-060465 – 318 Merrill (House & Garage) – Huntington National Bank, 41 S. High St HCO910, Columbus, OH 43215 No one was present to represent the above cases. Staff Recommendation: Declare the buildings substandard, a public nuisance, and a dangerous building. Motion made by Randy Mackie and seconded by Ed Simmons to accept staff recommendation. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: NAYES: EXCUSED: ABSENT: ABSTENTION Greg Borgman Randy Mackie Jon Rolewicz Nick Kroes Chris Carter Ed Simmons Kirk Kolberg Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: Board was given a progress letter from the owner of 790 Terrace to review. Mark Kincaid stated a building permit has been issued for 790 Terrace and as long as progress is being made it would not come back before the board. The board discussed the status of the case at 487 W. Clay. O:\Inspections\Grabinski_Lorraine\Word\HBA MEETINGS\Agenda & Min. 2003 & 2004\MINUTES 02-01-07.doc 3 OF 4 NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: 5:45 PM CITY OF MUSKEGON AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT POLICY FOR ACCESS TO OPEN MEETINGS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ANY OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES. The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, upon twenty-four hours notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following. Linda Potter, Acting City Clerk 933 Terrace Street Muskegon, MI 49443 (231) 724-6705 or TDD (231) 724-6773 O:\Inspections\Grabinski_Lorraine\Word\HBA MEETINGS\Agenda & Min. 2003 & 2004\MINUTES 02-01-07.doc 4 OF 4
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