Housing Board of Appeals Minutes 09-04-2014

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                         MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS
                                  MEETING MINUTES
                                   September 4, 2014
                                        5:30 PM

Vice Chairman W. Krick called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.

ATTENDANCE:          B. Turnquist, W. Krick, B. Arthur, E. Simmons, R. Mackie

ABSENT:              G. Borgman, excused; K. Kolberg, excused

STAFF:               H. Mitchell; D. Renkenberger; K. Briggs, SAFEbuilt

OTHERS:              W. German, 1240 Sanford St; J. German, 1240 Sanford St.


A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of August 7, 2014 was made by B. Turnquist,
supported by B. Arthur and unanimously approved.

Old Business:

EN130142 – 1240 Sanford (garage only) – Willie German Jr, et al, 1240 Sanford Street,
Muskegon, MI 49442. At the June 5, 2014 meeting of the HBA, this case was tabled so Mr.
German could work with SAFEbuilt to complete the garage repairs. He was asked to return to the
September 4 meeting to provide the board with an update. Mr. German obtained a building permit
(PB140380) on June 3, 2014, with a note in the work description stating, “Repair on left side of
garage roof by August 30.” The permit expiration read November 30, 2014; however, because it
was classified as a dangerous building, the HBA had given Mr. German until the end of August to
complete the repairs. There were no inspections listed for the permit.

W. German stated that the garage had been repaired, and showed board members pictures of the
repaired garage that he had taken on his phone. He stated that he had contacted SafeBuilt to
schedule an inspection but they had not been out yet. K. Briggs recommended that the building be
removed from the dangerous building list.

A motion to remove the garage at 1240 Sanford Street from the City’s dangerous building list was
made by R. Mackie, supported by B. Arthur and unanimously approved.

Dangerous Building – New Cases:

EN144235 – 880 Williams (garage only) – Sarah Farley, 880 Williams Street, Muskegon, MI
49441. A Notice & Order was issued on July 30, 2014. There has been no contact from the owner
and no permits had been obtained at the time of this staff report. There are no delinquent taxes

The owner or a representative was not present at the meeting. H. Mitchell provided recent pictures
of the property, showing a pile of construction debris where the garage used to be. K. Briggs
stated that the owners had torn the building down without a permit, and he would follow up with

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them regarding that and the clean-up of the site. The board concurred that they would still declare
the building, in case the owners did not clean up the mess.

A motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public nuisance was made by R.
Mackie, seconded by B. Arthur, and unanimously approved.


H. Mitchell provided board members with a list of house board-ups and demolitions to date.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

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